A Model for Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Software Testing
Renata Alchorne
, Rafael Nóbrega
, Gibeon Aquino
, Silvio Meira
and Alexandre Vasconcelos
Informatics Center of Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil
Inmetrics, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Performance measurement, Balanced scorecard, Software testing.
Abstract: Many companies have invested in the process of testing to improve the test team's performance. Although
Testing Maturity Models aim at tackling this issue, they are unpopular among the many of the highly
competitive and innovative companies because they encourage displacing the true goals of the mission of
“achieving a higher maturity level”. Moreover, they generally have the effect of blinding an organization to
the most effective use of its resources, as they focus only on satisfying the requirements of the model. This
article defines the Balanced Testing Scorecard (BTSC) model. This aims to evaluate and improve the test
team’s performance. The model, based on Balanced Scorecard and Testing Maturity Models, is capable of
aligning clients’ and financial objectives with testing maturity goals in order to improve the test team's
performance and client’s performance. The model was based on and developed from the specialized
literature and was applied in a software testing house as a case study.
According to Hutcheson (2003), the test effort has to
provide not only the proof of performance, but also
to show that it adds enough value to the product to
justify its budget. Testing Maturity Models are used
to evaluate and improve the performance of test
teams. However, this approach focuses on measures,
analysis and actions to improve the process of
testing (Sogeti, 2008, Burnstein, Suwanassart &
Carlson, 1996), without aligning them with the
mission or future vision of the organization.
According to James Bach (1994), Maturity
Models encourage the displacement of goals from
the true mission to the artificial one of achieving a
higher maturity level, which generally has the effect
of blinding an organization to the most effective use
of its resources. According to Kaplan & Norton
(2004), it is common to find indicators of internal
processes, such as those derived from testing
maturity models, which are not related to the value
that internal and external customers have been
advised to expect.
By using a model for evaluating and improving
performance that occasions the alignment of goals
from different perspectives (those of finance,
customers, and processes), the management of test
teams can be optimized. This is because it allows an
the organization to improve its processes to meet its
clients’ needs and its own strategic planning, thereby
increase its overall performance.
This article defines the Balanced Testing
Scorecard (BTSC) model, which aims to evaluate
and improve a test team’s performance. The model,
based on Balanced Scorecard and Testing Maturity
Models, enables clients’ and financial objectives to
be aligned with testing maturity goals so as to
improve the test team's performance.
Balanced Testing Scorecard (BTSC) was based on
the Generic Strategy Map put forward by Kaplan
and Norton (2004).
BTSC consists of two main components: a map
for the strategic plan and a procedure for
customization of the processes.
Alchorne R., Nóbrega R., Aquino G., Meira S. and Vasconcelos A. (2010).
BALANCED TESTING SCORECARD - A Model for Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Software Testing Houses.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002899703700378
Figure 1: Overview of BTSC perspectives.
The BTSC Strategy Map records objectives,
which will provided indicators, covering different
perspectives (Finance, Customer, Internal Processes
and, Learning and Growth) for the managers of test
For the management of internal activities
(Internal Processes and, Learning and Growth), a
testing maturity model is used. In this study, the TPI
- Test Process Improvement model was chosen
(Sogeti, 2008), but other models, such as TIM or
TMM, for instance, may be used as all of them have
a similar structure with key-areas and checkpoints.
The Strategy Map was developed based on the
literature and was refined by 21 experts in software
testing, each having at least 2 years’ experience in
this area, besides their having the profile of a
manager or leader of test teams. These refinements
are not explained in this article, for which see
(Nobrega, 2008).
As the BTSC is a generic model, a customization
process is needed to tailor it into a specific Strategy
Map. This process, based on (Amaratunga, Haigh,
Sarshar & Baldry, 2002) and (Kaplan & Norton,
1997) is explained in Section 2.1.
2.1 Strategy Map
Within each perspective of the BTSC Strategy Map,
goals are set to guide the construction of a specific
strategy map for a specific testing organization or
2.1.1 Overview
Figure 1 gives an overview of the BTSC Strategy
Map. Each perspective is explained below.
2.1.2 Financial Perspective
The Financial Perspective indicates how the
software testing process and initiatives to improve
them will add more value to the organization.
To achieve the main objective of the financial
perspective of the BTSC, we have how to
demonstrate how Long-Term Value for
Shareholders will be achieved.
To achieve this goal, three other goals must be
achieved. The first is to Decrease Maintenance
Costs, the second is to Decrease Development
Costs and the third to Enhance Value for Clients.
BALANCED TESTING SCORECARD - A Model for Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Software Testing
The objectives of Long-Term Value for
Shareholders and Enhance Value for Clients were
based on the Generic Strategy Map (Kaplan &
Norton, 2004). The other two goals were defined
based on the financial impacts of customers' goals
which are described below.
2.1.3 Customer Perspective
Under the Customer Perspective, BTSC enables one
to identify what internal and external clients expect
from the test team to be identified.
As the first activity, it is necessary to define who
the clients of the test team are.
According to Kaner et al (2001), a test team has
several internal and external clients. They are:
Project Manager, Programmers, Technical Writers,
Technical Support, Senior Management, Marketing;
and End Users, respectively.
In order to simplify the problem, the Project
Managers, Programmers, Technical Writers,
Technical Support and Senior Management were
grouped as the Development Team. As Kaner et al
(2001) say the marketing area needs to know when
an issue will affect a feature that is vital to end users.
Who may, for example, be companies, public sector,
bodies or individuals. They were grouped as a single
client: End Users.
After having defined the test team’s client, their
expectations need to be determined. According to
Gupta and Aggarwal (2005), the test team must
pursue the goal of delivering software with as Fewer
Bugs as possible. According to them, the number of
defects in a production process is a very important
metric for determining the effectiveness of the test
process. Thus, the fewer bugs there are in
production, the greater will be the possibility of
reducing the cost of maintenance software, a goal of
the Financial Perspective of BTSC.
In the same article, Gupta et al (2005) define that
there must be Fewer False Bugs identified by Test
Team to the Development Team. Consequently, this
will reduce the cost of software development.
According to Kaner et al (2001), another want
Development Teams express is to have a Faster
Feedback about Software Quality. When software
is changed, the test team should test it quickly so
that the tests do not create a "bottleneck" in the
The Financial Perspective indicates how the
software testing process and initiatives for
improving it will add more value to the organization.
Finally, the objective that both developers and
end users of software set is that the software has
increasingly More Running Tested Features.
According to Jeffries (2004), Running Tested
Features can be explained as:
(i) Running means that the features are shipped
in a single integrated product.
(ii) Tested means that the features are
continuously undergoing tests provided by
the requirements givers – the customers in
XP parlance.
(iii) Features means real end-user features,
pieces of the given client requirements, not
techno-features like "Install the Database" or
"Get Web Server Running".
2.1.4 Internal Process Perspective
This Perspective is concerned with identifying the
most critical activities that achieve the goals of the
test team's clients and the financial goals of the
This Perspective's objectives are represented by
key areas of the Test Process Improvement (TPI)
related to the internal processes of a test team. The
key areas were organized into five main areas so to
have the same representation as the Strategy Map.
The content of the main areas are showed in the
Table below.
Table 1: Main Areas of BTSC and Key Areas of TPI.
Main Areas Ke
Areas of TPI
Test Process
Test strategy
Life-cycle model
Estimating and planning
Scope of methodology
Test process management
Test Operations
Test specification techniques
Static test techniques
Test automation
Low-level testing
Defect Management Defect management
Test Environment
Test environment
2.1.5 Learning and Growth Perspective
The last Perspective of BTSC, Learning and Growth,
identifies the infrastructure the test team must build
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: BTSC’s Customization Process.
to generate growth and improvements in the long
To define this perspective several key areas of
TPI were used, related to the Learning and Growth
of the test team. They are listed in the Table 2
Table 2: Key Areas of TPI related to Learning and
Key Areas of TPI
Moment of Involvement
Office Environment
Commitment and Motivation
Testing Functions and Training
Testware Management
2.2 Customization Process
As BTSC is a generic model, it must be customized
in order to be used. Thus, a process of customization
has been set up, which is detailed as follows.
The customization process of BTSC was based
on the customization process of BSC, presented in
(Kaplan & Norton, 1997) and (Amaratunga et al,
2002) is divided into the following steps:
Step 1: Defining the Architecture of the
Measurement Program;
Step 2: Defining Strategic Objectives
Step 3: Choice and Definition of Metrics;
Step 4: Defining the Deployment Plan.
Each step has its own specific activities as can be
seen in Figure 2.
These steps as well as their activities are
detailed as follows.
Step 1 – Defining the Architecture of the
Measurement Program:
The major aim of this step is to promote an
understanding and a critical analysis of the future
vision of business and the test team.
This step will be divided into the following
(i) Defining the Future Vision of the Test
Team: The first activity to start the
strategic planning is to define the future
vision of the test team.
BALANCED TESTING SCORECARD - A Model for Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Software Testing
(ii) Defining Perspectives: After defining the
future vision, it is necessary to define
which perspectives should represent the
global management of test team’s activities.
The BTSC suggests 4 perspectives:
Finance, Customer, Internal Processes and
Learning and Growth. However, these
perspectives can be removed, altered or
Step 2 – Defining the Strategic Objectives:
The activities of this step will allocate the
strategic objectives under the perspectives of the
BTSC. To perform this step, the following activities
should be undertaken:
(i) Examine the future vision within each
perspective so as to set general
objectives: To define the strategic
objectives, a first interview can be carried
out to define the strategic objectives of the
software testing team.
(ii) Select the BTSC objectives that need to
be achieved within each perspective:
After general objectives are set for each
perspective, secondary objectives based on
BTSC may be added for each perspective.
Step 3 - Choice and Definition of Metrics:
In this step, the metrics that will be used to
measure whether a particular strategic objective has
been achieved are identified.
This stage includes the following activity:
(i) Choose and Define Metrics: For each
strategic objective, a metric or a set of
metrics must be defined that best captures
and communicates its intentions. For each
proposed metric, the sources of information
and actions necessary to make such
information available it should be identified
and detailed. And for every perspective,
identify the critical relationships between
its metrics, and between this perspective
and all others.
Step 4 – Defining the Deployment Plan:
After having defined the metrics associated with
different strategic objectives, defining targets, plans
of action and who is responsible for guiding the
implementation of the strategy should be
(i) Choose and Define Targets: Targets should
be set for each metric. The organization
needs to verify whether a goal has been
reached or if it is necessary to take
corrective action (Improvement Action).
(ii) Choose and Define Improvement Actions:
To help the improvement process, the BTSC
has several suggestions for improvements
that can be used; however, new suggestions
may be added. Based on the objectives
chosen for each perspective, improvement
actions must be documented in order to
facilitate its initiatives.
(iii) Write Deployment Plan: This activity will
develop a deployment plan for the BTSC.
The difficulties of implementing this new
management model, which aims at
evaluating and improving the performance
of software testing teams should be taken
into account.
This section shows the implementation of a case
study in a Factory Test organization type. This case
study concerns the first phase of the deployment
project BTSC within the organization studied. Due
to the phase that the project is, will present the
partial results concerning the implementation of
some objectives mapped in Balanced Testing
Scorecard. Below is showed the plan of the case
study, its implementation and obtained results so far.
3.1 Scenarios and Objectives
This case study was conducted with the main
objective to assess the adoption of BTSC - Balanced
Testing Scorecard to evaluate the performance of
both the Factory Test where the case study was used
as the customer’s suppliers seeking increasing of
The organization where was applied the BTSC is
Inmetrics, a company that has in its staff of about
100 employees, including researchers, test
architects, testers, performance analysts and quality
The idea of deploying a methodology for
assessing organizational performance appeared from
the service format of the company studied. Its largest
customer (accounting for 70% of revenues) is an
organization that has a Software Factory as part of
their IT infrastructure. The Software Factory, in
turn, hires suppliers to develop modules of their
systems, performing functional tests and acceptance
tests of the developed systems. Because it is a
client of international magnitude, it has a
consolidated methodology of software development
that extends to their suppliers, including. Thus, all
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Strategy Map of Inmetrics.
service providers should adopt a standard software
development methodology. In addition, suppliers
will be evaluated periodically in agreement with
Guide of Performance Measurement-defined by the
processes core of the customer. Thus, all suppliers
should work following the same pattern, creating the
evidences in the same format and providing the
metrics established by the customer to evaluate the
performance of its suppliers.
At this time Inmetrics observed that only way to
differentiate themselves from other suppliers would
be through increased efficiency in service delivery
of functional tests keeping quality standard and
offers to customer value-added information for your
self-knowledge and allowing decision making for
the customer in concerning of their suppliers.
To this end, was created a BTSC specific for
Inmetrics, but with the customer's perspective
aligned. Another important point that was taken into
consideration is that this is aligned to BTSC metrics
Guide of Performance Measurement defined by
3.1.1 BTSC Deployment Planning
The implementation of BTSC has become a project
at Inmetrics and was divided into phases. As a first
step, drew up a strategy map for the BTSC
Inmetrics, as shown in Figure 3.
Since the creation of strategy map, some goals
were prioritized to be implemented in the first phase
of the project. The goals are represented in the full
line ellipses located in the blue perspective –
Internal Process. The implementation of these goals
allows an action started internally under control of
Inmetrics, allowing the effects be reflected in the
For the prioritization of goals, were adopted two
criteria: speed in the visibility of results and ease of
BALANCED TESTING SCORECARD - A Model for Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Software Testing
data extraction without having significant changes
for the structure of the tools used. This last factor
was called "Impediments". Basically, the goals
without impediments were pre-selected.
To help this work were drawn a table with all the
objectives in the map, where for each goal, were
defined metrics aligned to Guide of Performance
Measurement, the priority and the impediments to
measure the goal. The table below shows four goals
of full line in blue, located in the Internal Process
Table 3: Prioritization of Goals.
ID Goal Metric Priority Impediment
01 Increase
of Bugs
Number of
Bugs Found
1 No
02 Increase
% of Test
1 We do not
have access to
bug details.
03 Decrease
% of False
1 It needs active
of Client to
validate the
bug reported.
04 Improve
Quality of
% of Bugs
1 No
Among the objectives listed in the table, was
observed that, according to criteria adopted, two of
the four goals have no impediments. That is, they are
ready to be worked out. As the priorities of all of
them were set to 1, i.e., they have a quick visibility
to the customer. Were chosen those two that have no
impediments. They are: “Increase Number of Bugs
Found” and “Improving Quality of Bug Reports”.
3.1.2 Collected Data
In this first phase of the BTSC project deployment,
the main objective is to know the numbers of
Inmetrics and his customer. So, will be measure
“Number of Bugs Found” and “% of Bugs Reported
Incorrectly”, related to selected objectives.
The metric “Number of Bugs Found” derived
from the goal “Increase Number of Bugs Found”
measures the amount of problems identified by the
Factory Test at the phase called “Integrated Test”
which is the stage prior to the Validation Test phase.
The amount of problems is obtained from the
extraction of the data reported in Mantis tool, “a
popular free web-based bug tracking system”. In a
first measurement, were detected the following
(i) The customer’s suppliers who develop
modules of the system are not properly
identified at the time of bug report;
(ii) There is not a definition of the cause of bug
identified, ie, whether it was caused by an
environmental issue, problem of access to
the system, problem of mass data, the lack
of documentation available for testing or if
it really is a system failure.
Based on these two issues identified by the first
data extraction performed, two actions were taken
allowing obtain more accurate data that provide
information for customer decision-making:
(i) Was created a custom field in Mantis, to
indicate the supplier responsible for
developing the system in which the bug
was detected;
(ii) Was created a field to categorize the causes
of bugs detected. This field is "validated"
by the supplier responsible for the bug
reported as a way to wake up the problem
Table 4: Number of Bugs by Supplier.
Name Number of Bugs
Supplier 1 165
Supplier 2 137
Supplier 3 101
Supplier 4 69
The table above allows not only identify the
amount of bugs found, but indicate to the customer
the level of bugs generated by its suppliers of
software development.
Table 5: Causes of Bugs.
Name Access
Supplier 1 0 11 0 154
Supplier 2 4 2 11 120
Supplier 3 1 1 0 99
Supplier 4 0 2 0 67
The table above shows a categorization of the
causes of bugs found by the supplier, allowing
identifying the main causes of failure in tests, giving
visibility to the customer about what aspects he
should pay more attention.
The metric “% of Bugs Reported Incorrectly”,
derived from the objective “Improving Quality of
Bug Reports” measures the amount of bugs that
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
were reported without being bugs, in fact. That is,
bugs were reported by misunderstanding of the
business, problems occurred only in the test
environment, but that does not occur in the
production environment, among others. Currently,
each project team reports bugs differently.
As a first action to mitigate this problem, was
created a standard reporting format that includes key
information of the bug detected in order to avoid
misconceptions, and additional effort to clarify the
bug between Software Factory and Test Factory.
Following is showed the standard format
Write a <summary> of the request that will appear
under the same;
Standard adopted:
(i) Location: Where the error occurred.
Example: Screen Name, System, Program,
Job, etc.
(ii) Error: Error Message, Error Code, etc.
(iii) Error Summary: Describe the problem
Describe in more detail the problem ocurred.
Example: “The system has an error when trying to
delete parameter in the purge screen XPTO”.
“There was no description corresponding to the
message identifier MSG”.
Steps to reproduce: Inform the steps to reproduce
the problem.
1 – Access menu X Æ Y Æ Z;
2 – Fill "Product" and "Sub product" fields with
valid data;
3 – Click the "Search" button;
4 – Select the product listed and click "Delete".
Expected Result: Describe the output that was
Example: The system deletes the parameter
Obtained Result: Describe the obtained result.
Example: Error trying deleting parameter.
“There was no description corresponding to the
message identifier MSG”.
With respect to the metric "% of Bugs Reported
Incorrectly" has not been generated numbers that
showed the effects caused by this action because it
was recently established through training of testers
and architects and publication of the handbook for
3.1.3 Obtained Results
The results presented in the previous section show
that through simple actions on the existing historical
basis and with the support of a tool its possible
generates information for decision-making.
The BTSC deployment, besides serving as an
evaluation tool for internal performance of
Inmetrics, it focuses on increase of efficiency and
provides metrics to evaluate the customer’s software
development suppliers.
Note that this is the first step in implementing the
project of BTSC deployment and therefore the
metrics generated so far should be considered in
careful when taking into account other factors that
may explain the behavior of the numbers presented.
This paper presented the Balanced Testing
Scorecard - BTSC, based on the methodology for
assessing organizational performance BSC. By
implementing this methodology, was possible
conduct a case study to demonstrate simple actions
possible to be implemented to evaluate and improve
organizational performance.
4.1 Future Works
Continuing this work, was carried out a planning for
implementation of all goals full line placed on the
strategy map. For each of them will be specify the
activities necessary for the extraction and
measurement of metrics related to the goals and
structure of the measurement process.
As an immediate activity to be presented, will be
measure the metric “% of Bugs Reported
Incorrectly”, it was implemented the standard format
for reporting bugs.
After that, the other objectives of this first group
will be implemented through a new project that will
cover the goals in dashed line. This work has an
effect in the medium and long-term involving
impacts related to changes in culture primarily on
the customer and its suppliers of software
development, further structural changes in the tools
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems