Angel Mora, Enrique M
erida and Domingo L
E.T.S.I. Inform
atica, M
alaga University, Spain
Blended Learning, Moodle, Mathematics, Quizzes, Web-tools.
Moodle is one of the most extended LMS. Moodle allows the collaborative learning where students and teach-
ers collaborate on the daily work. But problems with Moodle arise in our scientific context. Although Moodle
can preview LaTeX code, not all the possibilities of LaTeX are available and it is very good for scientific
teachers but hard for students, so, the mathematical formulas are usually replaced by non-standard versions
of them written in ASCII. Another problem with Moodle is the difficulty of reusing quizzes. We present two
tools that improve Moodle in three aspects: representation of math formulas, mathematical computation, and
improving the learning units for the students. WIRIS is a powerful editor and allows interacting by using
mathematic formulas in an easy way and developing new learning units with mathematical computation via
web; M-QIT is a new tool able to manage and reutilize quizzes and questions available in previous courses in
In order to establish a meeting point for the students
of the subject Numerical Methods of the Engineer-
ing Computer Science School in the University of
alaga, we developed MetNum (Mora, 2006) in the
2003-2004 academic year by using the former plat-
form, existent in our University.
The basic tools we worked with in MetNum were
distribution lists and forums, as a means to encourage
and guide students daily work. In 2004-05 the Uni-
versity of M
alaga choosed Moodle as LMS (Learning
Management System), so MetNum was changed to
Moodle (Dougiamas and Taylor, 2003) and the new
tools provided by this platform have been exhaus-
tively applied. See (Huertas, 2008) for similar experi-
Moodle (Brandl, 2005) is a free worldwide used
LMS (, so, since the first version
of Moodle, born in August of 2002, until July of
2008, there existed more than 21 millions of regis-
tered users, spread over 46000 places and it is trans-
lated to more than 75 languages.
Some interesting characteristics are available: it
allows managing the identification of students and ob-
serving their work, forums, quizzes, questions, glos-
saries, lessons, etc.
We present two tools that improve some problems
found with Moodle: representation of math formulas,
and improving the learning units for the students. For
the first aspect we present how to work with WIRIS
and for the second aspect we show M-QIT.
1.1 Representing Mathematical
Problems with Moodle, in this point, arise when we
try to obtain most from it in our mathematical and
scientific context and specifically when the teachers
and students want to transmit math knowledge. Im-
proving the process of learning in our framework (a
difficult subject for the students) is essential.
Caprotti et al. remark in (Caprotti, 2008) “math-
emathical instruction is a recognized key asset in our
society and embracing technology in mathematics ed-
ucation is not only economically advantageous but
also promotes better learning and understanding”.
In (Cohen, 2008), Cohen et al. discuss their efforts
to bring mathematics to the Web. For this purpose,
their group “has developed an ensemble of software
tools, MathDox, which is now using within various
(international) projects to produce webbased mathe-
matical material with the potential of having a high
impact in the world of math education”.
Also the authors cite several international projects
which study how to represent mathematical expres-
sions and propose the MathDox player and a set of
Mora Á., Mérida E. and López D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 75-80
DOI: 10.5220/0002894500750080
friendly editors.
We would like to emphasize the ability of Moo-
dle to make a direct preview of LaTeX code, which
is usually used to present mathematical material, al-
though not all the possibilities of LaTeX are avail-
able. LaTeX is very good for scientific teachers but
hard for students, so in forums, etc, mathematical for-
mulas are usually replaced by non-standard versions
of them written in ASCII.
We show in this paper the use of WIRIS, a tool
prepared to be integrated in Moodle, to solve this
communication problem when we need to express
mathematical formulas in the web.
1.2 Creating Material of Evaluation
and Auto-evaluation
The National Mathematics Advisory Panel has con-
cluded that certain tools, in particular systems for au-
tomated testing and assessment, can improve the per-
formance of students.
In this point, we work in two directions to improve
Moodle: creating new learning units that allow math-
ematical computation and an efficient manipulation
of the quizzes of Moodle (new-modify-delete-import-
export operations).
We show how WIRIS is a powerful calculator and
it is possible to create self-evaluation learning units in
And we propose M-QIT to reuse activities and fa-
cilities from some academic years to another one.
Figure 1: Example of method developed using WIRIS.
Thus, the only possibility to reusing them (for ex-
ample quizzes and wikis made in an academic year
are wanted to be used in the next one) is by making
a backup of the course and deleting useless activities
and facilities.
Similar difficulties arise when we want to change
or to join activities from different subjects although
they had been made by the same author.
The only possibility is to copy them, one by one,
to a text file with a determined format (GIFT) and then
modify and copy/paste them to the new subject.
In this section, we present the two tools mentioned
earlier, providing an exhaustive description of their
details and the advantages which they proportionate
in our context, and to the Moodle community.
2.1 WIRIS, a Tool for Incorporating
In order to continue with the idea of social construc-
tionist pedagogy, in our subject, materials must repre-
sent mathematical formulas in an easy way (allowing
students to interact easily) and develop new learning
units with mathematical computation via web.
Moodle only works with Maths at the level of rep-
resenting formulas. It uses LateX or MathML to build
math expressions. Moodle visualizes Latex using an
Designing learning units for mathematics with
real interaction is complicated. Teachers and students
must speak the same language, and Moodle does not
facilitate the communication. Therefore, it is not pos-
sible to use maths in Moodle to interact with the stu-
In a second stage, if we claim to interact with stu-
dents in an engineer career, the tools to be incorpo-
rated in the learning process must perform real math-
ematical computation and Moodle does not provide
such ability. For us, it was an important goal and we
searched a tool that solved the problem.
We emphasize that the solution is the WIRIS
package (Eixarch, 2002) ( It
is currently being used with (high) success in educa-
tional. environments in Spain, Luxemburg, Nether-
lands, Puerto Rico and Finland. Nowadays, WIRIS is
a software family of products dedicated to mathemat-
ical calculation.
It allows us to express formulas in an easy way us-
ing a friendly interface and, as educational tool, it can
be used for maths learning. And the most interesting
point, now this tool is integrated in the LMS Moodle
using a WIRIS Plugin.
We have two tools integrated in Moodle:
WIRIS Editor is a powerful tool used via web, and
permits the graphical edition of mathematical for-
mulas. The editor is based on Java technology
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Working with WIRIS.
and therefore compatible with any browser (Ex-
plorer, Mozilla...) and on any platform (Windows,
Linux, Mac). WIRIS Editor supports MathML
and OpenMath standards.
WIRIS CAS is a Computer Algebra System
(CAS) designed for mathematical computations.
Running in a browser connected to the Inter-
net, the user has access to a powerful calcula-
tor: matrix calculus, integrals, derivatives, plot-
ting graphics in two or three dimensions, etc.
If Moodle integrates the WIRIS Plugin, we can edit
maths expressions and compute an integral in an easy
WIRIS incorporates libraries for Calculus, Alge-
bra, and Statistics but not for numerical methods. A
library incorporating routines of Numerical Methods
has been developed for WIRIS and a collection of in-
teractive problems has been proposed.
Students can interact using WIRIS in Moodle to
check if the result of an exercise is correct and develop
new routines in WIRIS to solve other exercises.
In Fig. 1 an example of the implementation of the
Cholesky method using WIRIS is shown. We have
designed lots of exercises of self-evaluation for the
students (see Fig. 2).
In Moodle, the students found the material orga-
nized by themes and additional tools have been incor-
porated: forums, statistics, notes, calendar, user iden-
tification, etc.
WIRIS allows students to interact between them
with a friendly interface. With WIRIS, they have a
powerful tool to work with numerical methods.
Advantages of the new tool for the numerical
methods subject that has been incorporated to Moo-
Students can represent mathematical formulas in
a easy way with WIRIS.
WIRIS allows developing new libraries of nu-
merical methods using an easy programming lan-
Students can try to solve self-evaluation exercises,
and have a powerful calculator.
The only tool necessary is a web browser.
2.2 M-QIT, Moodle Quizzes Revisited
In this section, we present a new tool able to manage
and reutilize quizzes and questions available in previ-
ous courses in Moodle, because managing questions
and quizzes in Moodle is quite complex, mainly when
one wants to re-use questions from previous years.
This application has been named M-QIT (which
stands for Moodle-Quiz Integration Tool) and it is
showed in Fig. 3.
M-QIT has been developed as a web application
because, in this way, it is multi-platform, that is, it can
be correctly viewed and executed in any web browser.
This also allows M-QIT to be executed in a network
environment. It is only necessary to get M-QIT in-
stalled in a web server.
There is no need to install any additional libraries
on computers accessing the server, so all professors
can directly make use of the application.
Figure 3: Main web page of M-QIT.
Since no exclusive or not standardized tools (such
as flash) have been used in the development, no add-
ons to the web browser are necessary for a correct vi-
sual display and usage of the developed tool, keeping
it simple and functional.
M-QIT is an intermediate application in Moodle,
since its purpose is to take information coming from
Moodle and to return it modified. In order to obtain
questions and quizzes, we make use of the backup
copy that Moodle carries out in XML format.
This file contains all the necessary data to build
a database with all the necessary information (ques-
tions, answers, quizzes, students, qualifications, etc.).
Once the database of the application is built, the
most habitual actions to manage and to classify the
information can be carried out. That is, questions and
quizzes can be created, edited and deleted, by using
a more intuitive and ordered environment. The basic
process of the tool consists in:
Creating a backup copy in Moodle, in ZIP for-
Figure 4: Graphical outline of the process of usage of M-
mat, to reduce the file size, and containing a file
in XML format.
Importing the ZIP file into the application: In this
step, the information contained in the XML file
becomes part of the application database.
Managing the information: All the information in
the database, with respect to quizzes and ques-
tions, can be used as desired in the application,
since access to the tables containing questions,
punctuations, answers, etc is facilitated.
Exporting questions and/or quizzes: Once the in-
formation has been transformed or, simply, loaded
on the database, it is ready to be exported and to
become part of questions stored in Moodle again.
The GIFT format is chosen as export format, since
it is the one that allows exporting a greater num-
ber of types of questions, while other format do
not allow them.
Figure 5: Statistics.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Importation by Moodle: In the previous export
phase, a text file is created in GIFT format, which
can be imported by Moodle.
In Fig. 4, we show the import-export process and
the communication with Moddle. The usage of M-
QIT begins with the creation of a user. In addition,
each user is subscribed to a series of courses which
can edit, as well as its quizzes and questions. None
of the users can display or edit questions or quizzes
associated to courses to which he is not subscribed.
Together with the listing of questions, many op-
tions are also allowed, for the management of the
To delete: it deletes a question and its answers.
To edit: it edits the selected question. Besides be-
ing able to modify the question, you can create a
copy of the question.
Answers: It allows modifying answers to the cor-
responding question. The edition of the answers
will change in function of the question type.
To export: This option allows exporting a question
to be able to be used in Moodle. The export is car-
ried out in GIFT format. Moodle does not allow
some types of questions to be exported, and M-
QIT will not be able to do so. The types of ques-
tions that cannot be exported are ”Calculated” and
Statistics (see Fig. 5): Statistics make sense
and have importance for past courses in Moodle,
since statistics pick up information on the answers
given by the students in the course carried out in
Moodle. The information that can be found is:
Question qualifications are shown graphically
and numerically. This allows knowing the num-
ber of students who obtained a certain qualifi-
cation for this question.
Quizzes in which the question appears.
Answers given by students and number of stu-
dents for each answer.
M-QIT allow us to manage groups of questions:
To add marked to quiz: It allows adding the se-
lected questions to a quiz. First, selecting the
questions to be added, and later, choose the quiz.
To delete marked: It is a quick way to delete sev-
eral questions at the same time.
To edit marked: It allows editing several questions
at the same time.
Quizzes in our application are a bit different from
Moodle quizzes. In Moodle, quizzes allow many op-
tions, since students carry out these quizzes. And, one
can choose the number of attempts that can be made,
the duration, the date in which the quiz is published
to the students, etc.
However, in our manager, a quiz is simply a col-
lection of questions, since quizzes organized in our
manager are not answered on it, but they should be
exported to Moodle to be able to be carried out.
In M-QIT, quizzes can be displayed from the
courses in which the user is inscribed. When list-
ing questions of the selected quiz (see reffig:figure6),
there appear several:
Quiz statistics: It shows statistical information re-
lated to the quiz. To be able to have this informa-
tion, the quiz has had to be answered previously
in Moodle by the students.
To export selected: Same operation that in the op-
tion to export a single question, but for a group of
chosen questions.
To export and delete quizzes.
To edit quiz and make a copy of the quiz.
We must note that question deletion only affects to
the current quiz. If a question appears in two quizzes,
when deleting this question in one of them, the ques-
tion continues appearing in the other quiz.
In addition, M-QIT has a search engine. It is the
quickest form of searching a question or a quiz. The
search engine searches among question names and
text, and among quiz names.
In this work we have presented two new tools, which
improve the functionalities of Moodle.
First, the WIRIS package has been integrated into
Moodle by means of a plugin, allowing the easy rep-
resentation of math formulas, and providing the real
mathematical computation needed in a virtual subject
of an Engineering course.
WIRIS only provided a complete set of routines
for fields such as Calculus, Algebra and Statistics, and
then we developed the necessary routines for our sub-
ject, Numerical Methods, implemented in the easy-to-
use WIRIS programming language.
Furthermore, students have now the possibility
to perform self-evaluation exercises with the help of
the multi-platform powerful calculator WIRIS CAS,
a computation module inside the WIRIS package,
which can be accessed via a new web portal, designed
to be students meeting point and workplace.
Second, the M-QIT tool has been developed in
order to make easier and more functional the man-
Figure 6: List of quizzes.
agement of Moodle quizzes and questions. In ba-
sic Moodle, this management is not oriented to the
re-utilization of quizzes from past courses, and the
only possibility for teachers is to import a complete
backup of the corresponding past virtual course, and
then deleting those quizzes and questions not interest-
ing for the current one.
The integration of this tool as a standard Moodle
module is one of our interests for future works. Also,
an extension of M-QIT not only for quizzes and ques-
tions, but to glossaries, forums, and other Moodle ac-
tivities is planned.
Regarding WIRIS, we will focus on providing
new packages corresponding to other mathematical
areas, such as Discrete Maths and Optimization.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems