Figure 7: Test environment: a) model data, b) differ-
ence vectors to tachymeter model, c) path, d) succes-
sion of measuring positions, e) background, shaded
dependend on the point of time, the area was declared
as passable, f) histogram of differences to tachymeter
bach et al., 2004) was adapted to the present condi-
This work introduces an approach for automated ex-
ploration and mapping of interiors. Experiments
showed that the system can deliver floor plan data of
high accuracy. To our best knowledge no previous
work on robotic 2D mapping could prove a compa-
rable accuracy. This is attributable to the sensor, but
also to the applied matching method. Mapping and
localization is done via scan matching solely, in con-
strast to many current approaches. So spacious en-
vironments cause difficulties for the approach, since
e.g. loop closing scenarios (Stachniss et al., 2004)
are not considered here. But the approach is demon-
strably powerful as long as the interiors size is limited
and there are enough geometrical landmarks existent
to deliver constraints to the matching, what both is the
case for small office environments. The exploration
strategy presented allows a complete observation of
the scene, but its efficiency is improvable. So future
work will engage in implementation of higher-level
strategies for exploration planning and control.
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ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics