Status of the Portuguese Websites Regarding Accessibility Levels
Ramiro Gonçalves, José Martins, Manuel Martins, Jorge Pereira and Henrique Mamede
GECAD - University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: Website, Accessibility, W3C, Guidelines, Evaluation.
Abstract: The Internet is extremely important for the publishing of information and for the interaction between the
society elements. Due to this, it’s essential that the web presents itself accessible to all, including those with
any kind of disability. An accessible web may help the handicapped citizens interact with the society in a
more active way. This paper presents a study made with a universe of 777 Portuguese biggest enterprises,
using a W3C referenced tool (SortSite), and presents some statistical results according to the Portuguese
Classification of the Enterprises Activities. The achieved results present a serious troubled reality that’s
preventing the disabled citizens from having the same access rights to the World Wide Web as the “non-
disabled” citizens.
According to the European Commission all the
disabled citizens can be better integrated in society
through the use of Information and Communication
Technologies - ICT, but for this to happen, these
same technologies must be accessible to all (EU,
In the last two decades a very important change
in the economical and social activities has occurred.
The ICT have contributed in a significant way to this
change (Socrates, 2007).
According to Ban Ki-Moon, it’s internationally
consensual that the Information and communications
technologies have a central role to play in the quest
for development, dignity and peace (Ki-Moon,
The ICT have become indispensable for the
social and economical evolution of society. As a
result of this, one of the social factors to be
considered is the accessibility to all available
resources, including the Web. According to Tim
Berners-Lee, the power of the web is the possibility
of access to all available resources by everyone and
its universality (Out-Law, 2006).
2.1 Web Accessibility Concepts and
The term accessibility can easily be defined has the
possibility of disabled people interact with a
product, resource, service or activity has normal
people would. In what concerns the ICT, we can
define accessibility as the creation of interfaces that
are perceived, operable and easy to understand for
people with a wide range of features. This includes
all deficiencies, functional limitations, including a
visual impairment, hearing, physical, cognitive and
neurological (W3C 2008).
2.2 Web Accessibility World
According to the European Commission, there are
about 37 million European Citizens that present
some sort of disability or impairment, that need
access to all web content (EU, 2002). As an
example, in the United Kingdom, there’s an estimate
that the disabled citizens present a market value of
about 120 billion pounds (Freedman, 2008).
The World Health Organization – WHO claims
that about 10% of the world population suffers, from
Gonçalves R., Martins J., Martins M., Pereira J. and Mamede H. (2010).
PORTUGUESE WEB ACCESSIBILITY SNAPSHOT - Status of the Portuguese Websites Regarding Accessibility Levels.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 223-226
DOI: 10.5220/0002905602230226
some kind of disability or incapacity. This number
clearly shows the existing need for health and
rehabilitation services. Due to this, the WHO created
an action plan called “Disability and Rehabilitation
Action-Plan 2006-2010”, whose mission goes not
only, for trying to disseminate and create awareness
of this reality throughout the world community, but
also to create initiatives that help in the process of
recovery and re-integration of disabled people back
to society (WHO, 2006).
2.2.1 W3C Accessibility Initiative
Web content accessibility has been a priority for
various world entities, such as the W3C consortium
which in 1999 created the World Accessibility
Initiative – WAI. This initiative was created with the
aim of being a parallel organization to the W3C and
its mission was to develop guidelines that would be
understood as the international standards for web
accessibility; as well as to develop support materials
for a better understanding and development of web
accessibility, and to develop new resources through
international cooperation (W3C, 2008b).
2.2.2 Portuguese Web Accessibility
Regulations and Concerns
In the year 2002, the Portuguese National Institute of
Statistics - INE promoted a demographic study
named “Censos 2002 – População residente com
deficiência segundo o grau de incapacidade e sexo”.
According to this study, there were 634000
Portuguese citizens with some kind of disability.
This number represents 6% of the entire Portuguese
population (INE 2002).
Our work consists in an evaluation of the 1000
biggest Portuguese enterprises websites homepage.
This list of enterprises was achieved by the
Portuguese Institute of Statistics and the main
criteria was the business volume (INE, 2007).
3.1 Evaluation Proceedings
According to the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative,
the accessibility evaluation of a website is a process
achieved by the following steps: definition of the
scope of the evaluation, definition of the evaluation
tools, definition of the proceedings for the manual
evaluation and definition of which reports will result
from the evaluation process (W3C, 2006b).
For the definition of the scope of the evaluation,
we had to identify the criteria to be used for the
accessibility evaluation and who would be part of
the target group. In order to achieve good results, we
decided to use the “AAA” accessibility level
announced by the W3C as the evaluation criteria
(W3C, 2008).
For the evaluation tool, we’ve chosen the
SortSite Tool (Sortsite, 2009). This was the chosen
web accessibility evaluation tool because, in first
place, it is referenced by W3C and secondly because
it is capable of automatically evaluate an entire
website against WCAG2.0, creating summary
reports that can be used to extract the evaluation
Concerning the kind of reports that would result
from the evaluation process, we decided to do a
group of simple statistical studies (average, standard
deviation, maximum and minimum), that would
represent the reality of the web accessibility levels
presented by the Portuguese enterprises.
In this paper we present only the results of the
first page in each web site. Following this work, we
will proceed to the evaluation of 30 pages on each
web site.
3.2 Evaluation Target Group
For the definition of the target group we realized that
evaluating all the Portuguese enterprises websites
was extremely complicated, so as a way to solve this
issue we decided to evaluate, the 1000 largest
Portuguese enterprises (INE, 2007).
3.3 Evaluation Results
We started with a universe of the 1000 biggest
Portuguese enterprises, but only 777 (77,7%) where
evaluated, allowing us to compare this results with
the previous collected and discussed in the study
“Portuguese Web Accessibility” (Martins,
Gonçalves et all, 2009).
After the evaluation of the remaining 777
enterprises websites, we reached to a significant
group of results. However, following the line of
other Works (Martins, Gonçalves et all, 2009), we
believe that separating these results according to the
Portuguese Classification of the Enterprises
Activities (INE, 2008).
When we reached the separated evaluation
results (according to the previous defined criteria),
we also decided to group these same results
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
according to the success criteria levels defined in the
W3C Web Contact Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
With this in mind we reached the results that can be
perceived in table 1, 2 and 3.
As we can perceive by looking at table 1, the
dispersion of results is extremely intense, but it’s
possible to see that none of the evaluated websites
presents a zero count of level A errors. Another
aspect that we can also retrieve by looking at table 1,
it the maximum number of level A errors. By
looking at table 1 is also possible to perceive that,
the activity sectors E – Water and Residue
Treatment, A - Agriculture and I - Housing are the
most accessible in what the WCAG2.0 level A
criteria concerns. In opposite, the activity sector N –
Administrative Activities, J - Audiovisual and Q -
Health are the less accessible.
Table 1: Level A Evaluation Results.
Sector Avg Median
Deviation Max Min
Water &
2 1 3 15 0
Agriculture 4 1 7 38 0
Housing 8 3 15 73 0
Construction 9 2 34 600 0
Consulting 11 3 25 164 0
12 2 34 947 0
Arts & Sports 13 4 26 137 0
Water and Gas
13 2 30 141 0
14 3 39 608 0
Bank and
15 3 33 355 0
Real Estate 16 3 45 389 0
Transportation 17 3 44 288 0
21 3 83 1358 0
Audiovisual 22 3 51 484 0
Health 29 4 78 432 0
Table 2: Level AA Evaluation Results.
Sector Avg Median
Deviation Max Min
Water and
3 1 3 15 0
Agriculture 5 2 12 81 0
Housing 13 4 28 162 0
Construction 14 3 48 751 0
16 4 44 978 0
Consulting 17 4 38 223 0
Arts & Sports 21 5 44 221 0
22 4 61 947 0
Real Estate 22 4 52 389 0
Bank and
25 4 57 431 0
Transportation 26 4 72 698 0
30 4 109 1390 0
Water and Gas
30 4 74 388 0
Audiovisual 39 5 105 1162 0
Health 46 5 127 638 0
Table 3: Level AAA Evaluation Results.
Sector Avg Median
Deviation Max Min
Water and
4 2 4 15 0
Agriculture 6 2 12 81 0
Housing 14 7 27 162 0
Construction 16 4 48 751 0
18 7 45 978 0
Consulting 19 7 38 223 0
Arts & Sports 23 8 43 220 0
Real Estate 24 8 52 389 0
25 7 62 947 0
Bank and
27 8 57 431 0
Transportation 29 7 72 698 0
Water and Gas
32 8 74 388 0
32 7 109 1390 0
Audiovisual 43 8 104 1162 0
Health 49 8 127 638 0
PORTUGUESE WEB ACCESSIBILITY SNAPSHOT - Status of the Portuguese Websites Regarding Accessibility Levels
By looking at table 2, we can see that, although
some activity sectors present a low error average, we
can see that there isn’t a single one that clearly
complies with the guidelines proposed by W3C. As
well as in table 1, also in table 2 we can perceive
that the maximum of errors is extremely high.
As we can perceive by analyzing table 3, the
results are in some way disperse, but it’s still
possible to retrieve some indicators, such as the high
average of errors and an extremely high maximum
of errors. These indicators clearly show that the
evaluated websites are not made according to the
W3C WCAG2.0 in what the level AAA criteria
With this work we managed to achieve our initial
goal that was delivering indicators on the actual
accessibility levels presented by the Portuguese
enterprises websites.
As the results that were presented show, the
accessibility evaluation that was done, leaded to the
detection of a considerable number of errors on each
of the websites first page that belong to the target
group. This fact indicates that the accessibility levels
of the Portuguese enterprises are very low.
The World Wide Web is constantly evolving
and, alongside with this evolution, the citizens
requirements towards the services provided by the
Web (websites, web applications, etc.) are also
changing and evolving. In this way, it’s imperative
that all services available in the web should be
accessible. This same situation can be applied to the
Portuguese websites, so that the Portuguese disabled
citizens can use them and be less limited in our
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems