A Process to Support Ontology Conceptualization
Elis Montoro Hernandes, Deysiane Sande and Sandra Fabbri
Computing Department, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology Engineering, Collaborative Glossary, Conceptualization Phase, Information Visualization.
Abstract: Although there are tools that support the ontology construction, such tools do not necessarily take heed to
the conceptualization phase in its need of execution resources. The objective of this paper is to present the
ONTOP Process (ONTOlogy conceptualization Process) as an effective means of enhancing the
conceptualization phase of the ontology construction. This process is supported by the ONTOP-Tool which
provides an iterative way to defining a collaborative glossary and uses a visual metaphor to facilitate the
identification of the ontology components. Once the components are defined, it is possible to generate an
OWL file that can be used as an input to other ontology editors. The paper also presents an application of
the both process and the tool, which emphasizes the contributions of this proposal.
Sharing large volume of data and information
through web technologies is, currently, a constant
need. Appropriate mechanisms for this are the target
of many researches mainly in the context of
semantic web (Daconta, Obrst and Smith, 2003).
Ontologies have been a common help resource.
According to Gruber (1993), ontology is a formal
and explicit specification of the description of
concepts in a domain. Ontologies represent the
semantic of a domain and can be used by many
Based on the literature (Gruber, 1993; Gómez-
Pérez, Fernández-López and Corcho, 2004), it is
possible to identify some advantages provided by an
ontology: i) improvement of the communication
among the involved people since it leads to a
particular sense of the vocabulary and meaning of
the domain terms; ii) formalization of the knowledge
avoiding ambiguities and inconsistencies; iii)
representation of the domain knowledge allowing its
dissemination and reuse. In addition, ontology
allows the knowledge improvement making it
possible for different teams develop applications in
different moments and with different purposes.
Due to these reasons it is important that domain
experts participate in development of the ontology
process aiming to avoid mistaken definitions.
In literature there are several approaches to
ontology development (Gómez-Pérez et al., 2004).
Corcho, Fernández-López and Gómez-Pérez (2003)
discuss ontology methods that had been used since
the 90’s and comment that none of them have
reached the maturity. However, Methontology
(Fernández-López, Gómez-Pérez, Pazos-Sierra and
Pazos-Sierra, 1999) is a method that has been
considered one of the most complete (Corcho et al.,
Among the development activities, Methontology
is composed by the phases of Figure 1, which are
present in the majority of the ontology development
processes. Aiming at supporting the execution of
these phases some tools and languages were proposed
in literature. In this research we particularly use the
ontology editor Protégé-2000 (Noy, Fergerson and
Musen, 2000; “Protégé-2000”, 2010) and the
language OWL (Ontology Web Language) (“OWL”,
2009) due to the features they provide for our work
and to their acceptance in ontology area.
Figure 1: Ontology Development Activities of
Methontology. Adapted (Corcho et al., 2003).
Montoro Hernandes E., Sande D. and Fabbri S. (2010).
ONTOP - A Process to Support Ontology Conceptualization.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages 58-65
DOI: 10.5220/0002908100580065
In spite of such proposals, none of the tools
support the conceptualization phase highlighted in
Figure 1. The objective of this phase is to organize
the non structured knowledge, which was acquired
in the previous specification phase. The
conceptualization phase converts domain
information into a semi-formal specification using a
set of intermediate representations. This phase is
considered the most important phase for the
ontology identification an it initial activity is the
construction of a glossary (Corcho et al., 2003).
Apart from the glossary, many initial definitions and
ontology components, like classes and their
relationships, are established in this phase.
Considering this context, the objective of this
paper is to present the process ONTOP (ONTOlogy
conceptualization Process) to support the
conceptualization phase of the ontology definition
and ONTOP-Tool that supports the execution of this
process. ONTOP considers the use of a collaborative
glossary tool and the use of visualization, which
helps a great deal in the identification of classes. In
this proposal we are using the glossary available in
the free Moodle environment (Modular Object-
Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)
(“Moodle”, 2009). The activities proposed in this
process are supported by ONTOP-Tool that is
responsible for the interaction between the glossary
and the visualization, allowing an easier
identification of the ontology components. The
intention of the example presented in this paper is to
explain the process and the functionalities of the tool
showing the contribution of the proposal and not
exploring the ontology properly.
The remaining of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 comments the importance of a
glossary for ontology definition and mentions the
main characteristics a glossary should have; Section
3 provides a brief view on visualization; Section 4
presents the ONTOP process and explains the
activities that compose it; Section 5 provides an
example of the process application supported by the
tool and Section 6 presents the conclusions and
future works.
Regarding target domain, some authors indicate the
glossary as the artifact for knowledge acquisition
and documentation (Fernández-López et.al, 1999)
(Falbo, Menezes and Rocha, 1998).
A common problem associated with ontology
construction is that those who need the ontology are
specialists on the domain and often they are
geographically distributed. If that is the case, the
support of tools becomes essential in order to allow
a colaborative development and documentation of
the ontology construction. The glossary could be a
richer source of information if a greater number of
specialists participated in its production. In such
case, the glossary would synthetize concepts from
different contributors.
Another important reason for using glossaries is
that its use is much more friendly to the specialists
rather than the use of the notation applied to describe
Concerning the main characteristics, a glossary
should satisfy the auto-reference principle which
says that terms used to describe another terms
should also be an entry of the glossary. In addition, a
glossary should satisfy the principle of minimum
vocabulary, i.e., the vocabulary should be as small
as possible and does not have ambiguities.
Falbo et al. (1998) emphasize that glossaries
should use the concept of hypertext aiming at
facilitating the navigation in the document. This
characteristic is native in the Moodle environment
and was a reason for choosing this environment in
this proposal. In addition, Moodle provides other
resources like a glossary administrator, different
permissions, discussion forums, etc., that facilitate
the collaborative work and its management.
Visualization is a process that transforms data,
information and knowledge in a visual form that
explores the natural visual capacity of human beings,
providing an interface between two powerful systems
of information treatment: the human brain and the
computer (Gershon, Eick and Card, 1998). Effective
visual interfaces provide a quick interaction with large
volume of data, making the identification of
characteristics, patterns and tendencies that were
masked easier.
In the literature, there are some visualization
techniques and tools that implement them (Gershon,
Eick and Card, 1998). They present advantages and
limitations according to the format and type of the
data that will be visualized and to the exploration
ONTOP - A Process to Support Ontology Conceptualization
Figure 2: ONTOP process.
In this research we use the Tree-Map technique
(Johnson and Shneiderman, 1991) that is illustrated in
Figure 2. This technique represents the data as nested
rectangles in accordance with their hierarchy. The
size of the rectangles is proportional to the number of
items that compose the next level of the hierarchy.
The size and color variation of Tree-Map makes
evident the characteristics of each set of data. This
fact enhances the visualization of large sets of data
like, for example, a glossary that contains many
terms. In addition, Tree-Map uses all the screen space
that allows the representation of a great amount of
Figure 2 shows an example of Tree-Map. In this
case the technique is used in the NewsMap site to
group news in accordance with the subject
(“NewsMap”, 2009). This site uses visualization to
show world news allowing that users interact with the
site filtering the news by theme, date and country.
Figure 3: Newsmap site (“NewsMap”, 2009).
Visualization allows a broad view of the data as
well as the abstraction of new information in a
quicker way than if the analysis was done manually.
Even when the set of data is small, an appropriated
visualization allows an immediate identification of
tenuous differences in the data. Many advantages of
visualization uses can be viewed through the
researches of many authors (Chen, Kuljis and Paul,
2001) (Auvil, Llorà, Searsmith and Searsmith, 2007)
(Ichise, Satoh and Numao, 2008).
In this research the Tree-Map technique is used
to represent the terms of the glossary such that each
box represents a term and the size and the color of
the boxes represent the frequency that the term is
used in the glossary. In this case, the visualization
allows a quick identification of the most cited terms,
which are candidate to classes of the ontology.
Although there is, for example, the TreeMap
(“TreeMap”, 2009) and other tools that implement
this technique, they did not have essential resources to
help in our problem. Aiming to refine the glossary,
we needed that the visualization tool provided two
basic operations: string search and edition. This fact
leads us to implement ONTOP-Tool that will be
presented in Section 5.
ONTOP is a process supported by the ONTOP-Tool
which enhances the ontology conceptualization by
making use of glossary and visualization (Figure 3).
The glossary can be constructed in a collaborative
way among the ontology stakeholders, including the
domain specialists, through an iterative process of
refinement. As the collaborative work is
fundamental, we decided to use the glossary of
Moodle environment for the reason that it provides
some management facilities. Plus the fact that it is
possible to export the terms to an XML file so that
they can be loaded in the ONTOP-Tool and also
visualized through the Tree-Map (Johnson and
Shneiderman, 1991), allowing the interaction
between the tool and the Moodle. After that, by
means of visualization information, it is possible to
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
define the initial ontology components. These
components can be exported to an OWL file
(“OWL”, 2009) and be used by a ontology editor
like Protégé-2000 (Noy et al., 2000; “Protégé-2000”,
2010) to go ahead with the ontology formalization.
The steps that compose the ONTOP process are
the following:
Step 1 – Refine Glossary: the objective of this step is
to create, refine and validate the glossary iteratively,
counting on the domain specialists’ involvement.
This is an iterative step where the glossary is
imported from and exported to the Moodle
environment as well as to and from the ONTOP-
Tool, until the glossary is finally able to represent
the domain. During this iteration the ontology
stakeholders can insert, remove or define the terms.
The Step 1 is composed by the following
1) Create a glossary in the Moodle environment;
2) Share the glossary with the ontology
stakeholders so that some specialists can
participate in the glossary definition;
3) Refine the glossary with the following actions:
(i) Export the glossary from the Moodle to an
XML file;
(ii) Import the XML file to the ONTOP-Tool
so it can be visualized by means of the
(iii) Export the glossary from the ONTOP-Tool
to an XML file;
(iv) Import the XML file to the Moodle
(v) Go back to (i) until the ontology
stakeholders come to an agreement.
Step 2 – Define ontology components: the objective
of this step is to identify, among glossary terms, the
possible ontology components and, then, classify
them in terms of class, class instance, relationship or
synonyms. At this point the contribution of the
ONTOP-Tool is to make evident the most used
terms, pinpointing then as possible ontology
components candidates.
Step 3 – Define class hierarchy: the objective of this
step is to define the hierarchy of the components
identified in step 2. The hierarchy is easily
established by the ONTOP-Tool through a drag-and
drop action.
Step 4 – Define class relationships: the objective of
this step is to attribute the relationships among the
classes. Some of these relationships are predefined
and obtained from the information generated in Step
2 and some others can be inserted by the user when
Step 5 – Generate OWL file: the objective of this
step is to generate the OWL file which is composed
of all the information defined by the user in the
previous four steps. This file can be imported by an
ontology editor as Protégé-2000, which is used in
this research.
In this section we present an example of the process
application, detailing the functionalities provided by
the ONTOP-Tool. The process is illustrated based
on Experimental Software Engineering (ESE)
domain. The glossary constructed for this domain
counted on the collaboration of domain specialists
that composed the program committee of 2006’s
Experimental Software Engineering Latin American
Workshop (Fabbri, Travassos; Maldonado;
Mendonça Neto and Oliveira, 2006).
Experimental Software Engineering is a growing
area in software engineering and deals with different
types of experimental studies, for example, surveys,
case study, controlled experiment (Wohlin et al.,
2000). Due to limited space we cannot give a deep
overview of the domain. In spite this limitation, our
main objective is to explain the process steps
showing how they work and how they help the
ontology conceptualization phase.
The ESE glossary was constructed in the Moodle
environment aiming to facilitate the communication
among the program committee, which was
geographically distributed. Based on this ESE
glossary version, ONTOP was applied as illustrated
Figure 4 shows the initial screen of the ONTOP-
Tool which has buttons for the functionalities
needed to execute the process steps.
To execute Step 1, for refining the glossary, the
user should use the first three buttons. Clicking on
the button “Import Moodle Glossary” the tool
uploads the XML file that contains the ESE
After that, the user should click on the button
“Analyse the Glossary” to visualize it like in Figure
5 where:
each box corresponds to a term;
each box is colored according to the term
clicking on a box it is possible to insert or edit
the term definition;
ONTOP - A Process to Support Ontology Conceptualization
boxes that have a fading color represent terms
that were edited in the current visualization;
terms can be inserted or excluded as in the
Moodle glossary.
Figure 4: ONTOP-Tool initial screen.
In this example, as the ESE glossary was already
constructed by the domain specialists, it was not
necessary much iteration to execute the refinement.
However, just to exemplify the contribution of
visualization, note that at the left top corner of
Figure 5 there are a set of boxes that are grouped
because they correspond to terms that do not have a
definition. This situation is easily identified in the
visual metaphor. To obtain this information in the
Moodle environment, the user should verify the
terms, one by one. Missing or equal definitions are
quickly identified by means of the ONTOP-Tool.
Considering the previous situation, if the user
decides to insert a definition to these terms, the color
of their boxes is faded (see Figure 6). This is an
interesting artifice of the ONTOP-Tool since every
time a color is faded in the visual metaphor it means
that the corresponding term was edited. The color
will persist faded while the user stays in the same
If the user wishes to share the editions among the
ontology stakeholders, he should export this version
of the glossary clicking on the button “Export
Moodle Glossary” and import it again to the Moodle
environment, by means of Moodle functionality.
Figure 5: Initial glossary visualization.
Figure 6: Fade color represents edited terms.
All these activities should be repeated until the
ontology stakeholders reach an agreement. Once the
glossary is finished, the user can execute the Step 2,
clicking on the button “Identify components”, for
classifying the glossary terms as ontology
components. Figure 7 shows the screen of this
functionality, where the region to insert the
definitions is highlighted. The visualization is the
same of the previous functionality and, at this
moment, one of the contributions of visualization is
related to the size or the color of the boxes, since
they represent the frequency associated to each term.
Terms that have high frequency are candidates to
become classes of the ontology.
For example, in Figure 7, the terms Experiment,
Simulation and Survey that are highlighted in the
figure, correspond to the most referenced in the ESE
glossary; they have the largest boxes and colors that
correspond to high levels of frequency.
In fact, for the ESE domain, the term
“Experiment” is used for defining or expressing
many other terms like Controlled Experiment,
Experiment Design, Replicated Experiment, etc. The
same happens with the term “Simulation” that is
used to compose Continuous Simulation and
Dynamic Simulation, in addition to define other
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: Screen for defining components.
Another contribution of visualization for
defining the ontology components is related to the
search resource. In this case, when the user classifies
a term, the ONTOP-Tool uses this term as a key
word for searching other terms that use the defined
term in some way. As it is showed in Figure 8 the
terms that satisfy the searching are highlighted in the
screen. This fact allows that all these terms are
classified at the same time, making easier the
classification activity.
In Figure 8 all the terms that use “Validity” were
highlighted when the user classified that term.
Figure 8: Terms highlighted after a searching.
As it happens during the refinement activity, the
color of the boxes becomes fade as the terms are
classified. In Figure 9 all the boxes have a fade
color. This visual effect allows that the user
identifies, quickly, the terms that were defined the
ones that were not.
After all the terms were classified, the next step
provided by ONTOP-ToolStep 3 – corresponds to
the button “Define hierarchy” that should be used to
organize, in an hierarchical way, the ontology
classes defined in the previous step. This
functionality uses a drag-and-drop interface which
facilitates this operation.
Figure 9: Visualization after the definition of all the terms.
Again, considering the ESE domain, the initial
organization of the classes is presented in Figure 10.
By means of the drag-and-drop resource the user can
reach the organization showed in Figure 11 in a
friendly way.
Figure 10: Initial hierarchy of the ontology classes.
Another resource provided by ONTOP-Tool is
available through the Step 4 that corresponds to the
button “Define relationships” of Figure 4. The screen
related to this functionality is presented in Figure 12.
In this interface, the classes defined in Step 2 are
presented on the left and on the right side of the
screen. Between them it is presented a list of
properties. These properties can be provided by the
ONTOP-Tool or can be defined by the user in this
occasion. The properties that are provided by the tool
correspond to the ones that are frequently used by
ontologies or the ones that were defined in Step 2.
ONTOP - A Process to Support Ontology Conceptualization
Figure 11: Final hierarchy of the ontology classes.
Figure 12: Screen for defining relationships.
The establishment of the relationships requires
the following actions:
(i) select a class of the right list, for example,
the Lab Package class;
(ii) select a property, for example, is_basis_for;
(iii) select a class of the left list, for example,the
Replication class;
(iv) confirm the relationship;
(v) repeat the actions (i) to (iv) until all the
relationships are established.
After these actions, the relationship “Lab
Package is_basis_for Replication” was created.
We observe that ONTOP-Tool creates
relationships of Domain-Range type. This kind of
relationship indicates that the property links the
individuals of the Domain class to the individuals of
the Range class. The other kinds of relationship that
are used in the context of ontology should be created
by the tools that support ontology development, like
Finally, the last functionality provided by
ONTOP-Tool corresponds to the Step 5 and to the
button “Create OWL file” of Figure 4. This
functionality allows the creation of this file that
contains all the information defined till now. The
OWL file can be imported to several ontology
editors. In our research we use Protégé-2000,
versions 3.4 and 4.0.
To sum up, this paper presented the ONTOP process
which supports the conceptualization phase of an
ontology development. The tools for ontology
development identified in the field literature do not
deal with the conceptualization of the domain since
they focus on the implementation phase. ONTOP
deals with this phase and it is supported by the
ONTOP-Tool which facilitates the construction of a
collaborative glossary as well as the identification of
the ontology components.
Concerning the glossary construction, itself the
target domain should be as representative as
possible. To reach this objective it is essential that
different views and suggestions are considered. This
fact implies the involvement of different
stakeholders, especially the domain specialists that
are often geographically distributed. For the reason
we decided to use the Moodle glossary for the fact
that the Moodle environment is a free software that
provides a good set of glossary management
functionalities. By means of the Moodle
environment the glossary is easily shared and
validated by many stakeholders. Also, as it is
possible to export the glossary as an XML file, the
ONTOP-Tool provides an iteration activity that
enhances its refinement.
Another aiding support provided by the ONTOP
and ONTOP-Tool for the conceptualization phase
(which is essential for every method that supports
the ontology development, including Methontology)
is visualization. This resource was adopted in light
of two different purposes: to facilitate the glossary
refinement (for example, making easier the
identification of the definition of terms) and to
facilitate the preliminary identification of the
ontology components (for instance, using the size of
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the boxes to select possible components of the
An additional advantage of our proposal is the
fact that, once ONTOP-Tool can automatically
generate an OWL file at the end of the process, the
next phases of the ontology construction may be
carried out from the point where many definitions
have already been done. To continue the ontology
construction, the OWL file can be imported to a
ontology editor like Protégé-2000, among others.
All things considered, it is important to finally
point out that although we used the Experimental
Software Engineering domain to exemplify the
process and the tool, it was not our intention to
present a deeper analysis of the ontology itself, but
rather explore the ONTOP process and the ONTOP-
In our further studies, we intend to improve the
ONTOP-Tool by adding linguistic processing so that
semantic tagging can be used to enhance the
identification phase of the ontology components.
Another functionality that we intend to add to the
ONTOP-Tool is the generation of an XMI file
(XML Metadata Interchange). This file would allow
classes, properties and relationships to be used by
UML tools.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian
funding agencies FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES, the
institute INEP and the Project Observatório da
Educação for their support.
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ONTOP - A Process to Support Ontology Conceptualization