L∈{25, 75, 125}.
Estimations of signal locus in time for S∼0 m are
given in the Table 2 (all the representative
probabilities are equal to 1).
The processing and analysis data were obtained
by means of interactive computer system of
designing and support of one-dimensional weighed
order statistics filters (
V. I. Znak, 2009).
Table 2: Estimations of signal locus in time for S∼0 m.
L h
25 6÷415 3870÷18883
75 14÷396 3846÷18908
125 16÷390 3821÷18933
By way of example, an image of investigated
signal (for S=2647 m) and appropriate dispersions is
shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: An image of signal and appropriate dispersions
for L=25, L=125 (S=2647 m).
Estimations of the data from the Table 1 are
given in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Estimations of the time locus of the signal for
running basis L∈{25, 75, 125} and for different distances.
We have considered the approach of cluster analysis
of periodic signals, proposed the formal conditions
which must be satisfied by a period of signal
existence, and given some results of analysis of real
data recorded in field conditions. Analysis of the
results obtained by studying real signals allows us to
say that the approach in question can result in close
estimations of a locus in time of a pure signal, and in
less close estimations of a locus in time of noisy
Our main objective was restricted by
development of the method of formalized analysis of
periodic signals for estimation of their period of
existence. We have not concerned methods of
improving signals as it is a theme of separate
investigation. We suppose that more exact decisions
can be attained by attracting analysis of the left and
the right uniformity of cluster families (Znak V. I.,
2009) and frequency processing (Znak V. I., 2005).
Cluster families, which reflect a locus of a signal on
its boundaries, must have a higher uniformity than
for others.
The work is supported by the grant 09-07-00100.
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