Bruno Alves, Michael Schumacher and Fabian Cretton
Institute of Business Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland
Interoperability, eHealth, Metadata, Semantic web.
Interoperability has the potential to improve care processes and decrease costs of the healthcare system. The
advent of enterprise ICT solutions to replace costly and error-prone paper-based records did not fully convince
practitioners, and many still prefer traditional methods for their simplicity and relative security. The Medi-
coordination project, which integrates several partners in healthcare on a regional scale in French speaking
Switzerland, aims at designing eHealth solutions to the problems highlighted by reluctant practitioners. In
a derivative project and through a complementary approach to the IHE XDS IT Profile, we designed, im-
plemented and deployed a prototype of a semantic registry/repository for storing medical electronic records.
We present herein the design and specification for a generic, interoperable registry/repository based on the
technical requirements of the Swiss Health strategy. Although this paper presents an overview of the whole
architecture, the focus will be on the registry, a federated semantic RDF store, managing metadata about med-
ical documents. Our goals are the urbanization of information systems through SOA and ensure a level of
interoperability between different actors.
Interoperability is known as the ability for two or
more systems to communicate together. It is a fun-
damental requirement in eHealth for enjoying the
promised benefits of the adoption of electronic med-
ical records (Brailer, 2005). Together with health in-
formation communication, interoperability can make
data available where and when it is required. How-
ever, connecting systems is not enough to overcome
the complexity and heterogeneity of modern health-
care infrastructures. Different systems must under-
stand each other, they need a common knowledge.
Semantic web technologies provide the necessary
level of intelligence to enable communication and
knowledge sharing between disparate systems. Se-
mantics encode the definition of each element of data,
including its relationships with other elements. Se-
mantic data convey a meaning, which is understand-
able by third parties sharing some common domain
concept knowledge. Semantic interoperability is the
key stone of information processing by computers
(Della Valle et al., 2005a) and a new trend in health-
care informatics.
Multi-level interoperability in health information
communication has the potential to improve the care
processes and decrease costs of the health care sys-
tem (Hillestad et al., 2005). To tackle the high po-
tential of the domain of medical interoperability, but
also respond to potential risks of data abuse, strate-
gies for the interoperability exist in many countries
(Lee et al., 2009)(Ruotsalainen et al., 2008), but also
on European level (CEC, 2008).
In this context, the Swiss Confederation also
started an eHealth strategy late 2006 (OFCOM,
2007). Switzerland defined its strategy relatively late
compared to its neighbors, because of its particularly
fragmented health system. The Swiss eHealth strat-
egy strives to create a clear outline for the next ten
years in managing health data at various scales, and
including participants from a large number of interest
groups. This effort has lead to several concrete propo-
sitions for potential standards for data exchange and
particularly an identification of partners in the system.
Based on these standards, we architecture a specifica-
tion for a distributed semantic storage platform, called
Medicoordination is a research project taking a
complementary approach to the IHE Profile IT speci-
fications. It describes a Service-Oriented Architecture
(SOA), which can be used by different medical actors
for sharing patient records. The goal is to provide
Alves B., Schumacher M. and Cretton F. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002901102070214
a fully distributed storage solution for Patient Elec-
tronic Health Records (PEHR). The platform provides
a federated metadata infrastructure allowing seman-
tic descriptions of medical documents and a decen-
tralized repository with versioning and access control
mechanisms sharing strong security policies. The fi-
nality is to be able to exchange documents between
actors working in different IT environments seam-
lessly and achieve a high-level of interoperability in
completely opaque and heterogeneous environments.
Although Medicoordination is a wide project in-
volving several components and modules, this paper
concentrates on a specific point: the metadata sys-
tem architecture or Metadata Service Layer (MSL). It
consists in a federated RDF store, where metadata is
stored as triples. This paper provides first an overview
of the global architecture and proposes a view on the
models, the derived architecture and a partially imple-
mented prototype based on it.
The problem of the integration and exchange of dis-
tributed health data has already been thouroughly dis-
cussed in many articles, among which (Lenz et al.,
2007)(McMurry et al., 2007)(Bergmann et al., 2007).
At the international level, large projects exist try-
ing to solve the typical interoperability gap, which
exists between hetegenous medical systems. The
COOCON (Della Valle et al., 2005b) project aims at
supporting health care professionals in reducing risks
in their daily practices by building knowledge driven
and dynamically adaptive networked communities
within european healthcare systems. The ARTEMIS
(Dogac et al., 2006) project proposes semantically en-
riched Web services in the healthcare domain in order
to seamlessly connect medical institutions running
heterogenous IT systems and exchange distributed
medical data.
At the country level, most countries propose re-
lated initiatives. In Germany, for example, the
bIT4health (better IT for better health) project de-
scribed in (Blobel and Pharow, 2007) attempts to es-
tablish a telematics platform supporting seamless care
combined with card enabled communication.
In our project Medicoordination, unlike many
other presented here before, we focus on the distri-
bution of the metadata, rather than the distribution
of the documents. We attempt to model a Virtual
Patient Record (VPR), described in (Records, 1997),
supported by a distributed metadata architecture pre-
serving the local ownership of the documents, while
allowing patient consent on a per-document basis.
The objective of the MediCoordination project is de-
signing a decentralized management system for med-
ical records that can be shared among regional care
institutions. The system is composed of a registry, a
repository, identity services and a coordination layer.
It intends to address several integration problems with
existing IT infrastructures and interoperability issues.
This paper is focused on the registry component of the
system. We describe herein the models resulting in
a proposal of a technology-independent architecture
and a partially implemented prototype of a federated
metadata system.
The design of the system was constrained by
recommendations made by the Swiss confederation
eHealth coordination group. This organization pro-
vides recommendations on standards and technolo-
gies for Swiss pilot projects. It recently released
a document on eHealth architecture guidelines (E-
Healthsuisse, 2009). These guidelines are grouped
into three points of focus: security, distribution and
information management and exchange. Security en-
compasses patient security, privacy, confidentiality,
data protection and transparency. Distribution relates
to decentralized structures, federalism, separation of
roles, concerns about who owns the data and who
can access it and integration of existing infrastruc-
tures and technology. Finally, data management and
exchange relates to processes for data management.
Also, the metadata architecture is based on three
models, which are derived from these points of fo-
cus. The distribution model specifies the distributed
structure, which sustains the system; the data model
describes how the metadata is specified and commu-
nicated; and finally, the security model describes the
security mechanisms and how they are applied.
3.1 Distribution Model
According to the recommendations, institutions
should manage documents they generate. Since
Switzerland is a highly fragmented country and dis-
tribution is required, a federated architecture is fore-
seen. Each node of the federation is a service accessi-
ble from the Web that can store metadata for the docu-
ments it issues. Nodes are connected in a hierarchical
structure and distributed queries are performed glob-
ally on the network.
Besides regular metadata nodes, there also ex-
ist forwarding nodes, known as query hubs. These
”dummy” nodes forward the queries they receive and
aggregate results according to the some environmen-
tal policies. Forwarding nodes cannot be used to write
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Storage architecture.
or read data directly, but they are involved in the orga-
nization of the network mesh. The federation of meta-
data nodes is built passively, i.e there is no discovery
mechanism. A regular metadata node, such as RSV
in Figure 1 must notify its existence to a query hub,
or High Valais in this case. This construction allows
defining security domains as a group of nodes sharing
the same security policies. The concept of ”security
domain” is explained in the next sections.
3.2 Data Model
The current data model does not rely on semantics;
however, we wanted to prepare the architecture for a
future revision with semantic capabilities. Metadata
in MSL basically consists in properties about the doc-
uments, such as file type, file identifier, author, date,
etc. Since a large share of inferencing systems, among
which Pellet and Racer, are based on RDF, document
attributes in MSL are expressed using triples in the
RDF format. A very simple ontology created with
Protg was developed for the prototype.
3.3 Security Model
The security model is broken into three sub-models:
link-level security, authentication and authorization
Link-level security ensures the confidentiality and
the integrity of the data by encrypting the communi-
cation channel. Certificate-based standards such as
SSL/TSL 1.0 are typically used to encrypt the com-
munication between endpoints. However, SSL does
Figure 2: Security model.
not prevent potential modifications of the SOAP mes-
sages between the application and the transport layer
of the OSI Model. It is thus necessary to complement
channel security with message-level protection mech-
anisms. Web Services Security (WSS) is a set of se-
curity policies based on XML, which provides primi-
tives for encrypting, protecting and signing messages.
Besides link-level protection, it is important to en-
sure that only authenticated parties gain access to the
resources. The difficulty of the MSL authentication
model resides in the distributed nature of the service.
Resources are spread all over a federated network and
it is crucial to prevent access to users who are not au-
thenticated to current node. The authentication model
of the MSL relies on the concept of domains. A group
of nodes sharing the same security policies (hospital
campus, care services ...) is called a domain. Authen-
tication is performed only once and users can directly
access resourceson nodes from the same domain, pro-
vided they have sufficient privileges.
Authenticating users do not ensure however that
they are granted access to resources. For users to gain
privileges on them, it is necessary to define authoriza-
tions on documents. MSL uses a RBAC (Role-Based
Access Control) model for controlling the access to
the resources. Patients and medical staff are aggre-
gated into roles, which are assigned specific privileges
(read, write) on resources. Privileges are verified and
validated by the repository in order to prevent or grant
access to a category of users. Patient and medical staff
information is stored into special databases, named
Patient Index Store and Professional Index Store.
Figure 3: Medicoordination Healthcare Infrastructure.
This section presents the global architecture, but fo-
cuses on the architecture of the MSL. It also gives an
insight into a possible implementation.
4.1 Global Architecture Overview
Figure 3 presents the Medicoordination Healthcare
Infrastructure or MHI. It is composed of the Metadata
Service Layer (MSL - registry), the Storage Service
Layer (StoSL - repository), Medicoordination Service
Layer (MeSL - a coordinator service) and of Identity
Services (IS - index stores for both patients and med-
ical staff).
The storage service handles requests for reading
and writing medical documents. The metadata asso-
ciated to these documents is stored in a metadata node
(from the issuer of the document), while the document
contents are stored on the storage node. The role of
the storage service is to manage health resources, or-
ganise documents in a patient medical record, main-
tain revisions of the files and perform sporadic audits.
The Medicoordination coordinator service repre-
sents the glue between all the components of the in-
frastructure. It is responsible for coordinating the reg-
istration and storage of the medical documents, while
verifying the authorizations of the parties involved
in the process (practitioners, medical doctors and pa-
tients). The Identity Services encompass Professional
Index Stores, Patient Index Stores and Role Servers.
A Role Server aggregates identities under a common
denomination with common rights on a particular set
of documents. The access rights for the roles are spec-
ified in the metadata for the moment and must be veri-
fied by the storage service. Besides that, Identity Ser-
vices also provide authentication mechanisms, which
can be endorsed by the Role Server itself. An authen-
tication service is responsible for issuing tokens for
the local domain and for the verification of foreign
tokens issued by another domain.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: MSL architecture overview.
4.2 MSL Overview
The Metadata Service Layer is a federated metadata
system, which goal is to store information about frag-
ments (i.e: documents composing a medical record),
so that the information care professionals need is im-
mediately available anywhere within the country.
The architecture is normally intended to be inde-
pendent of any technology; however, we opted for
communication using the Simple Object Access Pro-
tocol (SOAP 1.1 and 1.2) standard. This choice is pri-
marily related to the excellent support for secure com-
munications using the Web Services Security (WSS)
Figure 4 presents the global architecture of the
MSL. Each node is a Web Service endpoint provides
four primitives: read(), write(), remove() and query().
Primitives work with graphs (set of triples about the
same subject) and it is the role of the coordinator ser-
vice to break up the initial metadata into triples. Meta-
data is stored in a database of triples (triple store) and
is protected by a policy mechanism. The service is
protected and requires authentication.
4.3 Representing Information about
Meta-information or metadata about documents is re-
lated to the properties of the files.
4.3.1 Representing Metadata as Triples
Metadata can be represented as a set of RDF triples
referring to the same subject. RDF is a graph model
language originally used as a metadata data model.
RDF is not tied to a particular data format, but is often
associated with XML and is called RDF/XML. RDF
consists in graphs of triples referring to a same sub-
ject and allows expressing simple predicates (subject-
property-object). For example, expressing that a
particular fragment contains content about allergies,
would yield the following triples (in N-Triples nota-
’Allergies’ .
The data model of the MSL does not impose any par-
ticular metadata requirements. However, there exist
metadata definition initiatives for describing medical
documents, such as (Malet et al., 1999). The metadata
system described here does not strictly require infer-
ring new triples when adding new data. In the pro-
totype MSL, metadata was limited to the use of file
properties and attributes like date, author, recipient,
etc. Since those metadatas are just properties of a sin-
gle object and thus have no relationship, they do not
need inferencing. This behaviour is intended for this
first specification of the architecture. Because docu-
ments are spread all over the network, metadatas on
two different nodes can relate to each other and thus,
could require a distributed inference. Distributed rea-
soning patterns are very difficult to implementand are
still a field of active research (Schenk and Petr´ak,
2008)(Fang et al., 2008).
4.3.2 Storing Metadata
Metadata is stored in a database of RDF triples, which
is called an RDF store. The MSL provides an inter-
face abstracting their behaviour: the AbstractStore.
The implementation of new types of stores can be
supported by any library supporting RDF, such as
Jena or Virtuoso. Stores are loaded at run-time either
programmatically or from a configuration file.
4.3.3 Managing Access to Metadata
The AbstractStore provides almost the same interface
the Web service provides, except that its access is re-
stricted by the use of policies. Policies, which are
illustrated in Figure 6, represent a barrier between the
users and the store. Policies allow controlling the data
flow between the user and the resource. They can be
used to verify access authorizations, implement secu-
rity mechanisms or transform the input/output data.
Figure 5: MSL storage architecture overview.
There is only one active policy for each service prim-
itive (read, write, remove and query) and it is defined
in a configuration file, but can be changed program-
matically at run-time.
Figure 6: Policy mechanism overview.
When a service call is triggered, the PolicyMan-
ager class finds the active Policy for that method and
invokes it. The Policy class then accesses the Ab-
stractStore, but can perform some transformations or
access control of the data it receives. This mecha-
nism is particularly useful in the context of distributed
4.3.4 Federating Nodes
Although a MSL node is intended to work in a fed-
erated network topology, it provides no mechanisms
for constructing the federation. This limitation allows
on the other hand reusing the service in other environ-
Regular and forwarding nodes must be registered
in federated structure supported by an external frame-
work. The prototype uses WSDIR (Schumacher et al.,
2007), a federated directory system which allows reg-
istration and discovery of semantic web services to
build the federation. Each service is registered in a
node of the WSDIR service and it is then used to find
all metadata nodes registered in the federation chil-
dren nodes.
4.3.5 Handling Queries in a Federation - from
Query Resolution to Execution
Metadata nodes do not have any knowledge of the
other nodes. The federation access mechanisms are
handled at the policy level. In this particular case,
only queries need distribution, because reading, writ-
ing and removing is done locally. Federated queries
are handled at the policy level. The prototype appli-
cation implements a FederatedQueryPolicy that first
performs the query locally and then forwards it to the
other MSL nodes (children). Finally, it aggregates the
results and forwards it to the calling node until the
user gets a response.
4.4 Security Considerations
The MSL uses a policy-based design in order to pro-
tect access to the underlying service RDF store. There
exist a policy class for each service primitive (read,
write, remove and query), preventing unauthorised in-
bound and outbound accesses to the resources.
Policies play a double role in the design of the
architecture. First, they allow delaying the secu-
rity decisions to a latter implementation phase, al-
lowing thus concentrating on other programming as-
pects. Policies are defined at run-time in a configura-
tion file. Second, policies allow applying protection
mechanisms (resource observation) at the lowest lev-
els (access level).
However, protecting the access to resource is not
sufficient to prevent data stealing and data confiden-
tiality problems. The MSL architecture specification
defines mechanisms to ensure the security of the com-
munication medium, confidentiality and integrity of
the messages as well as resource access protection
through authentication and access control.
4.4.1 Securing the Communication Channels
The MSL communicates with the user, with other
nodes and the authentication server. It is important
to SSL-encrypt the communication channel between
all parties. Encrypting the communication between
the node and the authenticator service is important
in order to protected the token. Encrypting the com-
munication between the user and the node is neces-
sary to prevent data confidentiality loss and document
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
stealth. Encrypting the communication between two
nodes is important in order to avoid eavesdropping
on the metadata. The prototype application uses SSL
with certificates on the service.
4.4.2 Securing the Inter-component Messages
As said previously, SSL only encrypts the TCP/IP
message payload from the transport layer of the OSI
Model to the transport layer of the remote host. It
is thus possible to forge a new message or modify
it (XML). WSS primitives allow to encrypt and sign
(XML Signature) messages. The prototype applica-
tion does not currently implement SAML tokens, but
uses custom tokens, which are passed to the service
methods. Custom tokens are validated by the service
4.4.3 Securing the Access to Resources
Access to the resources uses a RBAC access con-
trolling scheme. Users are associated roles on the
Role Server and are assigned specific access rights.
These rights are defined in the metadata as read id
and write id. Each of these properties accepts a list
of roles as a value, specifying roles able to read or
write. Describing access lists in the metadata makes it
easy for authenticated and authorized patients or pro-
fessionals to change access rights when needed, but
also describing access rights on a document level.
4.4.4 Authenticating Users
The federated network is distributed into domains,
which are clusters of nodes sharing the same secu-
rity policies. Inside a domain, there is one single au-
thenticator service, which can be a Kerberos server, or
anything else that allows single sign-one. However,
supporting security domains supposes the authentica-
tion server to be able issuing security tokens. The Se-
curity Assertion Markup Language (SAML) enables
”portable trust” by supporting the assertion of au-
thentication of single principals between different do-
mains and is thus the recommended specification for
authentication across multiple domains. The proto-
type application currently has no support for external
authentication. Instead it authenticates users them-
selves on the local level. So, the only way to support
domain authentication is through a shared database of
The Medicoordination architecture has similarities
with IHE XDS in the sense that it is constituted of
a registry, a document repository and of affinity do-
mains. However, Medicoordination supports RDF
metadata in a federated scheme. The advantage of a
federated triple store is to provide a high level of data
”semantization” and allowing each health care actor
to manage its own documents while providing a de-
centralized storage. Very advanced searches are then
possible on the documents. It is feasible to return a
list of accessible documents for each patient which
has a particular disease with specific symptoms. The
benefits of Medicoordination are to give a specifi-
cation particularly well adapted for the Switzerland.
Since each canton has its own policies on terms of
healthcare, it is convenient to have a solution with
provides decentralized storage and meta-information
while giving the full control of data to local authori-
ties. For example, a hospital, which is also a Medico-
ordination metadata node, can manage and control in-
formation about all documents produced by itself, but
can also share them with the other institutes. They are
part of a global federation across the country, but are
local to a healthcare institute. Furthermore, the Medi-
coordination architecture does not impose the choice
of a specific infrastructure or implementation. It only
gives some guidelines about how the specific parts
should work together. Medicoordination is also in-
tended to adapt to existing infrastructures. It only re-
quires thin and small clients to make the bridge be-
tween the healthcare information technologies used
by the care institutions and the platform. A part of
the existing application already supports such exten-
sions through plugins. In order to validate our results,
a full prototype has still to be implemented.
This paper introduced an architecture to be used in
situations where the heterogeneity of systems pre-
vents classic interoperability solutions to work. We
did not dig into low-level concepts to remain inde-
pendent of any architecture. The implementation of
systems based on Medicoordinationnecessitates care-
ful thought on how to get different parts working to-
gether. Medicoordination, as a research project is in-
tended to give some guidelines about a possible ar-
chitecture for electronic healthcare infrastructure co-
operation, which empowers each healthcare actor to
manage its own data, while providing a flexible plat-
form, which adapts to existing standards and infras-
tructures. Future development of the Medicoordina-
tion architecture may involve modifications to make it
partially compatible with IHE XDS Affinity Domains
and XDS repositories. This is a necessary develop-
ment since the use of IHE profiles seems to be in the
focus of the Swiss Confederation eHealth Strategy.
Future work will also include a more detailed specifi-
cation based on new communication standards linked
to semantic web activities.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems