Policies are considered as an appropriate means for
controlling the behaviour of complex systems.
They are used in different domains for
automating system administration tasks, such as
configuration, security, or Quality of Service (QoS)
monitoring and assurance. Context-Policy-
Configuration approach for creation of intelligent
autonomous systems is allowing modifying system
behaviour without changing source code or requiring
information about the dependencies of the
components being governed. The system can
continuously be adjusted to externally imposed
constraints by changing the determining the policies.
This research presents a policy-based approach
for supporting the high-level configuration of
systems, integrated into the middleware platform.
Policies are high-level, declarative statements
governing choices in the behaviour of a system. Our
“policy-driven middleware” extends the traditional
middleware architecture with an extra layer that
hides complexity when possible and enables
simplified application development and maintenance
by offering the means to express, validate and
enforce policies.
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Jyvaskyla, Finland) funded by TEKES and industrial
consortium of Metso Automation, ABB, Fingrid,
Inno-W and Hansa Ecuras. We are very grateful to
the members of “Industrial Ontologies Group” for
fruitful cooperation.
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CONTEXT-POLICY-CONFIGURATION - Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation