Application to Damadics
Y. Kourd, N. Guersi
Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineer, Mohamed Khider Biskra University, Algeria
Department d'Electronique, Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algeria
D. Lefebvre
GREAH – Université Le Havre, 25 rue Philippe Lebon, 76058 Le Havre, France
Keywords: Fault Diagnosis, Modelling, Residual Generation, Residual Evaluation, Neural Classifier, Neurofuzzy
Abstract: Fault diagnosis is a major challenge for complex systems as long as it increases the safety and
productivity. This work concerns faults diagnosis, based on artificial intelligence, neural networks, and
fuzzy logic. Thanks to an associative memory, neural networks have good capacities of organization,
approximation and classification. Combined with fuzzy logic, neural networks are an effective tool for
system modelling, fault detection and fault diagnosis. This paper illustrates the potential of these tools for
the modelling and the diagnosis of an industrial actuator (DAMADICS benchmark).
Fault detection and isolation (FDI) is a major issue
for complex systems as long as it increases the
safety and productivity of these systems. Its first
vocation is the detection and the isolation of system
failures. The necessity to detect and isolate early the
failures calls upon techniques of the artificial
intelligence. These techniques have been recently
developed and improved by many researchers. The
point is that artificial intelligence makes easier the
task carried out by the operators as long as the
observation of symptoms and the data analysis or
information interpretation is carried out by the
diagnosis system.
Several methods exist for the diagnosis of
dynamical systems. Basically, model-based and
data-based methods can be distinguished (Chow,
1980; Patton et al. 1989; Gertler, 1991; Willsky,
1976). Model – based methods compare the
measured data with the knowledge provided by the
model of theconsidered system in order to detect and
isolate the faults that disturb the process. Such
techniques require a sufficiently accurate
mathematical model of the process.Data-based
methods require a lot of process measurements and
can be divided into signal processing methods and
artificial intelligence approaches. Model and data
based methods are used to design residual signals.
The fault detection results from the comparison of
the residuals with arbitrary thresholds: a fault is
detected each time one residual ccross over the
threshold. This comparison is calculated on line. To
isolate the faults, residuals are structured to be
robust and sensitive to some specific sets of faults.
In this context, our study concerns the
investigation of model-based FDI methods with
artificial intelligence, particularly neural networks
and fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic can be used to describe
the system behaviours according to linguistic rules
and fuzzy sets. The advantage of fuzzy logic is that
it can be used in presence of uncertainties. The
drawback is that the number and expression of the
rules and also the parameters of the membership
functions that define the sets are not easy to be work
out. In that case, neural networks are helpful to
identify the unknown parameters according to
measured data and to learning algorithms.
This paper concerns the application of neural
networks, fuzzy logic and neurofuzzy systems
(ANFIS) for an industrial actuator from the sugar
factory in Lublin, Polen (Damadics, 2004).
Kourd Y., Guersi N. and Lefebvre D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 368-372
DOI: 10.5220/0002928103680372