Plan a travel
Book a train seat
a hotel
Pay the hotel
List free sites
to visit
Book a train seat
a hotel
Pay the hotel
by electronic transfer
List free sites
to visit
: parallel
: sequence
Figure 6: Generation of the composition schema.
travel”. This service pattern is composed of three ac-
tivities shown in Figure 5.
The SAM asks for research of service patterns cor-
responding to “Search for a mean of transport” and
“Book a hotel”, and so on (see Table 1 line 18 and 19)
until all activities correspond to atomic patterns.
For the service pattern “Search for a mean of
transport” (see Figure 3), the SAM needs to use the
rule part because this pattern is conditional (see Table
1 lines 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28). The result here
is the service pattern “Book a train seat”. The ser-
vice patterns “Book a hotel room” and “Plan for an
excursion” are composite service patterns. The SAM
executes on them the instructions in lines 20, 21 and
22 of the algorithm in Table 1.
All obtained service patterns are atomic except
“Pay the hotel” and “List the sites to visit” which are
conditional service patterns. The SAM executes the
instructions in lines 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28.
Based on Constraint2 of the user intention, the
SAM chooses the activity “List free sites” of the con-
ditional service pattern “List the sites to visit” using
the corresponding rules.
The SAM generates the composition schema, in
which, activities correspond to obtained atomic ser-
vice patterns (see Figure 6). In this process we have
three branches in parallel. This is due to the organiza-
tion of the activities in the composite service pattern
“Plan a travel”. Indeed, the control flow of the gener-
ated process is deduced from service patterns.
This paper proposed the use of service patterns for
representing generic services. The proposed specifi-
cation of these services is important for their reusabil-
ity. In addition, the proposed specification facilitates
the matching between user intentions and available
services. This helps in efficiently finding relevant ser-
vices. Besides, service patterns can be conditional,
which allows the instantiation of generic processes in
different situations according to users intention and
context. We introduced a composition engine which
generates on the fly a process allowing to achieve the
user intention based on contextual information and
user preferences.
Future research will focus on further refinements
of the composition engine: how to acquire contex-
tual information, and how can rules of service pat-
terns evolve dynamically to adapt to different com-
plex user intentions and contexts? We intend to study
the correspondence between high level services stud-
ied in this work and the concrete Web services which
allow physical implementation of user intention.
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