A Cross Case Analysis Between the SETU and Vektis Standards
Wouter Berends
Department of Business Information Systems, TNO ICT, Enschede, The Netherlands
Erwin Folmer
Department of Information Systems and Change Mangement, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Department of Business Information Systems, TNO ICT, Enschede, The Netherlands
Keywords: Business transaction standards, Interoperability, Adoption, Case study.
Abstract: Nowadays businesses increasingly want to be interoperable so that they can collaborate with other
organizations. Interoperability can be achieved through the use of business transaction standards, by which
the organizations that use the standards collectively form a value added network. However the effectivity of
these standards is largely dependant on the number of organizations that have adopted it, and thus it is very
important that the standard conforms to the conditions that organizations have towards adopting these
standards. Building on recent literature describing technical standards (van de Kaa, 2009), we have
constructed a model through which standard aspects can be compared with the adoption conditions that
organizations have. Subsequently cross case analysis methods were used to identify important aspects that
influence the adoption of business transaction standards, as well as the identification of methods by which
the aspects can be adapted by an Standard Development Organization (SDO) so that higher standard
adoption is achieved. This evaluation can give managers and SDO’s a higher understanding on standards
itself and the domain it is supposed to function in. The cases demonstrated that early involvement of
organizations with high market powers (preferably through a federation that represents these organizations)
is important for adoption whereby the development and maintenance of the standard should preferably be
funded by those organizations that have most to gain from broad standard adoption. Furthermore open
characteristics, modularity and efficient business processes are perceived imperative for the adoption of
business transaction standards.
Business transaction standards are used by Inter -
Organizational information Systems (IOS) to
increase the level of interoperability amongst
collaborating organizations. Collaborative business
(C-business) describes the interlinked collaboration
of all participants in a value added network (Scheer,
2003) through which organizations agree to work
together as a method for achieving their common
goals. When collaborative business is strived after,
the systems of every party involved must be able to
interoperate. This interoperability can be achieved
through a standard that is recognized by all involved
parties. The advantages that can be derived from
standard use is that documents and messages are
delivered to the target organization in such manners
that they can automatically be processed through
their business processes, without necessarily owning
and controlling the asset. “Through this unique
combination of resources advantage over competing
firms can be established. These unique interfirm
linkages may be a source of relational rents and
competitive advantage” (Dyer, 1998). Because
standards enable interfirm linkages the relational
view as described by Dyer (1998) is applied who has
identified several advantages (relation-specific
assets, interfirm knowledge sharing routines,
complementary resources / capabilities and effective
Berends W. and Folmer E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 151-156
DOI: 10.5220/0002915901510156
governance) resulting from interconnecting
resources. Existing standard research suggest that
standard adoption is dependant on the aspects that
that standard have (van de Kaa, 2009), however
most research describe technical standards (like the
USB and IPv6 standards). Research describing
business transaction standards is scarce (Folmer,
2009). Furthermore because of political,
organizational, and economic complexities
(Backhouse, 2003) business transaction standard
development differ from technical standards and
thus indicates that the aspects form technical
standards are not necessarily the same as business
transaction standards. The goal of this paper was to
identify those aspects that are of importance for the
adoption of business transaction standards, and
search for methods through which these aspects can
be adapted by an Standard Development
Organization (SDO) so that higher standard adoption
is achieved. In contrast to van de Kaa (2009) who
developed a framework showing technical standards
aspects through which managers can make a well
informed choice on which standard to use. We argue
that an SDO can also use the aspects to alter the
standard in order to achieve higher adoption degrees
and subsequently achieve higher interoperability.
This was achieved by constructing an adoption
model consisting of adoption factors found in
existing literature. The model was validated by using
cross case evaluation techniques, which was done by
first constructing case descriptions of the two
business transaction standards. Second using the
case descriptions cross case analysis has been
conducted that show similarities and differences
between the two cases. And third using the cases a
determination was made which aspects are of
importance for business transaction standards as
well as making adoption hypotheses.
Organizations can have multiple factors that
encourage or restrict them for adopting business
transaction standards (i.e. adoption conditions), for
the SDO it is important to know which adoption
conditions are present so that the standard aspects
can be altered in such manners that the standard
complies to those conditions. In order to ascertain
these conditions multiple organizational viewpoints
were adopted whereby the organizational viewpoints
are those organizational types involved in standards.
Krechmer (2009) identified end users,
implementation organizations and SDO’s as those
organizational types that have different viewpoints
towards adoption conditions. The end user
organization will benefit from the business
transaction standard because the application of IT
and complementary organizational resources can
improve business processes / enable new ones and
may ultimately impact organizational performance.
Zhu (2006) identified two business drivers that are
of key influence to the adoption of end user
organizations: Network effects and switching costs.
The implementation organization is the organization
that makes software (in-house or outhouse) that is
compliant to the standard which is developed by the
SDO. The implementation organization ensures that
the end user is able to use the software / standard.
Since our goal is to assess the standard that is used
by that specific software solution, a software
supplier (portability) and maintainer
(maintainability) view has been used and not a
software developer view. The SDO usually is a non-
profit organization that is comprised with members
that have common goals, thus the goal of an SDO is
the development and maintenance of a standard that
service the common interests of it’s members. Zhu
(Zhu, 2006) describes that for an SDO one measure
is key for adoption and diffusion which is
deployment. The deployment of the standard can
subsequently be judged based upon three measures:
Volume, Diversity and Breadth.
Following the assumption that the aspects identified
for technical standards are not the same as the
aspects of influence for business transactions
standards, we have identified the aspects that are of
importance when dealing with business transaction
standards. In order to establish a complete aspect
overview that influence the adoption of business
transaction standards, articles that discuss business
transaction standard aspects have been examined.
Starting point was the model by van de Kaa (2009)
who has made a similar model describing factors for
standard dominance specific for network (technical)
standards. Additional aspects were identified
through other literature sources. These articles were
published in the top 25 CS/IS journals
(Mylonopoulos, 2001) and the top 25 International
Business Journals (DuBois, 2000). Second articles
discussing business transaction standard case studies
were used to examine which aspects were mentioned
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
relevant to adoption. This resulted in twenty six
aspects that were subsequently subdivided into six
distinct categories derived from Melville (2004), the
aspects are shown in Table 2. The importance of the
Melville model is that it encompasses every domain
(e.g. Focal firm, Competitive Environment and
Macro environment) that Information Technology
have influence upon. By embracing these
categorizations it was possible to conclude that all
aspects have been identified furthermore these
categorizations ensured that generalizations and
aspects pattern recognition can be used when
applying case evaluation methods.
In order to ascertain which standard aspects can best
be influenced by SDO’s so that higher adoption
degrees are achieved, cross case analysis methods
have been used. These cross case analysis methods
have yielded qualitative results through which an in
depth understanding was ascertained regarding the
standard aspects that influence the organizational
adoption conditions. The standards used for this
analysis were the Vektis (
standard and the SETU (
standard. Whereby the goal of this cross case
analysis was to identify those aspects that are of
importance of standard adoption, and to determine
how these aspects relate to the adoption conditions.
For both the SETU case and Vektis case a
preliminary case description has been constructed
using literature which has been provided by the
SETU and Vektis organizations itself, internet (site)
and Dutch articles. These sources provided a basis
from which an understanding was formed regarding
the dimensions that exist when using the standards.
Because the general goal of this paper is to form
hypotheses and to search for adoption patterns
amongst standard aspects, the second data collection
phase was conducted using separate data collection
methods (Eisenhardt, 1989).
The data used for the Vektis case study has been
formed through a questionnaire that was sent to
Vektis KEI members. These members represent
both end user and implementation organizations
and are involved with the standard build (43%
response rate). This questionnaire consisted of
open questions derived from literature, aspect
categories and the adoption conditions.
The data used for the SETU case study was
formed through interviews with TNO
employees, who are involved with the building
and maintenance of the standard. As well as
reviewing documentation provided by TNO.
The following two paragraphs will give short
descriptions of the two standards.
4.1 Vektis Case
Vektis is an organization that is funded by insurance
organizations and ensures that appropriate
information is available for health providers so they
can perform their tasks in conjunction with their
business (chain) partners. One of their activities is to
provide standards for the declaration processes in the
Dutch healthcare domain, by which standard users
are insurers, health offices and health providers. The
prime task of the standard is to provide mechanisms
that show whether individuals are insured and to
provide mechanisms that enable electronic health
declarations. Whenever patients have used services
provided by health providers a billing process is
initiated towards the insurer. These declarations are
transmitted electronically towards the insurance
companies which in turn provide payment towards
the health providers. The transmissions go through
the VECOZO portal that ensures that the overall
communication is conducted in a secure and safe
manner. Vektis is also placed in the Dutch
environment as an independent organization, by
which it’s partners, the Dutch health insurers,
provide it’s financial backing.
4.2 SETU Case
The SETU (Foundation for electronic transactions in
the staffing industry) was founded by the Dutch
federation for the staffing industry (ABU). The
SETU standards serve the process between staffing
organizations and organizations that acquire
personnel through the mediation of the staffing
organizations. The general goal of the standard is to
facilitate electronic transactions between the
organizations within the Dutch staffing industry, to
standardize the business process for compatibility
reasons and to ensure continuity of the developed
standards. The SETU standards are in existence
since the beginning of 2007, since then the standards
handle approximately 10 percent of all timecards.
the SETU and Vektis Standards
Table 1: Field case results.
Vektis Setu
IT Resources
The standards are relatively open, whereby the insurance
organizations pay contributions. Standards modules are built
for specific occupational groups, resulting in high
recognition, and increases the adoption amongst those
groups. Furthermore the standards are built using ASCII and
it is not compatible with other standards, however this has
no influence on the adoption. The standards are also
considered easy to use by which Vektis actively encourages
the testing of the standards which is considered important
for it gives a sense of confidence.
Although the standards are open the standards are not as
widely used that software vendors have solutions ready "on
the shelf" which are SETU compliant, this stresses the
switching costs and portability. However many
organizations / software solutions are already compliant to
HR-XML which ensures that lower switching costs and
portability is mediated and also linkages can be made to
international organizations, The standards are built out of
four complementary standards by which organizations can
choose to implement one or multiple standards.
Compl. Org.
Broad adoption of the standards can mainly be attributed to
cost savings organizations within the healthcare domain can
make significant cost savings through the standards. The
fact that Vektis and Vecozo is funded by insurance
organizations does not affect the adoption of the standards.
However the presence of the KEI within Vektis encourages
good will and reduces misinterpretations and thus has
positive effects on adoption.
The development of the standards is conducted in such a
manner that organizations can participate in the
development. This creates good will and reduces
misinterpretations amongst industry players. Furthermore
organizations within the staffing domain can make
significant cost savings through the usage of the standards
(economies of scale do apply).
The standard ensures that the declaration process is
conducted on an unambiguous manner which makes the
adoption of the standard attractive because it can be used to
enhance business processes. Furthermore insurance
organizations also offer to collect the money that is not
covered by the insurance, which creates good will and
makes the declaration process simpler.
The standards ensure that no paper documents (e.g. hour
specifications) will have to be sent towards other
organizations that have converted to the standards. This will
yield burden reliefs through increased processes which can
attract organizations to adopt the standards.
The healthcare declaration processes is highly regulated
within the market which results in high adoption. By which
health insurance organizations do not compete by means of
an effective communication process between chain partners,
they do compete through lower insurance fees and by having
superior customer contacts etc. This means that the health
insurance organizations can collectively endorse / develop
the standards.
When adopting the SETU standards staffing customer
organizations have the possibility of reaching more staffing
companies, and thus giving them more flexibility. This can
have positive effects on the adoption of the standards.
However the staffing industry is one where there is lots of
competition (i.e. the market is not consolidated) and thus
organizations can choose not to convert in order to be
flexible to market changes.
Insurance organizations collectively have such powers that
they can obligate (by means of contractual agreements) the
usage of the standards, and thus health providers will have
to implement the standards. The high adoption of the
standards has ensured that the programs (that are compliant
to the standards) are relatively cheap and thus lowers the
switching costs.
At this point in time the installed base of the standard is not
of such levels that other organizations automatically feel the
need to adopt, there are several important organizations (e.g.
Randstad, Adecco) within the market that are actively
working for higher adoption of the standards, however they
cannot make the standard use compulsory towards their
Macro Env.
The standards are not obligated by law, however the
healthcare domain is strongly regulated which is one of the
reasons why the insurance organizations have such powers
in the market. Furthermore respondent stated that when the
government would have obligated standard use adoption
would have gone quicker.
The SETU standards have been added to the comply-or-
explain regime of the Dutch government which pressures
(semi) governmental organizations to convert to the SETU
standards, furthermore expectations are that this regime will
encourage other organizations to follow.
Recently the standard has been added to a Dutch
government “Comply-or-Explain” list that includes
open standards that are mandatory to be used for
each (semi) government organisation for achieving
interoperability (Min_EZ, 2007).
4.3 Cross Case Vektis and SETU
Using the data collected from the SETU and Vektis
standards, a cross case analysis has been conducted
whereby aspects that are important for the adoption
of business transaction standards have been
identified. Table 1 shows the similarities and
differences between the two cases. These differences
between the two cases can mainly be related to the
competitive environment and the macro environment
the main differences are:
The staff lending domain is not consolidated
resulting on more emphasis on the IT resource
dimension e.g. making the standard more
compatible with other standards.
Legislation ensures that health insurance
organizations have high domain powers, as a
result the Vektis standards are purely built to
serve the declaration process towards the
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
Table 2: Aspects versus organizational conditions.
Standard aspects
End user Implementation
SDO organization organization
Focal Firm - IT Resources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1.1 Technological superiority L L L
1.2 Compatibility of standard L & F F L & F L & F L L
1.3 Open standard L & F L & F L F L & F
1.4 Complete set of functionalities L & F F L& F L& F F L
1.5 Customization capabilities L L L F
1.6 Ease of use L & F L & F L
1.7 Deployment strategy L L & F L L
Focal Firm - Complementary Organizational Resources
2.1 Financial strength L & F L& F L
2.2 Complementary goods and reputation F F
2.4 Participation in standard consortia L & F L & F L
2.5 Pricing strategy that attracts customers L
2.6 Customer expectations L
2.8 Management support L L
Focal Firm - Business processes (performance)
3.1 Process management is increased L & F L & F F L
3.2 Business model is extended L & F L L
Competitive Environment - Industry characteristics
4.1 Vertical integration L & F L L & F
4.3 Market is ready L & F L & F
Competitive Environment - Trading partners
5.1 Network externalities L F L & F L
5.3 Big Fish L & F L & F F
5.4 Stakeholders in standard build L & F L
Macro Environment
6.1 Legislation that encourages standard usage F L & F F F
(1 = Network effects, 2 = Switch costs, 3 = Maintainability, 4 = Portability, 5 = Volume,6 = Diversity, 7 = Breadth)
(F= Aspect found in field case (this paper), L = Aspect described in literature cases (earlier work)
insurance organizations, making the
characteristics of the standard less important.
Table 2 shows the aspects that were deemed
important (after assessing the SETU and Vektis
cross case analysis) per organizational adoption
The goal of this paper was to identify those aspects
that are of importance for the adoption of business
transaction standards, and search for methods
through which the aspects can be adapted by an
SDO so that higher standard adoption is achieved.
During the cross case analysis it has become
apparent that the main reason for organizations to
adopt business transaction standards is highly
dependant on the powers that exist in the specific
domain. When there are large power differences
amongst organizations, then the SDO should focus
on those aspects that reside in the competitive
environment category (table 2). Whenever there are
low differences then the focus should be towards the
IT resource category (table 2). In all cases it is
important that the standard is developed by a
federation that represents organizational (types)
residing in the domain, as well as basing the
standard on open characteristics. This will give
organizations a sense of ownership and makes the
standard free to use, which is good for adoption.
Furthermore the standard build should be modular
whereby the modules should be based on best
practice business processes, enabling organizations
to only adopt those modules that are of importance
for them. SDO organizations should produce
standards in such manners that it fulfils the
conditions that organizations have set and thus
increase the chance that the standard will be
adopted. Following the conclusions made by (van de
Kaa, 2009) who has made a similar model
describing important aspects for technical standards,
the model described in table 2 can be used by
managers in order to ascertain a deeper insight into
those aspects that are of influence for their
organization and subsequently make decisions which
standard their organization should support.
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ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business