Nir Ziv*, Yong Kwun Lee* and Gaetano Ciaravella**
*Center for Cogntive Robotics, University of Science and Technology (UST) & Korea Institute of Science and Technology
(KIST), 39-1 Hawolgol-Dong, Wolsong-Gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea
**Cognative Center for Robotic Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, South Korea
Keywords: Humanoid, Inline-Skate, Skating Motion, Wheeled Locomotion.
Abstract: A lot of research has been done for bipedal walking and many positive results have been produced, such as
the ASIMO robot from Honda. However, although bipedal walking is a good solution for moving over
uneven surfaces; bipedal walking is inefficient over an even surface because the robot’s walking speed and
stability are limited. Consequently, employing a wheeled locomotion on even surfaces can be advantageous.
This paper presents a mathematical model and simulation of wheeled biped robot with two passive wheels
on each foot. This enables the robot to move more efficiently over even surfaces. Also, this paper attempts
to produce a more human-like inline-skating motion than previously created inline-skating simulations.
Over the last few years, research on bipedal walking
has progressed and has lead to major successes
within the robotics field. One good example of this
success is the ASIMO robot, a Honda creation. At
the time of writing this paper, ASIMO can run with
a speed of 6 km/h and is able to walk at a speed of
2.7 km/h (Honda). When considering the strongest
achievements which leg locomotion has achieved
until now, one major progressive accomplishment
has been the ability for robots to move across
uneven surfaces.
However, when considering robotic leg
locomotion across only even tarains, the advantages
of wheeled locomotion are greater than bipedal (or
leg) locomotion. The reason for this is because the
wheeled robot’s moving speed and efficiancy are
stronger and more stable. This is because leg
locomotion algorithms are more complex than
wheeled motion, making it more difficult for bipedal
robots to walk or run quickly. (Jo et al 2008).
Therefore, to combine the advantages of both leg
and wheeled locomotion, hybrid robot systems were
developed. For example, WorkPartner is a
quadruped system that can detect the type of surface
it is on, even or uneven, and can then choose
accordingly the type of locomotion to use, wheeled
or bipedal (Ylonen et al 2002). Another example of
hybrid locomotion is WS-2/ WL-16 (Waseda Shoes
– Number 2 / Waseda Leg – Number 16)
(Hashimoto et al 2005) which also combines bipedal
walking with wheeled locomotion. Both
WorkPartner and WS-2/WL-16 use DC motorized
However, because both WorkPartner and WS-
2/WL-16 utilize motor wheels, this means that the
brake and steering are also motorized. As a result, a
robot with motorized wheels has larger wheels and
its robotic system becomes heavier and, therefore,
less agile.
To solve this issue, passive wheel locomotion
has been suggested. One example of a hybrid,
passive wheeled robot is the Roller-walker,
developed by Hirose and Takeuchi (Hirose et al
1996, 1999, 2000.) In this system, the wheel motion
is not generated by a DC motor, instead the robot
moves by making a roller skating-like motion.
Another example of passive wheel locomotion is the
Rollerblader (Chitta et al 2003), which has two
passive wheels that move in symmetric and anti-
symmetric motions to propel the Rollerblader
forward and in a rotary motion respectively.
Similarly, in this paper we present a simulation
of a passive wheeled robot to generate a forward
motion; our robot consists of two legs with two
passive wheels attached along the middle of each