Expedito Carlos Lopes, Ulrich Schiel
Computing and Systems Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil
Vaninha Vieira
Computer Science Department, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
Ana Carolina Salgado
Informatics Center, Federal University of Pernambuco, Salvador, Brazil
Keywords: Conceptual framework, Evidence-based practice, Context.
Abstract: Conceptual frameworks are used to present a preferred approach to an idea or thought. Its use considerably
facilitates the productivity of the data modelling phase and hence the development of applications, since it
preserves portability and usability across domains. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), usually employed in
Medicine, represents a decision-making process centered on justifications of relevant information. EBP is
used in several areas; however, we did not found conceptual models involving EBP that preserves
portability and usability across domains. Besides, the decision-making context can have an impact on
evidence-based decision-making, but the integration of evidence and context is still an open issue. This
work presents a conceptual framework that integrates evidence with context applying it to the conceptual
modelling phase for EBP domains. The use of context allows filtering out more useful information. The
main contributions of this paper are: incorporation of contextual information into EBP procedures and
presentation of the proposed conceptual framework. Also an implementation that uses the filtering of
contextual information to support evidence-based decision making in the area of crime prevention is
presented to validate the framework.
The conceptual modelling phase within a
methodology for systems development is of main
importance. A conceptual framework is used to
present a preferred approach to an idea or thought. It
aims to provide a class diagram that can be used as
basis for the modelling of the classes of several
application domains. The product generated by a
conceptual framework is not executable software,
but a conceptual data scheme (Rocha et al., 2001).
The use of a conceptual framework considerably
facilitates the productivity of the data modelling
phase in diverse domains, and hence the
development of applications, since it preserves
usability and portability across domains.
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), usually
employed in Medicine, are systematic procedures
that take into account the problem of actors (e.g.
diabetes in children), his/her needs and preferences
for decision, leading to a search for evidence and an
application based on the best research evidence
found (Sacket et al., 2001). The procedures represent
an evidence-based decision-making process,
centered on justifications of relevant information
(Dobrow et al., 2004).
The EBP paradigm is also used in other areas,
such as Crime Prevention (Warren, 2007), Education
(Thomas and Pring, 2004), Computer Science
(Jorgensen et al., 2005), and Social Work
(Satterfield et al., 2009). However, we did not found
conceptual models involving EBP which preserves
Lopes E., Schiel U., Vieira V. and Salgado A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages 60-69
DOI: 10.5220/0002898400600069
usability and portability across domains.
Context is a knowledge that supports the ability
to define what is or is not relevant in a given
situation (Vieira, 2008). The application of evidence
to a particular patient, for example, detains
important contextual information in the EBP
procedures and includes comparative analysis
between different contexts: that of the generation of
evidence and that of the patient.
According to Dobrow et al. (2004, p. 208), “the
two fundamental components of an evidence-based
decision are evidence and context. The decision-
making context can have an impact on evidence-
based decision-making”. But, the integration of
evidence and context is still an open issue.
The aim of this paper is to present a conceptual
framework that integrates evidence with context and
preserves the characteristics of generality, flexibility
and extensibility, applying it to the conceptual
modelling phase for domains that use EBP.
Thus, the evidence retrieval with contextual
information also can facilitate the reapplication of
decision-making justifications, involving similar
problems, and can avoid comparative analysis of
different contexts in the future.
The use of context applies to filter out and share
more useful information so that this information can
meet the needs of the users. It becomes a significant
tool to optimize performance and reduce search
results. Filtering mechanisms avoid more explicit
user interactions with the application (Bunningen,
Thus, another objective of this paper is to present
an implementation that uses the filtering of
contextual information to support evidence-based
decision making.
In this way, our contribution serves to: (i)
incorporate contextual information into EBP
procedures; and (ii) present a conceptual framework
centred in evidence and context, with portability and
usability across domains.
The key concepts regarding context and
evidence are described in Section 2. Section 3
presents the conceptual framework using UML. In
Section 4, the framework is used in the conceptual
modelling of data in the area of Crime Prevention.
An implementation in this same area, presented in
Section 5, serves to validate our work. Related
Works are described in the next section. In the last
section, we present our conclusions.
This section defines context and provides an
overview of Evidence-Based Practice.
2.1 Context
There are several definitions of context. A classical
definition (highly referred) is proposed by Dey and
Abowd (2001, p. 11) where context is “any
information that characterizes the situation of an
entity, where this entity is a person, place or object
considered relevant in the interaction between the
user and an application. A context is typically the
location, identity and status of people, groups and
computational and physical objects”.
Context can also be seen as a set of conditions
and relevant influences that make a situation unique
and understandable (Brézillon, 1999) or as a set of
information items (e.g. concepts, rules and
propositions) associated with an entity (Vieira,
An item is considered part of a context only if it
is useful to support the resolution of a given
problem. This item corresponds to a contextual
element defined as “any data, information or
knowledge that enables one to characterize an entity
on a given domain” (Vieira, 2008, p. 45).
Contextual information regarding acquisitions is:
(i) given by the user, whether from persistent data
sources or from profiles; (ii) obtained from a
knowledge base; (iii) obtained by means of deriving
mechanisms; or (iv) perceived from the environment
(Henricksen and Indulska, 2006). It is usually
identified through of the dimensions why, who,
what, where, when and how (Brézillon, 2007).
One step in the task execution or problem-
solving process is known as focus. The contextual
elements should have a relevant relationship to the
focus of a human agent or software agent. In
general, focus is what determines which contextual
elements should be instantiated (Brézillon, 2007).
2.2 Evidence-based Practice
According to Thomas and Pring (2007), in general,
information labeled as evidence is those whose
collection had concerns about its validity, credibility
and consistency with other facts or evidence. In
relation to its credibility, the authors categorize
evidence in three ways:
1. Based on professional practice, as a clinical
2. Generated by a process involving scientific
procedures with a proven history in producing
valid and reliable results, for example a
collect performed by biomedical;
3. Based from published research that
corresponds to critical reviews of the area,
such as randomized clinical trial.
“Evidence” in EBP, also called “research
evidence”, corresponds to the third category above
and means a superior type of scientific research
proof, such as generated through systematic review
and meta-analysis in the highest level. These
published researches are available in reliable data
bases, usually found on sites over the Internet,
carried out by independent research groups (Sackett
et al., 2001). This is the concept of evidence applied
in this paper.
To clarify further, a systematic review is a
review that presents meticulous research and critical
evaluations of primary studies (case study, cohort,
case series, etc.), based on research evidence related
to a specific theme. It contains analysis of qualitative
results conducted in distinct locations and at
different times. Meta-analysis is a systematic review
of qualitative and quantitative characteristics
(Friedland et al., 1998).
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) involves
complex decision-making, based on available
research evidence and also on characteristics of the
actor of the problem, his/her situations and
In the medical area, EBP primary focus is to
provide effective counselling to help patients with
terminal or chronic illness to make decision in order
to cure the illness, extend or increase the quality of
their life (Friedland et al., 1998). What is objectively
searched is “the integration of best evidence from
research, clinical skill and preferences of the patient,
regarding their individual risks and the benefits of
proposed interventions” (Sackett et al., 2001, p. 1).
In crime prevention, EBP involves the
correlations practice that has been proven through
scientific research, aimed at reducing the recidivism
of offenders. EBP primarily considers the risk and
need principle of the offender, besides the
motivation, and treatment and responsibility
principles (Warren, 2007).
The EBP focus for education area is improving
the quality of research and evaluation on education
programs and practices, and hence, the information
diffusion in the educational research field to be used
by professionals and policies creators. (Thomas and
Pring, 2004).
We generalize the EBP steps in the following
1. Transforming the need for information into a
question that can be answered;
2. Identifying the best evidence to answer the
3. Critically analyzing the evidence to answer:
Is it valid (proximity to the truth)?
Is it relevant (size of effect)?
Can it help (applicable in professional
4. Integrating critical analysis with professional
skills and the values and cultural aspects of the
actor of the problem answering:
How much the evidence can help the actor
in particular?
Is it adaptable to actor’s goal and
How much safety can be expected?
5. Evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the
results of each step for future improvement.
Well-formulated questions usually have four
components, called PICO: Problem (and/or actor),
Intervention, Comparison of interventions, and
Outcome (Sackett et al., 2001). The questions in
steps 3 and 4 were adapted from Heneghan and
Badenoch (2006, p. 7), and the answers of them
represent contextual information that supports
The primary aim of this conceptual framework is to
provide a class structure that represents information
related to EBP procedures, while taking into
consideration information about its decision-making
The domain analysis was done in juridical,
medical and educational environments, and includes:
bibliographical research, specific legislation
research, analysis of real cases collected and
interviews with decision-makers.
We utilize the extension construct stereotype of
the UML to select enumerated values. To facilitate
its presentation in a systematic way, it became
convenient to group classes in two integrated
packages: Context and Evidence (see Figure 1).
3.1 Context Package
The classes of the context package are based on
Vieira (2008).
The focus is treated as an association of a task
with an agent, which have a role in problem
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Conceptual framework integrating evidence with context.
resolution. A task "make a critical analysis of the
best evidence found" for a “medical” agent in the
role "evaluator", serve as example.
ContextualEntity represents the entities of the
application conceptual model and is characterized by
at least one contextual element. A contextual
element is a property that can be identified by a set
of attributes and relationships associated with
ContextualEntity (Vieira, 2008, p.66). Accessibility
is an example of a contextual element for the
Document class. The association between Focus and
ContextualElement determines what is relevant for a
Characteristics attributed to the type of context
(dimension) and the method of acquiring contextual
elements are considered in the framework.
Contextual sources may be internal or external to the
decision-making environment (e.g., the patient’s
medical records, a document with evidence obtained
from websites).
3.2 Evidence Package
The starting point is the observation of a problem
presented by an actor to be decided by agent.
Each problem is associated with an inquiry that
is initiated by a formulated question (see step 1 of
the EBP procedures), and completed with a self-
evaluation of the research performance and
suggestions for the future (see step 5 of the EBP
procedures), whose information is instantiated in the
Research class. Each domain in which EBP is
applied has a list of different types of questions. For
example: "diagnosis" and "prognosis" in the medical
area, "drug testing" and "occurring disorders" in the
area of crime prevention, and "educational research"
in education.
During the evidence research, several searches can
be performed to retrieve documents. For the Seek
class, the expression and the type of search must be
present. InformationSource represents the
independent research groups that generate
documents with evidence, such as Cochrane
Collaboration (medical area) and Campbell
Collaboration (areas of education and crime
prevention). Springer Verlag is not generating
evidence, but has held documents with evidence.
Each document presents a type of study that can
be in all domains (e.g. systematic review, case
study) or more present in the specific domain
Figure 2: Framework applied to the area of crime prevention.
(cohort - in the medical area; narrative - in crime
prevention; action-research - in education).
Systematic review and meta-analysis are studies of
second degree; the remains are of first degree
(Friedland et al., 2001).
In the medical area, Evidence-Based Medicine
Guidelines are clinical guidelines for primary care
combined with the best available evidence. The
framework is extendible from perspective of using
guidelines adapted as a type of study.
After selecting the found evidence, the agent
(decision maker) will choose the one that seems the
most appropriate (step 2 of EBP), which is
instantiated in the Evidence class.
The result of the critical analysis – or in other
words the validity, relevance and applicability of the
best evidence (step 3 of EBP) – corresponds to
contextual information. Relevance is a contextual
element in Document, while applicability (practical
utility) is in Evidence. Thus, Document and
Evidence are specializations of ContextualEntity.
The Intervention class is the result of an
association among the Problem, Actor and Evidence
classes. It contains a description of a decision made
(intervening solution) where information about
associated classes have been considered including
preferences, values and cultural aspects (conduct,
behaviour, for example) of the actor with the
problem presented (step 4 of EBP). A preference is a
contextual element and hence Actor is a
specialization of ContextualEntity.
The framework instantiated for the area of Crime
Prevention is present in Figure 2 which was enriched
with the stereotypes <<ce>> and
<<contextualEntity>>, corresponding respectively
to ContextualElement and ContextualEntity.
The Pernambuco state court (Brazil) was chosen
because of its pioneering work on “restorative
justice” and “therapeutic justice”, themes inherent in
Evidence-Based Crime Prevention.
The main requirements are: to judge cases
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
through judicial sentences, and to make
interventions based on support programs to the
involved participants with the objective to avoid
recidivism. The Figure 2 corresponds to the second
Each EBP procedure corresponds to a task. The
following tasks were identified: (i) "make a question
to find evidence”; (ii) "find the best juridical
research evidence" based on the designation of sites
with evidence juridical, types of study and search
expressions associated with the given question; (iii)
"make a critical analysis of the best evidence found";
(iv) "integrate the best evidence found with the
values and preferences of the participant with
presented problem"; and (v) “do a self evaluation of
the judge’s performance” to measure all the tasks of
"Translator" and "designer" are the respective
roles for tasks (i) and (ii); "intervenor” for the task
(iv), while "evaluator" for the other tasks.
The association between Judge and
JuridicalFact brings up the judges that decide
juridical cases or make intervention of support
The characterization of the problem is given
through the constitution of the juridical fact and the
circumstances that motivated the offender being
represented in the JuridicalFact class. To facilitate
information retrieval based on problems, key terms
related to the juridical fact will be instantiated in the
JuridicalFact class. The offender’s personal data are
represented in the Defendant subclass inherited from
Participant. In several cases, the presence of victims
occurs. Thus, Defendant and Victim are
specializations of Participant.
The formulation of a question is based on data
from the participant, possible interventions
(programs like parent counselling, shelter, street
lighting, etc.) and desired results. The question and
its corresponding type are instantiated in the
JuridicalResearch class. The historic attribute in this
class should include general comments and the
number of documents that were accepted and
Searches for evidence should mention the
validity period of the documents requested for each
reliable site (start and end).
For the ResearchedDocument class, the required
attributes (besides the contextual elements) are:
location (URI / URL), title, author, keywords,
publication and sample of the study (participants,
age interval, geographic and temporal aspects, etc.).
Searches for secondary studies should be conducted
on Campbell Collaboration’s and Springer websites.
Primary studies should be consulted on the websites
of Courts (federal or state) and in respected
electronic journals in the country (JusNavigandi,
National Association of Therapeutic Justice, etc.).
The homePage attribute value is the reference to the
JuridicalEvidProvider class that hold judicial
Regarding the Evidence class, it should contain a
summary of the found evidence and the suggested
intervention contained in the document.
Information about priority solution that contains
the proposals of evidence-based intervention must
be present in the RestorativeIntervention class. The
possible intervention programs are enumerated in
Figure 2. For victim support we must consider
psychosocial, psychiatric and shelter programs.
About Context, contextual entities and elements
of the framework for the area of Crime Prevention
were identified. We describe the contextual elements
associated with the entities of the framework in two
The first group concerns the elements inherent in
the EBP procedures or elements that we have
analyzed to be present in several domains:
1. Accessibility (Document) – mentions the degree
of access to a document. Some sites display
documents in their entirety (completed or in
progress), while others allow you to view only
the protocol of creation or just the abstract.
2. Quality (Document, InformationSource) - is
derived from the association of the study type
with the provider. Systematic review/meta-
analysis and the databases of MEDLINE,
Cochrane and Campbell Collaboration, when
combined, represent the highest level of quality.
3. Validity (Document, Research) - indicates
whether the document should be selected based
on its quality and the methodological rigor
associated with the question asked by the
decision maker.
4. Relevance (Document) - indicates whether the set
of results (outcomes) in the document, often
presented in statistical form, is consistent and
5. Applicability (Evidence) - indicates whether the
evidence presented in the document is credible in
the context of other knowledge, or whether it has
practical utility in general.
6. Adaptability (Intervention) – indicates the degree
of coherence in the application of evidence for
the conducted behavior, needs and preferences of
the actor.
7. Safety (Intervention) - denotes the degree of
safety that the decision maker have to apply the
specific evidence to a particular actor.
8. Expectation (Intervention) - refers to the
percentage of support expected from the use of
evidence in relation to the actor.
9. Abilities (Actor) – represents the actor’s skills
(profile), and is used to find mutual affinities with
intervention programs (e.g. revenue).
10. Availability (Actor) registers the availability
preferences, in days and shifts, of the actor. An
actor with a good availability chart has more
alternatives and higher chances of fulfilling the
intervention on the schedule defined by the Judge.
For the second group, in addition to its
relevance, the contextual elements identified are
well suited to facilitate the filtering of large volumes
of data, mainly for juridical domain:
1. ExpertAffinity (Judge) identifies a relation of
expertise from the Judge profile on a given
subject matter (e.g. crimes against children). It
helps to identify mutual affinities among judges
and in the retrieval of evidence related to facts of
the same nature (e.g. pedophilia).
2. SubjectSimilarity (ResearchedDocument, Judge)
– is automatically derived and refers to
percentage of similarity between keywords in a
document and subjects of interest for the Judge.
3. Recurrence (Defendant, JuridicalFact)
indicates if the defendant is a primary defendant
or not. This information (automatically derived)
is crucial to sentencing new trials.
4. Risk (DefendantSupport) it comes from
juridical and psychosocial evaluations (profile).
Behavior data, conduct, fact description and given
sentences, especially for recurrent cases, are bases
for measuring the degree of risk.
5. Complexity (DefendantSupport) – that comes
from the juridical evaluation (defined by the
user). It should represent the degree of difficulty
that the judge had in solving the case and
indicates the intervention program. Recurrence
and risk increase this element.
6. Situation (JuridicalResearch) – is contextual
information queried in the JuridicalResearch
class to indicate whether the problem is ongoing
or concluded.
To conclude this section, we show elements that
characterize a framework through some examples.
The Agent class corresponds, respectively, to the
Doctor, Judge and Professor classes for the medical,
juridical and educational areas. Evidence and Seek,
for example, are general classes for any domains.
Considering the medical domain, Symptom and
Signal subclasses represent extensions of the
Problem class. A point of flexibility can be
presented in the Intervention class to represent
different characteristics: StudentSupport in
educational domain; PatientSupport and
FamilySupport in medical domain; and
DefendantSupport and VictimSupport in juridical
We present an example adapted from a real case
involving an alternative penalty - a model for
infractions that are of minor and moderately
offensive potential (e.g., contravention, illegal
weapon possession). It deals with a new
modality, face-to-face restorative justice, in which a
victim that suffered violence of an alcoholic
offender receives support.
This case is justified because many of the present
defendants suffered violence in the past and crime
victims could be turn offenders in the future
(Sherman et al, 2005).
A prototype was developed in Java language that
interacts with a PostgreSQL Database. Figure 3
presents data for searching by evidence in the
Court’s Database.
Figure 3: Data for searching evidence from local database.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Retrieved documents with evidence: a) without using context (upper), (b) using contextual element (lower).
The High or Moderate Intervention Complexity is
due to offender and victim need of treatment. The
Judge’s expertise in the new case is “drug crimes”.
We applied Salton’s cosine formula used in
Information Retrieval for keyword similarity search
between query and document with evidence (Salton,
In the first retrieval, we do not use contextual
elements and the results with several cases are
present in Figure 4a.
Using contextual information parameters as filter
fewer cases were selected (see Figure 4b).
To select a document, we use algorithms of
similarity search between keywords (query and fact
that motivated its intervention) (see Figure 5).
If the similarity value is highly meaningful, it
represents great likeness between the new fact
(query) and an old fact with applied evidence
(retrieved locally). This can be sufficient to avoid
search for evidences on the Internet, and hence, the
comparative analysis of different contexts.
Figure 5: Similarity between query and old fact.
Otherwise, if the presented cases are not
sufficient to give support to the solution, the judge
should search for evidences on the Internet.
The research began with the question containing
the problem and actor (woman with a psychological
problem who was assaulted), intervention (face-to-
face sessions), comparison of interventions (face-to-
face sessions and conventional processes) and
outcome (beneficial effects). The sources Campbell
Collaboration and Springer Verlag were chosen and
their respective home-pages were obtained. Figure 6
show data for second search regarding documents
published between 2005 and now.
Figure 6: Data for searching evidence in Springer Verlag’s
Figure 7: Evaluate the best evidence.
As shown in Figure 7, the document with the
best evidence found was evaluated; its information
was extracted and recorded in local database.
The decision making is presented in Figure 8.
Data of the victim were informed and they are
compatible with the best evidence founded. The
victim agrees to participate in face-to-face meetings
with the offender, provided that in previously
established time and with the presence of authorities.
Victim support programs, with respect to
psychosocial and psychiatric treatment, must be
offered in this particular intervention.
The process concludes with documentation of the
research performance made by judge.
Figure 8: Decision-making.
In this section we present some related work on the
themes evidence, context, and integration of
evidence with context.
In Stolba et al. (2009) is showed how Data
Warehouse facilitating Evidence-Based Medicine
can be applied for reliable and secure processing of
huge amounts of medical data. The authors present a
data model for building a federated Data Warehouse
considering adopted international standards for the
exchange of healthcare data.
Nakaya e Shimuzu (2006) present the
Knowledge representation architecture based on
Evidence based Logical Atomism (KELA) that
consider the anatomic hierarchic structure from
genome to human. Knowledge atoms of molecular
and disease findings are modeled as entities and
relationships - describes species, birthplace, and
existing place as features in an entity.
Vieira et al. (2008) presents a domain-
independent context metamodel, which guides
context modelling in different applications. The
metamodel offers integrated support for modeling
structural and behavioral aspects involved in context
management and usage. Contextual graph and UML
were used.
Sheng and Benatallah (2005) introduce the
ContextUML metamodel developed to support the
modelling of context-aware Web Services. It
separates context modeling (types, sources, etc.)
from context-awareness modeling (objects and
mechanisms) becoming restrict to the Web Services
category of Context-Sensitive Systems.
Dobrow et al. (2004) emphasize the treatment of
evidence with context. In a theoretical approach
about Evidence-Based Decision-Making for health
policy, the authors present a conceptual framework
regarding the role of context in the evidence
introduction, interpretation and application for
decision-making support.
Kay et al. (2007) describe ONCOR, an ontology-
and evidence-based approach applied to contexts.
They provide an approach to build ontology of
places, devices and sensors in ubiquitous computing
in building environment. Locations, activities,
services and devices are considered in ONCOR in
order to treat context history to model indoor
pervasive computing places.
The related works above regard individually
evidence or context. The combination of evidence
with context was developed for specific domains.
But, none of them has the perspectives of integration
and extension for several domains.
This article proposes the integration of context with
evidence represented in a conceptual framework to
facilitate the development of applications centered in
Evidence-Based Practice with the consideration of
context for several domains.
The class structure of the framework was
presented and used in the conceptual modelling
phase for the area of crime prevention. Contextual
information related to the EBP and specific of the
criminal area were modeled and instantiated.
With a practical implementation for the
Pernambuco state court, Brazil, we showed how
contextual EBP can be used to support Judge’s
decision making. Besides, we verified that using
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
contextual information makes the retrieve and
filtering mechanisms more effective.
Future researches encompass: (i) the
incorporation of the classical case structure
(problem, solution and result) into the conceptual
framework and Case-Based Reasoning technique for
decision making support; (ii) the creation of a semi-
automatic Evidence-Oriented Information Extractor
(EOIE); and (iii) the development of a
computational tool for risk assessment.
Brézillon, P. (1999). Context in Artificial Intelligence: I. A
Survey of the Literature. Computer and Artificial
Intelligence, v. 18, pp. 321-340.
Brézillon, P. (2007). Context modeling: Task model and
practice model. CONTEXT-07, LNAI 4635. pp. 122-
135, Roskilde, Denmark.
Bunningen, A, (2004). Context Aware Querying -
Challenges for data management in ambient
intelligence, Doctorate thesis, University of Twente.
Dey, A.K., Abowd, G. D. (2001). A Conceptual
Framework and a Toolkit for Supporting the Rapid
Prototyping of Context-Aware Applications. Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI) Journal, v. 16, n. 2-4, pp.
Dobrow, M. J., Goel, V., Upshur, R.E.G. (2004).
Evidence-based health policy: context and utilization.
Social Science & Medicine, Jan, 58(1), 207-17.
Friedland, D. J., Go, A. S., Davoren, J. B., Shlipak, M. G.,
Bent, S.W., Subak, L. L., Mendelson, T. (1998).
Evidence-Based Medicine: A Framework for Clinical
Practice. USA: McGraw-Hill.
Heneghan, C., Badenoch, D. (2006). Evidence-Based
Medicine Toolkit. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Henricksen, K., Indulska, J. (2006). Developing Context-
Aware Pervasive Computing Applications: Models
and Approach. Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Journal, v. 2, n. 1, pp. 37-64.
Jorgensen, M., Dyba, T., Kitchenham, B. (2005). Teaching
Evidence-Based Software Engineering to University
Students. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International
Software Metrics Symposium. Washington, DC, pp.
Kay, J., Niu, W. T., Carmichael, D. J. (2007). ONCOR:
Ontology- and Evidence-based Context Reasoner. In
Intelligent User Interface - IUI’07. ACM, pp. 290-
293, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Nakaya, J., Shimizu, T. (2006). Knowledge Architecture
based on Evidence Based Logical Atomism for
Translational Research. International Journal of
Computer Science and Network Security – IJCSNS,
February, v. 6, n. 2A, pp. 175-179.
Rocha, L. V., Edelweiss, N., Iochpe, C. (2001).
Geo-Frame-T: A temporal Conceptual Framework for
Data Modeling. ACM-GIS, 2001, 124-129.
Sackett, D.L., Straus, S.E., Richardson, W.S., Rosenberg,
W., Haynes, R. B. (2001). Evidence-based medicine:
how to practice and teach EBM. New York: Elsevier
Health Sciences.
Salton, G. (1968). Automatic Information Organization
and Retrieval. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Satterfield, J. M., Spring, B., Brownson, R. C., Mullen, E.
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