identification process and analysis of local risks and
the applicability of the categorization process and
The first dimension highlighted in this article,
aimed at identifying the profile of the people
involved in the case study. On this dimension there
were five respondents, being two of them from the
strategic level, one of them from the tactical level
and two others from the operational level of the
organization. The respondents from the strategic
level were 39 years old (average), 17 years of
experience in IT and an average of 9 years in the
organization. The respondent from the tactical level
was 28 years old, 9 years of experience in IT and 3
years working in the organization. The respondents
from the operational level were 24,5 years old
(average), approximately 2,5 years of experience in
IT and about 2 years working in the organization.
All the respondents had finished college graduation
in the area of IT, and 80% of the respondents were
post-graduated in specialization level.
The second dimension highlighted in this article,
aimed at characterizing the organization and also
aimed at identifying the organization's experience in
management of risk. In relation to the dimension of
characterization of the organization, the global unit
(head office) has over 500 employees and 16 years
of experience in the market, while the distributed
unit (branch) has between 10 and 50 employees and
more than 5 years old. Regarding the experience in
management of risk in the organization, 67% of
respondents reported that there is awareness about
the importance of management of risk in the
organization. Regarding the discussion on
management of risk in the organization, 100% of
respondents said that this is not encouraged and they
also indicated that there are no specific actions for
management of risk. Regarding the formalization of
management of risk in the organization, 100% of
respondents concluded that management of risk is
not formalized. Thus, regarding the level of
awareness about the management of risks in the
organization, we have found that the organization is
among those which have a level of awareness about
the importance of the topic, but do not put the
management of risk in their projects into practice, as
stated Audy (Audy, 2008).
The third dimension highlighted in this article,
aimed at evaluating the applicability of the
identification process and risk analysis of the global
GeRDDoS model, trying to measure the alignment
of management of risk with the strategic planning of
the organization, the activities of the actors involved,
the level of effort on its application and artifact basic
declaration of global risks. Among the respondents,
both at the strategic and tactical levels, 87% agreed
that the process facilitates the alignment of the
management of risk with strategic planning of the
organization. That is exactly what the authors
Prikladnicki (Prikladnicki; Yamaguti; 2004), Audy
(Audy, 2008) and Sangwan (Sangwan, 2007) say,
stating that the analysis and risk assessment carried
out in strategic and tactical levels must be integrated
with the risk analysis performed at the operational
level by project managers. Among the respondents,
both at strategic and tactical levels, 80% considered
that the factors, methods and techniques presented in
the process facilitated the identification and analysis
of global risks, and that the tasks assigned to each
actor are well defined and clear process. Among the
respondents, 47% considered that the level of effort
spent on the process is low, and 53% considered as
the average level of effort spent on the process.
Among the respondents, 80% agreed that the artifact
- basic declaration of global risks - is important in
the process, since it helps in the identification and
preliminary analysis of global risks. Thus we see
that the process of identification and analysis of the
global risks GeRDDoS model reached the goal of
facilitating the identification of risks at the global
level and allowing alignment between management
of risk and strategic planning organization.
The fourth dimension highlighted in this article,
aimed at evaluating the applicability of the process
of identification and analysis of local risks, trying to
measure the alignment of management of risk at the
distributed unit (branch) level with the strategic
planning of the organization, activities of the actors
involved, the level of effort on your application and
artifact basic declaration of local risks. Among the
respondents, both at the tactical and operational
levels, 67% agreed that the process facilitates the
alignment of management of risk with strategic
planning of the organization. This confirms the
proposition of the researchers Prikladnicki
(Prikladnicki; Yamaguti; 2004), Audy (Audy, 2008)
and Sangwan (Sangwan, 2007), about the
importance of aligning the actions of management of
risk between the global unit (head office) and
distributed unit (branch), and these with the
organization's strategic planning. Among the
respondents, both at tactical and operational levels,
67% considered that the factors that the methods and
techniques presented in the process facilitated the
identification and analysis of local risks, and that the
tasks assigned to each actor are well defined and
clear in the process. Among the respondents, 53%
evaluated as average the level of effort spent on the
Evaluation of a Model for Management of Risk in Distributed Software Projects