In this paper, we presented a simple situation-aware
technique (SAT) based on the extraction of
stereotypes of agents’ behaviour that can be used
with any traditional CTR system in order to enhance
the estimation of trustworthiness scores. Although
other situation-aware approaches are now being
proposed in the trust management field, the SAT
technique presents some benefits: i) it is simple and
can be used with any of the existing CTR
‘traditional’ aggregation engines; ii) it is an online
process, meaning that it captures the variability in
the trustee behaviour as it happens; iii) it does not
rely on ontology-based situation representation, and
therefore the extraction of the similarity between the
situation in assessment and the past evidences of
trustee agent does not require specific, domain-based
similarity functions; also, it allows for fine-grain
dissimilarity detection (e.g. it distinguishes between
the similar though different situations of providing
one container of cotton in 7 or in 14 days).
The SAT approach was evaluated using a
traditional aggregation engine approach enhanced by
the inclusion of properties of the dynamics of trust.
Although these properties showed to be beneficial,
we conclude that the study of the benefits of a
sinusoidal like shape that follows Straker (2008)
work on the area of Psychology needs proper
data/models concerning the behaviour of real-world
organizations; therefore, we will address the
acquisition of such data sets in future work.
The first author enjoys a PhD grant with reference
SFRH/BD/39070/2007 from the Portuguese
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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