Rita Suzana P. Maciel, Bruno C. da Silva and Ana Patrícia F. Magalhães
Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Keywords: MDA, Process Specification, SPEM.
Abstract: In order to use the MDA approach, several software processes have been defined over recent years.
However, there is a need for specifying and maintaining MDA software process definitions systematically
which can also support process enactment, reutilization, evolution, management and standardization. Some
empirical investigations have been performed concerning the usage of several MDA-related approaches. In
this paper we describe our technique for MDA software process specification and enactment, including tool
support. We also present case studies and the concluding results on the application of our approach for
process modeling.
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is an approach
specially focused on modeling techniques. MDE
advocates that the models of a software system are
not only used for documentation, but they actually
serve as basis for the implementation phase. One of
the most well-known initiatives in this scenario is
Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) (OMG, 2003).
The use of MDA requires the definition of a
software process that guides developers in the
elaboration and generation of software models
(Mellor, 2004). Such a kind of software process,
which we refer to hereafter as MDA Process, evokes
definitions such as modeling phases, metamodels,
UML profiles and transformation rules, besides
traditional process elements such as iterations, tasks,
workproducts, roles and so on. Therefore, the
specification of an MDA process is not a trivial task.
In order to use the MDA approach several software
processes have been defined over recent years
(Koch, 2006; Maciel, 2006; OpenUP/MDD, 2008).
Most of them adopt ad hoc notations and different
concepts are used to define the activities and
artifacts for the software development life cycle.
In this context, our experience was on the
specification of an MDA process for the
development of domain-specific middleware
services (Maciel, 2006). When we started to specify
such an MDA process we became aware of the
difficulty in specifying the process with open
standards such as EDOC (Enterprise Distributed
Object Computing) (OMG, 2002) and RM-ODP
(Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing)
(ISO, 2004), and further searched for a
transformation engine well-suited to our needs.
Available MDA supporting tools usually have low
flexibility in the sense that the MDA process has to
adapt to the tool in order to have automated support.
Moreover, current MDA supporting tools are
particularly interested just in defining and executing
transformations which produce code and deployment
artifacts from models (eg, AndroMDA, oAW).
Indeed, other activities in a software process are
usually not considered, such as definition of
metamodels and UML profiles. Emerging from this
experience and scenario we defined the SPEM/MDA
approach (Maciel, 2009a; Maciel, 2009b) based on
MDA and SPEM standards. Our approach extends
the SPEM metamodel focusing on specific
definitions of the MDA in order to make the
instantiation of MDA concepts explicit as process
elements. We also provide an integrated supporting
tool for MDA process modeling and enactment,
called Transforms.
There is a specific process called OpenUP/MDD
(OpenUP, 2008) built on Eclipse Process
Framework (EPF) which focuses specially on the
model driven development. However, the
OpenUP/MDD is a process instance of the SPEM
metamodel concepts, while our approach is placed at
Suzana P. Maciel R., C. da Silva B. and Patrícia F. Magalhães A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002889401850190
a higher abstraction level. Consequently, we provide
a more flexible and extensible way to model and
specify (instantiate) model driven software processes
according to SPEM 2 and MDA standards.
Additionally, Bendraou et al. (2007) proposed an
extension to the SPEM 2.0 specification, called
xSPEM, in order to allow process enactment.
Although their work targets the enactment of process
models they don’t focus particularly on the process
modelling or enactment of MDA development
Our main goal in this paper is to describe the
application of our SPEM/MDA approach and also to
report our resulting conclusions. Initially, we
performed preliminary experiments to assess our
approach. However, new empirical investigation
became necessary and thus we have worked in
different scenarios to evaluate our approach and
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 briefly presents our current approach and
tool for MDA process specification and enactment;
in Section 3 we describe the last case study we have
performed detailing the results; Section 4 concludes
the paper with final remarks.
Software process modeling using a unified and
consistent terminology should make communication,
understanding, reutilization, evolution, management
and standardization of the process possible
(Humprey, 1989). In order to achieve this, our
approach uses SPEM as PML (Process Modeling
Language). Figure 1 shows our metamodel
extending some SPEM 2.0 concepts for the MDA
The process specification is divided into two
dimensions: the static concepts, which comprise
disciplines, tasks, steps, roles and workproducts,
called method content in the first part of Figure 1;
and the dynamic concepts, that comprise phases,
iterations and taskUse, called Process in the second
part of Figure 1.
A static definition represents best practices that
can be reusable in many process models. A
discipline groups a set of related tasks that are
performed by roles. A role defines responsibilities
and competences of an individual or a group of
individuals. A task may comprise many steps to
describe meaningful work. During the process
execution it can consume/produce workproducts as
input and output artefacts. In this approach a
workproduct can be specialized into four kinds of
artefacts: UML model, transformed / generated in
process execution; transformation rule, that contains
the rules for automatic model transformation and
code generation; extra model, textual specifications
or supplementary notation to document a project;
and profile, which gives the semantic for modelling
a system.
Based on the static definitions many processes
are modeled using the metamodel dynamic concepts.
A process may comprise many phases specialized in
CIM (Computational Independent Model), PIM
(Platform Independent Model), PSM (Platform
Specific Model) and Codification for the MDA
context. Furthermore, an ExtraPhase can be
specified representing an additional stage apart from
modeling and codification. The modeling phases can
be associated to profiles to give the semantic of a
specific domain. Each phase can contain one or
more iterations that specify the taskUses necessary
to carry out a task.
To better define the static and dynamic concepts
the approach specifies the use of three kinds of UML
diagrams: class, which models all the concepts and
is the base for the latter ones; use case, to associate
roles to specific tasks; and activity, to model the
process workflow behaviour in terms of process
2.1 Supporting Environment
We have developed a supporting environment called
Transforms taking into consideration the
SPEM/MDA metamodel illustrated in Figure 1.
The Transforms tool has two modules with
complementary features represented by the two main
components in Figure 2 called ProcessEditor and
ProcessExecutor. The first one is the module for
specifying MDA processes by creating and/or
editing Method Content and Process elements
according to our metamodel. This module
encompasses the visual modelling (DiagramsEditor
component) of process definitions and also he work
breakdown structure (WorkBreakDown
The second module offers a supporting
environment for the enactment of MDA processes
previously defined by the Process Editor. All the
processes are stored in the process repository and
they are accessible through the DataAccessInterface
provided by the PersistenceController component.
The subcomponent called ProjectExplorer is
responsible for monitoring and executing a project
following a process retrieved from the repository.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: SPEM/MDA Metamodel.
Figure 2: Transform Tool Architecture.
The subcomponent called ProfileApplication
performs an automatic profile application whenever
there is a UML profile associated with the
corresponding modeling phase.
These modules were implemented as an Eclipse
RCP (Rich Client Platform) product. Thus, it was
possible to reuse the basic graphic structure as well
as several available plug-ins, such as: ATL (Atlas
Transformation Language), for elaboration and
execution of model-to-model transformations; GMF
(Graphical Modeling Framework), for creation and
generation of graphic editors of our customised
diagrams in conformance with our SPEM/MDA
metamodel; and also the UML2Tools, for modeling
the UML workproducts integrated with the process
This section presents the evaluation work we
performed on a case study in order to verify the
applicability of our approach and tool. The case
study results are described in the following
As our initial experience we performed two case
studies on the evaluation of our approach. Both of
them focus on the technique of process specification
based on the SPEM/MDA metamodel.
The first one (Maciel, 2009a) explored the
specification of an MDA process for the
development of specific middleware services
previously defined in the literature (Maciel, 2006).
The second one (Maciel, 2009b) was the
specification of an MDA process for web-based
applications and it was performed together with an
organization in the industry. The scenario and results
of a new case study are presented in the following
3.1 Assessing the Authoring of MDA
Our previous case studies were performed in our
laboratory and/or in conjunction with people from
PRODEB company as described in (Maciel, 2009a;
Maciel, 2009b). However, in the current case study
we elaborated a different scenario as our goal was
also to evaluate the applicability of the Transforms
tool regarding the MDA process specification
without our intervention.
The participants of this study were graduate
students with job positions in the industry. Most of
them were system analysts working for software
factories and banks.
First of all, we gave them some lectures about
MDA concepts, technologies and also training on
our approach and tool totalizing 16 hours divided
into 4 days in one week (4h/day). Then we
organized them into 4 groups and gave each group
the Transforms tool and asked them to specify an
MDA process motivated from their organizational
needs and reality.
The specification time was not restricted. They
had all the time they needed to organize themselves
in their groups to do the job and deliver the process.
After the process delivery, we also applied a
questionnaire and started to work analyzing the
process specification.
The questionnaire which was answered
individually by each participant was divided in two
parts: the first one concerning the SPEM/MDA
approach for process specification and modeling;
and the second one regarding the MDA Process
Editor from Transforms tool. The questionnaire had
a total of 15 questions. The collected results and our
analysis are presented in the following two
3.1.1 Results Concerning the SPEM/MDA
The charts in Figures 3 and 4 show some results
from the questionnaire. The first one (Figure 3)
presents the answers related to questions about the
simplicity of defining tasks, roles, workproducts and
phases. While the second one (Figure 4)
demonstrates that the participants were divided in
suggesting or not the creation of new stereotypes for
phases and workproducts.
Figure 3: Answers about simplicity of defining tasks,
roles, workproducts and phases.
Figure 4: Suggesting or not new stereotypes.
Besides the aspects discussed from the results
summarized in the above charts, it was also possible
to observe that all the processes defined by the
participants had well-defined modeling (CIM, PIM
and PSM) and codification phases, including tasks
and steps, roles assignment, associated
workproducts and also transformation rules.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that our
approach enabled process definition with expected
characteristics of a traditional software process
while also adding the peculiarities of an MDA
3.1.2 Results Concerning the using of the
MDA Process Editor
The following figures show some results from
questions regarding tool support in the MDA process
Figure 5 indicates that most of the participants
agree that the effort put into the process
specification would not be repeated in the future
when using the Transforms tool for specifying new
process. That is, the time spent learning the
approach and tool would not be repeated. Also, we
can consider that the process definitions on the
method content stay available for reuse. This can
possibly reduce time and future effort in process
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Repeated effort.
Some participants had difficulty understanding some
process definitions as presented in the tool, however,
none of them rated the process comprehension as
presented in the tool negatively. The effort put into
the process specification is valuable but necessary.
Most of them classified such effort as reasonable but
not enough to rate as a negative point. Besides, part
of that effort would not be repeated on future
occasions when using the tool as observed in the
results summarized in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Process presentation, expended effort and
process comprehension.
Another question was related to the preference
regarding the kind of the process visual
representation. The participants were equally
divided between the diagram and work breakdown
structure visualization. In general, we observed that
people who have at least a basic notion of UML
prefer the visual representation with diagrams, while
the others prefer the hierarchical representation of
the work breakdown structure.
During the experience of using the MDA Process
Editor of the Transforms tool most of the
participants used the on-line help which was
released on the web. It can be explained by the fact
that tool usage embeds several SPEM and MDA
concepts. From this observation we can invest more
time on improving the tool usability facilitating the
use of the SPEM/MDA concepts of our metamodel.
Finally the last chart in this study is presented in
Figure 7. It shows the time spent during the MDA
process specification using the tool. Few of the users
spent 4 hours on it, most of them spent more than 8.
Figure 7: Spent time on process specification.
3.2 Lessons Learned and Study
Empirical assessment usually takes into account the
amount of data collected from the subjects.
However, in the case of an activity of process
specification it is difficult to involve a high number
of people in the experiments. There are few
professionals in organizations involved with this
kind of task. In general, many people enact on
processes but few of them specify or model a
software process. This observation has already been
identified in our previous studies and it is also
confirmed in our recent one. Accordingly, empirical
assessment in this area facilitates more qualitative
analysis than quantitative. Therefore, the assessment
of the process enactment is easier to collect bigger
amounts of data, facilitating a better quantitative
analysis in contrast with assessing process
Additionally, metrics to assess the process
enactment are more mature in the literature and are
also easier to apply in the software industry, such as
metrics to evaluate productivity and cost.
Nevertheless, metrics to assess the process modeling
and specification (apart from its enactment) need to
be better explored in the software engineering
We should also highlight that the conclusions
obtained from our studies are restricted to the
particular set of participants. In other words, our
analysis regarding the advantages and drawbacks in
using our approach and tool may not be directly
generalized to other contexts. However, these
studies have allowed us to make useful assessments
about whether the specification of MDA processes
with a supporting tool is worth studying further. As
one of PML goals is software process automation,
MDA may favor this.
In addition, the study have also allowed us to
make a useful evaluation of the applicability of the
SPEM/MDA approach and the Transforms tool
concerning the specification of MDA processes, as
detailed in Section 3.1.
In general, the low level of flexibility of MDA
supporting tools makes the adoption of current
processes in organizations more difficult. Thus, this
can be one of the factors that hinders a wider
adoption of MDA in industry. A survey has been
performed and led by Lancaster University into what
affects the success of MDE in industry (EA-MDE,
2010). We believe that MDA adoption in industry
depends on the integration among well-established
enterprise software processes, MDA transformation
engines and approaches.
This paper presented our initiative which is
based on the need for process specification including
MDA concepts using a well-known standard called
SPEM. Our approach (Section 2) provides a means
for MDA process specification and enactment using
a supporting tool (Section 2.1). The case studies we
performed (Section 3) produced interesting results
regarding the applicability of our approach (Section
3.1). The SPEM/MDA metamodel and also our
supporting environment are suitable for the
empirical investigation that we have presented.
Future work includes (i) the adoption of an
approach for model-driven testing using the
Tranforms tool; (ii) investigation and building new
features for project management; and (iii) exploring
usability improvements of our tool. We also have
ongoing work on the execution of a new case study
concerning the MDA process enactment using our
approach and tool.
This work is partially funded by Fapesb, project
number 8694/2006, and grant number 0020/2006.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems