(a) Overlapping using pro-
posed method
(b) Overlapping without
using proposed method
(dashed line region: left
image; dotted line region:
right image)
(c) Panorama using pro-
posed method
(d) Panorama without using
proposed method
Figure 2: Test 2 synthesis result.
The feature matching verification which involves
depth and pixel locality verifications is derived. It
prunes mismatching pairs and is essential in depth es-
Although this method eliminates the single view-
point constraint and can be used not only in static
but dynamic scene, there are limitations on our work.
The quality of the wide view image depends on the
numbers of features in the overlapping regions of im-
age pairs. Also, this method takes longer execution
time compared with the panoramic approach because
it takes one more step to estimate the depth of every
The preliminary test results demonstrate that it is
a feasible method for wide view image creation. It
also improves the feasibility and quality of panorama
using multiple-viewpoint images.
The work described in this paper was substantially
supported by a grant from the MPECENG(SEEM).
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