Adam Przybylek
Department of Business Informatics, University of Gdansk, Piaskowa 9, 81-824 Sopot, Poland
Keywords: Design patterns, AOP, Generics.
Abstract: Over the past decade, there has been a lot of interest towards aspect-oriented programming (AOP).
Hannemann and Kiczales developed AspectJ implementations of the Gang-of-Four (GoF) design patterns.
Their study was continued by Hachani, Bardou, Borella, and others. However, no one has tried to improve
the implementations by using generics or reflective programming. This research faces up to this issue. As a
result, highly reusable implementations of Decorator, Proxy, and Prototype are presented.
Capturing design knowledge in a way that makes it
possible for others to reuse it is the basic idea behind
design patterns (Noda & Kishi 2001). The solutions
proposed in the original design pattern literature
(Gamma et al. 1995) are shaped by techniques as
well as language deficiencies from the object
oriented (OO) paradigm. With the rise of the aspect-
oriented (AO) paradigm, new programming
abstractions have been occured that suggest it is time
for these solutions to be revised.
First attempts to reshape design pattern solutions
based on aspect-oriented programming (AOP) were
initiated by Hannemann & Kiczales (2002) and then
continued by Hachani & Bardou (2002), Borella
(2003), Monteiro & Fernandes (2004), and Denier,
Albin-Amiot & Cointe (2005). H&K developed
AspectJ implementations of the Gang-of-Four (GoF)
patterns. For 12 out of all 23 patterns, they found
reusable implementations. However, AspectJ didn’t
support generics (generic types), when they were
doing their research. With the advent of this
technique, a new support for more reusable
implementations have been occured. Generic types
let programmers define a type without specifying all
the other types it uses. The unspecified types are
supplied as parameters at the point of use.
In this research the existing AO implementations
were examined according to applying generics and
reflective programming. It was found that generics
bring advantages for the Decorator and the Proxy
patterns, of which only the implementation of the
former exhibits significant improvement. In
addition, a highly reusable implementation of the
Prototype pattern was achieved by combining AOP
with reflective programming.
The modeling language used in this study is the
extension to UML that was proposed by Przybyłek
(2008). The entire source code with examples is
available at the author's homepage (Przybyłek 2010).
For 11 out of 23 GoF patterns reusable
implementations aren’t known. Only the solutions of
these patterns are considered reusable. As a
consequence the programmer still has to implement
the patterns for each application he is constructing
(Borella 2003). However, to the best of the author's
knowledge, there is no evaluation of the impact of
generics or reflection in AspectJ on the GoF
patterns. Generics were added to AspectJ in 2005
and since that time, implementations of design
patterns have had the potential to become more
reusable. Hence, the solutions that have been
presented so far should be revisited and
reconsidered. The aim of this paper is to present the
results of exploring the existing AO
implementations according to apply generics and
Przybylek A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 131-136
DOI: 10.5220/0002923801310136
The intent of the Decorator pattern is to perform
additional actions on individual objects (Borella
2003; Gamma et al. 1995). The additional actions
and the decorated objects are selected at runtime. An
alternative for this pattern is inheritance. However,
the Decorator pattern has several advantages over
subclassing. First, additional actions can be added
and removed at runtime and per object. Second,
combining independent extensions is easy by
composing decorator objects. With subclassing
every combination of extensions results in a new
subclass and this can cause an explosion of
There are many variations of the Decorator
pattern, but in this paper the one used is that defined
by Borella (2003). The first AO approach to this
pattern was presented by Hannemann & Kiczales
(2002). Their solution has three limitations (Borella
2003). Firstly, it does not allow for dynamic
attaching and dynamic detaching of decorators.
Secondly, it is not possible at runtime to define an
order of activation among decorators. Thirdly, after
inserting the decorator aspect in the system, all
instances of the intended class are decorated.
Other solutions were proposed by Monteiro &
Fernandes (2004) and Hachani & Bardou (2002) but
these do not add anything new and so need not be
considered. A significant contribution to
implementing the Decorator pattern was made by
Borella (2003). He uses a per-target instantiation
model to decorate only a subset of the instances of a
class. His solution enables decorators to be
composed dynamically. The order of activation of
each decorator is given at runtime.
The Borella solution has two main
imperfections. Firstly, the around advice and the
wrap method are not generic, and depend on the type
of the decorated object. Secondly, the decorator
classes could directly implement the Decorator
interface. Introducing the Decorator interface via the
parent declaration unnecessarily complicates the
solution. Fig. 1 presents a new solution to the
Decorator pattern.
WrapperProtocol<E> describes the generic
structure and behaviour that is determined by the
pattern and it does not define any application
specific behaviour. This solution reduces the non-
reusable parts of the implementation. The around
advices are responsible for intercepting objects
which should be decorated and passing them to the
wrap(E e) method as argument. This method iterates
through all the registered decorators and gives them
its argument to decorate (Listing 1). After
decoration, the argument is returned. A concrete
decoration process is implemented in the
StarDecorator and DollarDecorator classes.
The joinpoints at which the object to decorate
should be captured are specified by the
returned_object and object_passed_as_argument
pointcuts. Thus it is possible to decorate the object,
which is passed as an argument or returned as a
result of a method call. The definitions of both
pointcuts are empty, so at least one of them should
be overridden in a subaspect.
The concrete subaspect, which knows what type
of object is captured and in which context, has to be
derived from WrapperProtocol<E> by giving a
bound type to the E parameter. One of such
subaspects is StringWrapper that binds the E
parameter with String. StringWrapper intercepts
requests to the getNextWord() method and performs
a decoration on the object returned by this method.
An example of the use of StringWrapper is shown in
Listing 2.
public E wrap(E e) {
for ( Decorator<E> dec: decorators.values() ) e=dec.decorate(e);
return e;
Listing 1: The wrap method.
public class testDecorator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WordPrinter w = new WordPrinter(); //1
StringWrapper wrapper = StringWrapper.aspectOf(w); //2
wrapper.addDecorator( new StarDecorator(), 2 ); //3
wrapper.addDecorator( new DollarDecorator(), 1 ); //4
w.setWord(0,"XXX"); //5
System.out.println( w.getNextWord() ); //6
Listing 2: A use of the Decorator pattern.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: The Decorator pattern.
In order to decorate a specific object, the
instance of StringWrapper that is associated with
this object is retrieved (line 2). Zero or more
decorators are then attached to this instance (lines 3
and 4). Without any decorator, the getNextWord()
method would return "AA". However, the wrapper
object has registered (lines 3 and 4) the
StarDecorator and DollarDecorator instances, which
wrap the returned object with "***" and "$$$"
respectively. As a result, the "*** $$$ AA $$$ ***"
string is printed on the screen (line 6).
The proxy pattern allows the developer to provide a
surrogate object in place of the actual object in case
access to the real object needs to be delegated or
controlled. The following are some of the more
common uses for proxies (Grand 2002):
Represent an object that is complex or time
consuming to create with a simpler one.
Create the illusion that an object on a different
machine is an ordinary local object.
Control access to a service-providing object
based on a security policy.
Create the illusion that a service object exists
before it actually does.
The structure of this pattern, that uses generics, is
shown on Fig. 2. ProxyProtocol<Subject> is a
reusable part of the implementation. Subject is a
parameter. The client binds this parameter with the
type of the object to be "proxied". The
requestsToSubjectByCaller pointcut intercepts calls
to the subject. If a call is proxy protected, the
handleProxyProtection method is called instead of
the original method. The isProxyProtected method
checks whether the request should be handled by the
proxy or not. By default it returns true. The
handleProxyProtection method provides an
alternative return value if a call is proxy protected.
The default implementation returns null. Concrete
subaspects are forced to implement the requests
pointcut. This pointcut defines which requests need
to be handled by the proxy.
-requestsToSubjectByCaller(caller:Object, target:Subject):
requests() && this(caller) && target(target);
#isProxyProtected(caller:Object, target:Subject, joinPoint:JoinPoint): boolean
#handleProxyProtection(caller:Object, target:Subject, joinPoint:JoinPoint): Object
Object around(caller:Object, target:Subject):
requestsToSubjectByCaller(caller, target) {
if (! isProxyProtected(caller, target, thisJoinPoint) )
return proceed(caller, target);
return handleProxyProtection(caller, target, thisJoinPoint);
«bind» <Subject OutputImplementation>
call(* OutputImplementation.safeRequest(..));
#isProxyProtected(caller:Object, target:Subject,
joinPoint:JoinPoint): boolean
#handleProxyProtection(caller:Object, target:Subject,
joinPoint:JoinPoint): Object
Figure 2: The Proxy pattern.
The Prototype pattern allows an object to create a
copy of itself without knowing its direct class. This
pattern can avoid expensive “creation from scratch”.
The most important requirement for objects to be
used as prototypes is that they have a method,
typically called copy, that returns a new object that
is a copy of the original object. How to implement
the copy operation for the prototypical objects is
another important implementation issue. There are
two basic strategies for implementing the copy
operation (Grand 2002):
Shallow copying means that the attributes of the
cloned object contain the same values as the
attributes of the original object and that all object
references indicate the same objects.
Deep copying means that the attributes of the
cloned object contain the same values as the
attributes of the original object, except that
attributes that refer to objects refer to copies of
the objects referred to by the original object. In
other words, deep copying also copies the
objects that the object being cloned refers to.
Implementing deep copying can be tricky. You
will need to be careful about handling any
circular references.
Shallow copying is easier to implement because all
classes inherit a clone method for the Object class
that does just that. However, unless an object’s class
implements the Cloneable interface, the clone
method will throw an exception and will refuse to
work. This paper presents the first strategy with
some modification (Figure 3).
The PrototypeProtocol aspect attaches a default
copy() method on all Prototype participants. The
implementation of that method is (1) to find the
nearest clone() method up the class hierarchy, (2) to
invoke it, and (3) to return the result (Listing 3). The
searching process starts with the runtime class of the
object to which the copy() request was sent. If that
class does not define the clone method, then the
search is made in its superclass. In the worst case,
the search repeats until the Object class is reached.
MyPrototypes assigns the Prototype interface to Car.
This research presents how AO implementations of
the Decorator and the Proxy pattern can be improved
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 3: The Prototype pattern.
privileged abstract aspect PrototypeProtocol {
public interface Prototype extends Cloneable{}
public Object Prototype.copy() {
Object copy = null;
Method cloneMethod=null;
try {
Class thisClass = ((Object) this).getClass();
cloneMethod = theNearestCloneMethod(thisClass);
copy = cloneMethod.invoke(this, null);
} catch(Exception ex) {
return copy;
protected static Method theNearestCloneMethod(Class startClass) {
Method cloneMethod=null;
do {
try {
cloneMethod = startClass.getDeclaredMethod("clone", null);
} catch(NoSuchMethodException ex) {
startClass = startClass.getSuperclass();
} while( cloneMethod == null );
return cloneMethod;
Listing 3: The PrototypeProtocol aspect.
using generics. Parametrized aspects, which serve as
protocols, were created for both patterns. For the
Prototype pattern reflective programming was
employed to provide a default implementation for
cloning. For Decorator not only implementation but
also a new solution was developed. The solution is
simpler then the one proposed by Borella, whereas
the implementation is much more reusable. The only
thing a programmer has to implement is two
pointcuts. For the Proxy pattern, Hannemann &
Kiczales’s solution was used, and only the
implementation was adapted. In order to use these
patterns, concrete sub-aspects have to be created to
make all general properties specific. The
implemented patterns can be plugged or unplugged
depending on the presence or absence of aspects.
Hannemann and Kiczales introduce solutions that
make an application independent of design patterns
and improve reusability of the application core part.
However, the code for a design pattern is still not
reusable. This paper presents the results of exploring
the existing AO implementations according to
applying generics and reflective programming. It
was found that only Decorator and Proxy are
suitable to use with generics, while Prototype is
suitable to use with reflection. In each case, the
applied programming techniques enhanced
reusability of the design pattern part.
Borella, J., 2003. Design Patterns Using Aspect-Oriented
Programming. MSc thesis, IT University of
Denier, S., Albin-Amiot, H., Cointe, P., 2005. Expression
and Composition of Design Patterns with Aspects. In:
2nd French Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software
Development (JFDLPA'05), Lille , France
Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., Vlissides, J., 1995.
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-
Oriented Software. Addison Wesley, Boston
Grand, M., 2002. Patterns in Java, Volume 1: A Catalog
of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML.
John Wiley & Sons
Hachani, O., Bardou, D., 2002. Using Aspect-Oriented
Programming for Design Patterns Implementation. In:
Workshop Reuse in Object-Oriented Information
Systems Design, Montpellier, France
Hannemann, J., Kiczales, G., 2002. Design Pattern
Implementation in Java and AspectJ. In: 17th
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Systems, Languages, and Applications, Seattle
Monteiro, M.P., Fernandes, J.M., 2004. Pitfalls of AspectJ
Implementations of Some of the Gang-of-Four Design
Patterns. In: Desarrollo de Software Orientado a
Aspectos (DSOA’04), Málaga, Spain
Noda, N., Kishi, T., 2001. Implementing Design Patterns
Using Advanced Separation of Concerns. In:
Workshop on Advanced SoC in OO Systems at
OOPSLA’01, Tampa Bay, Florida
Przybyłek, A., 2008. Separation of Crosscutting Concerns
at the Design Level: An Extension to the UML
Metamodel. In: 3rd International Multiconference on
Computer Science and Information Technology
(IMCSIT’08), Wisła, Poland
Przybyłek, A., 2010.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies