Rodrigo Santos de Espindola and Jorge Luis Nicolas Audy
Faculty of Informatics, PUCRS, Av. Ipiranga 6681, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Keywords: Software Process Improvement, Meta-model, Integration.
Abstract: Nowadays the organizations are using Software Process Improvement (SPI) reference models as the starting
point to their quality improvement initiatives. There is a consensus that by understanding and improving the
software process we could achieve the improvement of the software product as well. Several studies also
indicate the concurrent adoption of multiples SPI reference models by the organizations. The need for new
approaches to integrate those SPI reference models with each other and with the software process developed
aiming compliance with them has increased. This paper propose a SPEM based SPI meta-model as a way to
support those kinds of integration.
The modern organizations are working in an
environment of rising competition. Every day new
technologies, markets and competitors emerges.
Then, the organizations are continuously looking for
solutions to improve their products and processes.
In the case of software engineering industry,
several approaches were proposed for the software
process improvement (SPI). One of those
approaches is the adoption of SPI reference models
like ISO 15504, ISO 9003, ISO 12207, CMMI and
MR-MPS. Despite the different terms used to refer
to those SPI reference models (like standards,
quality models, reference models, etc.) they are
being called in this paper by the general term of SPI
reference models in order to ease the discussion and
improve the paper readability. These SPI reference
models are important because there is a consensus
that by understanding and improving the software
process quality we could achieve the improvement
of the software product as well (Rocha, 2001),
(Sommerville, 2003), (Pressman, 2004) and
(Schulmeyer, 2008).
Several criteria can be used in order to choose
which SPI reference model is better appropriate to a
particular organization and its goals. However, there
are no impeditive of using more than one SPI
reference model in the same organization or SPI
initiative. In fact, there are several papers (Sallé,
2004), (Edgeman, 2005), (Cater-Steel, 2006),
(Mingay, 2006), (Espindola, 2009) and (Espindola,
2009b) about the concurrent adoption of multiples
SPI reference models by the organizations. Those
papers also discuss the issues emerging in this
context and the possibilities of integration of the SPI
reference models.
This paper presents an approach to integrate
different SPI reference models in a way not
disruptive with the current process engineering
practices. The goal is to create a SPI meta-model
that allows representing both the SPI reference
models and the process models developed based on
those SPI reference models. In order to do that we
propose a meta-model based on an extension of the
Software Process Engineering Meta-Model version
2.0 (SPEM) (OMG, 2007).
This paper contributes to the research in SPI field
proposing a way to raise the formalism used to
represent the SPI reference models and the
integration among them. Contributes to the industry
deploying a meta-model useful for the creation of
software process engineering tools that cover the SPI
initiatives too.
Study developed by the Research Group of the PDTI 001/2010,
financed by Dell Computers of Brazil Ltd. with resources of
Law 8.248/91.
Santos de Espindola R. and Luis Nicolas Audy J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002910503010306
There are several SPI reference models adopted by
the industry. The following studies are related to the
integration of quality models.
In (Pickerill, 2005) a relationship between
IDEAL (developed by SEI) and Six Sigma is
demonstrated. Using IDEAL as reference model,
this works proposes the usage of both Six Sigma
implementation methods (DMADV and DMAIC) to
develop and implement process with CMMI.
(Siviy and Hallowell, 2005) has complemented
this research, evaluating the usage of Six Sigma as a
facilitator on CMMI implementation. The
conclusions demonstrated that the implantation
process and ROI verification have been accelerated.
(Rout, Tuffley and Cahill, 2001) presents a
technical report that evaluates the compatibility
between CMMI and ISO/IEC 15504-2. As a result, a
mapping table is presented and the report states that
the ISO/IEC 15504-2 significant elements are
addressed by CMMI.
A definition of a meta-model to integrate CMMI
and ISO/IEC 15504 is presented in (Lepasaar and
Mäkinen, 2002). The meta-model was applied in
both models to identify the existing structures. That
study distinguishes from other studies by proposing
a meta-model to support integration. As stated in
(OMG, 2005), (OMG, 2006), and (OMG, 2007),
meta-models are utilized to support integration of
processes, workflows, tools, database, and
In order to begin the analysis of the SPI reference
models concepts and determine which elements
should be included in the meta-model, we have
chosen the ISO/IEC 15504. The ISO/IEC 15504, as
known as Software Process Improvement and
Capability dEtermination (SPICE), defines a
reference model for software processes and process
capabilities that forms the basis for software process
assessment (ISO, 1998). Nowadays there are several
SPI reference models based on the ISO/IEC 15504
specifications. Thus, dealing with the ISO/IEC
15504 concepts makes the meta-model applicable to
all SPI reference models based on ISO/IEC 15504,
like CMMI (SEI, 2006) and MR-MPS (Softex,
Besides, in order to build up the SPI meta-model
we have used the approach proposed by (Espindola,
2009b). That method aims to develop a SPI meta-
model from the scratch. In this paper we followed a
similar method, but started from the SPEM in order
to allow a better integration between the SPI
reference model representation and the software
process representation.
In this section, the SPEM based SPI meta-model
is described in three steps. First, we describe the
meta-model architecture. Second, we describe the
packages of the SPEM extension. And third, the
meta-model elements are detailed.
In this paper, due to space reasons, we only
present the main contributions, despite the whole
meta-model includes more elements.
Figure 1: Proposed SPI Meta-model in the OMG
modelling architecture.
3.1 SPI Meta-model Architecture
Since the proposed SPI meta-model is a SPEM
extension, the OMG modelling architecture [(OMG,
2005), (OMG, 2007) and (OMG, 2007)] is the
natural choice for the SPI meta-model architecture
description. Figure 1 shows how the SPI meta-model
relates to SPEM and the OMG modeling
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: SPI Meta-model package diagram.
As illustrated in figure 1, the process enacted in a
specific project is in the object layer. Each project
follows his processes, since each project is a new
effort, has its own goals and has its own
characteristics. But, even being totally different
efforts, all the projects follow processes tailored
from the same organization’s standard processes.
This assumption is true at least in organizations
adopting some SPI reference model, which are in the
scope of this papers discussion. While the
organization’s standard processes define the overall
projects behavior, in several aspects it still defines
just the processes attributes and not their actual
values (e.g.: roles, artifacts and activities). Since the
project’s processes define the actual values for those
attributes (real people, real docs and real tasks), we
can characterize those project’s processes as
instances of the organization’s standard processes.
An organization engaged in an SPI program
defines its organization’s standard processes
following one or more SPI reference models and
aims for compliance between the organization’s
standard processes and the SPI reference models.
Both the organization’s standard processes and the
SPI reference models are just models. Them, cannot
be actually enacted in a real project because of their
lack of actual information about what should be
done, who should do the job and what should be the
results. In other words, they don’t define actual
values but just the attributes. In this case both the
organization’s standard processes and the SPI
reference models are in the same layer, the model
Finally, the proposed SPI Meta-model belongs to
the M2 layer, the meta-modelling layer. Nowadays,
the organization’s processes can be defined as
instances of the SPEM meta-model. But the SPI
reference models can’t be defined in the same way,
because SPEM don’t have all the appropriate
concepts. From a process engineering point of view,
that creates a gap between what we could do in
terms of defining a process and defining a SPI
reference model. Besides, using different approaches
to define processes and to define their reference
models also doesn’t help the integration between
them. Thus, we propose a SPEM based SPI meta-
model. By extending SPEM we aim to create a SPI
meta-model that could be used for both the
processes representation and the SPI reference
models representation, in an integrated way. Since
Figure 3: ReferenceModelContent class diagram.
this SPI meta-model is a SPEM extension and so
inherits all its characteristics, we can define the
processes, its reference models and the relationships
between them as instances of the same meta-model.
Of course the organization’s processes defined in
this way stay compatible with SPEM, but the new
SPI meta-model aggregates the concepts required to
deal with SPI reference models that are not present
there today.
3.2 SPI Meta-model Packages
The figure 2 shows, in a package level, the extension
done. The white packages are the original SPEM 2.0
packages. The gray packages are the packages added
in order to deal with SPI reference models concepts
and the integration between the original SPEM’s
process engineering concepts and the SPI reference
models concepts. The same coloring schema is used
in the other diagrams of this paper section.
The two packages are using the same package
merge mechanism used in the SPEM construction.
This mechanism allows to gradually build up the
meta-model providing optional building blocks.
Using this mechanism, concepts defined on a lower
layer package, from the package merge perspective,
can be extended in higher layer packages with
additional properties and relationships to realize
more complex modeling requirements (OMG, 2007).
The first package added to the SPI meta-model is
the ReferenceModelContent package. That
package introduces the concepts required to the SPI
reference models representation. The package uses
the concepts of the ManagedContent SPEM’s
package that provide the concepts required to the
textual representation and documentation of any
concept defined in the SPEM meta-model. The
ReferenceModelContent package is detailed
described in the section 4.3 of this paper.
The second package added to the SPI meta-
model is the MethodWithReferenceModel
package. That package introduces new concepts and
changes other concepts already existing in the SPEM
in order to allow the representation of the integration
between the concepts of the MethodContent SPEM’s
package and the concepts introduced in the
ReferenceModelContent package. In other words,
this package deals with the associations between the
process concepts and the reference models concepts
allowing, in this way, the meta-model users to deal
with compliance concerns. This package is detailed
described in the section 4.4 of this paper.
3.3 ReferenceModelContent Package
The ReferenceModelContent package introduces
the SPI reference models concepts. The figure 3
shows its elements.
The element used to represent the new concepts
is the DescribableElement. A DescribableElement is
an extensible element that represents an abstract
generalization for all the SPEM’s elements requiring
textual documentation. Since the concepts required
to represent a SPI reference model also need to be
textually documented, then these elements are also
extensions of the DescribableElement.
Another characteristic shared by these elements
is the need for some mechanism that allows
representing the equivalence relationship between
elements belonging to different SPI reference
models but having some degree of equivalence
between them. For example, the process area called
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: MethodWithReferenceModel class diagram.
Configuration Management is present in several
reference models, like CMMI, MR-MPS and ISO
12207. Each one of this reference models have then
a different instance of this specific ReferenceProcess
meta-class, because this process area has not exactly
the same content in each reference model, having
particular characteristics in each one. But, besides
the different characteristics, all this different
instances represent the same or at least an equivalent
concept in the modeling layer. In other words they
are all Configuration Management process even
having differences among their different reference
models. Besides, this equivalence relationship can
occurs between instances of different meta-classes.
There is no impeditive of equivalence between a
practice in one reference model and a process in
another one. Therefore, we need some way in the
meta-modelling layer to express the equivalence
between instances of concepts that have any degree
of equivalence between them in the modeling layer.
In order to do that, two elements were introduced in
this meta-model: the ReferenceModelElement and
the ReferenceModelElementRelationShip.
The ReferenceModelElement is an extensible
element that represents an abstract generalization for
all the elements used to represent SPI reference
models. In this way, all its specializations are
capable of having equivalence relationships with
other elements. The specializations are the following
ReferenceProcess: represents a process area
used to group practices and goals;
ReferencePractice: represents practices that
must be done in the organization in order to
achieve the goals of the process areas;
ReferenceGoal: represents the goals and
benefits that a process adoption intends to
ReferenceOutcome: represents the results
expected from the adoption of a process area.
3.4 MethodWithReferenceModel
The MethodWithReferenceModel package
introduces the concepts required to the integration
between the original SPEM’s process engineering
concepts and the SPI reference models concepts.
The figure 4 shows its elements.
The MethodContentElement, from the
MethodContent SPEM’s package, is an element that
represents an abstract generalization for all the
elements in the MethodContent SPEM’s package.
Those elements are used to represents the content of
a process. Being the generalization of all the
elements used to represent process contents, the
MethodContentElement is the ideal element to be
changed in order to allow that process elements
become capable of reference the SPI reference
model’s elements with which they aims for
compliance. This change is done by adding a
relationship between the MethodContentElement and
a new element called ReferenceModelElementUse.
The ReferenceModelElementUse is a abstract
generalization of all elements which a
MethodContentElement extensions can use to
reference any SPI reference model concept. Its
specializations are:
Which one of those specializations aims to
reference a specific element from the
ReferenceModelContent package. A
ReferenceProcessUse is intended to reference
ReferenceProcess and so long.
This strategy allows, for example, that an
instance of a process called “Project Management”
can be associated to an instance of a process area
called “Project Management” of some SPI reference
model through the use of an instance of the meta-
class ReferenceProcessUse. In this way it would be
represented the compliance goal of that process.
The diversity of SPI reference models being used by
the organizations creates new challenges related to
the concurrent adoption of them and their
integration. This paper reports a result of a research
aiming the development of approaches and tools to
deal with SPI reference models integration.
From a theoretical point of view, this paper
contributes with the software engineering and with
the process engineering through a proposal of a
meta-model to represent SPI reference models
allowing their integration. It also contributes to those
research fields through rising the formalism used to
represent the SPI reference models.
From a practice point of view, this paper
contributes to the software industry through a
proposal of a meta-model that could support the
development of new process engineering tools
capable of support the reuse of process assets
developed aiming compliance with multiples SPI
reference models concurrently.
As future works, the author intends to develop a
process engineering tool based on the meta-model
and use that tool to support an experiment to validate
the meta-model.
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