Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal
Production Engineering Department, State University of Maring´a, Maring´a, Brazil
C´esar Alberto da Silva, Elisa Hatsue Moriya Huzita, Tania Fatima Calvi Tait
Computer Department, State University of Maring´a, Maring´a, Brazil
Distributed software development, Development process.
The software engineering area offers support to manage the information systems development process. Soft-
ware engineering processes have artifacts, roles and activities well defined, allowing adjustments in specific
situations. However, these processes are generally oriented to development of coallocated projects. They are
not taken into account peculiarities in regard to coordination, control and communication, when the develop-
ment is with distributed teams. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the Software Engineering area
presenting a comparative analysis of some development processes from the perspective of development with
distributed teams. Additionally, it points to the need to process definition that includes the peculiarities of this
approach to software development.
Nowadays, we live in a time that is increasingly gro-
wing need for high quality software. There it is neces-
sary to seek ways to improve the development pro-
cess, whether through the use of tools or artifacts
generated. An example would be the use of formal
methods to describe the specification, design and test
(Abdurazik et al., 2000).
The software process is defined as an ordered set
of activities for the management, development and
maintenance of software, and should be aligned with
the organizational conditions (Fuggetta, 2000). The
software as part of an information systems brings or-
ganizational elements besides technical such as: hu-
man resources or teams, organizational culture among
others. The processes of software development are, as
noted in the current literature, focused on the develop-
ment of projects co-located.
The Distributed Software Development (DSD) is
a recent approach to software development that meets
the demands of globalization. This new strategy
added to the software development challenges related
to cultural differences, geographic dispersion, coor-
dination and control, communication and team spirit.
The distributed teams face to challenges related
to technical and non-technical factors. The technical
factors relate to the problems of network connecti-
vity and the differences between the environments of
development and testing. The non-technical factors,
have issues of trust, communication, conflict and cul-
tural differences (Damian, 2002). So the challenges
of communication, coordination and control genera-
ted by this approach, arising from the physical dis-
tances and time, demand for studies that present the
guidelines for defining a process of software develop-
ment that is suitable for distributed teams.
This paper presents an analysis of some software
development process from the perspective of dis-
tributed teams, and raises some important points that
should be considered in this development approach.
Thus, some guidelines are established for a dis-
tributed software development process.
The research conducted in this work is characterized
as being qualitative basic and exploratory and was
prepared in two steps. In the first step was made
an initial review of the literature, aiming to obtain a
consistent theoretical basis for continued study and to
Camila Lapasini Leal G., Alberto da Silva C., Hatsue Moriya Huzita E. and Fatima Calvi Tait T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002909804930496
have view the state of the art. The second step con-
sisted in the systematic review following the standard
of protocol defined in (Biolchini et al., 2005).
A systematic review was conducted to expand
the coverage of the initial review of the literature.
The main objective was the identification of works
that deal with software processes used by distributed
teams. In addition, the review also aimed to identify
the needs of a development process for this develop-
ment approach.
A systematic review allowed to identify the soft-
ware development process which has been used by
distributed teams. Most studies selected were related
to problems (cultural, geographic dispersion, coordi-
nation and communication) found in the use of dis-
tributed development, emphasizing the need to define
a process that incorporates the features of this new
development approach.
The results provide valuable information for
defining a process that meets the needs of distributed
software development.
This section describes the criteria and analysis of: Ra-
tional Unified Process (RUP) (Kruchten, 1999), Ex-
treme Programming (XP) (Beck and Andres, 2004),
Agile Unified Process (AUP)(Ambler, 2008) , Ex-
tended Workbench Model (Paulish, 2007), (Avritzer,
Hasli and Paulish, 2007) and Local Agile Game-based
Process (LAGPRO) (Ribeiro, Czekster and Webber,
2006). After then, some guidelines for defining a pro-
cess considering the challenges of communication,
coordination and control of the distributed develop-
ment approach are also presented (Subsection 3.2).
3.1 Criteria and Process Analysis
The RUP and XP processes were chosen because they
are widely used, and is a traditional methodology and
an agile, respectively. Rocha et. al (Rocha et al.,
2008) presents an experience report about the adapta-
tion of RUP for small distributed development teams.
The AUP was chosen because it is a simplification
of RUP and uses the concepts of agile methods. The
Extended Workbench Model and LAGPRO are used
in DSD context, according (Paulish, 2007), (Ribeiro,
Czekster and Webber, 2006), and (Urdangarin, 2008).
A set of benchmarks based on the characteristics
of distributed software development identified in (Ur-
dangarin, 2008) (criteria A - G), the basic elements
of a software process (criteria H - J ) and the type of
methodology (criterion K and L) were considered to
a comparison among above mentioned software deve-
lopment process. They are described as follow:
(A) Diversity: identifies whether the process pro-
vides mechanisms for control, coordination and
communication of differences (cultural and lan-
guage) among the teams involved in the project.
(B) Requirements: analyzes if the process has a
formal specification of requirements, aiming at
minimize the problems of ambiguities in the ar-
tifacts and so reduce the communication.
(C) Centered: identifies if the process has centra-
lized control of project activities.
(D) Decentralized: identifies if the process is char-
acterized by decentralized control of project activ-
(E) Monitoring: identifies if the process support
an adequate control of project developed by re-
mote times.
(F) Collaboration: checks if there are tools to su-
pport collaboration among teams as a way of sha-
ring information.
(G) Trust: identifies if the process offers support
to establish trust among members of different
(H) Roles: identifies if the process has criteria to
define roles.
(I) Artifacts: identifies if are adequately defined
all artifacts produced.
(J) Activities: identifies if the process defines the
activities to be carried out in each phase.
(K) Traditional methodology: verify if the process
focus is a traditional methodology of software de-
(L) Agile methodology: verify if the process has
characteristics of an agile methodology.
Table 1 shows the comparison of the processes in
relation to the criteria above mentioned. Next is pre-
sented an analysis on them.
There is not a process that includes criteria related
to the DSD (criteria A - G) and present the basic ele-
ments (roles, artifacts and activities). Thus, there is a
lack of a systematic process that incorporates the fea-
tures of DSD. Therefore, it is necessary that defined
activities, artifacts and roles required at all stages of
development using the distributed approach were de-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Comparative analysis of processes.
Criteria A B C D E F G H I J K L
RUP x x x x x
XP x x x x x x x x
AUP x x x x x
Model x x x x x x x
LAGPRO x x x x x x x x x
RUP, XP and AUP define the minimum set of ele-
ments that make up a process. However, do not have
procedures to address issues related with DSD prob-
lems, which were represented by the criteria A to G.
Although the Extended Workbench and LAGPRO
have been developed for use in project developed in
distributed way, they haven’t mechanisms to show the
diversity, they talking in account only requirements
formal specification. Extended Wokbench does not
mention the factors related to collaboration and trust.
Furthermore, we didn’t found reports about the arti-
facts generated. In LAGPRO case, the activities are
not identified. Thus, it is possible to show that is ne-
cessary a process that meets these new demands gene-
rated by the distributed approach and presents a defi-
nition of process elements.
Audy et al. (Audy and Prikladnicki, 2008), point
out that in a distributed software development envi-
ronment is fundamental a common development pro-
cess for the team, because a methodology helps di-
rectly in sync, providing all team members a common
tasks and activities naming also, and a common ex-
pectations for all individual involved in the process.
According to Rocha et al. (Rocha et al., 2008),
when the context is Distributed Development, the sce-
nario changes if compared with to traditional soft-
ware development, because the variables and risks
increase. So if there is not a good methodology
for the development process, the project will have a
good chance to not correspond to the initial planning.
In their first insight into the study and use of DSD,
Rocha et al. (Rocha et al., 2008) emphasized the need
of more adequate process, since, based on research
carried out was not easy to identify process models for
the DSD. So, it reinforces the need for a development
process that effectively provide adequate support to
characteristics of DSD.
3.2 Guidelines for Software Distributed
Development Process
From the analysis described in Section 3.1 was de-
fined a set of guidelines for the definition of a soft-
ware process that meets the needs of distributed deve-
lopment, listed as follow:
adopt hybrid management (centralized-
decentralized) related with to the activities
encourage communication between development
and integration test teams offering artifacts with
relevant information for them;
use formal specification of tests to mitigate the
problems of ambiguity and to reduce the need for
using a component-based architecture for develop
in a distribution way or perform the phase distri-
bution, such as development and testing, thereby
reducing communication among teams;
support for awareness, so that the people involved
are aware of place and responsibilities assigned to
each team member;
adopt language with low learning curve and se-
mantics to provide information to developers, for
example, the use of UML because its is known in
both academia and industry;
provide continuous integration to reduce casual
problems of integration;
have iterative development and frequent deliveries
to provide greater visibility of project managers;
define an infrastructure that enables collaboration,
documentation control and artifact versions con-
trol; develop and apply test suites; and establish
method to control documentation;
define a language to formalize the process and in-
teraction among the teams; and,
define of a leader to foster trust and commitment
among members.
The physical distribution of teams increases the prob-
lems of development management. Cultural differ-
ences, language, time zone among other things, in-
crease the complexity of communication, coordina-
tion and control during software development.
Using a standardized process for planning, offers
support to project managers by allowing you to set
plans in accordance with the standards and quality
procedures of the organization (Berger, 2003). More-
over, the adoption an appropriate process to the char-
acteristics of organizations, provides a consistent and
predictable development (Kruchten, 1999).
Thus, we analyzed the technical, methods and
software processes found in literature that contributed
to the understanding of its main activities, actors and
artifacts. Thus, the definition of a specific process for
DSD provides a common language to establish roles
and activities, enabling a better understanding of the
business domain terms and goal of the project, de-
spite cultural differences and organizational structure.
Therefore, a process must support distributed deve-
lopment improving communication, reducing misun-
derstanding and uncertainty arising from cultural dif-
ferences and language, reducing redundant activities
and excessive work.
The main contribution of this work is the set of
guidelines presented in Section 3.2, which aims to
reduce the problems of communication, coordination
and control in software development with distributed
teams. As future work, we have: the definition of a
development process that meets the criteria presented
in Section 3.1, defining the phases, roles, activities
and artifacts. This will reduce the problems of am-
biguity and understanding of the artifacts, setting a
single representation for all involved teams, therefore
allowing them to manage and use collaborative tools,
and thus encourage the establishment of trust among
team members.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems