as demonstrated by the elimination of the incon-
sistency we detected in the Content Metamodel
with Information System Service that is a subclass
of BusinessService.
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and the associated technologies can play a substantial
role to enhance the quality of metamodels in enter-
prise architecture frameworks. Ontologies are more
explicit, precise and consequences can be exposed.
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metamodels but in a much more precise and unam-
biguous manner than that of metamodel notations cur-
rently being used. Ontologies are also based on stan-
dardised languages and this should promote interop-
erability of models within an enterprise architecture
framework and enterprise architecture implementa-
tions. The formalisation of metamodels, and specifi-
cally the TOGAF 9 Content Metamodel using ontol-
ogy technologies should assist in the generation of en-
terprise architectures that are clear and unambiguous.
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