perceived service QRT. In this case we can see even
a higher improvement in the QoS, starting from the
day. Up to this point, as there is no reallocation,
the technical and service QRT is identical, thus the
QoS is identical. The QoS starts improving from that
day, when the reallocation is made in function of the
service QRT.
In this paper we have presented an approach to
managing decision support systems via data
warehouse cache allocations by using autonomic
computing and semantic web technologies. By
considering the specifications and characteristics of
DSS, we showed how AC adoption can be enabled
with DW resource allocation. We have presented
two heuristics for AC adoption and have based our
approach on semantic web technologies by using
ontologies for DSS system modeling and ontology
based rules for heuristics and ACM loop
With the results we have shown that taking into
consideration QoS over raw technical indicators is a
must and one important step forward with AC
adoptions over DSS.
In the next future we intend to extend the notions
of SLA in order to study further how performance
and QoS are influenced when using more SLA
considerations. We also want to extend the influence
factors over the activity of the DWs, by extending
the perimeter of resource allocation (i.e. CPU
charge, disk usage etc.) and the perimeter of
performance measure such as calculation times.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems