tag cloud-based dataset is more able than the user
tagging-based searcher (b) to correctly classify those
posts irrelevant (Target = 0) to the topic of interest.
Consequently, it is more likely (higher precision) for
a post collection retrieved by the searcher (a) to
contain more relevant posts than a post collection
retrieved by the searcher (b), if the two searchers
retrieve the same number of posts.
However, the searcher (b) is more able than the
searcher (a) to correctly classify those posts relevant
(Target = 1) to the topic of interest, which means
that it is more likely (higher recall) to read more
posts from the totally available relevant posts if we
use the user tagging-based searcher.
In spite of the many available blog search engines on
the web, a little attention has been paid on how
much the blog posts that these search engines
retrieve are truly relevant to what the users look for.
There is a crucial need to add intelligence to the
searching mechanisms of blog posts in order to
improve their precision and recall results. This work
has proposed an efficient framework based on open
source APIs, as well as on tag cloud inspection, in
order to retrieve, analyze, and classify a collection of
blog posts used to train and build an intelligent
predictive searcher for filtering the results of search
engines, thus improving the relevance rate of the
posts returned to the user.
In comparison with another popular approach to
blog search improvement, user-tagging, results show
that relying on tag cloud inspection to classify a
collection of blog posts for training a predictive blog
searcher is a good decision to take. Moreover, it is
recommended by this work to apply the tag cloud-
based dataset learning approach for building blog
post classification models when precision in the
returned results of the model is more important for
the application domain than recall.
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LEARNING FROM 'TAG CLOUDS' - A Novel Approach to Build Datasets for Memory-based Reasoning Classification of
Relevant Blog Articles