Davy Monticolo
, Samuel Gomes
, Vincent Hilaire
and Abder Koukam
SeT Laboratory, University of Technology UTBM, 90010 Belfort, France
M3M Laboratory, University of Technology UTBM, 90010 Belfort, France
Keywords: Semantic Wiki, Ontology, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Evaluation, Multi-Agent System.
Abstract: We will present in this paper how to ensure a knowledge evaluation and evolution in a knowledge
management system by using a Semantic Wiki approach. We describe a Semantic Wiki called WikiDesign
which is a component of a Knowledge Management system. Currently WikiDesign is use in engineering
department of companies to emphasize technical knowledge. In this paper, we will explain how WikiDesign
ensures the reliability of the knowledge base thanks to a knowledge evaluation process. After explaining the
interest of the use of semantic wikis in knowledge management approach we describe the architecture of
WikiDesign with its semantic functionalities. At the end of the paper, we prove the effectiveness of
WikiDesign with a knowledge evaluation example for an industrial project.
A wiki is a web site allows collaborative distant
creation of information and editing of hypertext
content. Leuf (Leuf, 2001) was the first to propose a
web site where people could create, modify,
transform and link pages all from within their
browser and in a very simple way. Indeed Wikis be-
come popular tools for collaboration on the web, and
many active online communities employ wikis to
exchange information.
Indeed for the most of wikis, public or private,
primary goals are to organize the collected
information and to share it. Wikis are usually viewed
as tools to manage online con-tent in a quick and
easy way, by editing some simple syntax known as
wikitext (Singh, 2007). Schaffert in (Schaffert,
2006) enumerates the specifications of a wiki
It allows the editing via a browser;
It has a simplified wiki syntax i.e. simplified
hypertext format usable by all the internet users;
It manages a rollback mechanism i.e. it is able to
versioned the changes in the content each time
they are stored;
Its access is unrestricted, everybody can write
in the wiki;
It manages the collaborative editing i.e. if
someone create a article, everybody can extend
this article;
It proposes a strong linking, all the pages of the
wiki are linked with each other using hyperlinks;
It has a search function over the content of all
pages stored;
It allows the uploading of different content like
documents, images or videos. Taking consideration
to all these properties, Wikis seem to become a new
approach to collaborative knowledge engineering
based on social networks of the Web2.0 (Richards,
2009). Indeed new research works (Schaffert, 2006),
(Vrandecic, 2006) propose wikis to exchange
knowledge. Knowledge is information with a
context and value that make it usable. Knowledge is
what places someone in the position to perform a
particular task by selecting, interpreting and
evaluation information de-pending on the context
(Malone, 2003), (Volkel, 2006).
However a serious obstacle for the development
of Semantic Web applications is the lack of formal
ontologies and knowledge. Indeed, one of the main
reasons of this is the rather high technical barrier for
using Semantic Web technologies that deters many
domain experts from formalizing their knowledge.
Monticolo D., Gomes S., Hilaire V. and Koukam A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002875101330141
The domain ontology OntoDesign
Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept n
Attribute i Attribute j Attribute p
Relation a
Relation b
Relation c
Relation d
Multi-Agent System
Organization 1
Mechanical Organizational Model OrgaDesign
Knowledge Evalution and Evaluation
Organization 2 Organiszation n
Knowledge Reprensation
Semantic Wiki WikiDesign
Web Layer
Knowledge Persistent Layer
Knowledge Based Layer
Knowledge Handling
Project Memories
Figure 1: StarDesign: A Knowledge Management Approach.
In another hand, wiki systems are becoming
more and more popular as tools for content and
information management. Much information is
nowadays available in systems like Wikipedia.
Unfortunately, this vast information is not accessible
for machines. If a small amount of this information
would be formalized to become knowledge, wiki
systems could provide improved interfaces and
advanced searching and navigation facilities.
Nevertheless, several analyses (Buffa, 2006),
(Majchrzac, 2006) of traditional wikis as shown that
they are not enough structured, and it’s difficult to
navigate and to find the relevant information. Be-
sides, the wiki markup language (WikiML) used by
most wiki engines makes internet users reluctant to
contribute to the wiki.
One solution to perform the knowledge creation,
evaluation and navigation inside wikis is to use
technologies from the Semantic Web (Aumueller,
2005) to formalized information, content, structures
and links in the wiki pages. These Wikis would take
consideration of the semantic in their content
management and become Semantic Wikis.
“Semantic Wiki” systems aim to combine
“traditional” wiki systems with Semantic
Technology. This combination bears much potential
in many application areas.
Thus we propose to use a Semantic Knowledge
Wiki approach to complete our knowledge
management system by facilitating the knowledge
sharing, updating and evaluation. This article is
structured as follows: Section 1 introduces the
Semantic Knowledge Wiki concept and describes
features which represent advantages for the
knowledge management; Section 2 briefly describes
the architecture of our Wiki; Section 3 presents a
simple application scenario to exploit knowledge
and to represent it; Section 4 concludes with some
We have developed a Knowledge Management
System called StarDesign (Fischer, 2006) allowing
capitalizing Knowledge from information shared and
used by professional actors all along their
engineering projects (Fig. 1). We use a social and
cooperative approach in identifying knowledge
needed to be capitalized and reused inside the
collaboration between actors in project teams.
Indeed the study of the professional actors’ roles
allows getting an organizational model (called
OrgaDesign) 0 leading the knowledge capitalization
inside professional activities and the knowledge
From this knowledge identification we have
proposed a knowledge typology with six types
(Project Context, Project Evolution, Project
Vocabulary, Project Process, Project Rule and
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Representation Users Profile Management
Knowledge Annotations
Login Role Professional domain
Knowledge Evaluation Knowledge Modification
Project Memories Repositories (RDF Files)
Ontology OntoDesign (OWL)
Web Layer
Base Layer
Query Processor
SPARQL request creation
Knowledge Wiki Pages editor
(RDF extractor)
Figure 2: WikiDesign Architecture.
Project Experience). This knowledge typology is a
result of a collaboration work with several
companies (Djaiz, 2008) where project teams have
determinate the information they want to capitalize
and to reuse all along a project. Thus this typology
defines the structure of a project memory.
This work is completed by the definition of a
vocabulary and a semantic i.e. a domain ontology.
This ontology (called OntoDesign) (Monticolo,
2007) allows to the knowledge management system
to structure the knowledge according to the project
memory model and to exploit knowledge in line
with the actors’ needs.
The Knowledge Management System is
animated by a Multi Agent System (Monticolo,
2008) capables to lead the knowledge management
through the 3 components presented below
(OrgaDesign and OntoDesign). Agents are used to
manage heterogeneous and distributed information.
Moreover they perceive the social structure inside
projects with the organizational model. Thus they
are able to:
Identify knowledge to capitalize during the
profession-al activities thanks to OrgaDesign;
Ensure an aided knowledge capitalization all
along engineering projects;
Anticipate knowledge requirements according to
the professional roles inside activities.
Therefore the Knowledge Management System
create Project Memories where are stored relevant
information of a project. This memory is built
according to the ontology and is consultable by the
professional actors.
StarDesign is used since two years in companies
but we have observed that the lack of this
Knowledge Management System is that professional
actors can read project memories (in html or pdf
format) but are not able to modify it. Indeed the
system is capable to capture new knowledge during
project but not allow the creation of new knowledge
from information already stored in project
memories. So we have to think about a system
which helps professional actors to evaluate, to make
evolution or delete knowledge stored from past or
current projects. This system will ensure the
knowledge evolution in the KM approach.
Thus we propose to use a Semantic Wiki to
complete our Knowledge Management Approach in
allowing the know-ledge evolution. The next section
describes the Semantic Wiki Architecture called
In this section we detail the architecture of
WikiDesign with three layers (Fig. 2): Web Layer,
Knowledge Persistent Layer and the Knowledge
Base Layer. Each layer communicates with the
others through a RDF flow making easy the
knowledge diffusion.
3.1 A Knowledge Base to Supply the
The Knowledge Management System, introduced in
the above section, allows maintaining a knowledge
base. This base is a part of the semantic Wiki. It is
composed by knowledge captured by the Knowledge
Management Sys-tem and also by the creation of
wiki pages. The base is structured by six types of
Knowledge according to the ontology OntoDesign
(Table 1).
The Knowledge base is built with the RDF
language i.e. it is formed by annotations describing
the six types of know-ledge, the context where was
captured the knowledge and their authors.
Table 1: Knowledge Types used in the Wiki.
Knowledge Type Knowledge
Project Context -Knowledge presenting
the origin and the
organization of the
Project Evolution -Knowledge related to
the history of the
evolution of the project
Project Process -Knowledge presenting
the activities carried out
during a project
Project Vocabulary -Knowledge defining the
vocabulary used during
the project
Project Rule -Knowledge related to
the professional rules
used to develop the
Project Experience -Knowledge describing
the errors, failures and
difficulties in the project
3.2 The Knowledge Persistent Layer
The Knowledge Persistent Layer is based on the
domain ontology OntoDesign which define a
vocabulary and a semantic of the knowledge used in
engineering projects. Up to now this layer accept a
unique ontology “OntoDesign”. In a future work we
will consider the addition of external ontologies.
OntoDesign is developed in OWL-DL. This
language is based on Description Logics (hence the
suffix DL). Description Logics are a decidable
fragment of First Order Logic and are therefore
amenable to automated reasoning. It is therefore
possible to automatically compute the classification
hierarchy and check for inconsistencies in an ontolo-
gy that conforms to OWL-DL.
Consequently, OntoDesign provides an
integrated conceptual model for sharing information
related to a mechanical design project. An OWL
property is a binary relation to relate an OWL Class
(Concept in OntoDesign) to another one, or to RDF
literals and XML Schema datatypes. For example,
the “infoInput” property relates the Document class
to the Activity class. Described by these formal,
explicit and rich semantics, the domain concept of
Activity, its properties and relationships with other
concepts can be queried, reasoned or mapped to
support the Knowledge sharing across the
mechanical design projects.
The Knowledge Persistent Layer is also
composed by a Query Processor which allows
formulating queries to exploit the knowledge based
according to the structure of the ontology. The
Query Processor builds queries with the SPARQL
language (Seaborne, 2006) in order to exploit the
RDF files which composed the knowledge base. We
will describe the query process in section 3.
3.3 The Web Layer
WikiDesign allows to relaying semantic tags and
navigating functionalities in the wikipages. We have
seen that the Knowledge Persistent Layer is
composed by a domain ontology OntoDesign which
defined a vocabulary and a semantic of the
knowledge used in engineering projects. Thanks to
the relations in the ontology, WikiDesign is able to
automatically tagging keywords in the wikipages.
Thus these tags provide to the users, not only a link
to wikipages defining the term associated to the tag
but also a links to the six types of knowledge
associated to this term. The figure 3 shows three
knowledge links (Project process, Project
Experience and Project Rule) related to the term
Figure 3: Example of Knowledge links from a term in
In addition WikiDesign has a Knowledge Wiki
Pages editor. A wikipage creator chooses a type of
knowledge to classify this article. Each created page
is automatically annotated according to its
knowledge type. Thus a wikipage is annotated
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: WikiDesign interface.
“Project Vocabulary” for the definition of a term,
“Project Process” for the description of a process,
When the wikipage creator has chosen the
knowledge type, the Knowledge Wiki Page editor
proposes a structuring of the article according to the
concepts and sub concepts of the ontology. For
example an article describing a project experience is
organizing with the tags “Failure, Success or
Difficulty”, “Description”, “cause”, “led actions”,
“consequences”, “recommendation”.
The structure and the content of the wikipages
allow creating the knowledge base according to
The Web Layer has also a Users Profile
Management module where user can create and
refine their profile. To be a creator user has to create
a new profile. In this profile they can define the
different roles they have in a project or their
professional domains. According to this information,
Wi-kiDesign proposes to a user, when he is
connected, a selection of wikipages created by other
users and related to his profile.
3.4 Interface
WikiDesign uses a browser-based interface. A
search page view is shown in Figure 4. From
keywords the users request the knowledge base. The
users have the possibility in this interface to orient
their search by knowledge types or projects. The list
of articles (wikipages) is generated in the same page.
Each result corresponds to a wikipage and has a
evaluation according to its maturity (number of stars
describing the number of evaluations) and its percent
of positive evaluation.
3.5 Collaborative Knowledge
Inside WikiDesign, knowledge is subjected to an
evaluation process by the professional actors. An
actor can modify or accept an article i.e. knowledge
related to the wikipage. Thus, when a user approves
or modifies an article, he as-signs a positive
evaluation for this article. Moreover when he
refuses, the article obtains a negative evaluation.
Wiki-Design allows calculating the knowledge
maturity by positioning a percentage of positive
evaluation and a number of stars. Thus knowledge
which has just been created has one hundred percent
of positive evaluation. Progressively with the
evaluations attributed by users, the percentage can
decrease if the article obtains negative evaluations.
In addition knowledge which has a score in lower
than twenty five percent of positive evaluation, it is
deleted in the knowledge base. Indeed the system is
able to automatically delete knowledge which is
become obsolete or is not a consensus inside the
community of experts. Thus the knowledge
evaluation ensures the reliability of the shared
information in the company.
4.1 Browsing
There are two types of Wikis users; the readers and
the creators. The first one use the elements stored in
the knowledge base to search pertinent information
and the second one creates new wikipages.
The readers have access to the knowledge of a
project or from several projects. The knowledge
representation is structured according to the six
different knowledge types described in the table1. A
reader uses a keyword to apply a research. He has
the possibility to choose answers from knowledge
stored in the current project or for all the projects.
The navigation in WikiDesign is made by a click on
a term which takes along the reader to the wikipage
related to this term (knowledge of the type Project
Vocabulary). The other way to navigate in
WikiDesign is to use a right click on a term which
presents the knowledge types related to the term.
Each associated knowledge type leads to one or
several wikipages. For example in the figure 2, we
have a knowledge type ‘Project Experience’ related
to the term ‘Hood’ and this type leads to four
wikipages describing four project experiences
implying a hood.
4.2 Querying
As shown in Figure 1, WikiDesign has a semantic
search engine for querying and reasoning on the
knowledge base. This query processor used the Jena
API. Jena allows loading ontological models in
OWL or RDFS format and man-ages the SPARQL
language. SPARQL may become a W3C
recommendation to query RDF. It is based on a
boolean combination of triples that can be
constrained by evaluable expressions. It is also
processes datatyped RDF literals, optional
properties, alternatives and the named graph scheme
of SPARQL using a source statement. It returns an
RDF/XML graph or an XML binding format. The
bindings are available through an API. SPARQL
provides the select, distinct, sort and an equivalent
of limit statements.
The Knowledge Persistent Layer module allows
building queries according to the keywords posted
by the wiki readers. The readers can oriented his
requests on the knowledge stored in the current
project or in all the projects. The Fig. 5 described a
classical query to research knowledge associated to
the keyword “Hood” in the current project “SIA”.
Figure 5: Example of request generated by the Knowledge
Persistent Layer.
The readers have the possibility to refine their
requests according to the names of the projects, the
roles of the professional actors, the knowledge types,
All the knowledge inside the wikipages of
WikiDesign is annotated in RDF according to the
ontology OntoDesign. These annotations bring
information about the type of knowledge, the
authors, the project, etc. Thus the ontology makes
the inherent structure of the wiki. Moreover the
annotations facilitate the navigation between
wikipages thanks to the links defined in the
ontology. We describe in this section the advantages
of WikiDesign.
5.1 Typing/Annotating of Links
Like we have seen below, WikiDesign allows
annotating links by giving them certain types
defined in the ontology OntoDesign. Thus a link
created by a user almost always carries meaning
beyond mere navigation. WikiDesign manages
annotations in its Web Layer. Each WikiPage is
annotated as soon as a user (creator) as defined the
content related to a knowledge type.
5.2 Context-aware Presentation
WikiDesign can change the way content is presented
based on semantic annotations. This includes
enriching pages by displaying of semantically
related pages in a separate link box, displaying of
information that can be derived from the underlying
knowledge base. Thus a wikipage defining a
professional term i.e. knowledge related to the type
‘Project Vocabulary’ is automatically associated to
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
others wikipages corresponding to others knowledge
types (Project Experience, Project Process, etc.). For
example the wikipage defining the term ‘Hood’ is
automatically associated to wikipages describing the
experiences associated to a hood. These relations are
deduced from the ontology.
5.3 Enhanced Navigation
Knowledge types facilitate annotated links and
provide more information for navigation. Whereas a
traditional wiki only allows following a link,
WikiDesign offers additional information about the
relation the link describes.
For example WikiDesign propose to the creator
of the wikipages to define the semantic links with
the relation defined in the ontology. For example a
wikipage about a assembly process of a hood can
have some links categorised by “has synonymous”,
“has design rule”, etc.
Such information can be used to offer additional
or more efficient navigation.
5.4 Semantic Search
WikiDesign allows a “semantic search” on the
underlying RDF knowledge base. As described
above, queries are expressed in the language
SPARQL, a query language recently proposed as
W3C recommendation for RDF querying. Using
“semantic search”, users can ask queries like
“retrieve all component composed a hood” or
“retrieve all Processes and experiences associated to
a hood”.
5.5 Reasoning Support
Reasoning means deriving additional, implicit
knowledge from the facts entered into the system
using predefined or user-defined rules in the
knowledge base. For example, from the fact that “a
hood” is a part of a “rolling shutter”, WikiDesign is
capable of reasoning and could deduce that “hood”
is a “Component” of the assembly processes of a
rulling shutter. Although reasoning is an important
feature which helps readers to understand the links
between knowledge in the wikipages.
6.1 Adhesion of the Professional Actors
Since 2002 the managers of the Zurfluh-Feller
company have tried to set up a knowledge
management program. The first tool to share and
reuse information was a document management
platform, giving access to project information and
the ability to easily structure and share content in
using repertories by professional fields. In each
repertory, actors were able to add comments
corresponding to a document. The comments explain
the origin of the document (authors, aims, etc.) After
several projects engineers don’t take time to put and
arrange documents of their projects and the majority
of the comments were empty. After several debates
with the professional actors, we have concluded that
they don’t use this system because they were sure
that the documents and their comments were not
read by others. Indeed the system doesn’t give them
a feedback or an interaction with the others. In
conclusion the system didn’t allow managing
information in a collaborative way.
After using our knowledge management system
(Star Design with WikiDesign) since almost two
years and during several projects, the project teams
explain that this new system has two advantages:
- The capability to capitalize knowledge in semi-
automatic way (thanks to the multi-agent system of
StarDesign) and to make reusable it in a easy way
(thanks to a research based on the six knowledge
types) inside WiIkiDesign;
- The possibility to make evolve knowledge in
collaborative way, inside the wiki, by interacting
with all the experts of the company.
Figure 6: Performance indicators for WikiDesign.
In exploiting the indicators of WikiDesign
(number of connected people) and after a survey in
the Research and Development department of the
company (42 engineers and technicians) we have
observed that 96% of the professional actors take
time to research information in WikiDesign and 82%
use to create or modify articles.
In the case of the SIA2009 project (figure 6), we
have noted that 56 articles was created automatically
in WikiDesign by the software agents. Among these
56 pages, 28 were evaluated and\or modified to
enrich the information by professional actors and 17
new articles were posted for this project.
Since 2004 with the development of Platypus Wiki
(Campanini 2004) , many semantic wikis have been
created (Rhizonne Wiki, SweetWiki, MaknaWiki
(Dello, 2006), IkeWiki(Schaffert, 2006), OntoWiki
(Aumueller, 2005), Shawn, Rise (Decker, 2005),
Semantic MediaWiki (Krotsch, 2007), WikSar 0 )
and provide the capability to edit RDF content like
WikiDesign. All the semantic wikis quoted above
are built according to the “wikitology” model 0 i.e.
they consider wiki pages as concepts and typed links
(in the page content). In these approaches the
architecture of the wiki composed the ontology.
WikiDesign was designed differently. It use a
ontology to the editing of page content and metadata
as well as page tagging like only SweetWiki and
IkeWiki make it. Nevertheless, differently of these
two semantic wikis, WikiDesign was created to be
complementary to a knowledge management system
and to facilitate the evaluation and the creation of
new knowledge from existing project memories.
WikiDesign uses a domain ontology (OntoDesign)
to edit its pages. Indeed each wiki page is editing
according to the relation defined in the ontology.
Moreover WikiDesign provides an navigation
between its pages in proposing tags (figure 3)
according to the knowledge typology described in
WikiDesign also provide a framework based on
the Jena Api to manage the OWL ontology language
and a system uses a reasoning engine in its
knowledge persistent layer (fig. 2). Even if
WikiDesign does not employ a complete OWL
reasoner, it provides partial reasoning support to
structure wiki content and to browse data. Finally,
semantic WikiDesign appears to be the only wiki
which proposes a knowledge evaluation to users to
ensure the reliability of the information content.
Moreover WikiDesign are associated to a knowledge
management system to enrich and initialize its
knowledge base.
In this article, we have presented WikiDesign, a
feature-rich semantic wiki system which complete
our knowledge management approach by evaluating
and creating new knowledge with pertinent links.
The StarDesign knowledge management
approach with WikiDesign is currently used in
several engineering design departments in different
companies. This approach gives good results
because professional actors appreciate to use
WikiDesign to share information. WikiDesign seems
to provide a good framework to evaluate and to
create knowledge in an easy way.
Now, future directions for the evolution of
WikiDesign might be to provide more support to
knowledge creation in using several ontologies. The
system has to provide support for inferencing or
ontology import i.e. it has to allow users to import
data from external ontologies and exploits schema
data to provide editing support.
We are currently working on how to merge
several domain ontologies to propose more
possibilities to create semantic links or to perform
the semantic search engine of WikiDesign.
We would like to thank all the engineers of the
research department of the Zurfluh Feller Company
(SOMFY Corporation). Their uses of WikiDesign
and their reviews, comments and suggestions have
helped us to improve our system.
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