Saad Alahmari, Ed Zaluska and David De Roure
School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Keywords: Service-Oriented Architecture, Service Granularity, Software Evolution, Legacy Systems, Architecture
Abstract: The enhanced interoperability of business systems based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has
created an increased demand for the re-engineering and migration of legacy software systems to SOA-based
systems. Existing approaches focus mainly on defining coarse-grained services corresponding to business
requirements, and neglect the importance of optimising service granularity based on service reusability,
governance, maintainability and cohesion. An improved migration of legacy systems onto SOA-based
systems requires identifying the ‘right’ services with an appropriate level of granularity. This paper
proposes a novel framework for the effective identification of the key services in legacy code to provide
such an optimal mapping. The framework focuses on identifying these services (based on standardized
modelling languages UML and BPMN) and provides effective guidelines for identifying optimal service
granularity over a wide range of possible service types.
The difficulty of accommodating technology
evolvement and rapid business changes is a
significant problem with existing legacy software
systems. In the past, software systems were typically
developed with embedded business rules and logic,
scattered and duplicated code, unstructured modules,
and tightly-coupled functions. Such legacy systems
nevertheless often represent a considerable
investment by the underlying business which will
frequently rely on the software for many day-to-day
business activities. Service-Oriented Architecture
(SOA) is a modern approach to implementing (and
re-implementing) such systems as a set of robust and
interoperable services. There are many different
interpretations of the ‘best’ approach to build a SOA
system (Kontogiannis et al, 2007).
Typical SOA modelling lifecycles include the
phases of service identification, service
specification, and service realization (Arsanjani,
2004). Our research emphasizes the importance of
the service identification phase for defining the right
service because mistakes made here can lead the
overall failure of the resulting SOA-based system.
The success critically depends on the correct
identification, presentation and definition of the key
services, because the exposed functionalities in a
service define the service granularity. It is important
to appreciate that achieving an optimal level of
service granularity requires a compromise between
many elements, both technical and non-technical. In
particular, the optimal granularity of key services
can be expected to vary at various layers with
different service types (Kulkarni et al, 2008) or
service layers (Reldin et al, 2007; Ramollari et al,
Recent research conducted by (Kohlborn, 2008)
on thirty modern service analysis approaches
showed that 76% of those approaches introduced
two types of services (e.g. business service, software
service or generic service). The other approaches
defined between one and eleven types of services.
All of the approaches studied applied one of the
development strategy techniques (e.g. top-down,
bottom-up and meet-in-the-middle), although the
services identified were significantly different from
one approach to another. This means that defining
service granularity, which is a very challenging task,
requires considering not only service characteristics
but also provisional service types. For example, an
infrastructure service that is concerned with
providing heterogeneous underlying capabilities to
other services should be fine-grained for high
Alahmari S., Zaluska E. and De Roure D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002896401980207
reusability and encapsulation. On the other hand, a
business service will typically be implemented as a
coarse-grained service for maximizing business
value and traceability of business processes.
Our approach analyses legacy systems using two
formal models: firstly a Unified Modelling
Language (UML) representation and secondly a
Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
representation. Although these present two different
views of complex software systems, we started
initially with a transformation from a static model
(e.g. UML class diagram) to a behaviour model
(BPMN) for two reasons. First, a significant number
of current legacy systems are Object-Oriented
systems. Second, there is already a wide acceptance
of business process modelling for service-oriented
systems [Rolland et al, 2007; Erradi et al, 2006;
Erradi et al 2007] . However, BPMN and UML can
be expected to overlap when considering workflow
patterns and also to share significant deficiencies
such as informal semantics and imprecise resource
definitions. This is an important motivation for the
investigation of a combined approach in this
research, because relying on a single approach
cannot be expected to produce the required ‘optimal’
result. The key contributions of this paper are:
To provide a framework and guidelines for
identification of services from legacy code with
proper level of granularity.
To propose an automated and simple
transformation from a static model (UML) to a
behaviour model (BPMN).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in
section 2 related work is discussed. In section 3 the
service types and proposed approach are introduced.
Section 4 presents an example of an application,
followed by an example evaluation in section 5.
Sections 6 presents the conclusions.
Research conducted in the arena of migrating and
integrating legacy systems for support of SOA has
proposed several different approaches from different
perspectives: the technical domain, the business
domain, and the conceptual (Ramollari et al, 2007).
Reference (Zhang et al, 2004) proposes a
hierarchical clustering algorithm to extract
independent services from procedural software
systems into an object-oriented (OO) model. This
approach uses a grey-box strategy which is a
combination of system wrapping with the key
business logic. However, the drawback of this
approach is that it identifies target services at two
different architectural levels without a
reconsolidation process. In addition, it requires
human intervention to identify and assess the
appropriate services.
Reference (Chen et al, 2005) discusses the
transforming of legacy systems developed with
Object-Oriented Design (OOD) or Component
Based Design (CBD) into SOA applications using
feature analysis. The feature analysis consist of three
stages: identifying system features, constructing the
feature models, and tracing the relationship between
the defined services. The identified service
operations are exposed by class delegations using a
tool called a Web Service Wrapper. The authors
claim that feature analysis bridges the gap between
abstraction architecture and source code, whereas
business requirements are excluded. In addition, this
approach does not cover service classifications and
granularity aspects. Reference (Zou et al, 2001)
provides a framework to transform legacy systems
into a web-enabled environment by means of a
UDDI). This approach is accomplished in three
stages. This approach does not provide enough detail
on how to identify services along with new business
requirements and the targeted service characteristics.
Reference [Jianzhi et al, 2005] develops a
framework ICENI (Imperial College e-Science
Network Infrastructure) to leverage components of
legacy systems into a grid environment. It applies
reverse engineering techniques to components using
a Java Native Interface (JNI) wrapper to encapsulate
code and Commerce eXtensible Markup Language
(CXML) to describe specifications for
communication with the ICENI workflow. The
drawback of this approach is that they lack an
understanding of the problem domain. It migrates
independent blocks of code directly into services
that cannot interoperate using a bottom up approach.
Reference (Zhang et al, 2005) proposes an
architecture-based service-oriented reengineering
approach that uses a hierarchical clustering method
to identify services from legacy systems based on
mapped requirements in UML models. This
approach requires human supervision to assist in
determining the optimal service granularity along
with the clustering technique.
Reference (Galster et al, 2008) proposes a graph-
based framework that discovers service granularity
according to business goals during the design phase.
However, this approach does not define fine-grained
services and quantifies coarse-grained services using
a non-technical description. Reference (Suntae et al,
2008) focuses mainly on how to define the right
services in the analysis phase considering business
change factors and goals. Reference (Rolland et al,
2007) introduces an approach that depends on
exploring the purposes of a business process in order
to identify a service. As a result, this approach
defines a new type of service called an “Intentional
Service” which considers business goals, pre- and
post-conditions, and variant interpretations instead
of the technical aspects of interfaces, behaviour, and
composition of services respectively.
Reference (Sneed et al, 2006) refers to the
importance of granularity in defining web services
without suggesting any particular solution.
Reference (Fareghzadeh, 2008) attempts to solve the
gap between service provider and requester
regarding to the service agreements. A Unified
Service Model (USM) is proposed along with a
service operational model to specify business
services from a business people perspective.
Although the authors of this approach claim that the
USM defines business services at multiple levels of
granularity, no metrics or guidelines are provided to
identify the service granularity. Reference
(Arsanjani et al, 2006) outlines set of activities in the
analysis phase that lead to adequate broad
foundation for service identification. The author
classifies service types in three layers; orchestration
layers (process service), business layer (task and
entity service), and application service layer. Even
though the author emphasizes the importance of the
key principles of service-oriented, no details have
been given as to how those principles can be applied
to guaranteed optimized services
In a real-world project in an Energy Management
System (ESM), reference (Xiaofeng et al, 2007)
utilizes specific enterprise service hierarchy patterns
for selected business processes to determine the
service granularity. These patterns failed to provide
effective guidelines to enhance the service
granularity. References (Arsanjani, 2004; Lawson,
2009) propose a comprehensive approach with a
high-level service architectural classification and
iterative processes. It consists of three phases:
identification, specification, and realization; the later
reference added components and flow. Although
these approaches were successful in highlighting the
broadly architectural aspects, they failed to provide
detailed guidance.
Reference (Erradi et al, 2006) introduces the
Service Oriented Architecture framework (SOAF)
with five conceptual levels: information elicitation,
service identification, service definition, service
realization, and roadmap with planning. Each level
requires inputs to proceed with a set of activities that
deliver outputs as inputs for the next layer. For
service identification, it defines the design tasks to
be performed (e.g. specifying service policy). It also
scales service granularity levels by means of the
grouping of the number of invoked components or
services via an operation on a service interface and
the number of updated sources. Finally,
transformation strategies are defined along with the
plan for service implementation. Reference (Erradi
et al, 2007) extends the service design concepts of
the SOAF framework (Erradi et al, 2006) with a
business-driven approach based on a meta-model to
define service granularity. It highlights broad
guidelines for enhancing the service granularity such
as reusability, business-alignment, designing for
assembly, and reducing the ripple effects of
application changes.
Reference (Dwivedi et al, 2008) introduces a
semi-automated approach to identify services on
process-oriented systems. It converts the UML based
business process models into XMI. The XMI reader
“NSUML” is used to produce the MOF (Meta
Object Facility) for mapping XMI meta-model. The
algorithm used runs over an XMI meta-model
developed a statistic based approach which helped in
creating APIs to query candidate services. Although
this approach provides a good definition of the
service identification issues and presents an
interesting tool, it fails to demonstrate how the tool
will integrate the service hierarchy layers and
properties. Reference (Shirazi et al, 2009) attempts
to categorize services based on operational state of
services and logical presentations, i.e. differentiating
between application and business services. However,
this approach is incomplete because authors do not
consider important elements that effect service
identification phase such as granularity and
By analysing all of this related work, it is found
that none of the previous approaches has enabled
accurate service identification, in terms of when
services should be coarse-grained and fine-grained.
Although the approaches studied usually conclude
with various service design principles, they do not
provide well-defined and effective mechanisms to
accomplish these principles. However, all of the
references agree on the complexity of considering all
applicable factors to fulfil both the business and the
technical aspects. We believe that service granularity
is a key aspect of service design that has a
significant impact on other aspects such as
reusability, maintainability, performance and
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
flexibility. As confirmed by this literature review,
there are no close approaches to the work reported in
this paper.
3.1 Defining Service Types
The functional scope of different services is a key
element required to construct service taxonomy. A
service should accomplish certain goals that can be
quantified correspond to a business or a technical
requirement. Our classification is concerned
primarily with defining right level of granularity for
every service type. This classification will guide the
service identification framework to define roles and
properties for each service type. It will be also used
along with the proposed metric in indentifying the
right service with optimal granularity. The closest
service type classification to that in our approach is
the work by (Kulkarni et al, 2008a, 2008b), who
identify eight generic service types from a
hierarchical perspective of the enterprise layers. In
contrast, our classification focus is on defining the
purpose of the service, i.e. what the service is
expected to expose to the service consumer. Table 1
shows service types with different levels of
granularity from the functional perspective. We
define seven service types; process service, business
service, composite service, transactional-data
service, master-data service, utility service, and
infrastructure service. The services are defined from
the most granular (e.g. process service) to the least
granular (e.g. infrastructure service).
The purpose of the service can be defined as
CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) functions or
business logic or specific domain functions (e.g. a
service for customer credit check) or infrastructure
capabilities. The data nature is also considered as a
function of the frequency of data modification. This
consideration facilitates data exposure and process
access functions through flexible and reusable
services (Lawson, 2009). Based on the concept of
the Business Intelligence (BI) meaning of data we
define two new types of services: master-data
service and transactional-data services. For example,
master data (such as customer data name and
address) is not likely to change on a frequent basis,
hence few data parameters are manipulated, and
there is no verification or compensation mechanism
required (Haesen et al, 2008). In contrast, with a
transactional data (such as “items ordered”) always
changes (e.g. when the customer places a new
order), hence such a service requires more
communications to process.
Table 1: Service types.
Service type Functional scope
Process Service Processing sequenced tasks in a
pre-defined flow of business
process (coarse-grained).
Business Service Presenting business logic of a
transaction or a business entity
Composite Service Aggregating several services in
the enterprise (coarse-grained).
Processing CRUD functions of
transitional data (fine-grained).
Master-data Service Processing CRUD functions of
master-data (fine-grained).
Utility Service Providing business domain
functionalities to other services
Infrastructure Service Providing essential technical
functionalities for other
services and the architectural
enterprise (fine-grained).
3.2 Proposed Approach
A service definition is inevitably derived from
business processes or business functions (Steghuis,
2006). This paper aims to develop an SOA
architectural framework to assist service
identification for migrated legacy systems with
optimal service granularity. The framework is based
on process portfolios that are derived from the UML
and BPMN standards in addition to an optional
knowledge portfolio (as shown in figure 1). In the
case of new system requirements, business processes
in BPMN models are updated. Then, a cluster
metrics is used to generate services based on the
proposed previously service types classification. The
SOA meta-model provides a comprehensive
description of service types integrating the semantic
of business processes. It provides effective standards
for service granularity quantification after capturing
potential services.
In many practical legacy system migrations, there is
no available information about the legacy system
apart from the code. Thus, assuming that only the
code is available (as an extreme scenario); our
approach consists of three main stages as follows:
First stage: the analysis and reengineering stage
has the following activities:
1. If any documentation, expertise, or staff
interviews are available, an analysis model can be
produced to provide a knowledge portfolio
2. Transforming the legacy system codes into a
formal representation using UML models by
reverse-engineering techniques to obtain a static
model automatically (using modelling tools such
as IBM Rational Rose). The reverse-engineering
process results in class diagrams which can then
be produced to activity diagrams of the legacy
3. Transforming the UML models into BPMN
models automatically using model driven
development (MDD) techniques in order to define
a business processes portfolio. The Relation
Definition Language (RDL) describes the
transformation rules as part of the Eclipse
Modelling Framework (EMF) which utilizes the
IBM Model Transformation Framework (MTF)
running on the IBM WebSphere Business
Modeler. Standards for mapping elements between
UML activity diagram and BPMN diagrams are
identified according to the pattern-based BPMN
analysis (Russell et al, 2006; Griffen et al, 2007).
Second stage: the services elements identification
stage has the following activities:
4. Defining atomic processes and business entities
(Teale et al, 2004) from the processes portfolio;
applying a clustering metrics on atomic processes
to define fine-grained services based on CRUD
functions (Griffen et al, 2007) and business logic
Third stage: the services evaluation stage has the
following activities:
5 Evaluating coarse-grained and fine grained
services against the SOA meta-model.
Figure 1: Service identification framework.
3.2.1 Analysis and Re-engineering Stage
To construct a sufficient underpinning for the
service identification, the analysis and re-
engineering stage consists of three models. First, the
analysis model provides high-level system
understanding and support for the business
requirements. Secondly, the activity portfolio
provides the structure of the legacy system. Thirdly,
the process portfolio describes the behaviour of the
legacy system.
The analysis model is based on understanding
what the system does from the legacy code only is
not sufficient. Legacy software systems were
typically developed with embedded business rules
and logic, scattered and duplicated code,
unstructured modules, and tightly-coupled functions.
The aim is to discover the system main functions
and components via workshops, questionnaires,
interviews and available documents. The outputs
will complement the modelling of the atomic
processes in BPMN and also capture additional
information of non-functional requirements such as
performance and reusability.
The UML model ensures decomposed units are
relative and coarse-grained. Here our aim is to
partition the class diagrams in terms of business
functions in order to determine primitive functions
and then atomic processes; the class diagrams are
derived from the legacy code using IBM Rational
Rose and reverse-engineering techniques. Business
functions are defined from the knowledge portfolio
process. We describe the structural and behaviour of
the legacy system using UML class diagrams and
activity diagrams respectively. Firstly, the reverse-
engineering process results in a class diagram that
shows the defined classes of the legacy code
providing a static model. Secondly, after
automatically generating the class diagram of the
legacy code, use cases and activity diagrams are
defined manually. It is important to guarantee
consistency, completeness, and correctness when
devising a behavioural diagram (e.g. activity
diagram) from a structural diagram (e.g. class
diagram), otherwise all subsequent diagrams would
inherit the same issues. Several approaches attempt
to check the rightness of UML diagrams using
different techniques such as verification rules and
meta-models (Kyu et al, 2003), profiling
inconsistency and evaluation (Egyed, 2007).
However, no tools in the industry yet are sufficient
to solve these issues and in addition current
approaches are time-consuming and affected always
by model changes (Egyed, 2007). To resolve this
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
issue in our approach, the legacy code is reviewed
manually line by line after identifying targeted
The BPMN model is used to depict the business
processes of the legacy system and also new
requirements. The adoption of process modelling
using BPMN as a modelling language in this
research is motivated by several factors. First,
relevant research agrees that process-oriented
modelling provides a good basis for SOA (Rolland
et al, 2007; Erradi et al, 2006; Erradi et al 2007).
Secondly, UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams for business
process modelling introduced by OMG suffers from
limitations on modelling related resource and
representing various types of control-flow constructs
(Russell et al, 2006). It is important to note that
BPMN has specific advantages over UML in
describing complex scenarios such as richer
constructs (Recker et al, 2009).
The use of MDD is a growing trend, as it
provides capabilities to transform a model notation
to other models (Griffen et al, 2007; Kalnins et al,
2006). Our transformation uses the concept of MDD
in terms of converting a model to different level of
abstraction using an alogrithm. Since most (if not
all) legacy systems are based on functional
decomposition, the UML standards are adequate for
capturing the detailed design of legacy systems by
the reverse-engineering technique. Reference
(Griffen et al, 2007) introduces the capabilities of
using WebSphere Business Modeler to automatically
transform UML activity diagrams into business
processes. This capability is used to achieve the
transformation between UML activity diagrams and
business processes in BPMN standards by
modifying the proposed XMI content elements.
Figure 2 shows the entire process of the
transformation using MTF and EMF models.
The IBM WebSphere Business Modeler tool is used
to perform the conversion (Griffen et al, 2007). It
includes a general XML schema which supports the
mapping of an XML file to business processes.
Figure 2: UML and BPMN transformation method.
This paper utilizes the structure of the XML schema
provided with different interpretation of the business
processes. After defining our EMF model using the
Rational Rose tool, the transformation rules are
developed in RDL. The MTF (a set of tools
facilitating transformations between EMF models)
parses the written relations rules. The transformation
engine then executes the rules to match both models:
the source (UML) model and target (BPMN) model.
3.2.2 Service Elements Identification Stage
The service identification stage is an essential step
for the architecture of service-oriented systems. The
term optimal service or ‘right service’ refers to a
service that offers an acceptable size of
functionalities without interfering with the pre-
defined service properties. The service properties
will be established according the service agreements
between service provider and consumer. The
properties can be expressed in terms of absolute
number (e.g. execution time of service), or scale
(e.g. the security of a service). For example, a
service that requires a very strong security policy is
likely to have lower performance. In this example,
the service properties should include a high scale for
the security and a rational execution time. We need
to deduce the underpinning elements that assist in
identifying ‘optimal’ services from the three models
(e.g. UML, BPMN and the analysis model). Those
elements are atomic processes and relative data
entities (objects). A bottom-up analysis is conducted
to reveal functions and data structure as part of the
knowledge portfolio. The results of this stage will be
a set of services implementing various service types
derived from the activity and process portfolios
Transforming UML activity diagrams to business
processes in BPMN provides the basis for capturing
existing business activities. It is also a shift from an
object-oriented architecture (in this case study) or
functional decomposition to a process-oriented
methodology for SOA. Using BPMN fills the gap
between business process design and process
realizations. As a basis for the BPMN diagrams,
transformed activity diagrams have been refined
with the detailed flow of processes using
information from the knowledge portfolio. BPMN
models help to describe granular business activities
in details or sub-processes implying cohesively the
optimal granularity. For example, the “pool”
notation in BPMN represents a business entity or
business role in a process which is linked to another
entity with “message flow” arrows. In SOA, this can
help to identify initially the size of exchange
messages among business entities in a service or
different services.
In order to define optimal services, a set of
distinct metrics is designed. Metrics include number
of atomic processes and relative data entities
(objects). Reference (Jamshidi et al, 2008) uses
CRUD functions to define the affinity between
assumed elementary business processes and business
entity. Our metrics are derived from the metric
proposed by reference (Jamshidi et al, 2008) with
several main changes. Firstly, our atomic processes
are automatically driven from a legacy system using
revere re-engineering technique. Secondly, in the
cluster technique distinct CRUD functions and
business logic are used. Thirdly, we establish rules
for the identification of optimal services. Finally, our
metric is service type classification dependent.
Eventually, this classification will provide guidance
to an intensive description of each service (e.g.
messages data types). We focus on what the atomic
processes are, not how they are performed.
Gathering similar behaviour atomic processes leads
to high cohesion and loose coupling among services.
Encapsulating atomic processes and relevant data
entities increases reusability and eliminates
redundancy. The aim is to disunify groups of atomic
processes and data entities into services according to
specific rules. These rules will be applied as follow:
A service can have CRUD and executed business
logic for either one entity and any number of
processes or any number of entities and one
A process that has CRUD functions for many
entities can be encapsulated in a service with
other similar processes and entities.
A service can not cover CRUD functions and
executed business logic for one entity if they are
provided by different processes. Those processes
which provide CRUD functions will be defined
by a service.
Every data entity must have at least one creation
operation and each atomic process presents a
coherent functionality. Every atomic process
invokes at least one entity.
The CRUD functions and business logic identify the
relationship between an atomic process and an entity
as following:
"C" means this atomic process CREATES an
instance of this data entity.
"R" means this atomic process READS an
instance of this data entity.
"U" means this atomic process UPDATES an
instance of this data entity.
"D" means this atomic process DELETES an
instance of this data entity
“BL” means this atomic process has business
logic belongs to an instance of this data entity.
3.2.3 Service Evaluation Stage
Classification and categorizing service types
establish a basis to define the service granularity.
Elements such as a service contract, an
implementation, and an interface (Steghuis, 2006).
They can all contribute to this classification and
definition. Every service type is inherently
associated with a specific level of abstract and
implementation descriptions. Defining service types
is always an independent task from the service
identification process, if it is considered. Although
the SOA architecture view of the enterprise logically
presents potential service types, our proposed
methodology need to comprise all service scenarios
to be complete. We develop a SOA meta-model that
describes service types along with the semantics of
our approach. The SOA meta-model shown in figure
3 presents the relationship between business process
characteristics and different service types. We have
assumed that the optimal granularity level of the
service can be identified based on our classification
and method together.
The SOA meta-model provides a comprehensive
understanding of two major characteristics: a
business process and a service. When we apply our
SOA meta-model (see case study), we will have a
new set of services with optimal level of granularity.
To classify the identified services in a process-
oriented system, we define the following rules:
Breaking down activities of every process to
atomic activities (only systematic activities are
Specifying the service type depends on the
process functionality (purpose) and
interoperability with other processes.
Every business process can be modelled as one
operation or more of a service or as a service
A high-level business process can be modelled as
a service process type.
A service can be equal to one or more operations.
An operation encapsulates either business logic
or CRUD functions.
Business logic can be implemented by a business
service or by many business services as part of
service composition.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
One or many business service is orchestrated by
a process service and supported by one or many
utility services.
CRUD functions can be implemented by either a
transactional service or a master-data service
depend on the type of the data entity or as part of
collaborative similar services in service
One or more infrastructure service can be
invoked directly or as part of a service
composite. Any type of service can be part of
one or many composite service.
Figure 3: SOA meta-model.
This section describes and discusses a pilot
application of our framework to re-engineer a legacy
code implementing an e-commerce project
(Alahmari, 2002). The aims of the project were to
build a servlet-based, object-oriented, three-tier
architecture, dynamic e-commerce, customizable
website that offers online customers and an internal
administrator a wide range of functionalities. The
webstore consists of six java packages which have a
total of twenty-eight classes. For brevity, we
selected the main four java classes (as a sample)
from the legacy code to apply our approach.
In the analysis and reengineering stage: after the
legacy code is reversed to java class diagrams, the
activity diagrams are created manually as part of the
UML model. The activity diagrams are transformed
automatically to business processes in BPMN (as
described previously). The transformation results in
two main business processes with twenty one sub-
processes and tasks.
In the service elements identification stage: the
proposed method (section 3.2.2) is applied to the
atomic processes and data entities. A set of a coarse-
grained services (business and process services) are
identified implementing cohesive functions with
wide range of granularity. Table 2 shows the
aggregation of relative atomic processes and data
entities against candidate identified (coarse-grained)
In the service evaluation stage, the identified
services from the second stage are evaluated using
the SOA meta-model definitions and rules. This
stage produces a new set of various types of
candidate services with optimal range of coarse-
grained and fine-grained services. Table 3 includes
two columns: The first column shows processes
identified from the processes portfolio after adopting
the BPMN standards. The second column lists
candidate services with the optimal level of
granularity. For example, Pro9 has previously only
one service (service_3), after evaluation it has a
composite service which includes a business service
(service_3_A) and a transactional service. Both
defined services present optimal level of granularity.
Table 2: The cluster matrix.
Table 3: Optimal candidate services.
Service type Functional scope
Pro9: select products
from a list
business service (service_3_A)
transactional-data service
Pro10:submit selected
business service (service_3_C)
transactional-data service
Pro11:create a
shopping cart
business service (service_4_A)
transactional-data service
Pro12: view an order Transactional-data service
Pro13: submit an order business service (service_5_B)
Pro14: delete shopping
Transactional-data service
Pro15: cancel an Order business service (service_5_D)
transactional-data service
As the case study illustrated, to define the right
services with optimal granularity from legacy code,
knowledge portfolio and distinct functionalities need
to be captured in underlying formal representations
(e.g. UML and BPMN). Having defined business
processes and data entities for such system, a metric
method can now assist the process of service
identification. Because there are no agreed
definitions and standards for a service, it is
appropriate to use metric measurements. The metric
assists in deriving optimal services considering the
service purpose (e.g. CRUD functions, and business
logic) and granularity rules. Because of the different
interpretation of a business process and level of
abstraction, we define an additional different set of
rules for the process portfolio.
The SOA meta-model provides a foundation for
defining the optimal granularity by encapsulating a
service type classification and also the method
metric. Through our evaluation process indicates
that the purpose of the service can assist in defining
the right service for a process or activity, we must
also note that there are other elements can be
considered along with the purpose of the service.
Adding those elements (e.g. service contract, and
service interface) will provide a better foundation for
defining the service granularity. The technique used
shows that having a well-defined meta-model
considering all service definition aspects (e.g.
service types) and process definitions can enhance
the service identification stage. An outcome and a
possible limitation of this approach is that it was not
possible to introduce automatic mapping from UML
activity diagram to BPMN models. It is a subject of
further research aimed at creating a bidirectional
MDD transformation between UML class diagrams
and activity diagrams.
With the increased need to expose disturbed system
functions as interoperable services across
enterprises, research has been focusing on providing
a general approach for different service-oriented
modelling lifecycle phases. Our research emphasizes
the importance of the service identification phase for
defining the right service, because any faults at the
service definition stage can lead to failure of the
entire SOA project. The main contribution of this
paper is a framework and guidelines for
identification of specific services from legacy code
with the appropriate levels of granularity. It also
introduces an intensive meta-model that defines
uniquely the characteristics of business processes
and service types in the way that definitions are
mapped. The paper also emphasizes the importance
of the classification of service types to define service
properties. Our future work will be to expand the
service to automate the service identification process
and hence generate the optimal level of service
granularity automatically.
We acknowledge helpful discussions with Rob
Phippen and Kim Clark (IBM Hursley Park, UK).
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