Ercan Öztemel and Nilgün Gökmen
Tubitak National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
Marmara University, Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: CMMI, Knowledge based System, Expert System, Software Quality, TRENSIM, Train Simulator.
Abstract: Computing systems are becoming more complex in very dynamic and uncertain situations. Due to this
complexity, the importance of process focused quality approaches is increasing. Capability Maturity Model
Integration (CMMI) standards and implementation practices were developed to simplify the software
project management and to assure expected quality of the respective software. Realizing the CMMI
systems, building and monitoring the implementation practices require an extensive knowledge and
experience. Organizations receive these mainly through consultants which may become too costly in most
of the cases. Although there have been some computer based support tools available in the market, those
still require human experts to justify the related artifacts. In this study a knowledge-based assistant system
so called “CMMI Assistant” is introduced. The main aim of this tool is to support CMMI implementations
through utilising expert system methodology.
Today, companies want to deliver their products
faster, cheaper and more efficiently. They must
ensure the reliability of their products and meet their
customers’ expectation. So they must be able to
manage and control their processes in the best way.
CMMI model is capable of handling customer
requirements in this way especially for software
products. This makes it very popular and surely
increases the demand to implement respective
CMMI is a reference model that covers the
software development and maintenance activities
applied to both products and services. This model
outlines clear definition of processes with respective
roles and responsibilities, and makes sure that the
software development projects are carried out
without any problem. It has a positive influence on
cost, schedule and quality performance (Hollenbach,
2003). It can provide a path for organizations to
achieve their performance goals.
Besides so many advantages, implementing
CMMI is not easy. It requires extensive knowledge
as well as organizational endurance. A Standard
CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement
(SCAMPI) has been developed to support the
companies to improve and prove that they posses
respective capabilities.
Note that the model includes 22 process areas at
different levels. Each process is defined through a
set of specific and generic goals as well as some
practices. The model requires that all processes for
respective levels to be satisfied. Understanding how
those processes are satisfied requires CMMI
knowledge. This clearly indicates the need for the
experts to be employed for the sake of proper
implementation. But, hiring experts to prepare the
organization is a timely and costly activity.
Literature survey indicates that there are some
studies developing questionnaires to measure CMMI
levels of an organization (Yücalar, 2006). But, the
questions designed for this purpose are mainly
superficial and there is usually no set of
recommendations to yield respective improvements.
Similarly, on the market, there are several computer-
aided assistant systems as discussed in the following
sections of this paper. Although they are beneficial
to understand the model and to perform self CMMI
evaluation, those still requires human experts to
justify the respective artifacts of the processes.
Since knowledge based systems are proven to be
capable of storing and utilizing expert knowledge in
certain domains (MacKinnon, 2009), they may be
Öztemel E. and Gökmen N. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 425-430
DOI: 10.5220/0002919304250430
very well utilized for assisting staff of the
organization intending to implement CMMI
processes. There have been some researches along
this line as well. An intelligent fuzzy agent based on
process and product quality assurance (PPQA) is one
of them (Wang and Lee, 2007). It introduces
ontology for supporting CMMI assessment.
Similarly a methodology system for CMMI
diagnosis and analysis is being developed and
patented by Dagnino (2005).
The paper introduces CMMI Assistant which is a
knowledge based system capable of defining the
CMMI areas where lack of implementation exist and
recommend remedies to overcome the respective
Upon request of Department of Defence, CMMI was
developed by several dedicated teams in Software
Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon
University (CMMI Product Team, 2006).
CMMI Assistant which is the subject of this
study mainly covers “CMMI for Development”
model. It is a reference model that covers the
development and maintenance activities applied to
both software products and services. Note that all
activities are carried out by a set of processes with
respective goals and practices. Each process area
includes three types of components such as required
components (specific and generic goals), expected
components (specific and generic practices),
informative components (sub practices, typical work
For the sake of better process improvement,
these components are handled on the bases of two
different representations mainly: The continuous
representation and the staged representation.
The continuous representation enables an
organization to select a process area (or group of
process areas) and improve the respective processes.
This representation uses capability levels (CLs)
numbered from 0 to 5 to characterize improvements.
As a starting point, if the organization does not
know where to start and which processes to choose
to improve, the staged representation will be a good
choice as it gives a specific set of processes to
improve at each stage and is mainly used for
certification. Due to this, the staged representation
with maturity levels (MLs) numbered from 1 to 5 to
characterize improvements is considered to be the
main focus of the system proposed in this paper.
The SCAMPI is a well defined and accepted me-
thod used for conducting appraisals. The SCAMPI
family of appraisals includes Class A, Class B, and
Class C appraisal methods. SCAMPI A is the most
rigorous method and the only method that can result
in a rating. In SCAMPI A, the organization should
show that all specific and general practices for the
intended maturity level are implemented correctly.
In this study, all Direct Artifacts (D) and Indirect
Artifacts (I) for process areas were identified and
used for rating the maturity level of the organization
under assessment.
In an organization, understanding conceptually the
CMMI, mapping the software developing or
operational processes to CMMI process areas and
respective practices is a difficult activity which may
not always produce expected results. This requires
several internal assessment activities in order to
trigger improvements and prevents respective gaps.
However, conducting internal assessments before
SCAMPI A is costly and necessitates extensive
labour intensive tasks. Because of these reasons,
several computer- aided CMMI assistant programs
are developed in order to support and map the
organizational processes to respective and expected
CMMI capabilities easily. These programs mainly
provide support for conducting internal assessments
in the organization before SCAMPI A. However,
they still require intervention of human experts or
extensive CMMI and domain knowledge to make
decisions on the available artifacts.
There are several computer-aided assistant
systems such as CMM Quest (HM&S, 2009),
Appraisal Assistant Tool (Griffith University, 2007),
Compass (Vector Consulting, 2009), APEX
(Milman and Joubert, 2009), CMMI Appraisal
Recorder (SE-CURE AG, 2009) and QMIM Tool
(Kelemen et al., 2007) for the implementation of
CMMI. They are extremely important and beneficial
to understand the model and to perform self
evaluation on the process areas. However, it is
important to note that those systems are not
intelligent systems and they can only provide a road
map for the developers to make implementations.
Internal decisions are left to the user. There is still a
need for a system to provide both a road map as well
as set of recommendations for possible
These computer-aided systems have common
specifications such as;
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Mapping the typical work products which should
be demonstrated to the company artifacts is
decided by user.
The user decides whether the artifacts are direct
or indirect, strong or weak.
The user decides practices, goals and process
areas characterizations according to the situation
(strong or weak) of the respective artifacts.
These basic capabilities can be performed by the
computer provided that the respective knowledge is
stored within the knowledge base. Expert system
technology presents related methodologies and
background knowledge to create fully automated
expert CMMI advisor so called “CMMI Assistant”.
Expert systems are computer systems that are
capable of solving problems as human experts of the
same domain would do when they face the same
problem. An expert system is composed of a
knowledge base, inference engine, and a user
interface which handles the communication between
the user and the system (MacKinnon L. M., 2009).
The knowledge base contains the knowledge and
the respective rules for the expert system. Expert
systems generally represent knowledge in the form
of “IF…. THEN……ELSE …..”
The inference engine draws conclusions through
scanning, filtering and interpreting the knowledge
already stored in the knowledge base. CMMI
Assistant uses Forward Chaining (data-driven
reasoning) (Pomykalski et al., 1999) inference
mechanism. In this case, reasoning starts with
certain facts and certain answer to a certain problem
is sought based on the availability of the facts.
While this system is being developed, knowledge
and experiences of experts, detailed model
information, implementation framework (Kökten,
2007.), some implementation questionnaires
(Carnegie Mellon SEI, 2002), appraisal questions
(Kalaycı, 2007), “lessons learned” of some firms and
the documentation of the Practice Implementation
Indicator Database (PIID) (Kneuper, 2009) are
Architecture of CMMI Assistant developed is
shown in the Figure 1. As in traditional expert
systems, the CMMI Assistant has a knowledge base,
an inference engine, and a user interface.
4.1 Knowledge Base
There is a need for domain knowledge which was
stored in so called the knowledge base. Since the
proposed methodology is designed to assist CMMI
ML2 implementation, the knowledge base is
populated with the knowledge related to ML2.
Weighted artifacts list, CMMI ML2 process and
assessment information are placed in this knowledge
4.2 Inference Engine
The inference engine manages to make decisions on
the status of CMMI implementations and provide
directions. The system is mainly based on the
understanding that there are two characterizations
for the artifacts: Strong and Weak. These
characterizations are used by CMMI Assistant to
identify the gaps so that possible remedies can be
recommended to overcome them.
There are five situations for CMMI practices:
If Direct Artifact (D) and Indirect Artifact (I) are
weak and the system gives a recommendation,
then the practice is not implemented.
If any of D and I is weak and the system gives a
recommendation, then the practice is partially
If D and I are strong and the system gives a
recommendation, then the practice is largely
If D and I are strong and the system gives no
recommendation, then the practice is fully
If any data is not given to the system, then the
practice is not yet implemented.
If all of the related practices are largely or fully
implemented, the goal is considered to be satisfied.
Figure 1: Components of CMMI Assistant.
Otherwise in turn it is unsatisfied. If all of the
related goals are satisfied, the process area is
supposed to be satisfied.
Forward chaining rules on how to decide
“Configuration Management process area” is
satisfied are given as an example below. Note that,
“SP x.y” indicates x
specific practice of y
goal in a process area. Artifacts order is shown as a,
b, c…etc. Also note that, x in “SG x” indicates x
specific goal in a process area.
Required Direct Artifacts:
SP 1.1 a: Identified configuration items
SP 1.1 b: Specifications of configuration items
SP 1.1 b.1: unique identifier
SP 1.1 b.2: owner responsible
SP 1.1 c: Specifications of configuration items
SP 1.1 c.1: author
SP 1.1 c.2: document files type
SP 1.1 c.3: programming language
SP 1.1 d: Documented plan for keeping information
about configuration items
These are represented as a rule such as the
Rule 1:
IF SP 1.1 b.1 AND SP 1.1 b.2
THEN SP 1.1 b
IF SP 1.1 c.1 OR SP 1.1 c.2 OR SP 1.1 c.3
THEN SP 1.1 c
IF SP 1.1 a AND SP 1.1 b AND SP 1.1 c
THEN D of SP 1.1 is Strong
ELSE D of SP 1.1 is Weak.
Similarly Indirect Artifacts Expected:
SP 1.1 d: Criteria for choosing configuration items
SP 1.1 d.1: Work products that may be used by
two or more groups
SP 1.1 d.2: Work products that are expected to
change over time either because of errors or
change of requirements
SP 1.1 d.3: Work products that are dependent on
each other in that a change in one mandates a
change in the others
SP 1.1 d.4: Work products that are critical for the
SP 1.1 e: Criteria for when placing an configuration
item under Configuration Management System
SP 1.1 e.1: Stage of the project lifecycle
SP 1.1 e.2: When the work product is ready for
SP 1.1 e.3: Degree of control desired on the work
SP 1.1 e.4: Cost and schedule limitations
SP 1.1 e.5: Customer requirements
These can be coded as the following rule.
Rule 2:
IF SP 1.1 d.1 OR SP 1.1 d.2 OR SP 1.1 d.3 OR SP
1.1 d.4
THEN SP 1.1 d
IF SP 1.1 e.1 OR SP 1.1 e.2 OR SP 1.1 e.3 OR SP
1.1 e.4 OR SP 1.1 e.5
THEN SP 1.1 e
IF SP 1.1 d AND SP 1.1 e
THEN I of SP 1.1 is Strong
ELSE I of SP 1.1 is Weak
According to the artifacts characterizations
respective recommendations are provided such as
You must identify Plans, Process descriptions,
Product specifications, Requirements, Interface
description, Design data, Drawings as a
configuration item in the Design stage”.
Based on the availability of the artifacts, Rule 3,
4 and 5 can assure practices are implemented to a
certain degree and related goal and process area are
satisfied respectively.
Rule 3:
IF D of SP 1.1 is Weak AND I of SP 1.1 is Weak
THEN SP 1.1 is not implemented
ELSE IF D of SP 1.1 is Weak AND I of SP 1.1 is
Strong OR D of SP 1.1 is Strong AND I of SP 1.1 is
THEN SP 1.1 is partially implemented
ELSE IF D of SP 1.1 is Strong AND I of SP 1.1 is
THEN SP 1.1 is largely implemented OR fully
All SPs and GPs are evaluated in the same way.
Rule 4:
IF SP 1.1 AND SP 1.2 AND SP 1.3 are largely OR
fully implemented
THEN SG 1 is satisfied
ELSE SG 1 is unsatisfied.
All SGs and GGs are evaluated in the same way.
Rule 5:
IF SG 1 AND SG 2 AND SG 3 are satisfied
THEN CM is satisfied
ELSE CM is unsatisfied.
All process areas are evaluated in the same way.
4.3 User Interface
The user interface has two aspects:
a) Screen design:
It is the interface of the program
with the user in such a way that the user enters
his organizational data and the system provides
respective expert response.
b) Explanation:
The user is informed about the
reason behind the decisions. CMMI Assistant is
designed in such a way that the recommendation
to the user includes the reasons behind the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 2: CMMI Assistant ABC Organization appraisal result page.
decisions in any case. This would definitely decrease
the complexity of the system design.
Two case studies are designed in order to show the
proof of concept for CMMI Assistant. In the first
case, the program developed was implemented in
TUBITAK Marmara Research Center (MRC),
Information Technology Institute (ITI) where
several software projects (small, medium and big
size) are carried out. The program was tested mainly
using the process information from the project called
“TRENSIM” which is a driving simulator project
developed for Turkish Railways.
All required knowledge about ML2 process areas
were collected from the MRC ITI process owners.
Specific forms are designed to acquire the
knowledge expected.
Results show that TRENSIM Project satisfies
ML2 of CMMI model. Performing the respective
analysis for the overall organization on some other
projects, CMMI Assistant decided that the institution
is complying with CMMI ML2 standards. This was
also proved through real life implementation and
TUBİTAK MRC ITI, after successful completion of
a SCAMPI Class A Appraisal on 19 December
2008, attained CMMI-DEV v1.2 Staged
Representation ML 3. (ITI, 2008) This is an
indicator that proves accuracy of CMMI Assistant
appraisal results.
Second case study is carried out in a software
developing company ABC which is located in
TUBITAK technopark. All questions about ML2
process areas were collected from company ABC
and knowledge base of CMMI Assistant is populated
with company specific knowledge as well. After
data and knowledge acquisition process CMMI
Assistant decided that the organization is having
several gaps in complying with the required level of
CMMI implementations of the respected processes.
The organization has to improve itself especially in
terms of creating baselines. The CMMI Assistant
provided several reasons for this possible gap and
recommended some actions for improvements.
The result of organizational appraisal for
company ABC is shown in the Figure 2. Note that
SAM Process area is not applicable in ABC. It is
clearly seen that the organization does not satisfy
ML 2. They have to improve their processes by
taking into account all recommendations provided
by CMMI assistants. The program provided both a
road map and recommended areas to be improved.
In this study, CMMI Assistant which is an expert
system based computer program was developed in
order to provide required expertise to organizations
willing to go for SCAMPI A. The system proposed
is capable of defining the areas where lack of
implementation exist and recommend actions to
overcome those gaps. The case studies clearly
proved the concept and showed the potential benefits
of the proposed approach.
The study for improving the capabilities of
CMMI Assistant continues. It will be extended to be
able to handle MLs 3, 4 and 5 as well. It is also
considered to add some statistical analysis
capabilities to the system to be able to asses the
improvement level of the respective organization.
Note that, it can also be enriched with the capability
of performing appraisals for continuous
representation in any category.
Further study can also be carried out to embed
learning ability to the system in order to create high
degree of flexibility to the system. With the help of
artificial intelligence technologies, agent-based
systems this may seem to be possible but still needs
further research on defining possible
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies