A Case Study
Ying Zhang, Samia Oussena
Thames Valley University, London, U.K.
Tony Clark, Hyeonsook Kim
Middlesex University, London, U.K.
Keywords: Data Mining, Higher Education, Student Retention, Student Intervention.
Abstract: Data mining combines machine learning, statistics and visualization techniques to discover and extract
knowledge. One of the biggest challenges that higher education faces is to improve student retention
(National Audition Office, 2007). Student retention has become an indication of academic performance and
enrolment management. Our project uses data mining and natural language processing technologies to
monitor student, analyze student academic behaviour and provide a basis for efficient intervention
strategies. Our aim is to identify potential problems as early as possible and to follow up with intervention
options to enhance student retention. In this paper we discuss how data mining can help spot students ‘at
risk’, evaluate the course or module suitability, and tailor the interventions to increase student retention.
As the cost of processing power and storage is
falling, data storage became easier and cheaper.
Universities are facing the immense and quick
growth of the volume of educational data
(Schönbrunn and Hilbert, 2006). Data mining,
sometimes also called Knowledge Discovery in
Databases (KDD), can find relationships and
patterns that exist but are hidden among the vast
amount of educational data. It combines machine
learning, statistical and visualization techniques to
discover and extract knowledge in such a way that
humans can easily comprehend. For universities, the
knowledge discovered by data mining techniques
would provide a personalized education that satisfies
the demands of students and employers.
In order to deliver meaningful analysis, data
mining techniques can be applied to provide further
knowledge beyond the data explicitly stored.
Compared to traditional analytical studies, data
mining is forward looking and is oriented to
individual students. For example, the clustering
aspect of data mining can offer comprehensive
characteristics analysis of students, while the
predicting function from data mining can help the
university to act before a student drops out or to plan
for resources based on the knowledge of how many
students will transfer or take a particular course.
Student retention is an indicator of academic
performance and enrolment management of the
university. Poor student retention could reflect badly
on the university, and cause serious financial strains.
In this paper, we use our project as a case study to
discuss how to apply data mining to improve student
retention. The rest of the paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 introduces related background of
the project. An overview about Student Retention is
in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the project data
source and methodology. Experiment results are
discussed in Section 5. Finally Section 6 summarizes
this paper.
Data mining can be applied to a number of different
Zhang Y., Oussena S., Clark T. and Kim H. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002894101900197
Figure 1: General Process of MCMS.
applications, such as data summarization, learning
classification rules, finding associations, analyzing
changes, and detecting anomalies (Han et al., 2006,
Westphal et al., 1998). Sometimes, data mining has
to deal with unstructured or semi-structured data,
such as text. Text mining is defined as, “the
automatic discovery of previously unknown
information by extracting information from text”
(Spasic et al., 2005).
Data mining is widely applied
in many areas such as retail, financial,
communication, and marketing organizations.
For universities, data mining techniques could
help provide more personalized education, maximize
educational system efficiency, and reduce the cost of
education processes. It may guide us to increase
student’s retention rate, increase educational
improvement ratio, and increase student’s learning
Gabrilson uses the data mining prediction
technique to identify the most effective factor to
determine a student’s test score, and then adjusting
these factors to improve the student’s test score
performance in the following year (Gabrilson,
2003). Luan uses data mining to group students to
determine which student can easily pile up their
courses and which take courses for longer period of
time (Luan, 2002). These clusters help universities
to identify the requirements of each group and make
better decisions on how to offer courses and
curriculum, required time for teaching and so on. In
(Minaei-Bidgoli et al., 2004),
authors use data
mining classification technique to predict students
final grades based on their web-use feature. This can
identify students at risk early and allow the tutor to
provide appropriate advice in a timely manner.
To understand the factors influencing university
student retention, questionnaires are often used to
collect data including personal history of the student,
implication of student behaviour, perceptions of the
student, for example in (Superby et al., 2006)
authors applied different approaches such as
decision tree, random forests, neural networks, and
linear discriminate analysis to their questionnaires.
However, possibly because of the small sample size,
the prediction accuracy is not very good. Herzog
(2006) collected data from institutional student
information system, the American College Test’s
Student Profile, National Student Clearinghouse,
SPSS software are chosen to estimate student
retention and degree-completion time. Nearly 50
features including demographics, campus
experience, academic experience, and financial aid
are applied to predict student retention.
The research shows that decision tree and neural
networks performed better when larger data sets are
The MCMS (Mining Course Management
Systems) project in Thames Valley University
(TVU) proposes to build a knowledge management
system based on data mining. Different data sources
from current university systems (such as library
system, student administration, e-learning) are
integrated as a data warehouse based on designed
data models. Data mining technologies are applied
to predict individual student performance as well as
the suitability of the course or module. Meanwhile,
Text Mining and Natural Language Processing
(NLP) technologies are used to generate human
friendly result for better understanding (Oussena,
In MCMS, model-driven data integration is
applied to pull data from multiple systems into one
data warehouse for reporting and analyzing (Kim, et
al., 2009). As data in the data warehouse is cleansed
and pre-processed and transformed, it can greatly
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the data
mining processes. The knowledge discovered by
data mining techniques will enable the university to
have more advanced approach in instructing
students, predict individual student behaviours and
course performance. Text mining and natural
language processing technology are applied to some
text data sources. They can be used to tailor student
intervention. A pilot of this knowledge base system
and its intervention strategy for student performance
will be running and evaluated for one semester. This
will provide an insight on the effectiveness of this
approach. Figure 1 shows this general process of the
MCMS project.
One of the biggest challenges that higher education
faces is to improve student retention. In general,
more students remaining in the university means
better academic programs and higher revenue. A
report from the UK Parliament Select Committee on
Public Accounts (Committee of Public Accounts,
showed that while college participation is
about 43 percent, around 28,000 full-time and
87,000 part-time students who started first degree
courses in 2004-2005 were no longer in higher
education a year later. 91.6 percent of the full-time
students entered their second year while only 78.1
per cent were expected to complete (Committee of
Public Accounts, 2001).
The Higher Education
Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the body
that distributes government funding to universities in
England, links its annual grants to the number of
students who stay the university and take, not
necessarily pass the exams each year. The sum
involved is about £2500 per full time student per
year. The government grant loss for UK institutions
due to student dropout is about £105m each year
(Yorke et al., 2004).
Student fee income also relates closely to student
retention. For a medium size university who enrols
about 2000 new students each year. If 5% first year
students drop out, the fee lost will be increased, if
there are international students among them, the fee
loss will be much more. Furthermore, dropped out
students have a recruitment cost upfront and new
students have to be recruited in order to keep
university students number steady.
The most widely accepted model in the student
retention literature is Tinto’s (Tinto, 1995).
examines factors contributing to a student’s decision
about whether to continue their higher education. It
claims that the decision to persist or drop out is quite
strongly predicted by their degree of academic
integration, and social integration. Tinto argues that
from an academic perspective, performance,
personal development, academic self-esteem,
enjoyment of subjects, identification with academic
norms, and one’s role as a student all contribute to a
student’s overall sense of integration into the
university (Tinto, 1995).
Students who are highly
integrated academically are more likely to persist
and complete their degrees. The same is true from a
social perspective. Student who have more friends at
their university, have more personal contact with
academics, enjoy being at the university, are likely
to make the decision to persist. Poor retention is
normally caused by unclear career goals, uncertainty
about the course, lack of academic challenge,
transition or adjustment problems, limited or
unrealistic expectations, lack of engagement, and a
low level of integration. According to Tinto,
students are most likely to stay on the course if there
are close links between their own academic
objectives, and the academic and social
characteristics of the university. If students find the
particular course can combine education and their
chosen subject, and greatly help them achieve their
goals, their chances of completing would increase
There are also other models about student
retention. For example, Thomas develops her model
"institutional habitus" (Thomas, 2002)
based on
Tinto’s theory, which can be divided by the
academic and social experience. The academic
experience covers attitudes of staff, teaching and
learning and assessment. Different learning styles
are supported and diversity of backgrounds is
appreciated. Tutors are friendly, helpful and
accessible. Assessment gives students the
opportunity to succeed, and staffs are available to
help. The social experience is about friendship,
mutual support and social networks. Thomas noted
that one factor in her students’ persistence was the
fact they felt more at home with their friends.
Seidman developed a formula of student
retention (Seidman, 1996)
in which:
Retention = Early Identification + (Early +
Intensive + Continuous) Intervention
The Seidman formula and shows that early
identification of students at risk as well as maintain
intensive continuous intervention is the key to
increase student retention. He also explains how
universities can prepare their programs and courses
so students will have the greatest probability of
success both personally and academically. It is
important to collect family information from
students, because this information could aid in a
better understanding of individual students. He
believes that we could make a difference in helping
students attain their academic goals and institutions
by increasing their retention rate.
For MCMS, we collect data from different data
sources as much as we can to cover Tinto’s model,
including academic integration, and social
integration aspect of students, which are discussed in
next section. Seidman’s formula can guide us
through the whole implement process of MCMS as
well. Early identification and early intensive
intervention may make a difference in whether or
not the student will leave the institution prematurely.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Thames Valley University (TVU) systems
(Oizilbash, 2008) has a great amount of data which
can be analyzed and extracted for the data mining
Faculties and departments have also important
detail data regarding courses and modules which are
in document form. This section will discuss each
data source and their usage in MCMS.
Student Record System holds information about
student records for example student background,
examination results and course enrolment. It is
the most important data source for our project.
Online Learning System allows students to
access course material for a particular course
module and tutors to extend their classroom
teaching using more interactive techniques. This
system can help us track the degree of academic
integration of students.
Library System provides information data
which could be utilized for student academic
Reading list system is hosted on the library
system server, but has a separated database. It
can help us track how often the students borrow
books from the recommendation list.
Online Resource System can be used to identify
whether a student is a regular system user.
Programme Specification is a document which
provides course information. Text Ming can be
applied to extract course title, learning and
teaching method etc.
Module Study Guide is a text data source that
provides module information. It contains details
of a module including student assessment
strategy, learning outcome and reading lists.
Course Marketing System is developed for the
purpose of marketing usage, which is used to
picks a course to be advertised and to research a
new course. We can acquire more course
information from this system.
Online Test System enables all to take online
entrance skills check. It can help us understand
the students’ academic background.
MCMS project aims to build a data mining
system based on the integration of these TVU
systems, which covers the academic perspective,
performance aspect of Tinto’s model. For example,
online learning systems can capture data about
students learning behaviour and interaction with the
system. The system also includes wiki and group
discussion tools which reveal students interaction
with their peers and tutors, although little use is
made of this data (Oussena, 2008). However we
have difficulties to collect other parts of data for
Tinto’s model, such as student personal
development, enjoyment of the subject as well as
other social perspectives. We believe the availability
of this data will greatly help our research in the
Figure 2 shows the system architecture of
MCMS. Data sources cover student enrolment,
student result, course/module data, learning skills,
and student activities etc. Data sources are then
integrated and transformed into data warehouse.
Data warehouse then generates appropriate data to
the data mining engine. As Oracle is the most
commonly used database in our data sources, Oracle
11g is chosen as the project platform, which is also
integrated with Oracle data warehouse builder as
well as Oracle data miner. At this stage, our
experiments are mainly based on Oracle 11g.
However, in the future we may combine them
with other data mining solutions such as weka
(Witten et al., 2005)
or develop our own data mining
models. In MCMS, a model-driven data integration
(MDDI) approach is applied in the data integration
for our data warehouse. MDDI is a data integration
approach that incorporates and proactively utilizes
meta data across the data integration process. By
coupling data and meta data, MDDI drastically
reduces the complexity and provides data integration
that is aware of the context of the data. Different
modelling approaches have been proposed to
overcome every design difficulty of the development
of the different parts of a data warehouse system
(Mazon et al., 2005 and Fabro et al., 2008).
Once we have the data to identify the
characteristics of students who were unsuccessful in
past semesters and years, data mining can find the
profile pattern of unsuccessful students. For
example, feature selection and association rules can
help us find the main features that may be related to
student dropout. Classification and clustering can
identify potential "at risk" students. Text mining and
NLP will be used to implement our intervention
strategy. This early and intensive intervention can
then be measured continuously to see whether or not
it has made a difference to the student retention rate.
Figure 2: System Architecture of MCMS.
Figure 3: Data Mining Process of MCMS.
Data mining can also be applied on course data.
For example, we could find those modules that are
important for a specific course, as they may cause
more students to dropout, this will help the
university evaluate the module suitability, prepare
programs and courses so students will have the
greatest probability of success, both personally and
We intend to collect three years historical data from
university systems, but currently we only have one
year data. For Course marketing system, we have
5,458 records, which include 1,881 courses; 5,352
Course Offering; 7 Schools and 7 Faculties. For
Student Record system, there are 4,22,3 Students,
5,352 Course Enrolments. For Library system, there
are 144,604 Borrowers, 3,150,816 Loans, 630,190
Items, 435,113 Works and 45,900 Classification. For
the Reading List system, there are 552 Course, 1,540
List and 7,084 List Entry. For online Learning
systems, there are 2,460 module offering, and
2,021,334 online activities.
For each data source, UML models were
developed. A mapping model was also developed
that describes how to integrate data from multiple
sources. Data Warehousing ETL (Extract,
Transform, Load) process is then designed in Oracle
Data warehouse builder, and finally the results are
inputed to Oracle Data Miner. The data mining
process is shown by Figure 3.
In order to increase student retention, we should
understand why students drop out. Some
experiments are used to evaluate Tinto’s model. Our
student data include: average mark (AVGMARK),
online learning systems information (BB_USAGE),
library information (LIBRARY_USAGE),
nationality (UK), university entry
certificate(ENTRYCERTIFICATE), course award
(COURSE_AWARD), current study level
mode(STUDYMODE), postgraduate or
undergraduate (PG_UG), resit number
(RESIT_NUM), current year
gender (SEX), race(RACE) and etc.. Oracle Data
Mining provides a feature called Attribute
Importance that uses the algorithm Minimum
Description Length (MDL) to rank the attributes by
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
significance in determining the target value. As
shown by Figure 4 and Figure 5, positive values
represents the feature is more significant for dropout
than those features with negative values. Thus we
can find that whether student drop out is not related
to his/ her background, such as age, gender, race etc
(as shown in Figure 4), but related to the academic
activities, such as how often he/she use online
learning system or library system and which year the
student is (as shown in Figure 5).
Figure 4: Dropout and student background.
Figure 5: Dropout and student academic activities.
We also identify patterns that describe group of
students. There are some interesting finding, such as
student transfer to other institution are mostly
undergraduate student, enrol with lower certificate,
but get higher marks. While student transfer from
other institution are mainly international
undergraduate student, enrol with higher certificate,
use library and online learning system less, and get
lower mark. These results can help us understand
student behaviour then target efficient intervention
strategy to achieve better education results.
An experiment for student dropout prediction is
also conducted based on the student profile. The data
are divided into training group and evaluation group
by the ratio of 2:1. Three algorithms: Naive Bayes
(Harry, 2004), Support Vector Machine (Cristianini
et al., 2000) and Decision Tree (Quinlan, 1986)
chosen. Different configurations for each algorithm
are tested to find the optimum result. As we do not
want to give a negative predict error for a real
positive target, it is much worse to give a positive
error for a real negative target, thus we increase the
cost of false negative in the cost matrix. As shown
by Table 1, Naive Bayes achieved the highest
prediction accuracy while the Decision tree with
lowest one.
Table 1: Prediction results.
Support Vector
85.9% 78.7% 71.2%
93.1% 88.3% 91.4%
89.5% 83.5% 81.3%
In this paper, we discussed how to use data mining
to improve student retention. For MCMS, the
information incorporated into the data warehouse is
the historical data of previous students and the
features associated with the current and future
potential students. We use this information to build
the model of student that has potential to drop-out.
These students can then be divided into different
groups according to their risk value. Once these
students are identified, there are several methods
which can be taken to improve retention:
Universities should build an intervention
programme that will target specific problems. For
example, Tinto cites five conditions that best
promote retention (Tinto 2000):
Having high expectations of students.
Clearly explaining institutional requirements
and providing good advice about academic
choices. Many students are not clear about their
plans, and need help in building a road map.
Providing academic, social and personal
support, particularly in and before the first year.
Showing students that they are valued. Frequent
contact with the staff is important, especially in
the first year.
Active involvement in learning – "students who
learn are students who stay". Social learning,
where students learn in groups, is particularly
valuable, and can help foster friendship, which is
another factor that encourages student
We are currently developing the intervention part
of MCMS, which includes a website to monitor
student, module, and course information. When a
student logs in, he/she can check the detail
information of all module results, his/her progress
chart, whether he/she is at risk and why. As for
tutors, they can login to find detail related module
information, which students are at risk and why; if
they want to contact the student, they could edit an
email which is automatically generated by the
system. They can also compare the information of
related modules in different semesters. Similarly,
program leaders and the head of school can also
login to find the information related to their
Different reports with different formats and
templates will be sent out automatically by the
system as well. For example, students are divided
into different group and different intervention rules
will be applied to different groups. Students will
receive a scheduled email once per month with their
detail of their progress of that month in a PDF
report. At different times of the semester, emails will
also be sent out automatically to provide students
with help, such as at the beginning of semester,
before exams etc. Triggered emails will be sent out
once students’ risky values are beyond the threshold,
and explain how he/she could make improvement,
and who should be contacted. Tutors not only get
PDF reports of all their students at scheduled times,
but they also receive triggered email once students
or modules that may need their attention have been
We are also working to improve the system. For
example, we are investigating whether there is a
pattern in each individual’s reasoning in the decision
to withdraw, and how we should implement the
intervention programme to increase student retention
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