ecutable policies. Such policies will be triggered to
guarantee that Web services’ preferences are satisfied
at run-time. The rest of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents some related work. Section 3
discusses the preferences of Web services. Section 4
introduces the meta-model of these preferences. Fi-
nally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
In (Benbernou et al., 2007b), Benbernou et al. pro-
pose a privacy-agreement model for Web services.
They point out that despite the increasing number
of privacy policies that businesses advertise, Internet
users are not convinced yet with the way their per-
sonal details are handled and how compliant these
businesses are with these policies. As a result, users
continue to be reluctant to disclose such details. The
privacy-agreementmodel of Benbernou et al. consists
of rights and obligations that can be used to accom-
modate new business strategies and changes in per-
sonal data-related laws and regulations.
In (Xu et al., 2006), Xu et al. mention that pri-
vacy concerns should be handled during the develop-
ment phase of a composite Web service. The num-
ber of people who access the Web continues to grow,
which has exacerbated these concerns. To address
this exacerbation and the Platform for Privacy Prefer-
ences’ (P3P) shortcomings, Xu et al. propose a frame-
work for the development of privacy-conscious com-
posite Web services. When a user provides data to a
Web service, she needs guarantees that these data will
be manipulated in accordance with her privacy pref-
erences. The user can request to check the model of a
Web service so that she can know how this Web ser-
vice processes and shares data. In the framework of
Xu et al., automated techniques check the compliance
of a Web service’s model with a user’s privacy prefer-
In (Park et al., 2005), Park et al. incorporate
preferences into Web services conversations in or-
der to accommodate users who are on the move
and thus, dependent on wireless network availability
and reliability. Park et al.’s framework called WS-
CPP for Web Services Conversations Preference Pro-
file defines documents that include a specific element
known as preference. This specific element governs
the interaction behavior of both service provider and
client. A preference may contain zero or more of
the following entities: interactionSkip, choicePrior-
ity, and orderPriority.
In (Carminati, B. and Ferrari, E. and Hung, P.C.
K., 2005), Carminati et al. discuss privacy in the
context of agencies dedicated to Web services discov-
ery. These agencies (e.g., built upon UDDI registries)
need to have access to some Web services’ sensitive
information for various reasons like identifying ap-
propriate Web services with respect to users’ needs.
However, some providers of Web services could be
reluctant to give discovery agencies free access to
these sensitive information.
Prior to discussing how a Web service controls its par-
ticipations in composition scenarios through prefer-
ences, we show first, how to include preferences in
the description of the Web service. To this end, we
decompose this description into two parts: function-
ality and preference. The functionality part consists
of the “service” that the Web service offers to users
and peers for invocation. The preference part con-
sists of concrete types of preferences that the Web
service makes sure of their satisfaction at run-time.
Each preference type is related to a category, which
we denote by either privacy or membership.
3.1 Running Example
Our running example is a university student who
would like to organize a cookout party for his recent
graduation. We identify some potential Web services
that could be in charge of the logistics of this party.
CateringWS: looks for and contacts catering com-
panies according to some criteria like allocated bud-
get, number of expected guests, and type of cuisine.
GuestWS: sends invitees invitations, keeps track
of confirmed invitations, and follows-up on uncon-
firmed invitations through reminders.
PlaceBookingWS: looks for a place to host the
cookout party, books the place, and completes the
necessary paperwork like payment.
WeatherWS: checks weather forecast for the day
of the cookout party. In case of bad weather, the party
takes place at the student’s place.
3.2 Privacy-based Preferences
In Wikipedia, privacy is “... the ability of an in-
dividual or group to seclude themselves or infor-
mation about themselves and thereby reveal them-
selves selectively. The boundaries and content
of what is considered private differ among cul-
tures and individuals, but share basic common
themes...” ( Privacy are
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies