Pietro Murano and Nooralisa Mohd Tuah
School of Computing, Science and Engineering, University of Salford, Gt. Manchester, M5 4WT, U.K.
Keywords: Usability, Evaluation, Anthropomorphism, Interface Feedback.
Abstract: This paper describes an experiment and its results concerning research that has been going on for a number
of years in the area of anthropomorphic user interface feedback. The main aims of the research have been to
examine the effectiveness and user satisfaction of anthropomorphic feedback. The results are useful to all
user interface designers wishing to improve the usability of their products. There is still disagreement in the
research community concerning the usefulness of anthropomorphism at the user interface. This research is
contributing knowledge to the aim of discovering whether such approaches are effective and liked by users.
The experiment described in this paper, concerns the context of statistics tutoring/revision, which is part of
the domain of software for in-depth learning. Anthropomorphic feedback was compared against an
equivalent non-anthropomorphic feedback. The results indicated the anthropomorphic feedback to be
preferred by users for some factors. However the evidence for effectiveness was inconclusive.
The usability of a system is sometimes neglected by
software developers. However the usability of a
software system and particularly the user interface is
paramount to a system being successful in terms of
user satisfaction, efficiency and success as a
commercial product.
The aim of this research is to further knowledge
concerning which types of feedback are effective
and liked by users, particularly the authors are
investigating the appropriateness of
anthropomorphism at the user interface.
Anthropomorphism at the user interface usually
involves some part of the user interface, taking on
some human quality (De Angeli, Johnson, and
Coventry, 2001), e.g. a synthetic character acting as
an assistant to users. Video of a human may also be
viewed as being anthropomorphic (Bengtsson,
Burgoon, Cederberg, Bonito and Lundeberg, 1999).
Lastly various commercial objects have also been
anthropomorphised (DiSalvo and Gemperle, 2003).
Anthropomorphic feedback has been researched
for several years by various researchers around the
world. Despite a reasonable amount of research
being conducted in this area, there is still
disagreement amongst researchers regarding the
usefulness of anthropomorphism at the user
interface. Some studies have shown
anthropomorphic feedback to be more effective and
preferred by users and in some other studies the
converse has been shown. This kind of disparity can
also be seen in the work of Murano and his
collaborators (see Murano, 2002a, 2002b, 2003,
2005, Murano, Gee and Holt, 2007 and Murano, Ede
and Holt, 2008).
An early study conducted by one of the authors
(Murano, 2002b, 2005), concerned the context of
English as a foreign language pronunciation. This
was in the domain of software for in-depth learning.
In this study, anthropomorphic and non-
anthropomorphic feedback types were compared.
Participants were given a series of pronunciation
tasks and they were scored according to their self-
correction success, based on automated feedback
given to them during the experimental sessions. The
feedback was varied as being either
anthropomorphic or non-anthropomorphic. The data
collected for this experiment showed with
significant results that the anthropomorphic
feedback was more effective and preferred by users.
However in another study by Hongpaisanwiwat
and Lewis (2003) in the tutoring type context, the
authors investigated animated characters and voices
in the context of graphics tutoring. They specifically
Murano P. and Mohd Tuah N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 143-148
dealt with participants’ understanding and
concentration in learning in relation to a set of
learning materials. Their experiment had three
conditions. These were an animated character, a
‘pointing finger’ and no character. Further, within
these conditions they used synthetic or human
voices. The authors also factored into the
investigation some human personality types.
The general results of the experiment were that
there was no significant difference in understanding
for participants using the animated character. No
significance was found with the synthetic character
condition or the type of voices used in relation to
what the participants remembered. An interaction
effect was observed showing the animated character
with synthetic voice condition to be better at helping
participants remember relevant aspects of the
learning materials, compared with the animated
character with human voice. No significance or
interaction effects were observed for the personality
type groups, type of voice used and the animated
character condition. Furthermore, the personality
type, type of voice and animated character did not
have any main effect on the participants
remembering items which had been specifically
emphasised. Further interaction effects were
observed showing that the amount of emphasised
items remembered by participants using the
‘pointing finger’ and no character conditions with a
human voice was greater than participants using the
synthetic voice. Also, participants remembered more
in the animated character with synthetic voice
condition compared with the animated character
with human voice condition. There were no
significant differences concerning participants’
subjective opinions of the learning materials.
An interesting study was also conducted by
Moundridou and Virvou (2002) in a software
algebra tutor context. They examined the effects of
using an anthropomorphic ‘conversational’ agent.
Two conditions were tested in an experiment. The
first condition had a synthetic face and
accompanying voice. The second condition was the
same as the first condition, but had the agent
removed and was replaced by textual messages. The
information presented was equal under both
The main findings of the experiment were that
the time taken for the algebra tasks was not
significantly different for the two groups.
Questionnaire responses to do with participant
attitudes towards the experienced user interface,
showed significant results in favour of the
anthropomorphic agent. Participants tended to enjoy
the system more, finding it more useful and less
difficult to use. Furthermore in relation to a post-test
administered to the participants, there were no
statistically significant results to suggest that the
anthropomorphic agent helped participants to
complete the test in a faster time with better overall
The remainder of this paper has two further main
sections. Section 2 describes the conducted
experiment, along with the main results and
experimental conclusions. Section 3 discusses
overall conclusions along with some proposals for
further work.
2.1 Aims
The aim of this experiment was to gather data
concerning the effectiveness (i.e. errors and task
time) and user satisfaction of different feedback
types in the context of software aiding users to
revise or remind themselves of how to carry out
statistical procedures without the use of a statistical
application. This could potentially help students
either coming back to use statistics after some time
and therefore requiring some reminders, or it could
help students studying a basic course in statistics.
Two feedback types were tested
anthropomorphic and non-anthropomorphic. The
anthropomorphic feedback was in the form of an
animated character (Media Semantics, 2009)
uttering the required instructional content feedback,
while the non-anthropomorphic feedback consisted
of textual content.
2.2 Users
24 participants, with a university education,
took part in the experiment.
All the participants in the study were in the
21-35 age range.
A combination of male and female
participants were used.
All the participants had some knowledge of
basic statistics. However all participants
had not used statistics for some time and
had been taught the subject some time in
the past.
All participants had a basic knowledge of
using a computer for general tasks.
2.3 Design
A between users design was used, where all 24
participants were randomly assigned to one of the
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
two conditions being tested. A between users design
was chosen because this would avoid learning
effects in the carrying out of the tasks.
2.4 Variables
The independent variable was the type of feedback
(instructions uttered by the animated character and
textual instructions) and the type of tasks, consisting
of viewing some instructional material and then
taking part in a quiz.
The dependent variables were the participants'
performance in carrying out the tasks and their
subjective opinions.
The dependent measures were that the
performance was measured by task completion
success, i.e. whether a participant completed quiz
questions correctly and the time taken to complete a
quiz question. The subjective opinions were
measured using a post-experiment questionnaire
designed by the authors of this paper. The
questionnaire had various questions relating to the
general user interface and the participants'
experience of using the prototype system.
2.5 Apparatus and Materials
The experiment was conducted using two rooms.
The first room was used as a waiting room, while the
second room housed the computers with the installed
prototype system.
The second room contained four high end
laptops with similar specifications. Each had the
prototype system installed.
Headphones were used for the anthropomorphic
condition, so that the same venue could be used for
up to four participants at a time. The headphones
allowed each participant in the anthropomorphic
condition to listen to the verbal utterances without
disturbing other participants.
Each participant was given a sheet of paper and a
pen for note taking and calculation purposes.
Two questionnaires were designed and used in
this experiment. A pre-experiment questionnaire was
used for recruitment purposes and a post-experiment
questionnaire was used for eliciting subjective
opinions. The pre-experiment questionnaire
contained some basic personal questions, e.g. age
group etc. There were also questions about computer
experience and statistics experience. The post-
experiment questionnaire contained questions, using
Likert type scales, eliciting opinions on the user
interface and its components, the instructional
material, the quiz and the participants feelings
during the interaction.
2.6 Procedure and Tasks
The first step was to recruit suitable participants who
had some basic computer usage experience and
some knowledge of basic statistics. However it was
a requirement that the sample used should not have
been using statistics recently and had not been
learning about statistics recently. This was because
the prototype developed was specifically dealing
with the context of giving a user a reminder of how
to calculate certain statistical tests and/or help
someone learning some basic statistics. The
recruitment was achieved by using an appropriate
pre-experiment questionnaire.
The pre-experiment questionnaires were
completed in room 1 and assuming the volunteers
had the required profile, they were then asked to
move to room 2 containing the laptops. This was
done in clusters of four, since there were four
laptops. Then the participants were given a brief
verbal overview of the experiment and some basic
instructions regarding how the experiment would be
done. At this point each participant was given a
sheet of paper with some details of the system and
the details of the tasks they would do.
At all times during the experiment, three
experiment assistants were present to observe users
and provide help as required (although no help that
would aid in completing the tasks was given). Prior
to the experiments taking place, a meeting was held
with all experiment assistants so that during the
experiment sessions, consistency could be
maintained between the assistants. The main
consistency issue involved treating participants in
the same manner regardless of experimental
The next step involved showing and explaining
to participants how the system worked. Following
this, the experiment began by participants listening
to or reading (depending on experimental condition)
an introductory part of the prototype. This then led
to the actual tutorial section, which gave some
instruction on some basic statistical 'tests'. When this
was completed participants would go to the quiz
section, where they would attempt some similar
statistical problems to those discussed in the tutorial.
The system recorded the time to complete each
quiz question and if the solution provided was
correct. Participants were also observed and any
issues were recorded on an observation protocol.
At the end of the tasks, participants completed a
post-experiment questionnaire which dealt with
subjective opinions. When this was completed,
participants were debriefed and then lunch was
provided for them as a reward for their participation.
Overall each participant spent approximately 30-
40 minutes on the tasks. The actual tasks in the
experiment involved listening to instructional
material about calculating the mean, median, mode,
range, standard deviation and variance. Then quiz
questions had to be answered for each of these areas
of concern. Only one attempt per question was
allowed for all quiz questions.
2.7 Results
The data were analysed in terms of their
distributions, particularly the means and standard
deviations. Significance testing was carried out by
means of t-tests for between users designs. Where a
significant result was observed, relevant tables are
shown below. However for brevity, no tables are
provided in instances of insignificant results.
Firstly the distribution tables are provided below
(tables 1 -5) for the statistically significant data.
Overall these show low standard deviations,
indicating consistency in the participants’ scoring.
Table 1: Helpfulness of Screen Appearance.
Std Dev
Std Err Mean
upper 95% Mean
lower 95% Mean
Table 2: Precise Instructions.
Std Dev
Std Err Mean
upper 95% Mean
lower 95% Mean
Table 3: Helpful Text Formatting.
Std Dev
Std Err Mean
upper 95% Mean
lower 95% Mean
Table 4: Specific Quiz Questions.
Std Dev
Std Err Mean
upper 95% Mean
lower 95% Mean
Table 5: Will Use Info Elsewhere Agree/Disagree.
Std Dev
Std Err Mean
upper 95% Mean
lower 95% Mean
For effectiveness issues, the times taken for quiz
questions and the rate of correct solutions provided
for the quiz questions were each analysed by means
of a t-test. These did not reveal any significance.
All of the responses provided by the participants
through the post-experiment questionnaire were also
analysed by means of t-tests. The post-experiment
questionnaire contained questions, using Likert type
scales, eliciting opinions on the user interface and its
components, the instructional material, the quiz and
the participantsfeelings during the interaction. The
scales used, ranged from one to five. In most cases
(and in all cases for the tables below) one reflected
the most negative opinion and five reflected the
most positive opinion. Four questions concerning the
participantsfeelings during the interaction used the
one score to reflect a positive response (not shown
below due to insignificant results).
For the variables ‘helpfulness of screen
appearance’ and group’, the anthropomorphic
feedback is significantly (p<0.01) rated as being
more helpful than the non-anthropomorphic
feedback. The t-observed is 2.76**. This can be seen
in Table 6 below:
Table 6: Helpfulness of Screen appearance, Anth
(Anthropomorphic) vs Non-Anth (Non-Anthropomorphic).
t Ratio
Std Err Dif
Upper CL Dif
Prob > |t|
Lower CL Dif
Prob > t
Prob < t
For the variables ‘precise instructions’ and
‘group’, the anthropomorphic condition is
significantly (p<0.01) rated as being more precise
than the non-anthropomorphic condition. The t-
observed is 2.71**. This can be seen in Table 7
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 7: Precise Instructions, Anth vs Non-Anth.
t Ratio
Std Err Dif
Upper CL Dif
Prob > |t|
Lower CL Dif
Prob > t
Prob < t
For the variables ‘text formatting’ and ‘group’,
the text formatting in the non-anthropomorphic
condition is significantly (p<0.05) rated as being
better than the text formatting in the
anthropomorphic condition. The t-observed is 2.42*.
This can be seen in Table 8 below:
Table 8: Helpful Text Formatting, Anth vs Non-Anth.
t Ratio
Std Err Dif
Upper CL Dif
Prob > |t|
Lower CL Dif
Prob > t
Prob < t
For the variables ‘specific quiz questions’ and
‘group’, the quiz questions in the anthropomorphic
condition are significantly (p<0.05) rated as being
more specific in nature than the same quiz questions
in the non-anthropomorphic condition. The t-
observed is 2.16*. This can be seen in Table 9
Table 9: Specific Quiz Questions, Anth vs Non-Anth.
t Ratio
Std Err Dif
Upper CL Dif
Prob > |t|
Lower CL Dif
Prob > t
Prob < t
For the variables ‘will use info elsewhere’ and
‘group’, the participants in the anthropomorphic
condition stated they would more likely use the
information they had viewed somewhere else (i.e. on
some other occasion and/or setting) compared with
the participants in the non-anthropomorphic
condition. The differences are significant (p<0.05),
the t-observed is 2.35*. This can be seen in Table 10
Table 10: Will Use Info Elsewhere - Agree/Disagree, Anth
vs Non-Anth.
t Ratio
Std Err Dif
Upper CL Dif
Prob > |t|
Lower CL Dif
Prob > t
Prob < t
2.8 Discussion of Results
Overall there were no significant results for
performance, where performance was measured by
examining the correctness of quiz questions and the
time taken. The reason for this outcome could be
that the tutorial material was not advanced enough to
allow differences to emerge with respect to the
different feedback types. However, one potentially
positive aspect of this result is that it gives some
confidence that the sample chosen which was
randomly assigned to the two different groups was
approximately equivalent in nature. This had been
one of the aims in the recruitment procedure. A
further aspect that could have affected the lack of
differences emerging in performance was that the
sample size should have ideally been larger.
For the subjective questions answered by
participants, where there was significance observed
in the results, the significance indicated the
anthropomorphic feedback to be mainly preferred
over the non-anthropomorphic feedback. This was
the case for helpful screen appearance, precise
screen instructions, specific quiz questions and the
likelihood of using the viewed information on some
other occasion. One exception was for the text
formatting, where the non-anthropomorphic
feedback was significantly rated to be better. The
reason for this single significant result for the non-
anthropomorphic feedback is unclear. However one
aspect that could explain the result, concerns the fact
that the non-anthropomorphic condition used text to
explain the concepts of the statistical material. The
anthropomorphic condition used a character to utter
or speak the same material resulting in much less
text appearing on the screen. The anthropomorphic
condition only had text on the screen to show the
formulae used and to label some interface elements.
Although the outcomes of this experiment had few
significant results for subjective preferences and no
significant results for performance, the preferences
do appear to lie in the anthropomorphic region.
However, the authors of this paper conclude that
there is still further work to do before one can make
more concrete conclusions on whether
anthropomorphism at the user interface is useful in
terms of improving performance and subjective
satisfaction in a statistical tutorial context.
However this work has been useful in two main
ways. The first is that as far as we know no one has
conducted an experiment of this sort investigating
specifically the context of statistics tutoring and
anthropomorphism. The closest we have found was
by Moundridou and Virvou (2002), which was in an
algebra context (briefly reviewed in section 1). Their
anthropomorphic feedback was used for giving
instructions and feedback. However, in contrast, the
work conducted by the authors used the
anthropomorphic feedback (in one of the conditions)
to also convey the instructional material. The second
aspect of usefulness of this experiment has
potentially shown the way forward for improving on
this work. The work can be particularly improved by
obtaining more participants, altering the tutorial
material to be more advanced so that differences in
the modes of presentation may emerge and by
improving upon the procedure used during the
experiment. The approach of using four laptops and
only three experimental observers could have meant
some bias being present in terms of inconsistent
observation (despite efforts at controlling this) and
some relevant occurrence not being noticed, due to
the reality of at least one observer having to observe
two individuals at once. A further aspect that could
be improved is to link this work with perhaps some
learning theories or other suitable theory of
Prof Sunil Vadera, Prof Tim Ritchings and the
Universiti of Malaysia Sabah are acknowledged for
their support of this research.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems