leading edge contamination, due to dust particles in
the flow, were visible in Figure 10-a. In addition to
providing an on line verification of the Kulite
dynamic pressure signals, the infrared measurement
was particularly useful to detect those early artificial
turbulent regions.
The results of the tests performed in wind tunnel
using a morphing wing were shown. The
optimization method did not use any CFD code but
used the same optimization algorithm in real time.
This optimization converged in approximately 10
minutes due to the slow response of the SMA
actuators especially in the cooling phase of the
cycle. It was observed that the airfoil realized by this
method slightly differs from the optimization using
CFD codes. This result was due to the fact that the
cost function of the optimization (transition position)
had discrete values (the sensors positions) and the
maximum of the function was a plateau of different
dY1 and dY2 values. The optimizer stopped at a
certain value in function of the number and
magnitudes of the searching steps. It was observed
that the last searching step (searching of the
maximum in eight points situated on a circle with
ray of 0.5 mm – see Figure 9) was not necessary due
to the cost function plateau of maximums.
The authors would like to thank the Consortium of
Research in the Aerospatial Industry in Quebec
(CRIAQ) for funding the present work, and Thales
Avionics and Bombardier Aerospace for their
financial and technical. The authors would like also
to thank George Henri Simon for initiating CRIAQ
7.1 project and Philippe Molaret from Thales
Avionics for their collaboration on this work.
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