very common situation where the teacher offers to
students a set of test questions to do, for example, as
a review of the most important concepts of the last
explained subject. The teacher assigns a range of
questions for each student, or group of students, to
answer and explain them.
Normally in these situations the teacher makes
the student read each question that corresponds to
the range earmarked to him, either from a common
screen (usually showing a projector signal) or from
the book notes that have been previously provided.
Once the student read the question, he chooses or
selects an option, from all the presented ones, that he
thinks that is the correct one and explains his
decision. Subsequently, the teacher corrects the
answers of student if it is necessary. All this, of
course, is done in an environment where all students
are present, so they can acquire a feedback from the
subject content. To facilitate these activities, an
application like MPrinceTool seems necessary. By
using this application, the situation would
considerably become better, since students and also
teachers will have a major, visual and simple,
interactive environment.
In this new context, the teacher launches the
application, MPrinceTool, from his mobile device
introducing his username and password. Once he is
identified, the teacher can access the appropriate
interface to his role in which he can see all the test
questions (which are displayed individually), the
connected student, the offered resources and the chat
event. Later the system reloads the questions list and
assigned each student a range of relevant questions.
In addition, each student will connect to the
application using his mobile device, identifying
himself by introducing his username and
authenticating with his password. In this case, he
enters the system with the student role; he can access
the options that are specific to this type of role: chat
and test questions that he has to answer individually
and in a personalized manner.
The questions to be resolved by the students will
be automatically selected by the system based on the
subject to review, and depending on the number of
the connected students and to the difficulty level that
the teacher selects.
At this point, the application has been distributed
over three interfaces: the projector which displays
all, and both interfaces on the teacher and student
mobile device.
Students interface displays a screen with two
zones, one that will be used as a mouse (and
includes the same view of the projector), which is
used to select the answer that they consider as a
correct one, in the case that where the viewed
question corresponds to him. The other area is
composed of the chat that allows him to
communicate with other members of the class.
Taking into account the described interfaces, the
needed environment that defines the situation is
created; at this time the teacher indicates the start of
the collaborative activity. Once the review is
completed, i.e. once all students have answered all
the questions, the teacher concludes the event.
Finally, the application save a historical review of
what has been accomplished, storing two sets of
Specific to a particular student: questions and
answers that the student has worked, and also a
statistical study of correct and incorrect answers.
This information is essential because it allows
assessing student’s knowledge individually.
Specific student group: all questions and all
answers that have been done with a
comprehensive statistical study.
This information allows assessing the knowledge
of the class as a whole.
After completing the review, and closing the
application from the teacher interface, the entire
system will shutdown, which means that students
instance will be closed too, and at the time the
finalization of the interface that is seen through the
This paper presents a solution for the classroom
education, by presenting the educational tool,
MPrinceTool which make use of the high
technology, like the mobile devices, Wi-Fi
connection, as presenting collaborative
This tool also helps students to participate more
in class and join each other in the educational
activities. It allows them to interact with the learned
subjects, and teachers can have more detailed
information about student’s progress.
Also we are developing this tool in a way that
students who are out of classroom can participate in
the class work. And we are studying the method that
can develop it, so it can be work in another
platforms and operating systems.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems