Marisa Masvoula, Panagiotis Kanellis and Drakoulis Martakos
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, Nationaland Kapodistrian University of Athens
University Campus, Athens15771, Greece
Keywords: Learning in Negotiations, Negotiation Strategies.
Abstract: Advancement of Artificial Intelligence has contributed in the enhancement of agent strategies with learning
techniques. We provide an overview of learning methods that form the core of state-of-the art negotiators.
The main objective is to facilitate the comprehension of the domain by framing current systems with respect
to learning objectives and phases of application. We also aim to reveal current trends, virtues and
weaknesses of applied methods.
We view negotiation as an iterative procedure
among participants who seek to reach mutually
acceptable agreements. Different disciplines are
taken to study the negotiation environments and
dynamics of the interactions, resulting to a variety of
frameworks and perspectives (Raiffa, 1982). On the
top of the hierarchy lay behavioral and management
sciences that provide descriptive approaches, and
focus on “how negotiators behave in reality”.
Economic theories and formal mathematical models
have been used in an attempt to ‘quantify’ the
negotiation problem, find points of equilibrium and
suggest optimal behaviors with respect to goals and
aspirations of the engaged parties. The most
commonly used are game-theoretic tools that have
been critiqued because of the unrealistic requirement
of unlimited computational power and strong
assumption of common knowledge. In reality
negotiators have to deal with vague data, limited
information, uncertainty and time restrictions. The
issue of limited information and the attempt to
produce ‘suboptimal’ strategies has been addressed
by heuristic-based approaches. Computer science
has contributed to the field of negotiations with the
use of information systems that move the negotiation
arenas to electronic settings, and with the
development of support systems that assist users in
the various negotiation stages. Full automation is
also supported with the use of agents who represent
human users and undertake the process. Specifically,
(Kersten and Lai, 2007) identify four kinds of
software that have been designed for negotiations; e-
negotiation tables (ENT) which are passive systems
oriented in facilitating communication of
participants, negotiation support systems (NSS),
which are software tools that support participants in
various negotiation activities, negotiation software
agents (NSA), designed with the purpose to
automate one or more negotiation activities, and
negotiation agent assistants (NAA), agents designed
to provide advice and critique, without engaging
directly in the negotiation process.
As we move to the field of negotiation analysis,
different negotiating behaviors, reflected through the
strategies, result to different outcomes, measured
with respect to individual or joint gain. A number of
research efforts concentrate on conducting extensive
experiments to analyze the interactions in different
settings. It has been proved that there does not exist
a universal best strategy, rather it depends on the
negotiation domains, protocols, participants’ goals
and attitude towards risk, as well as counterparts’
strategies. Learning techniques have proved to add
value to negotiators since they extend their
knowledge and perception of the domain.
Masvoula M., Kanellis P. and Martakos D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002897102120219
An overview of negotiation support and
e-negotiation systems can be found in Kersten and
Lai, 2007, where the authors classify and analyze the
use of negotiation software in socio-technical
systems. Other surveys concentrate on the behavior
of software agents enhanced with learning skills, and
analyze their interactions in dynamic and stationary
environments (Busoniu, Babuska and De Shutter,
2008). Our research concentrates on learning
techniques enhanced in strategies of negotiating
agents, therefore an overview more similar to our
work, is provided by (Braun et al., 2006), where
learning methods of negotiating software agents are
presented. In Braun et. al (2006) there is a general
presentation of learning techniques adopted by
agents in various stages of the negotiation
procedure. In this research, we rather concentrate on
learning skills enhanced in agents’ strategy and list a
number of representative implementations, which
best describe the domain. We provide a
comprehensive frame of the domain by classifying
the systems with respect to the learning method and
phase of application. In the following sections we
define the classification criteria and present a variety
of learning methods incorporated in strategies of
negotiating agents.
Negotiation process model adopted in most
frameworks discriminates strategy selection at the
planning phase and strategy update during discourse.
This has lead to the existence of two schools when it
comes to studying negotiation strategies. The first is
concerned with the selection of a strategy at a pre-
negotiation phase, during formulation of the
problem. The second is concerned with strategy
update, the change of behavior during discourse,
which may be due to changing preferences or
environmental parameters. We devise agents to
those who intuitively adjust their behavior, and to
those who use reasoning skills in the decision-
making process. In the former category agents
engage in learning methods that differ to the extent
of knowledge exploration and exploitation.
Specifically, explorative techniques also imply the
search for new solutions, while repetitive techniques
are based on knowledge reuse. For agents who
engage in reasoning processes to decide upon
appropriate actions, learning is introduced in the
form of predictive decision making, where
estimations of factors that influence strategy
selection or update serve as input to the agents’
decision making. With respect to these factors we
discriminate the following three categories:
explorative, repetitive and predictive which may be
applied either at the planning phase for initial
strategy selection or during discourse.
3.1 Explorative Strategies
Explorative strategies are equivalent to search
techniques that follow a trial and error learning
process until some convergence condition is
satisfied. Such techniques are Q-learning and
Genetic algorithms. Q-Learning is a reinforcement
learning algorithm that maps state-action pairs to
values named Q-values. When an agent performs an
action, he receives a reward that updates the Q-value
of the corresponding state. Exploration of new
actions, known as Boltzman explorations, is usually
controlled by a temperature parameter. Q-learning
may be applied to learn from previous encounters
where trials are the previous negotiations, or from
the current encounter, where trials are the previous
(Cardoso and Oliveira, 2000) implemented a Q-
learning agent who acts in a dynamic environment
and tries to estimate which combination of tactics to
use in each state. Knowledge is acquired from
previous encounters, since the state is defined by
environmental parameters that relate to the number
of agents and available time of the adaptive agent.
Actions are defined as combinations of tactics and
are assessed at the end of negotiation, as positive
rewards if a deal is achieved, or negative rewards
(penalties) if negotiation ends without an agreement.
The measure of the reward (Q-value) is determined
by the utility or benefit that the procedure incurred
to the agent. Experimental results showed that the
agents increased their utility with time, though in
some cases it took too long to achieve good results.
When Q-learning is applied to the current encounter
feedback from the opponent is required after each
bid presentation, in order to compute the Q-value.
Such an implementation can be found in (Oliveira
and Rocha, 2001). The state is defined as the current
offer in the form of a sequence of values, and the
action specifies how each attribute should change
(increase, maintain, or decrease) in order to generate
the next offer. If the attribute space is continuous
then change is realized by a predefined amount,
while if it is ordinal, it moves to the next enumerated
value. After sending an offer, the learning agent
receives qualitative feedback from the negotiating
partner and calculates the reward of its action, which
is used to update the Q-value of the corresponding
state-action pair. Added to the weakness of many
iterations, this approach also suggests the use of
opponents’ feedback. It is not guaranteed though
that the opponent will agree to engage in such
protocol or that he will be truthful. Another issue
that is left open relates to the ability of Q-Learning
technique to deal with large state-action spaces.
The second ‘family’ of explorative strategies
consolidates in Genetic algorithms, optimization
techniques inspired by evolution. A population of
candidate solutions, encoded into chromosomes is
generated and evaluated. The best solutions are
assigned the highest fitness and are combined with
the use of selection, crossover and mutation
techniques, to create new candidate solutions that
comprise the next generation. The cycle continues
until a stopping condition, usually related to a stable
average fitness, is met. This technique is adopted by
negotiating agents who seek for robust strategies.
Application of GAs at the planning phase is a tool
that facilitates analysis of the dynamics of the
interaction. It is used to search strategies that are
best responses to the counterparts’ best strategies,
starting from random points. Oliver, (1996)
describes a framework where strategies are formed
by simple, sequential rules that consist of acceptance
thresholds and counterproposals. For each negotiator
a random population of strategies is generated. The
testing of different negotiation strategies is repeated
and the fitness of each one is determined by the
utility it incurs to the agent. After a number of
strategies have been tested the genetic algorithm is
run in order to generate a new population of
strategies and this procedure is repeated until an exit
condition is satisfied. In (Matos et al., 1998) we find
application of genetic algorithms in domains where
strategies are defined as a combination of tactics
(Faratin et al., 1998). In such approaches the
chromosomes comprise of specific strategic
information such as deadlines, reservation values,
weights of tactics and parameters specifying each
tactic. The simulations were repeated until
stabilization of populations (95% of the individuals
had the same fitness) or until the number of
iterations reached a predefined threshold. Gerding,
van Bragt and La Poutre, (2000), analyze the
negotiation results achieved by GA-based agents,
with respect to fairness and symmetry. Such
applications of GA are not particularly interesting
when viewed in a single negotiation instance. The
major drawback is that it requires many iterations,
and each iteration is a negotiation instance. On the
contrary, in cases where GAs were applied during
the current discourse, populations of chromosomes
were used to represent the population of feasible
offers. Such application can be found in (Lau, 2005)
where the fitness of each offer is measured with
respect to its distance from the most preferred offer,
the distance from the opponents’ previous offer and
the time pressure. In each round the offers
considered fit by the agent may change. This
technique aids the agent to gradually learn and adapt
to its opponents’ preferences. This approach does
not assume knowledge of prior negotiations and it
could be applied in dynamic environments. An
obvious limitation is that the algorithmic complexity
increases with the increase of alternatives of each
negotiable attribute.
3.2 Repetitive Strategies
In this category we place strategies which follow a
routine-based concept; Substance of routines lays on
the specific knowledge acquired by the repeated
execution of an act combined with the ability to
apply this knowledge to specific situations. It has the
potential to substitute deliberate planning and
decision making since it is used to determine which
operations to implement in order to achieve certain
intended state. Routinization techniques force agents
to develop ‘best practices’. The most commonly
used is Case-based reasoning (CBR), where
previously solved cases are maintained in a case
base and when a new problem is encountered, the
system retrieves the most similar case and adapts the
solution to fit the new problem as closely as
possible. CBR is common in negotiations,
particularly in the planning phase supporting the
process of strategy or supplier selection, or during
discourse in argumentative frameworks. A
commonly stated risk posed by routinization is the
application of ineffective acts. Routines in dynamic
environments have proved to be of degrading
efficiency, the so called “acting inside the box
situation”. As stated by Nelson and Winter, (1982)
with increasing repetitions, decision making prior to
the operation tends to decrease. The use of routines
entails rigidity and once a solution is established, it
is not further questioned. Another weakness
accumulates on the requirement to store the case
base and the difficulty to collect the information that
best discriminates different situations. In (Sycara,
1988) PERSUADER , a program that acts as a labor
mediator, enters in negotiation with each of the
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
parties, the union and the company, proposing and
modifying compromises until a final agreement is
reached. The PERSUADER’s input is a set of
conflicting goals and the output is either a plan or an
indication of failure. Additionally the system is
capable of persuading the parties to change their
evaluation of a compromise. CBR is used to keep
track of cases that have worked well in similar
circumstances. The most suitable case is retrieved
from memory and adapted to fit the current situation.
If the parties disagree, PERSUADER appropriately
repairs the compromise and updates the case base or
generates arguments to change the utilities of the
disagreeing parties. The system integrates CBR and
Preference Analysis, a decision theoretic method, to
construct the initial compromise in the planning
phase. If previous similar cases are not available, the
PERSUADER uses Preference Analysis to find
suitable compromises. Another CBR-based approach
can be found in (Air Force Research Laboratory,
2003) which describes multi-sensor target tracking,
in a cooperative domain, where each agent controls
one sensor and consumes resources (cpu, time,
memory etc.). The agents are motivated to share
their knowledge about the problem, based on their
viewpoint, in an effort to arrive to a solution. The
model uses case-based reasoning to retrieve the most
similar case based on the incurred utility, adapts the
case to the current situation and uses the cases’
strategy to perform negotiations. An application of
CBR to the current discourse can be found in (Wong
et al., 2000) who implemented a support system that
assists negotiators with agent opponents over used
cars. The system matches current negotiation
scenario with previous successful negotiation cases,
and provides appropriate counter-offers for the user,
based on the best-matched negotiation case. A
contextual case organization hierarchy is used as an
organization structure for categorizing the
negotiation cases and similarity filters are used to
select the best-matched case from the retrieved set of
cases. Strategic moves, concessions and counter-
concessions of a past discourse, are adapted to the
current situation. If no case is found based on the
organization hierarchy, the buyer uses a default
strategy. This approach considers a single negotiable
attribute, price, and does not consider learning from
failure. The virtues of repetitive strategies
summarize to saving planning and decision making
costs by reusing previously applied solutions. The
trade-off, often termed the ‘routine trap’, relates to
the increased risk of applying inefficient acts, if
dynamics of the negotiation environment change
over time.
3.3 Predictive Strategies
The third group relates to estimating opponents
strategic parameters and preferences, as well as
future behaviors, in order to select the most
appropriate acts, assessed in terms of individual or
joint satisfaction. When such predictions are
encountered in the planning phase, the agent may
rank his opponents and decide to negotiate only with
the most prosperous ones, to save time and
resources. In (Brzostowski and Kowalczyk, 2005)
the buyer agent uses CBR to predict the outcome of
a future negotiation, assuming it is in a particular
situation. The situation is characterized by the
negotiation strategy and the preferences of the
buyer. This approach follows principles of
possibility decision theory, and is referred as
possibilistic case-based reasoning. The likelihood of
successful negotiation is derived from the history of
previous interactions in the form of a possibility
distribution function. The expected utility of the
future negotiation is an aggregate of the distribution
function with the current agents’ utility and is used
to rank the negotiation partners. When it comes to
using predictive strategies during the current
discourse, the focus lies on the estimation of
opponents’ strategic parameters and preferences. A
significant number of applications use Bayesian
learning techniques to update beliefs about the
opponents’ structure. An early application can be
found in (Zeng and Sycara, 1998) who developed
Bazaar, a negotiating system which uses a Bayesian
network to update the knowledge and belief each
agent has about the reservation value of his
opponent. Estimation of the opponent’s reservation
value contributes to approximating his payoff
function and provides the agent with the ability to
propose more attractive offers to his counterpart.
The negotiation domain in Bazaar was rather
simplified, as the authors assumed a finite set of
offers, and the computational ability of agents to
calculate expected payoffs for all possible offers in
order to decide the one that maximizes their utility
value. Bazaar, as most systems that apply Bayesian
methods, has also been critiqued on the requirement
of initial knowledge of many probabilities.
Probability distributions of hypothesis representing
potential reservation prices of the opponents, as well
as domain knowledge of previous offers represented
as conditional statements, constitute the prior
knowledge of the system. These probabilities are
estimated based on background knowledge,
previously available data and assumptions about the
form of the underlying distributions. Nevertheless if
the distributions change, the model will no longer
produce reliable estimations. To the stated
weaknesses we add the fact that illustration was
available only for a single attribute (price). Other
approaches based on Bayesian learning can be found
in (Buffet and Spencer, 2007) where the authors
presented a classification method for learning
opponents’ preference relations during bilateral
multi-issue negotiations. Similar candidate
preference relations were grouped into classes, and a
Bayesian technique was used to determine the
likelihood that the opponents’ true preference
relations lay in a specific class. Negotiation
concerned subsets of a set of objects and the goal
was to increase knowledge upon the counterparts’
preferences, so that an effective strategy could be
devised. As the authors suggest, building an initial
set of classes is a difficult task, depending on the
specifics of the problem and additional information
about the other party. Another work using a
Bayesian classifier can be found in (Bui et al., 1999)
where agents assign probability distributions about
their opponents’ preference structure, in order to
reduce the overall communication cost in a co-
operative framework. The system suffers from the
difficulty of collecting prior probabilities as all pre-
mentioned Bayesian-based approaches.
Estimating opponents’ strategic parameters has
also been approached by statistical methods, mainly
based on non-linear regression. Hou (2004)
describes a non-linear regression-based model to
predict the opponents’ family of tactics and specific
parameters. This approach is restrictive in that it
relies on the assumption of a known function form
that models the concessions of the opponents. The
author has assumed two non-linear functions that
model time and resource dependant tactics, based on
(Faratin et al., 1998). The objective was to fit the
function to the opponents’ previous offers, by
estimating the vector of parameters that minimizes
the distance of the actual offer and the estimated
one. The optimization problem was dealt with an
iterative method combining grid search and the
Marquardt algorithm. Non-linear regression was
applied in each negotiating round of the predicting
agent and the authors adopted a number of heuristics
to fix their prediction upon opponents’ deadline and
reservation value. Although this approach adds value
to the negotiating agent, experiments were only
conducted with pure strategies, where extreme
behaviors are easier to distinguish. An application of
non-linear regression with mixed strategies can be
found in (Brzostowski and Kowalczyk, 2006 a). The
purpose was to predict the opponents’ future offers,
foresee potential negotiation threads and adopt the
strategy that will result to the most beneficial
discourse. The authors developed four models to
address the issue of mixed strategies that resulted
from a combination of time and behavior dependent
tactics with various weights assigned. Although this
model involved more strategies than the one
mentioned earlier, it does not extensively cover the
space of possible strategies as discussed by (Faratin
et al., 1998). The complexity is expected to increase
as the number of models increases, therefore
extending this solution would not be an easy task.
(Brzostowski and Kowalczyk, 2006 b) take an
approach based on the difference method, in order to
predict the opponents’ future offers. This method
has the advantage that the agent does not need to
know precisely the opponents’ strategic function.
The authors assume that the opponent uses a mixture
of time and behavior dependent tactics and try to
determine to which extent he imitates the predicting
agents’ behavior and to which extent he responds to
a time constraint imposed on the encounter. This
was achieved with the use of two criteria combined
with time depending and imitation depending
predictions, obtained from the previous offers of the
opponent, and from a combination of opponents’
and predicting agents’ offers respectively. Results
have proved that the method is not as accurate as the
non-linear regression and the accuracy of the
weights assessments still needs to be improved. The
area of predicting opponents’ offers during discourse
has attracted much attention, since an agent may
refine his strategy and increase individual or overall
gain. The current trend concentrates on the use of
connectionist approaches. Neural networks are
universal function approximators and the proof is
based on the well-known Kolmogorov theorem.
Oprea (2003) presents a study where a neural
network with one hidden layer is used to predict the
opponent’s next offer. Past opponents’ offers are
modeled as time-series and the three most recent are
used for the networks’ input. The agent refined the
offer he was about to send in each round based on
the prediction of his opponents’ next move.
Nevertheless it is not explained why the authors
selected only the three previous offers of the
opponent and why the predicting agents’ previous
offers are not accounted, (they assumed only time
dependency of the responses). A similar approach is
followed by (Carbonneau et al., 2006) who
developed a predictive model based on neural
networks, with the purpose to optimize an agents’
current offer. This optimization was achieved by
conducting “What-if” analysis over the set of
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
possible alternatives, and selecting the proposal that
would result to the most beneficial response. The
neural network had thirty nine inputs, resulting from
past offers, the current offer, and statistical
information. It also had four outputs, one for each
predicted attribute of the offer, and ten hidden
neurons. As the authors state, the model has been
tested for a particular negotiation case in a static
domain and the accuracy of its predictions may be
less adequate in the general case. Another neural
network-based approach can be found in (Lee and
Ou-Yang, 2009) who implemented a negotiation
support tool of the demander in a supplier selection
auction market. The network was used to forecast
the suppliers’ next bid price, and allow the demander
to appropriately choose among a list of alternatives.
Nine inputs were used to reflect environment-
dependant information as well as bid prices of the
three previous offers, twelve hidden neurons
obtained by means of trial-and-error experiments,
and one output neuron that reflected the predicted
bid price. The network was trained with the back-
propagation algorithm, which is particularly slow. A
different approach, where prediction of opponent’s
next offer was carried only once during the
discourse, in the pre-final round, is found in
(Papaioannou, Roussaki, and Anagnostou, 2006).
The purpose was to increase the utility of the final
agreement. Experiments were conducted over two
different types of neural networks, MLPs and RBFs.
The latter proved to outperform MLPs in small
datasets. Opponent’s future moves have also proved
valuable in cases where the agents used forecasts to
detect unsuccessful negotiations from an early
round. Such approaches have been discussed by
(Papaioannou et al., 2008) where the decision of the
agents to withdraw or not from the current
negotiation is supported by determining the
providers’ offer before the clients’ deadline expires.
The weakness of current connectionist approaches
used in predictive decision making summarizes to
the restriction of being tested solely in bounded
spaces, where opponents followed static strategies,
or negotiations were conducted over fixed, pre-
defined alternatives. What happens if opponents also
engage in adaptive negotiation strategies and update
their behavior during discourse? An open and
challenging issue lays in the application of
predictive decision making in environments with
changing data distributions.
This work provides a review of the learning methods
adopted by negotiating agents who either adopt
intuitive strategies or engage in predictive decision
making. We aimed to provide a categorization with
respect to the learning objectives, in order to
facilitate comprehension of the domain. We have
discriminated explorative, repetitive and predictive
strategies applied at a pre-negotiation phase or
during discourse. Under this frame we presented
various systems that reflect the trends of learning in
negotiation strategies, as well as the weaknesses
depending on the applied domain. Virtues and
weaknesses are summarized to table 1 of the
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Learning Methods applied in negotiations.
Explorative Virtues Weaknesses
1. Reachoptimalstrategy
2. Analyzenegotiationinteractions
Convergesinstaticenvironments Increasedcomplexityindynamicenvironments,
Repetitive 
1. The‘routinetrap’
2. Maintainandsearchlargecasebase
3. Collectandidentifydomainspecific
4. Accuracydecreasesasdatadistributions
1. Decisionmakingshortcutsinstate
2. Generationofargumentsin
Predictive 
Possibilistic CBR (in
Estimateexpectedutility 1. The‘routinetrap’
2. Maintainandsearchlargecasebase
3. Accuracydecreasesasdatadistributions
BayesianLearning Estimateopponents’reservationvalue
1. EstimateOpponents’preference
2. EstimateOpponents’payoff
1. Aprioriknowledgeofmanyprobability
2. Models’accuracyreducesindynamic
1. EstimateOpponentsstrategic
2. EstimateOpponents’futureoffers
3. Withdrawfromunprofitable
DifferenceMethod 1.EstimateOpponents’futureoffers
NeuralNetworks 1.EstimateOpponents’futureoffers