Table 4: Performance and accuracy of the method.
Person Duration of
CPU time
for template
1 1732s 306s 0
2 1672s 296s 2
3 1604s 340s 0
4 1557s 358s 3
5 1609s 218s 0
6 1791s 297s 5
7 1609s 206s 0
Total 11574s 1745s 10
faster than real-time, without any optimization, there-
fore the method can be used online.
A gesture recognition system is not allowed to
produce false positive results often, because it would
make the user-interface very frustrating to use. Table
4 also shows that the method is very accurate, mean-
ing that it very seldom produced false positive results.
The test sequences were all together over three hours
long and the number of false positive results was only
10. So, on average, the proposed method produced
one false positive result per 20 minutes.
This article presented a gesture recognition method
for recognizing six predefined gestures. The method
is based on template matching and the results show
that it can recognize gestures very accurately and
in real time. Three different distance measures
were tested and the best results were achieved us-
ing weighted double fold distance measure. A user-
dependent version of the system can recognize ges-
tures with an accuracy of 94.3% when WDF distance
measure is used. It was also shown that the improve-
ment gained using WDF is statistically significant.
User-independent version of the method can rocog-
nize gestures with an accuracy of 85.5%. Compared
with other studies, the recognition rates are really
competitive. Most other studies use more than one
sensor, unlike this study, and therefore the achieved
results can be considered state-of-the-art.
The presented method works really well. It sel-
dom produces false positive results and can recognize
gestures with high accuracy. Still, the accuracy of
the user-independent version could be improved by
choosing more class templates, because people seem
to have at least two different ways of performing ges-
tures. Now only one template per gesture was used.
The problem is that this would of course make the
system slower.
The presented gesture recognition system is de-
signed to control a simple user interface, and the next
task is to fuse the gesture recognition system and the
interface together.
This study was carried out with financial support from
the Sixth Framework Programme of the European
Community for research, technological development
and demonstration activities in an XPRESS (FleXi-
ble Production Experts for reconfigurable aSSembly
technology) project. It does not necessarily reflect
the Commission’s views and in no way anticipates the
Commission’s future policy in this area.
Pekka Siirtola would like to thank GETA (The
Graduate School in Electronics, Telecommunications
and Automation) for financial support.
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