et al., 2009)(Takeuchi et al., 2009). In addition,
Mikami(Dan et al., 2009) proposed a memory-based
particle filter(M-PF), which can visually track mov-
ing objects that have complex dynamics. It provided
robustness against abrupt head movements and re-
covered quickly from tracking failure caused by oc-
clusions. Yamashita’s(Takayoshi et al., 2008) pro-
posed tracking method with a soft decision feature
(EHOG) and online real boosting improved tracking
performance in scenes with human poses and posture
Deterministic methods for point correspondence
using object tracking based on feature points define
a cost of associating each object in frame t − 1 to
a single object in frame t by using a set of mo-
tion constraints. Rabaud(V. Rabaud, S. Belongie,
2006) developed a highly parallelized version of the
KLT tracker(Shi and Tomasi, 1994) that combined
graph cuts and RANSAC clustering and was able
to count objects in crowds. Sugimura(Sugimura
et al., 2009) proposed a human tracking method
with trajectory-based clustering with a gait feature
by KLT corresponding points and Delaunay triangu-
lation. Tsuduki(Tsuduki et al., 2007)(Yuji and Hi-
ronobu, 2009) used mean-shift searching to track a
point based on the information obtained by a SIFT
(Lowe, 2004), and obtained a better tracking perfor-
mance than KLT because a SIFT feature is invariant to
changes caused by rotation, scaling, and illumination.
In this section, we describe each system for this pro-
posed method. First, 2DCDP extracts full pixel cor-
responding points between frame of t and t + 1. Then
connecting corresponding points with outputs of all
frames by 2DCDP, it generate full pixel trajectories.
Then thresholding trajectories, it divides trajectories
into two groups which is moving objects trajectories
and background trajectories. Finally, divided trajec-
tories are extracted and its of moving objects are ex-
tracted by incremental clustering (Figure1).
Figure 1: Proposed Work Flow.
3.1 2DCDP Algorithm
2DCDP(Yaguchi et al., 2009) is an extension of
CDP(Oka, 1998) to 2D correlation, and is an effec-
tive algorithm for full-pixel matching (Figure 3). The
pixel coordinates of the input image S and reference
image R are defined by:
S , {(i, j)|1 ≤ i ≤ I, 1 ≤ j ≤ J} (1)
R , {(m, n)|1 ≤ m ≤ M, 1 ≤ n ≤ N} (2)
The pixel value at location (i, j) of the input im-
age S
is S
(i, j) = {r, g, b}, and the pixel value
at location (m, n) of the reference image R
(m, n) = {r, g, b}, where r, g, and b are nor-
malized red, green, and blue values respectively,
and (0 ≤ { r, g, b} ≤ 1). We define the mapping
R → S, (m, n) ∈ R and (ξ(m, n), η(m, n)) ∈ S by
(m, n) =⇒ (ξ(m, n), η(m, n)), set the end location for
pixel matching as
i = ξ(M, N),
j = η(M, N) and
the point (
j) as a nomination of the spotting point
that is determined at the M + N − 1th iteration of the
proposed algorithm. Next, we set the local distance
d(i, j, m, n) as the difference value between S
(i, j)
and R
(m, n), and set w(i, j, m, n) as the weighted
value of each local calculation. In this implemen-
tation, the local distance is defined as d(i, j, m, n) =
(i, j) − R
(m, n))
, and weights are set to 1 for all
paths (Figure 5). The accumulated local minimum
D(i, j, m, n) is used to evaluate the decision sequence,
and is defined as:
j, m, n) =
w(ξ(m, n), η(m, n), m, n)
d(ξ(m, n), η(m, n), m, n)} (3)
Then ξ
(m, n) and η
(m, n) are used to represent the
optimal solutions in ξ(m, n) and η(m, n) respectively,
where W is the optimal accumulated weight W =
(m, n), η
(m, n), m, n). To ensure continu-
ity and monotonicity, K(m, n) = {ξ(m− 1, n), η(m−
1, n)} and L(m, n) = {ξ(m, n − 1), η(m, n − 1)} are
used to define the sets of points that are movable in the
i and j directions in the input image, taken from the
movements in the m and n directions in the reference
image. The following equation defines the relation-
ship between two corresponding pixels (m− 1, n− 1)
and (m, n) (see Figure 4):
(ξ(m− 1, n − 1), η(m− 1, n− 1)) ∈
K(m, n) ⊗ L(m− 1, n) ∩ L(m, n) ⊗ K(m, n− 1) (4)
Here, the operator ⊗ represents the connection be-
tween a set of points on the left and a set of points on
the right. To calculate the accumulated local distance,