(ATL1) which applies the profile SPEM model
SPEM. Finally, the successive transformation
(ATL1, ATL2) generate our SPEMOntology.
In this paper we explore the problem of limited reuse
for software processes. We first identified the
shortcomings of existing approaches; in fact, many
approaches was proposed for modeling software
processes based components, focusing however on a
particular problem. Also, as the reasoning on the
architectural abstraction level is not being a priority;
the representation of architectural concepts is
insufficient. The classification of these approaches
in engineering “for” reuse can justify the absence of
some concepts such as the logic configuration;
however, it does not justify the low representation of
other concepts.
Our paper introduces the general outlines of a
new approach to modeling software processes based
components. Our approach tempts to remedy the
shortcomings of existing approaches (low reusability
of software components, architectural concepts
poorly exploited) and to exploit the reuse to its
extreme: in fact, due to the rigidity and the
dependency of software process to their
development environment, high quality process
models are developed and are not "re" exploited.
We believe that the exploitation of the
architectural level of software processes will not
only allows the effective reuse of knowledge in
software process domain, but also, contributes
significantly to facilitate and to resolve the modeling
problems, the execution and the simulation of
different software process structures:
The validation of our proposition is underwork.
Mutiple points remain to be developed: the
extension of the ontology and the extension of
SPEM with architectural concepts for software
processes are the next targets of our work.
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