Tailoring UBIWARE Platform Towards Industrial Agent-driven Solutions
Sergiy Nikitin, Vagan Terziyan
Industrial Ontologies Group, University of Jyväskylä, Mattilanniemi 1, Jyväskylä, Finland
Minna Lappalainen
Fixteri Oy, Finland
Keywords: Agent Technology, Distributed Applications, Semantic Web, Forestry Services.
Abstract: Current economical situation in Finnish forest industry desperately calls for higher degree of efficiency in
all stages of the production chain. The competitiveness of timber-based products directly and heavily
depends on the raw material cost. At the same time, the successes of companies, that use timber, determine
the volumes of the raw wood consumption and, therefore, drive forest markets. However, wood consuming
companies (e.g. paper producers) can not unilaterally dictate logging and transportation prices to their
contractors, because profitability of those, has already reached its reasonable margins (Vesterinen, 2005,
Penttinen, 2009). Recent research conducted in 2005-2008 shows extremely high degree of inefficiency in
logistic operations amongst logging and transportation companies. Some of them have already realized the
need for cooperative optimization, which calls for cross-company integration of existing information and
control systems; however privacy and trust issues prohibit those companies from taking the open
environment solutions. Therefore, the researchers have suggested new mediator-based business models that
leverage the utilization and preserve current state of affairs at the same time. New business solutions for
logistic optimization can be built, when a unified view on the market players is possible. Nevertheless, with
fast development of communications, RFID and sensor technologies, forest industry sector is experiencing a
technological leap. The adoption of innovative technologies opens possibilities for enactment of new
business scenarios driven by bleeding edge ICT tools and technologies. We introduce an application
scenario of the semantic agent platform called UBIWARE to the forest industry sector of Finland.
Current economical situation in Finnish forest
industry desperately calls for higher degree of
efficiency in all stages of the production chain. The
competitiveness of timber-based products directly
and heavily depends on the raw material cost. At the
same time, the successes of companies, that use
timber, determine the volumes of the raw wood
consumption and, therefore, drive forest markets.
However, wood consuming companies (e.g. paper
producers) can not unilaterally dictate logging and
transportation prices to their subcontractors, because
profitability of those, has already reached its
reasonable margins (Vesterinen, 2005, Penttinen,
2009). Recent research conducted in 2005-2008
shows extremely high degree of inefficiency in
logistic operations amongst wood logging and
transportation companies. Some of them have
already realized the need for cooperative
optimization, which calls for cross-company
integration of existing information and control
systems; however privacy and trust issues prohibit
those companies from taking the open environment
solutions. Moreover, the logistic optimization within
one company is complicated due to heterogeneity of
information systems used in harvesters and timber
trucks. The same harvester, in order to perform
logging for e.g. three different clients, needs to use
three distinct systems. Those systems are not
integrated, thus the logger has to learn three different
interfaces still not having a composite view. Same
applies to the subcontractor’s office desktop
systems, where, operator needs to manage e.g. 5
harvesters having different ordering systems from its
Nikitin S., Terziyan V. and Lappalainen M. (2010).
SOFIA: AGENT SCENARIO FOR FOREST INDUSTRY - Tailoring UBIWARE Platform Towards Industrial Agent-driven Solutions.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages 15-22
DOI: 10.5220/0002890800150022
clients. Although, an increasing number of logging
and transportation subcontractors have or control
two or more machines, still the logistic plan is
mainly done manually or requires manual work to
align the data from different systems.
The research performed in 2005-2009
(Lappalainen, 2009) has suggested new mediator-
based business models that leverage the utilization
and preserve current state of affairs at the same time.
New business solutions for logistic optimization can
be built, when a unified view on the market players
is possible. Although, the companies involved in the
forestry sector have a high degree of the ICT
infrastructure, yet they do not utilize it to improve
the situation cooperatively. The ICT solutions used
in a majority of cases are developed as black box
standalone applications, therefore the integration of
those raises technological challenges. Traditional
system integration, if applied here, would become an
expensive task involving changes to the existing
solutions on the companies’ site or building a new
system from the scratch. According to the surveys
conducted in Finland, currently, forest market
players are more or less satisfied with the existing
ICT solutions and are neither interested, nor capable
to spend resources for new information systems and
technologies. The innovative ICT solution, if it takes
place, should seamlessly penetrate into the existing
infrastructure. The revolutionary changes would not
be accepted, unless dictated by market leaders in
wood consumption. Those, however, are tied by the
contracts with their ICT solution providers.
In this paper we present an outcome of the
preparatory project – a proposal of innovative ICT
solution for forest industry. In Section 2 we explore
the problem domain and define a driving use case
that calls for a new ICT solution. Section 3 presents
the architecture of the semantic middleware platform
that can be considered as a construction tool for a
new solution. The extension of the middleware
platform to the forestry domain is discussed in
Section 4. In Section 5 we present related work and
conclude in Section 6.
The business environment considered in this work
involves wood buyers, forest owners, forest owner
associations, and forest and transportation
contractors. The interactions are automated, i.e. the
wood purchase and cutting orders are done via
information systems.
2.1 State of the Art: Wood Purchase
A forest owner either finds a forest buyer or contacts
forest owners association with the request to sell
forest in a certain area on the owner’s behalf. The
forest counsellor (either from the association or from
the forest buyer) goes to that area to estimate what
will be an approximate outcome and of what quality
(classified by dimensions).
Forest counsellor is equipped with the handheld
device with the GPS-receiver and her/his conclusion
automatically goes either to the association or to the
buyer database. Upon counsellor’s decision, the
operator of the association or buyer enterprise makes
an order to a forest contractor for harvesting service.
The order includes the amount and optimized sizes
of the logs to be cut. The forest contractor loads the
order to the information system of the harvester and
starts felling. After the felling is done, the timber is
forwarded to the roadside storage place where it can
be accessed by the timber truck. The operator of the
association or buyer’s enterprise then does next
order to the transportation contractor to deliver the
wood to the destination place (e.g. sawmill, pulp
mill, power plant, etc.).
2.2 Contractor’s Viewpoint
A large share of forest logging or transportation
contractors usually own two or more harvesters or
timber trucks. Furthermore, increasing number of
them receives orders from two or more order makers
(wood buyers, forest management associations) (see
Figure 1). In order to receive these orders, the
contractors have to install respective information
systems. Each buyer and/or association has its own
tailored solution, which is incompatible with the
solutions from others. The contractor has to learn
peculiarities of each system, such as different
internal codes for wood types, different user
interfaces and principles of functioning, etc. The
system heterogeneity makes it impossible for the
contractor to integrate the data from those systems
and obtain an integrated view of his/her own
business. At the moment the integration is done
manually by reading and inserting data into one
table, or, sometimes, calculations on the paper are
used. In the following subsection we present a
desired functionality of the logistics management
platform for harvesting and transportation SME’s in
a form of a use case.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Contractor’s view point.
2.3 Driving Use Case: A Platform for
Integrated Logistics Optimization
A logging contractor company called
KORJUUBEST Oy has 5 harvesters and three
different order makers (customers). Timo Saarinen is
a company owner and CEO. Timo likes to keep
things controlled in his own hands; therefore, he also
does the operator job when he is free from traveling
and meetings. Timo has double backup, if he is
busy, then another operator in the office can
substitute him, or Timo can turn on the automatic
mode in his new logistics control platform called
SOFIA. Every morning Timo comes to his office
and after a morning coffee he starts his laptop and
logs into the SOFIA platform. The system shows
current situation of Timo’s harvesters and their
status (e.g. working, stopped, short maintenance
break, or out of order). Timo chooses the harvester
icon and browses the tasks assigned and planned. He
can also browse the history. After a short look on the
harvesters’ status Timo opens the bookmark called
orders. He sees the integrated currently pending
order list as well as the orders already planned,
based on the long term contracts. The system
proposes the optimized order assignment table for
the next week, where Timo can reassign tasks to
other harvesters if he thinks it is needed and press
“Approve” button. The system will send new (not
yet sent) logging tasks to the harvesters and the
operators will immediately see the new task
information in the operator’s web-based view. The
operators can download order files attached to the
task and load them to the harvester’s native system.
In the evening, upon the completion of the work, the
operators can send progress reports or, if the task
was completed, a closing report.
SOFIA platform can be configured so, that it
automatically sends closing reports to the order
maker, or, it may wait for an approval and manual
submission from Timo or the operator in charge.
After a half a year of successful operation and
optimized utility, Timo has realized that his
company can serve at least one more order maker
(customer) and luckily, he has met a potential client
from big company called Metsänhoitajat Oy last
week in sauna. They have agreed to meet in more
formal way as soon as they clarify how much work
would be needed to integrate their information and
ordering systems. Timo has called to the SOFIA
maintenance center and has received a surprisingly
good answer. With the minimum cost a new
customer’s ordering system can be connected to
Timo’s platform with no need to stop it. Luckily,
Metsänhoitajat Oy company has already worked
with other contractor, who is using SOFIA platform,
therefore the system adapter is already available, it
only needs to be configured for Timo’s platform.
Even, though, the adapter wasn’t ready, it would not
take longer than one month to plug a new ordering
system to SOFIA.
In the evening, after a successful meeting with
Metsänhoitajat Oy where a new contract was signed,
Timo has made an order to SOFIA maintenance
center for a platform configuration. Next day Timo
could already see a new partner in his system and in
short time, new orders have started to come.
In the following section we present a middleware
platform called UBIWARE – a convenient tool for
the implementation of SOFIA platform.
UBIWARE is a generic domain independent
middleware platform (Katasonov et al., 2008) that is
meant to provide support for integration,
interoperability, adaptation, communication,
Agent-driven Solutions
proactivity, self-awareness and planning for
different kinds of resources, systems and
components (e.g. data information and knowledge,
software and services, humans, hardware and
processes). The UBIWARE platform is developed
inline with the fundamental vision towards GUN -
Global Understanding Environment (Terziyan, 2003,
2005; Kaykova et al., 2005). In GUN various
resources can be linked to the Semantic Web-based
environment via adapters (or interfaces), which
include (if necessary) sensors with digital output,
data structuring (e.g. XML) and semantic adapter
components (XML to Semantic Web). Software
agents are to be assigned to each resource and are
assumed to be able to monitor data coming from the
adapter about the state of the resource, make
decisions on behalf of the resource, and to discover,
request and utilize external help if needed. Agent
technologies within GUN allow mobility of service
components between various platforms,
decentralized service discovery, utilization of FIPA
communication protocols, and multi-agent
integration/composition of services.
When applying the GUN vision, each traditional
system component becomes an agent-driven “smart
resource”, i.e. proactive and self-managing. This can
also be recursive. For example, an interface of a
system component can become a smart resource
itself, i.e. it can have its own responsible agent,
semantically adapted sensors and actuators, history,
commitments with other resources, and self-
monitoring, self-diagnostics and self-maintenance
At the same time, UBIWARE naturally
integrates such domains as Semantic Web, Proactive
Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Autonomous
Computing, Human-Centric Computing, Distributed
AI, Service-Oriented Architecture and Enterprise
Application Integration.
3.1 UBIWARE Platform Architecture
UBIWARE has two main elements: an agent engine,
and S-APL – a Semantic Agent Programming
Language (Katasonov and Terziyan, 2008) for
programming of software agents within the platform.
The architecture of UBIWARE agent (Figure 2)
consists of a Live behavior engine implemented in
Java, a declarative middle layer, and a set of Java
components – Reusable Atomic Behaviors (RABs).
RABs can be considered as sensors and
actuators, i.e. components sensing or affecting the
agent’s environment, but are not restricted to these.
A RAB can also be a reasoner (data processor) if
some of the logic needed is not efficient or possible
to realize with the S-APL means, or if one wants to
enable an agent to do some other kind of reasoning
beyond the rule-based one.
Figure 2: UBIWARE Agent.
UBIWARE agent architecture implies that a
particular UBIWARE-based software application
will consist of a set of S-APL documents (data and
behavior models) and a set of specific atomic
behaviors needed for this particular application.
Since reusability is an important UBIWARE
concern, it is reasonable that the UBIWARE
platform provides some of those ready-made.
Therefore, logically the UBIWARE platform,
consists of the following three elements:
- The Live behavior engine
- A set of “standard” S-APL models
- A set of “standard” RABs
The extensions to the platform are exactly some
sets of such “standard” S-APL models and RABs
that can be used by the developers to embed into
their applications certain UBIWARE features.
As Figure 2 shows, an S-APL agent can obtain
the needed data and rules not only from local or
network documents, but also through querying S-
APL repositories. Such a repository, for example,
can be maintained by some organization and include
prescriptions (lists of duties) corresponding to the
organizational roles that the agents are supposed to
Technically, the implementation is built on top of
the JADE – Java Agent Development Framework
(Bellifemine et al. 2007), which is a Java
implementation of IEEE FIPA specifications.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The business models that were thoroughly studied in
the recent research (Lappalainen, 2009), stumbled in
the technological challenges that are being tackled in
the UBIWARE. At the same time, UBIWARE
platform should be tailored to the industrial
domains, in order to attract businesses. Therefore a
SOFIA platform (SOFIA stands for S
Operation of Forest Industry Applications) described
in Section 2.3, when developed on top of the
UBIWARE, will benefit from inherent flexibility
and extensibility and ensure sustainable ICT
infrastructure for logging and transportation SMEs.
4.1 Tailoring UBIWARE to Forestry
The logistics optimization drives the main direction
of platform development. However, in order to solve
optimization tasks, the platform requires adaptation
and connectivity problems to be resolved first.
Those, in turn, call for a unified domain model
(domain ontology).
As soon as SOFIA platform will serve as an
integrator of information systems provided from
different order makers (wood buyers and forest
owner associations), the orders coming from
different systems will be gathered to one integrated
view allowing the contractor to apply logistics
optimization tool and decrease useless overheads in
operation (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: SOFIA platform.
To perform integration, we define a set of target
information systems (based on the case studies) and
make deep analysis of the connectivity options and
internal data models used. The integration will result
in construction of adapters to the respective systems.
The configuration on the order maker site may still
be required to redirect data flow from order maker to
SOFIA platform.
The order makers, however, may not be flexible
in changing some settings or opening access to their
data and systems. Therefore, we have a requirement
to minimize changes on the order maker side if not
to avoid at all.
4.2 Handling Connectivity Challenges
The main implementation challenge of the platform
is connectivity. Figure 4 shows a generic data
exchange scenario between order maker and
Figure 4: Data flow between order maker and contractor.
The flow is mostly organized via FTP server,
which is checked by the client software installed on
the contractor’s machine site and, sometimes, at the
office. The order flow goes directly from the order
maker to the machine. In such situation a contractor
is unable to decide, which order goes to which
machine, i.e. the machine is rather directly
controlled by the order maker (preceded by a generic
contract of course). The software for data exchange
is proprietary and, therefore, does not provide any
API. The intermediate files, though, appear on the
FTP-site as well as in temporary folders on local
In such scenario even data collection may put
platform development to the tight corner. We
propose virtualization approach (see next
subsections) to handle the issue and introduce two
possible workaround scenarios.
Agent-driven Solutions
4.2.1 Contractor Site as a Firewall
In case when an FTP server can be accessed by our
platform software (only username and password are
required and known), we can fully emulate the
behaviour of a harvester or a truck. No changes on
the order maker site are needed.
In case, when an FTP server can only be
accessed by the proprietary client software (the
password and username may be hardcoded and not
known to the contractor), we can move the client
from the machine to the contractor site and access
FTP server from it. Temporary files, stored by the
client, then can be sensed by the platform and passed
to the responsible agent.
4.2.2 Machine Agent
In neither case, when no FTP access can be
arranged, nor client software can be moved from the
machine site (e.g. proprietary restrictions), we can
establish our listener software on the machine site to
catch the data from the client and send the data to
the contractor site. In this case, we have extra delay
time because of additional data transfer step from
the machine to the contractor site and back. This
approach may change the architecture of the whole
system drastically and may require a lot more
efforts. Nevertheless it is still possible.
4.3 Virtualization of Forestry Market
The requirement to preserve systems of order
makers untouched can be accomplished by
introducing the know-how of the SOFIA platform –
a concept of virtual machine applied to harvesters
and timber trucks. The contractor creates an
interface-like view to his/her harvesting and
transportation facilities by means of virtual
machines (see Figure 5).
From the service order maker point of view the
contractor looks the same, however, the real
equipment of the contractor is hidden. The orders are
made seamlessly, but the assembly chosen for the
execution, is virtual. The service provider then has
the opportunity to build an optimized operations
plan and after that assign tasks to the real units.
The virtualization may go beyond the SME
boundaries. Several contractors may establish virtual
enterprise that works as a proxy for order makers.
Such enterprise would have better optimization
capacity because of wider order and equipment base.
The business model, that clearly explains and
guarantees the benefit to stakeholders, yet to be
elaborated. The model should take into account
region-specific circumstances and context.
Figure 5: A virtual machine concept.
Although, physical resources virtualization
(harvesters and trucks) is attractive to contractors, it
may also lead to complexities in resource planning
in global scale. In general, if the same resource is
present in two independent planning systems (e.g.
two virtual contractor SMEs have signed the
contract with the same harvester owner), then both
systems may build long-term plans, expecting the
resource to be available. The problem may show up,
only when a detailed short-term contract has to be
signed and both virtual harvesting contractors are
pretending to employ the same harvester. The
business model should exclude ambiguity and
guarantee the availability of the resources at the
execution time. We can compare the problem to the
car rental process, where we see the capacity (cars
available) and know the car class (e.g. Ford Focus or
analogous), but we do not know the exact car license
plate id, before we come to the office and get the
keys. In the simplest case, the rental company is the
owner of the car, but in harvesting we may have a
situation, when a harvester owner has signed
contracts with two or more harvesting SMEs.
4.4 SOFIA beyond National
The platform and the model described above fit well
forestry market in global scale. We expect that a
globally present enterprise can sell platform services
worldwide. Although, the localization requires quite
significant effort, which is not in the nature of the
global service, still it is compensated by limited
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
number of harvester manufacturers (only three key
manufacturing enterprises). The small amount of
manufacturers means significant reduction of
software adaptation efforts. Running one nationally
wide service platform would already include
adapters to the systems of the key manufacturers.
Next, the middleware platform we use, possesses the
features for easy tailoring to local region-specific
requirements. The platform architecture employs
semantic technology, which can be considered as
most expressive one for domain modelling. The
semantic nature combined with the agent technology
brings other benefits as well – adaptivity and
configurability that allow the platform users to get
new business models up and running with small
effort. Configurability also makes the maintenance
of the platform less resource-consuming for the
The web-based solution on the global scale, if it
takes place, can utilize cloud computing (Hayes,
2008) to ease scalability and optimize expenditures
for the hardware and software infrastructure. The
components of the platform (see Figure 6), when run
in the cloud can be updated or configured on-the-fly.
Figure 6: SOFIA component view.
The platform behaviour is specified in the
ontology – a backbone of both the data and the
business logic. We can consider ontology as a rich
configuration file that describes structure of the
software components being run as well as the data.
The Web GUI component may undertake minor
localization changes, whereas Connectors &
Adapters will differ significantly from region to
region, due to a variety of local information systems
at wood buyer sites that have to be connected. The
optimization algorithms and methods may require
region-specific settings for better efficiency, but
otherwise remain untouched.
In this Section we have presented the analysis of
the domain-specific features that have to be
implemented on top of the existing middleware
platform. The analysis shows that technical
implementation is feasible in spite of the state of the
market and relationships amongst market players.
Latest industrial ICT trends define inter-component
and system interoperability as a key direction.
The interoperability is also known as one of the
major future challenges in ICT. Current industrial
standardization efforts aim at resolving this
challenge by creating a unified vocabulary of
communication, or, in other words, a standard.
Forest industry is not an exception. Standardization
and interoperability form a basis for competitive
market, and hence, for cost-efficient production. In
recent years forest industry have run a set of
standardization projects, e.g. papiNet
( and its initiative - WoodX,
Edifact (
and StanForD (
The standards mentioned above simplify the
implementation of SOFIA in order of magnitude
and, therefore, we have to make thorough analysis of
standards already adopted as well as those being
developed. SOFIA’s ontology should be built
standard-compliant and allow easy standard-based
document and interface generation.
The improvement of the wood production chain
is also a subject of integrated EU FP7 project called
“IndisputableKey” ( The
project aims at a new methodology and advanced
technologies that improve the use of wood and
optimize the forest production. The project is
targeting the supply chain improvement as a whole,
whereas SOFIA is a contractor SME-oriented at the
same time applying and developing ICT
technologies far beyond those currently available.
In (Frayret et al., 2007; Forget et al., 2008) the
authors state that forestry companies are facing the
need to re-engineer their organizational processes
and business practices taking into account other
companies in forest industry. An agent-based
approach is proposed to tackle the problem of
dynamic planning in the supply chain. SOFIA rather
approaches the same domain from the software
architecture viewpoint and introduces innovative
Agent-driven Solutions
software platform model for forestry contractors.
A unified platform solution for forest industry faces
the ICT challenges that were foreseen in GUN
activities early in years 2002-2003. The UBIWARE
platform being designed to resolve such challenges,
still remains domain independent, and, therefore, has
to be tailored and extended to meet domain-specific
needs. Such platform customization is a first step
towards GERI (Global Enterprise Resource
Integration) – where various industrial domains will
be taken into account. At the moment, UBIWARE-
based industrial applications are naturally needed for
proper platform evolution as a whole. SOFIA
platform will have an extended tool set (RABs and
S-APL models) on top of UBIWARE to solve forest
industry sector tasks. We believe that success of
SOFIA forest industry platform can bring a new
breath both to the forestry and to the ICT worlds.
The results of the research published in
(Lappalainen, 2009), state that utilization of business
models with more than one customer for the
harvesting, transportation and chipping contractors,
can save approximately 50 million euro annually in
the forest biomass supply chain in Finland only. A
simulation study conducted within the same project
has shown that annual cost savings in raw wood
harvesting only would account for 21 million euro at
least if business models and ICT-tools would
support it (Väätäinen et al., 2008).
In addition to the cost savings mentioned above,
SOFIA can be used to provide higher level
harvesting and transportation services for customers
at the same time serving simultaneously many of
them. SOFIA would enable more efficient order
handling and organization of right-time deliveries
while minimizing the risk of human failures.
We have presented the results of the preparatory
project. This work has been inspired by thorough
analysis of business opportunities that led us to look
for technological implementation challenges and
workarounds. At the moment we are considering
both business-oriented as well as science-oriented
directions for further development of SOFIA.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems