2.2 Understanding the Special Game
2.2.1 Game Language for Quest
As the program to run the quest according to the
plan, it is made in a form of text file. This includes
various local functions needed for the quest.
2.2.2 Basic Operating Conditions of Quest
When checking all the conditions in a script since
the speed of quest script is slow, it is possible to
cause a load on the program. Hence, this refers to
the basic conditions commonly used for all quests.
Basically, this checks the min level, max level and
NPC index.
2.2.3 C-language Local Function for Quest
When checking all the conditions in a script since
the speed of quest script is slow, it is possible to
cause a load on the program. Hence, this refers to
the basic conditions commonly used for all quests.
Basically, this checks the min level, max level and
NPC index.
3.1 Applicable Method
The data processing and communication parts
needed when executing a quest on the network are
processed by the server. The client processes the
parts related to the speed of screen display and
communication of the data received from the server
or occurred by user behaviour.
The design is first prepared on the basis of single
user processing without communication and later, it
is divided into the server and client that have added
the communication part, dividing further into the
communication and DB processing parts. And then,
simply add to the design the part that can
accommodate a partial update desired by user.
When the programmer can set the memory
handling part and memory structure or internal
structure of compiler and APIs and this structure can
be handled automatically by one command, the
memory handling part that is the most difficult part
of programming can be processed.
The structuring part and engine part that require
speed can be developed directly by programmer in a
form of API. The planner makes the index functions
that can be called by the planner by gathering these
APIs without needing the planner to call these
commands. And, it can be processed in a way that
the memory needed in execution is allocated
Figure 1: Relationship between Function and Index.
And by gathering the structures and API
modules developed by programmer, make the
functions used frequently by quests or events and
attach an index number to each function prepared in
this way. The function attached with index number
shall hold the start address that has defined the index
function at the foremost part of memory while
securing the information related to calling
parameters in the order of index.
Execution of the special game language can be
done by the memory if the structure is set and the
memory is allocated. However, it is not easy for the
planner to manage the memory. In order to solve
these problems, the index-type of function should be
automatically executed and the memory to save the
resulting value should be allocated.
Figure 2: Index Function and Index Memory.
Since the quest or event of generating many
processes is increased as much as the capacity of
database, the speed shall be considered.
Limit the maximum memory to process the
quest and maximum amount of memory to
execute the quest at the same time.
Save the parameter value to execute quest,
value corresponding to the index value given
by the quest, and resulting value of quest.
Function Address
Index 1 (4 bytes)
Index 2 (4 bytes)
Index 3 (4 bytes)
Index 65530 (4 bytes)
Function Address
Function …… Parameter n Parameter 1
API function 1
API function 2
API function 3
API function n
API function 1
API function 2
Function Address
Function Address
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems