A Comparative Study
Adam Marks
and Yacine Rezgui
Department of Business Administration, World-Wide, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, U.S.A.
School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Queens Buildings, The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA, Wales, U.K.
Keywords: Information Security, Awareness, Higher Education, Human Factors.
Abstract: Higher education in the UAE has advanced significantly in the last decade. Several higher education
institutions have been seeking/granted international recognition and accreditation. Yet, the status of IT in
UAE higher education has received very limited attention. This study explores and compares the level of IS
security awareness of IS users in one of the leading UAE higher education institutions to those of IS users in
a classical UK university. In addition, the study looks for possible factors behind any possible variations on
the levels of IS security awareness.
The quantity of scholarly work regarding the
intersection of information technology and higher
education in developed countries has been relatively
limited. This limited attention is even more apparent
in the case of developing countries where other
factors such as lack of resources and infrastructure,
lack of knowledge, and sometime language and
other sociological barriers may come into play. The
role and status of IT in the Middle East, with the
exception of a few countries, have been largely
ignored until the mid 1990s (Goodman, 1991).
In the past decade, the UAE has launched a
series of IT education initiatives designed to sharply
raise the technology skills of the UAE population
(Martin, 2005). In 1998, Zayed University was
established as the first UAE-national University with
an international curriculum, and with English as the
language of instruction. In addition, in the recent
few years, a number of US and other foreign
universities have opened branch campuses in the
UAE, including Middlesex University from the UK,
University of Wollongong from Australia, and
University of Michigan from the US (Mani, 2006).
As a result of this global networking and the
extending reach of universities beyond their
traditional boundaries, Information Systems (IS)
security is emerging as a significant concern.
Information Technology (IT) in higher education
can be characterized by equipment diversity, IT
decentralization, and user diversity (EDUCUASE,
2003). Experts in computer security agree that
universities are among the least Information Systems
secured environments. Only a third of the examined
universities had security awareness training for
students and faculty (North, 2006). Colleges and
universities are targeted for cyber attacks for two
main reasons. First, is the vast amount of computing
power they posses; and second, is the open access
they provide to their constituents (EDUCAUSE,
2003). Universities also have a considerable amount
of confidential information that makes them prone to
IS security threats (Katz, 2005).
While most managers pay more attention to
technical tools such as firewalls, and intrusion
detection software; they seem to focus less on soft
issues such as the hazards caused by end users’ lack
of awareness (Katz, 2005). Managers and employees
tend to think of IS security as a second priority
compared to their own efficiency or effectiveness
issues, because the latter have a direct impact on the
outcome of their work (ISACA, 2006). In addition to
all the above, while information security awareness
is commonly recognized, the number of studies that
Marks A. and Rezgui Y. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 215-222
DOI: 10.5220/0002888102150222
consider it in depth is limited. This is may be
attributed to (a) the non-technical nature of security
awareness (Siponen, 2000), and / or (b) its scope, as
it falls outside the traditional engineering and hard
computer science domains (Dunlop, 1992).
Organizations with strong technical security
countermeasures may still fail to protect their
information systems. The human factor is considered
the weakest link in the IS security chain (Mitnick,
The purpose of this study is to explore the levels
of information systems security awareness of IS
users in one of the premiere universities of a
developing country, namely Zayed University in the
UAE, in compare to those of a traditional university
of a developed country, namely the University of
Salford in the UK. The study also seeks to explore
the key factors behind any possible variation in the
IS security awareness levels of the examined
environments. To conduct the research, an
interpretive case-study approach was employed
using multiple data gathering instruments. This
paper contains 8 sections. Following this
introduction is the methodology of the research,
literature on Information Security Awareness, the
status of IS in the UAE and Zayed University, the
findings of the study, discussion of the findings,
conclusion, and then the references.
Within the context of international higher education
in general, and the context of Zayed University (and,
both directly and indirectly, institutions of higher
education within the UAE), the proposed research
aims to explore and compare, on the one hand, the
level of IS security awareness of IT users (Faculty
and Staff) at higher education institutions in the
UAE, to that of IS users (Faculty and staff) at higher
education institutions in the UK. On the other hand,
the research seeks to explore the key factors behind
possible variations, if any. The paper addresses the
following main research question:
• How do the levels of IS Security awareness of IS
users in UAE higher education compare to those of
the UK higher education?
• If variation exist between the compared two IS
security awareness levels, what are the key factors
behind the variation?
While most if not all information systems
security awareness studies have been conducted in
developed countries, and within a western context;
no significant study has been reported in the case of
developing countries, especially the UAE. In
addition, while most existing studies seem to focus
on the technical elements of information systems
security, they seem to overlook in their majority the
socio-cultural and organizational aspects of IS
security. The proposed research contributes to the
body of knowledge by addressing the identified
gaps. An interpretive case-study approach is
employed to conduct the research. Two case studies
have been selected: a major case study in Zayed
University in the UAE where one of the researchers
previously held employment, and a minor case study
in the University of Salford in the UK where the
same researcher conducted his doctoral studies. The
access the researchers had to both universities in
terms of information, documents, personnel, other
university resources, and ability to observe for
extended periods of time was another key reason for
this research as well. The countries chosen for the
study are both established in terms of IT
infrastructure and thus provide a comparable base
that is relatively free from the noises of other
unrelated factors. In addition, the fact that the
authors have access to the research subjects in both
countries and have a fairly good understanding of
the two cultures and languages also made such
comparative research feasible.
Zayed University was established in 1998 by the
federal government of the UAE to educate UAE
National women with no tuition fees. The university
focuses on education and learning, while paying less
focus to research. The university relies largely on
government funding. The number of enrolled
students in 2006 was approximately 3000 students.
The university is based on an international model of
higher education with the primary instruction
language being English. The great majority of the
700 staff members come from the USA, Europe, and
Australia. Zayed University is IT orientated and it
offers several online services to students and staff.
The university is well regarded within the UAE.
(Zayed University Web Site, 2006). The University
of Salford is an enterprising university based on
Manchester, UK. The university history goes back to
1896. Today, the University of Salford educates
more than 18000 students with the help of more than
2500 staff members. The university is research
orientated in many fields, including virtual reality,
magnetics and optics, genetic algorithms, building
design and prosthetics. Over 3,000 international
students from 80 different countries are enrolled in
the University’s 14 schools and 13 research
institutes. The university does not rely only on state
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
funding, but also other sources of income including
tuition fees. The great majority of staff is home
grown (University of Salford Web Site, 2006).
In this research study, both qualitative and
quantitative research paradigms were chosen. An
interpretivist stance is chosen to provide focus and
structure throughout all phases of research and data
collection (Denzin, et al., 2000; Myers, 1997;
Orlikowski, et al., 1991). An Interpretivist approach
is more appropriate since the researcher is not
independent of the study.
To ensure consistency and validity of findings,
multiple sources of data were gathered through the
use of four main instruments: Interview,
Questionnaire, Documentation, and Observation. As
stressed by (Bonoma 1985), collecting different
types of data by different methods from different
sources produces a wider scope of coverage and
results in a fuller picture of the phenomena under
study than would have been achieved otherwise. The
development of converging lines of inquiry in this
manner is known as “triangulation”, and is generally
considered as a process of using multiple
perceptions to clarify meaning and verifying the
validity of an interpretation (Stake, 1995). Pattern
coding (Miles, 1994) was also used to identify
emergent themes, patterns, or explanation suggested
by qualitative information gathered from the
selected instruments. To measure the levels of users
IS security awareness; the sources of data of this
study targeted the following 10 themes:
• User’s IS security awareness of available and
accessible IS systems.
• User’s IS security awareness of existing IS security
policies, standards, and guidelines.
• User’s IS security awareness of existing IS security
laws and legislation.
• User’s IS security awareness of available IS staff
and personnel.
• User’s IS security awareness of possible IS
security threats and concerns.
• User’s IS security awareness of possible IS
security solutions.
• User’s IS security awareness of available IS
security training session and materials.
• User’s IS security awareness of available IS
security documents and help material.
• User’s IS security awareness and perception of the
value of university data.
• User’s IS security awareness and perception of
his/her role in university’s IS security.
The UK (Salford) case study relied on a large
number of semi-structured extensive interviews (10)
conducted with managers and directors from the
Information Services Division (ISD); the results of
89 questionnaires, documentations, and observation
of the researcher(s); while the UAE relied on 12
extensive interviews with IS policy and decision
makers, 143 questionnaires, documentations, and
observation of the researcher(s).
It is important that the limits of this study be
recognized as the researcher relied on information
that was publicly available or given through
questionnaire and interviews. It is always possible
that pertinent information might have been held for
commercial, strategic, or political reasons. In
addition, access to national documents in the UAE
was not always successful. Another potential
limitation of the study is that it relied mainly on the
findings of two case studies in the UAE and in the
UK. Although it can be argued that these institutions
are typical of universities in the selected countries,
the research would benefit from further case study
universities from these countries as well as other
developed and developing countries.
Developing countries differ from developed ones not
only because they have less capital but also because
they have less knowledge (Abdullah, 2004).
However, over the last decade, the UAE has shifted
itself to become the hub for telecommunications and
information technology in the Middle East. The
government of the UAE has funded significant
projects in e-commerce and information technology
related industries such as Dubai Internet City, and
Dubai Silicon Oasis (Kostopouls, 2003). The rapid
growth in IT is evident from their improvement in
the position of e-governance ranking, e-readiness
ranking, and networked readiness index ranking. A
recently released UNDESA report placed the UAE
at number 42 in the world in terms of e-government
readiness, but number one in the Gulf region. The
report also indicated that the UAE had moved up 18
places from 2004, when it was ranked 60th in the
world. However, while the importance of IT is not
disputed in the Middle East, the main problem lies in
the way IT is managed and applied, Booz, Allen,
and Hamilton study titled “Information Technology
in the Middle East” suggests. The study attributes
the ineffective application of information technology
in the region to the general absence of strategic IT
planning; the lack of available-skilled staff; and the
general absence of IT-performance measurement
system (Barrage et al, 2003). In terms of IS security,
the region has a large underground market for illegal
software (Joseph, 2006). According to Kevin Isaac,
regional director, Symantec Middle East, and Africa,
the Middle East leads the world as the source of
Internet threats per capita. Isaac attributed the
increased number of attacks in the region to the
increased number of networks, the adoption of
ADSL, and abandoning monopolistic practices in the
telecommunications sector, bringing cheaper and
faster Internet connectivity. The increased
connectivity is accompanied by an increased number
of unaware users who can easily become easy
targets to criminals and hackers. The UAE ranks
first among the countries monitored in the region,
both in terms of origination of attacks and targeting
by online fraudsters. The UAE is ranked 46 globally
as an originator of phishing attacks. The UAE’s high
economic profile, combined with the availability of
the latest technologies, makes the country more
prone to online attacks than other GCC countries.
Measures such as forming a Computer Emergency
Response Team (CERT), and the passing of IT
legislation, are being considered to curb the attacks
(Emirates Today, 2007; Khaleej Times, 2007).
Zayed University’s IS infrastructure is highly
comparable to institutions in UK and the US. Each
student purchases a laptop upon entry to the
university and each faculty member receives a
laptop with a three-year replacement schedule.
Electronic communication is the standard
mechanism of communication for faculty and
students. Each classroom has a network connection
for each and every seat. The classroom also has a
projector, printer, and a spare workstation. Email
and Internet is easily accessible. Blackboard is used
as a course management system to build an
electronic interaction between the faculty and
student (Zayed University Self Assessment, 2004;
Zayed University Self Study, 2006).
Information security may be defined as the concepts,
techniques, technical measures, and administrative
measures used to protect information assets from
deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized acquisition,
damage, disclosure, manipulation, modification,
loss, or use (McDaniel, 1994). While information
security in general is focused on the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of information;
information security awareness is concerned with
creating and maintaining security-positive behavior
(Kruger, 2006). According to the Information
Security Forum (ISF, 2003), information security
awareness can be defined as (a) the degree to which
every user understands the importance of
information security, (b) the appropriate level of
information security to the organization, (c) users
security responsibility, and (d) users’ behaviors and
acts. Siponen (2000) defines information security
awareness as the state where users in an organization
are aware of, and ideally committed their security
mission defined by the organization’s end-user
security guidelines.
The majority of today’s IS attacks are not
concerned with only circumventing the
authentication process of an individual or an
organization; they are more inclined to access
confidential information. This has resulted in IS
threats like phishing, identity theft, and social
engineering (Dlimini, 2008). Yet information
security continues to be ignored by many top
managers and employees alike. IT executives have
frequently identified the security of information as
an important but not critical issue. The result of this
neglect is that organizational systems are far less
secure than they might otherwise be and that
security breaches are far more frequent and
damaging than is necessary” (Straub, 1998). IS
security awareness is often overlooked (Rezgui,
2008). Researchers believe that the effective
implementation and use of IS security awareness
practices can lead to improved security for
organizations. Bray, (2002) suggests that in order to
avoid IS security breaches, organizations should
provide users with IS security awareness training
programs. The training program should cover areas
like social engineering, password protection, and
heightened physical security alertness. Kovacich
(2003) takes a step further by suggesting that
organizations should implement a continuous
security awareness training programs as part of the
corporate asset protection program. While
information security is a key organizational goal and
users have a responsibility to maintain this goal, it is
important however to understand that the
implementation of an information security
awareness program does not warrant that all users
within the organization will understand their roles
and responsibilities when it comes to information
security (Albrechtsen, 2009). Perhaps, this is why
Puhakainen (2006) recommend a combination of
measures to increase users IS security awareness.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Puhakainen suggests that organizations use IS
security awareness training, campaigning, and
reward and punishment to establish an effective IS
security awareness program. Cooper (2008) believes
that Continuous reinforcement of proper IS security
practices is needed to remind individuals of their
role in information security. Both Rezgui (2008) and
Kurger (2006) recommend that a systematic
approach to measure the effect of a security
awareness program should be implemented to
evaluate the contribution and the return on
investment of such programs (Kruger, 2006).
5.1 User’s IS Security Awareness
of Available and Accessible IS
The data evidence gathered indicate that the majority
of users in both universities were aware of available
IS resources. Examined IS users referred to the
availability of email, Internet, Intranet, extranet, IP
telephony, wireless connectivity, course delivery,
and administration applications, e-library system,
and electronic databases. In addition to identifying
what IS services were available, most respondents
were also able to explain the intended use of these
5.2 User’s IS Security Awareness of
Existing IS Security Policies,
Standards, and Guidelines
The two examined institutions varied considerably
under this category. Zayed University did not have
any IS security policies, standards, or procedures in
place, while the University of Salford did. In terms
of awareness, 84% of the examined IS users in
Zayed University could not confirm the existence of
existing IS security policies, standards, and
guidelines. 76% of the examined IS users in Salford
confirmed the existence IS security policies,
standard, and procedures.
5.3 User’s IS Security Awareness of
Existing IS Security Laws and
All examined IS users in Zayed University were not
aware of the 2006 IS legislation in the UAE. 68% of
the examined IS users in Salford referred to the
Computer Misuse Act and the Data Protection Act.
90% of these users were informed through the
Information Services Division, while the remaining
10% were informed through other resources.
5.4 User’s IS Security Awareness of
Available IS Staff and Personnel
32% of examined IS users in Zayed University were
able to identify whom and how to reach for an IT-
related issue. 76% of the examined IS users in
Salford referred to the availability of the names,
roles, and contact information of all ISD employees
in ISD web page. The web page displays the
organizational structure of ISD. The Information
Services Division in Zayed University maintained a
web page for the university, but did not maintain a
web page for the division.
5.5 User’s IS Security Awareness of
Possible IS Security Threats and
74% of IS users in Salford were able to identify
several possible IS security threats including denial
of service, social engineering, shoulder surfing, and
email spam, compared to 18% in Zayed University.
5.6 User’s IS Security Awareness of
Possible IS Security Solutions
IS users in Salford also scored higher than their
counterparts in Zayed in terms of awareness of IS
security solutions. 82% of IS users in Salford were
familiar with security solutions including data back
up procedures, virus protection, and password
protection rules, compared to 16% of the examined
IS users in Zayed University.
5.7 User’s IS Security Awareness of
Available IS Security Training
Session and Materials
Although the Information Services Division offers
periodical training session in Microsoft Office
applications, it did not offer a single IS security
training since the university inception in 1998.
Naturally, none of the examined users were aware of
any IS security training sessions. IS users ate the
university of Salford are required to attend an IS
security training session as part of their orientation
(Faculty, staff, and students). In addition to the
mandatory session, the IS security coordinator offers
periodical sessions throughout the academic year.
5.8 User’s IS Security Awareness of
Available IS Security Documents
and Help Material
Similar to the training category, IS users in Zayed
University were not aware of IS security documents
and help material. Zayed’s Information Service
Division did not have any in place. 34% of IS users
in Salford were able to reference IS security
document and help materials.
5.9 User’s IS Security Awareness
and Perception of the Value of
University Data
46% of the examined IS users in Zayed University
viewed university data as private and confidential,
while 54% viewed the university data as “of no
interest to anybody”. Inversely, 96% of the
examined IS user in the University of Salford
viewed university data as private, confidential.
5.10 User’s IS Security Awareness
and Perception of his/her Role in
University’s IS Security
In this last category, 88% of the examined IS users
in Zayed University believed that they have a very
limited role in IS security, and that the full
responsibility falls on the shoulder of the
Information Service Division. 98% of the examined
IS users in the university of Salford believed that
they have a shared role in protecting the information
of the university.
The first research question of this study compares
the level of IS security awareness of IS users in
UAE to that of the UK. The findings of this study
indicate a considerable difference in the level of IS
security awareness of IS users in the two examined
higher education institutions. IS users in the
University of Salford were more aware of IS
security-related matters than their counter parts in
Zayed University. Unlike IS users in the University
of Salford, most IS users in Zayed University were
not aware of possible IS security threats and how to
defend against them; they were not aware of whom
to reach in case of IS security problem; they were
not aware of the proper policies, standards, and
guidelines that should govern their access and use of
IS systems; and, most importantly, they were not
aware of their own role in defending against IS
security threats and protecting university data. The
second question of this study seeks to understand the
factors behind this varying level of IS security
awareness. While the IS infrastructure in terms of
software, hardware, communication, and people
resources in the examined two universities was
comparable, and while the two examined higher
education institutions employed similar IS technical
solutions, what varied mostly was the level of IS
security awareness tools and activities utilized by
each institution. The IS security function in The
University of Salford appeared more supported,
coordinated, regulated, and centralized than in
Zayed University. IS users in Zayed University
reflected a low-perceived value of the importance of
IS security and the data stored by the university.
This low-perceived value is a natural result of the
lack of emphasis shown by the university
management, which is represented by the following:
The lack of IS security training.
The lack of IS security policies.
The lack of IS security coordination.
Inversely, the higher level of IS security awareness
in Salford can be attributed the university
commitment to IS security awareness, represented
The establishment, communication, and
enforcement of IS security policies.
The establishment, communication, and
enforcement of IS security training programs.
The establishment and enforcement of of IS
security coordination.
Only through the establishment, communication, and
enforcement of theses activities that IS users can be
properly be informed of the organization’s stance
and their individual roles in terms of IS security
(Rezguie, 2008). Because many aspects of
information security involve technology, it is so easy
for IS users to think that the problem is being
handled by the IT department and other technical
solution (Mitnick, 2002). These IS users may
inadvertently and easily cause harm to the university
and its IS systems if they users fall victim to a
simple social engineering attack, or if they open a
malicious email. This lack of emphasis on IS
security awareness in Zayed university could be
linked to a larger lack of emphasis by the federal
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
government. Which is seen in the quantity and
quality of legislation that addresses IS security and
data protection in the UAE versus other countries
such as the UK or versus other types of legislation.
The UAE has only one law that was issued in 2006
to address cyber crimes. This law is young,
immature, and yet to be challenged. The UAE court
system has not witnesses a single case where one of
the government institutions was accused of liability
for data exposure.
It is the conclusion of the authors, and in correlation
with the findings of (Mitnick, 2002), and
(Puhakainen, 2006), that the following steps have
the potential to increase the level of IS security
awareness, and consequently the level of IS security
in UAE higher education: (a) Establishment of IS
security policies and procedures; (b) Campaign IS
security awareness best practices and advertise IS
security training sessions and materials; (c) Train
users on IS security best practices to increase their
awareness; (d) Practice reward and punishment.; and
(e) Conduct continuous evaluation and readjustment.
This paper explores the level of IS security
awareness of IS users in UAE higher education and
compares it to that of IS users in UK higher
education. The findings of this study indicate that
despite the fact that the IS infrastructure of the
examined institutions is relatively comparable, the
level of IS security awareness of IS users in the
UAE was considerably lower than that of IS users in
the UK. This gap of IS security awareness can
directly be linked to the level of organization
commitment to IS security awareness activities in
the case of the UK, and the lack thereof in the case
of the UAE. The organization’s commitment to IS
security awareness in the case of the UK could be
represented by the establishment, communication,
and enforcement of IS security awareness measures
such as IS security policies, IS security training, IS
security documentations, and IS security
coordination. While none of these measures were
found in the case of the UAE. This organization’s
level of commitment to IS security awareness is also
a indication of the organization’s perceived value of
the data it stores. While some of these findings may
sound basic in nature. In retrospect, they appear to
be something that you would fundamentally expect
to be addressed in any higher education institution
that aspires for international accreditation and
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems