Figure 5: Estimated poses (blue) against ground truth(red),
represented in the compressed PCA space for walking
(left) and jogging (right) activity. Modelling was based on
Dense GMM and hypotheses were generated by APF.
We presented a pose estimation method for
monocular image sequences, where the human
object is assumed to perform a known cyclic activity
(e.g. walking, jogging). We demonstrated the value
of using a Dense GMM initialised by a gait cycle of
the activity as the base of a HMM-like dynamic
model. Such modelling improves the accuracy and
decreases the computational time of pose
estimationcompared to a mixture of few Gaussians.
Hypotheses were generated by APF and poses
were estimated according to the Maximum
Likelihood Estimation. APF improves accuracy
when compared to an exhaustive search of the PCA
space constrained by the GMM model.
Future work will focus on pose estimation in
complex scenarios consisting of more than one
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(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 6: Indicative results for walking (first and second
row) and jogging (third and fourth row) sequences using
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extracted by foreground/background separation, (c)
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