A Monolithic Alternative to DBMS, Programming Language, Web Server
and File System
Kevin H. Xu, Jingsong Zhang and Shelby Gao
Bigravity Business Software LLC, U.S.A.
Keywords: Total recursive functions, Computability, Productivity, Data model, Programming language, DBMS, Data
exchange, Access control, Web server, File system.
Abstract: Application software started with a monolithic architecture in the 1960s, i.e., a single executable file for the
entire application. For better productivity in software development, software application in a typical
corporate environment today consists of multiple components including off-the-shelf products. Froglingo is
a unified solution for database management and programming language. It is an alternative to the
combination of software technologies including DBMS, programming language, web server, and file
system. The Enterprise-Participant (EP) data model, Froglingo without variables, is a computer language
equivalent to a class of total recursive functions. It brings the monolith back to application software. In this
paper, we show that Froglingo is a monolith and demonstrate that this monolith with the EP data model
improves the productivity in both software development and software maintenance.
A typical database application system in a corporate
environment today needs DBMS (such as Oracle and
MySQL), programming language (such as Java and
C#), and middleware components including web
servers (such as Websphere and WebLogic), data
exchange tools (such as Hibernate and LINQ), and
centralized authentication tools for multiple web
applications (such as IBM TAM and RSA
ClearTrust). With the combination of the current
technologies, we have made limited progress in
effectively and efficiently developing and
maintaining software applications (Loucopoulos et
al., 2006).
Froglingo (Xu and Zhang, 2010) is a unified
solution for software development and maintenance,
and an alternative to DBMS, programming
language, file system, and web server. It is a
“database management system (DBMS)” to store
and to query business data; a "programming
language" to support business logic; a "file system"
to store and to share files; and a "web server" to host
multiple applications and to interact with users
across network. It does more than combine existing
technologies. It is a single language that uniformly
expresses both data and application logic, and it is a
system supporting integrated applications without
using application-based data exchange component
and data access control mechanism.
The EP (Enterprise-Participant) data model is at
the centre of Froglingo. It is semantically equivalent
to a class of total recursive functions (Xu et al.,
2010). The equivalence for a data model dictates that
the EP data model is nothing but high-order
functions and the ordering relations among the
functions (Xu et al., 2010).
Representing software applications in high-order
functions and their ordering relations is not only
applied to business data, i.e., finite data, by using the
EP data model, but also applied to business logic,
i.e., infinite data, by using Froglingo, the extended
system having variables beyond the EP data model
(Xu, 1999).
It is not surprising that Froglingo is a
programming language, i.e., a Turing-machine
equivalent system reaching the full capacity of what
a computer can do (Xu, 1999). What makes
Froglingo unique is the high-order functions as the
sole objects in representing software applications.
The uniformness of the managed objects leads to
Froglingo’s opportunity of being a monolith in
software architecture. Being claimed as a monolith,
H. Xu K., Zhang J. and Gao S. (2010).
FROGLINGO - A Monolithic Alternative to DBMS, Programming Language, Web Server and File System.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 247-252
DOI: 10.5220/0002923202470252
Froglingo is an off-the-shelf product, i.e., a single
executable file, and is self-sufficient in software
development and maintenance. Being worth as an
alternative, Froglingo is expected to be more
productive than the traditional technologies.
In this paper, we analyze the individual
components of the traditional technologies, identify
how the equivalent functions of the components are
supported in Frolingo, and conclude with the
feasibility of the monolithic architecture of
To facilitate the discussion in this paper, we
briefly introduce Froglingo in Section 2. From
Section 3 to Section 7, we discuss the components of
the traditional technologies and identify where the
equivalent functions of the components go in
Froglingo. Through the discussion, we demonstrate
that Froglingo is monolithic in system architecture
and suggest that it is more productive in software
development and maintenance. In the conclusion, we
reiterate an objective view on the easiness of
computer language to strengthen the suggestion that
the monolith Froglingo is more productive.
In traditional data models, an entity is either
dependent on one and only one other entity, or
independent from the rest of the world. The
functional dependency in relational data model and
the child-parent relationships in hierarchical data
model are the typical examples. This restriction,
however, doesn’t reflect the complexities of the real
world that are manageable using a computer. The EP
(Enterprise-Participant) data model suggests that if
an entity is dependent on others, it precisely depends
on two other entities. Drawing the terminologies
from the structure of an organization or a party, one
depended entity was called enterprise (such as
organization and party), the other called participant
(such as employee and party participant), and the
dependent entity called participation. An enterprise
consists of multiple participations. Determined by its
enterprise and its participant, a participation yields a
value, and this value in turn is another enterprise.
The EP data model is the core of Froglingo. It
establishes the entire semantic space for practical
software applications. Variable is a way of using
finite expressions for the (infinite) semantics
established in the EP data model. It is intended to be
a supplement semantically to the EP data model
although it unfortunately brings non-termination
processes into Froglingo (Xu et al., 2010).
2.1 EP Data Model
The core concepts are terms, assignment, database,
normal form, and reduction.
A term is a constant, an identifier, or a pair of
parenthesized terms, i.e.,
If T is a constant, then T is a term,
If T is an identifier, then T is a term,
If T1 and T2 are terms, then (T1 T2) is a
Integers, real numbers, timestamps, and strings are
constants. In addition, files, as long as not
embedding Froglingo expressions, are also
constants. For example,
3.14, ‘5/2/2009’,
“any strings”, and a file content at operating
system level are all constants. Identifiers are the
tokens to represent high-order functions. The
examples are an_id, salary, Mike, and
A term is used to express data, to embed
relationships between data, and to serve as a name in
data communications. The examples are 3.14,
Mike, (Mike Salary), ((country state)
county), and (tax (Mike salary)).
When a term consists of an ordered pair of two
other terms, it is called a combinatory term,
abbreviated as comb-term. The first term of a comb-
term is called the left-term; and the second term the
right-term. For example, the comb-term (Mike
salary) has Mike as the left-term and salary
as the right-term.
If the right-term of a comb-term is not another
comb-term, the parentheses surrounding the term
don't have to be written. For example, ((country
state) county) is equivalent to (country
state county); and ((a b) (c d)) is
equivalent to (a b (c d)).
A term can be assigned with a value. An
assignment is a state that a term takes another term
as its value. For example, (Mike salary) =
2000, 2 = 3, and a = b. Given an assignment,
the term at the left side of the symbol ‘=’ is the
assignee; and the term at the right side the assigner
(also called value).
A database is a finite set of terms and
assignments. To make a database meaningful, the
terms and the assignments in a database must satisfy
the following conditions:
A constant cannot be an assignee, and cannot be
a left-term,
The right-term of a comb-term appeared in an
assignee must not have an assigner; and
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Assignments cannot form a circle, i.e., if there is
a sequence of assignments: M
= M
, M
, …, M
= M
, M
must not be identical
to M
As an example, we may have the following database
for a school administration:
SSD John SSN = 123456789;
SSD John birth = ‘6/1/1990’;
SSD John photo.jpg = …;
/* a file is a binary stream*/;
College admin (SSD John) enroll =
College admin (SSD John) Major =
College CS;
College CS CS100 (College admin (SSD
John)) grade = “F”;
The normal form of a term is the final form, i.e.,
the value, reducible from the term. An arbitrary term
can be reduced to its normal form. Here are a few
examples of the reduction process:
SSD John SSN Æ 123456789;
College CS CS100 (College admin (SSD
John)) grade Æ “F”;
College CS CS100 Æ College CS CS100;
College admin (SSD John) Major CS100 Æ
College CS CS100;
In EP data model, we say that a comb-term
functionally depends on its left-term because the
existence of the comb-term depends on the existence
of its left-term in a database. Similarly, we say that a
comb-term argumentatively depends on its right-
term. A database is ordered as a tree structure either
under the functional dependency or under the
argumentative dependency.
The EP data model has built-in operators for the
dependencies. For example, we have
SSD {=+
SDD, SSD John {+ SSD
(or equivalently SSD
John {=+ SSD
), and SSD John birth {=+
Pre-ordering relations (Xu et al., 2010) are the
additional relations existing among high-order
functions and lead to the corresponding built-in
operators in the EP data model, e.g., (=+, (=-, and
(=, which are not further explained here.
2.2 Variables
A variable in Froglingo is represented by an
identifier preceded with the symbol $. For example,
$a_variable, and $student. A variable is a term too.
To be in a database, a variable must satisfy the two
If a variable appears in an assigner, it must
appear in assignee;
A variable cannot be a left-term in an assignee.
With the addition of variables, we can have the
following valid assignments in database:
fac 0 = 1;
fac $n = ($n * (fac ($n - 1)));
Syntactically, the first assignment is for finite
data and the second for infinite data. However, they
are managed together, i.e., both are stored physically
together in the same data structure; and both can be
updated with the same manner. For example, one
can issue the expression:
delete fac;, which
removes both assignments from database.
Semantically, the two assignments represent the
factorial function and they are equivalent to a
database having infinite assignments in the EP data
fac 0 = 1; fac 1 = 1; fac 2 = 2;
fac 3 = 6; …;
A variable can have a range to prevent unwanted
data from being the instances of the variable. For
example, the factorial function can be redefined to
allow integers only being the instances of the
variable $n:
fac 0 = 1;
fac $n:[$n isa integer] =
($n * (fac ($n - 1)));
Data, having variables or not, is equally
applicable to the built-in operators in Froglingo, and
produces the meaningful values according to the
semantics of the data. Here is an example: select all
the integers that are less than
7 and applicable to the
factorial function
select $x where fac $x != null
and $x < 7;
Please note that variables bring non-termination
process to Froglingo. It is users’ responsibility to
avoid it.
To express the multiple actions triggered by a
single event, Froglingo adopts the sequential order
of the statements in a traditional programming
language, i.e., a statement is not executed until its
preceding statement is executed in a procedure of an
application program. For example, transferring
money between bank accounts is expressed in
Froglingo as:
transfer $m =
(update acnt2 = (acnt2 - $m)),
(update acnt1 = (acnt1 + $m));
provided that the two accounts were established
acnt1 = 100;, and acnt2 = 300;.
FROGLINGO - A Monolithic Alternative to DBMS, Programming Language, Web Server and File System
The relational data model and the hierarchical data
model, and the conceptual Entity-Relationship
model, from which the traditional commercial
database management systems (DBMS) are
established, are the special cases of the EP data
model. In this section, we use examples to
demonstrate it.
The employees table in the relational data model:
ID Name salary
1 “Jone” 50000
2 “Mary” 60000
can be presented in Froglingo as:
employees 1 name = “Jone”;
employees 1 salary = 50000;
employees 2 name = “Mary”;
employees 2 salary = 60000;
The query of finding all the employees whose
salary is greater than 55000 is expressed in
Froglingo as:
select $e name, $e salary where
where $e salary > 55000;
A car consisting for its body and its engine (and
the engine further consisting for its piston and its
cylinder), that is traditonaly managed by using the
hierarchical data model, can be expressed in
Frogingo as:
car body;
car engine piston;
car engine cylinder;
The query: retrieve all the parts and assembles
under the car is expressed in Frogling:
select $p where $p {=+ car;
The network-oriented data is the favourite of the
conceptual model: Entity-Relationship model. It can
also be presented in Froglingo. Given the directed
graph: G = {A->B, B->A, B->C, C->D}, as an
example, one has a Froglingo presentation:
A B = B;
B A = A;
B C = C;
C D = D;
A database in the EP data model is a high-order
function, and all the total recursive (high-level)
functions can be expressed by the EP data model.
This is not the case for the relational and the
hierarchical models. The relational can only express
functions of level 3 (Hillebrand and Kanellakis,
1994); and the hierarchy data model can express
only those functions expressed in the EP data model
where the right-terms are not comb-term. For
example, the term
College admin (SSD John)
cannot be expressed in the hierarchical data model.
The main function of application programs, i.e.,
application-oriented executable files in a traditional
programming language, is to express infinite data in
finite expressions. Froglingo has its variables to
counter this function as discussed in Section 2.2.
A traditional programming language is also used
to express finite data and the queries on the finite
data. A typical example is to express the following
query: Is there a path from vertices A to vertices D
in the directed graph given in Section 3. The EP data
model has the following expression for it:
D <=+
Placing data access controls and generating web
page contents are also application-specific. We will
discuss them in Sections 7 and 5 correspondingly
and conclude that all of them are managed as data in
Historically, many efforts have been made to
couple DBMS and programming together as
discussed in Section 2. However, it was concluded
that there was a difficulty, called “impedance
mismatch”, when one wanted to manage relational
data model and programming language together
(Ohori et al, 1989). In other words, the clear obstacle
is the lower expressive power of traditional data
models and the lower productivity of traditional
programming languages in representing finite data
(Xu et al., 2010). A stored procedure in relational
DBMSs appears to be a “monolith” physically. But
it retains two exclusive languages, i.e., a data model
and a programming language. There are many other
attempts for a monolith with high productivity.
Without a data model equivalent to a class of total
recursive functions, however, none of them can get
rid of the issues raised from the traditional
technologies. Please reference (Xu et al., 2009) for
more discussion on this topic.
In addition to DBMSs, application programs also
need web servers to communicate with web
browsers on networks. A web server is to perform
the common task of software applications: parsing
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
HTTP requests and generating HTTP responses. A
web server as a off-the-shelf product is at the front-
end facing the networks while a DBMS as another
off-the-shelf product is at the back-end.
When the functions of the application programs
are expressed as data and the physical executable
files for the application programs disappear from the
architecture of Frogingo, the function of web servers
is further supported by Froglingo itself, and
therefore the web servers as off-the-shelf products
are also eliminated from the architecture of
Froglingo . See a graphical view of the evolution in
the diagram of Section 8 that compares the software
architectures of the traditional technologies and
When we conclude that the application programs
and the web servers are eliminated from the
architecture of Froglingo, we assume that the
function of generating web page contents, that is
application-specific, is expressed as data in
Froglingo as well. Here is an example to show how
Froglingo stores and generates web pages. Froglingo
accepts a HTML file (named as store.html)
embedded with Froglingo expressions:
Welcome to my store <br>
The price of apple is
<frog>storage apple price</frog>
<br> The price of milk is
<frog>storage milk price</frog>
The contents between the pairs of tags <frog>
and </frog> are Froglingo expressions. When the
file is uploaded to Froglingo database, it is stored as
a set of assignments:
store.html 1 = “<html>
Welcome to my store <br>
The price of apple is ”;
store.html 2 = storage apple price;
store.html 3 =”
<br> The price of milk is “;
store.html 4 = storage milk price;
store.html 5 =”
When the HTML file is sent to the web clients as the
responses, the terms originally between the pairs of
tags <frog> and </frog> are evaluated and
replaced with their normal forms.
A HTML file embedded with Froglingo
expression in database is uniformly stored as data
and can be as complex as a business application
needs. For other relevant features including
recursively set-oriented query expressions and
parameters passing with HTML files, please see the
reference (Xu and Zhang, 2010).
A typical application software in the traditional
technologies stores data in a relational DBMS,
processes data with the objects (user-defined data
structures) of programming language, and transfers
data in a third format (data communication protocol,
such as XML). Years ago, the data parsing and
conversions between the different data formats were
done by writing code as a part of application
program. Now, we utilize off-the-shelf data
exchange agents (such as Hibernate) to do the
common task: message parsing and data conversion
based on application-specific conversion rules
defined by developers.
Froglingo uses the single format – the EP data
model for data storage, data process, and data
transformation. Therefore, there is no need to
perform data conversion using an agent. Here is a
sample data communication in Froglingo by using
the built-in operator
Print College Æ
College admin (SSD John) enroll =
College admin (SSD John) Major =
College CS;
College CS CS100 (College admin (SSD
John)) grade = “F”;
An application program, where a relational DBMS is
used, also needs to specify data access controls (or
called user entitlements) against the relational data.
This is necessary because the data access control, in
the correspondence of total recursive functions,
cannot be expressed by the relational data model, but
by programming language. This becomes no issue in
Froglingo due to its equivalence to a class of total
recursive functions. In addition, Froglingo offers a
set of built-in operators, stemming from the
dependent relationships, to specify data access
FROGLINGO - A Monolithic Alternative to DBMS, Programming Language, Web Server and File System
controls as if a file system specified file access
In an integrated environment such as at a
corporate level with multiple applications, an off-
the-shelf security product, such as Microsoft Active
Directory for Windows-based applications, IBM
Tivoli Access Manager or RSA ClearTrust for web-
based applications, is utilized to coordinate
corporate level security policies. Given the
traditional technologies, it simplifies the
management of data access controls among the
multiple applications by utilizing a centralized
database. When the applications in an integrated
environment establish a trusted relationship and
communicate with each other in Froglingo, the off-
the-shelf security products don’t have a place in the
architecture of Frolingo either.
Business Logic
Access Control
Webpage generator
Web Server
HTTP Parser
HTTP Parser
Business Data
Business Logic
Access Control
Webpage generator
Data Exchange
Froglingo System Architecture
Traditional Software Architecture
A on-shelf tool
Application Program
Data Storage
Figure 1.
The functions of the multiple software components
in the architecture of the traditional technologies
have never been segregated. In addition to the
primary copy in DBMS, for example, an employee
ID discussed in Section 3 may need to be duplicated
and re-processed in almost every other component,
i.e., application program, data exchange agent, and
data access controls.
Froglingo is a monolith powered by nothing but
high-order functions. It is a monolith for every
software application. It is a monolith consolidating
the multiple components of the traditional
The consolidation itself improves the
productivity of software development and
maintenance. In addition, we have concluded in the
article (Xu et al., 2010) that Froglingo reaches the
greatest possible ease when we assumed that 1) a
data model is easier to use than a programming
language in the development and maintenance of
those applications expressible in the data model; 2)
if one data model is more expressive than another
data model, the former is easier than the latter in the
development and maintenance of those applications
where a programming language is involved. The
easiness further suggests that Froglingo improves
the productivity.
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ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering