An Environment for Quality Evaluation on Model-driven Web Engineering
F. J. Domínguez-Mayo, M. Mejías, M. J. Escalona and A. H. Torres
University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Model-Driven Engineering, Quality, Software Metrics, Model-Driven Web Engineering, Methodologies.
Abstract: Due to the high number and wide variety of methodologies which currently exist in the field of Model-
Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) methodologies, it has become necessary to evaluate the quality of the
existing methodologies to provide helpful information for the developers. Since proposals are constantly
appearing, the need may arise not only to evaluate quality but also to find out how it can be improved. This
article presents work being carried out in this field and describes tasks to define QuEF (Quality Evaluation
Framework), which is an environment to evaluate, under objective measures, the quality of Model-Driven
Web Engineering methodologies.
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a paradigm of
software development that consists of the creation of
models closer to a particular domain rather than
concepts or a specific syntax. The domain
environment specific to MDE for web engineering is
called Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE).
The Object Management Group (OMG) has
developed the standard Model-Driven Architecture
(MDA) which defines an architecture platform for
proposals based on the Model-Driven paradigm
The concept of platform independence appears
frequently in MDA. Models may have the quality of
being independent from the characteristics of any
technological platform. By applying this paradigm,
the lifecycle of a software system is completely
covered, from requirements capture to its own
maintenance, through the generation of the code. In
recent years, the growing interest in the internet has
led to the generation of a high number of proposals
(W. Schwinger et al., 2008) which offer a frame of
reference for the Web environment. On the other
hand, there are a high number of approaches without
standard consensus, a lack in the use of standards,
and scarcity of both practical experience and tool
support. In the face of this situation, an important
need to assess the quality of existing methodologies
arises. In this paper, therefore, an environment for
the quality evaluation of Model-Driven Web
methodologies based on MDA is proposed.
The paper is organized into the following
sections. In Section 2 a global analysis of the
situation is presented. Section 3 presents the
problem, motivation and goal, and is intended to lay
the basis of a framework that allows evaluate the
quality of different methodological proposals. In
Section 4 concepts such as framework and MDWE
methodology are explained and the elements which
define the Quality Evaluation Framework (QuEF)
are provided. In Section 5, an example of applying
the framework proposed with the NDT methodology
is performed. Finally, in Section 6, a set of
conclusions, contributions and possible future work
are given.
A great amount of work has been published in the
area of MDWE, as have numerous studies related
with MDWE approaches (Escalona and Aragón,
2008), (Kroiβ and Koch, 2008). Along this line
(Schwinger et al., 2008) must be considered where a
well-defined fine-grained catalogue of more than 30
evaluation criteria about approaches is defined.
Some work related with quality evaluation and
J. Domínguez-Mayo F., Mejías M., J. Escalona M. and H. Torres A. (2010).
QuEF - An Environment for Quality Evaluation on Model-driven Web Engineering Approaches.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 137-142
DOI: 10.5220/0002928501370142
software metrics are considered in this section. The
idea of developing a MDE framework for evaluating
quality has been applied in various studies of
(Mohagheghi et al.), where it is stated that the
quality of models is affected by the quality of
different factors. From the methodological
perspective, software measurement is supported by a
wide variety of proposals, the ISO 15539 and IEEE
1061-1998 standards deserving special attention. As
far as web metrics quality is concerned, in (Calero et
al., 2005) some important metrics proposed for web
information systems are classified.
The main goal of this research is to lay the basis of a
QuEF that facilitates the quality assessment of
different methodological proposals under some
specific criteria. Today’s modern web information
systems are called to manage a huge amount of
information and are difficult to develop and
maintain. Hence, there is a need for the suitable
design of MDWE methodologies and effective tools.
To this end, our work concentrates on evaluating and
comparing existing proposals. One aspect that must
be considered is the use of an MDWE methodology
and its influence on the final product quality.
Nowadays, in the software industry, there is an even
greater need to produce faster, cheaper software of
higher quality.
In this work, an approach, or methodology, is a
Model-Driven proposal for the development of web
applications. It may provide a set of guidelines,
techniques, processes and/or tools for the structuring
of specifications, which are expressed as models.
The QuEF is a basic conceptual structure composed
of a set of elements used to evaluate MDWE
methodologies. Therefore, an environment with a set
of elements based on existing literature is proposed,
where four components for the evaluation of the
quality of MDWE methodologies can be seen:
Approach Characteristics Template: This
component would have the responsibility of
describing the input methodology characteristics
to be evaluated.
Thesaurus & Glossary: This component would
be responsible for improving the standardization
of the access channel and communication
between users of different MDWE
Quality Model: This component is responsible
for providing the basis for specifying quality
requirements with the purpose of evaluating
Quality Evaluation Process: This component
would have the responsibility of carrying out the
quality evaluation process.
4.1 QuEF for MDWE Methodologies
We present the steps for defining QuEF for MDWE
methodologies. The main component for QuEF is
the Quality Model. Concepts, tasks to be performed
for each step, framework structuring and
components which result for each step are described.
In this work, a Quality Model is a set of
characteristics, subcharacteristics and metrics,
quality factors, quality attributes and the
relationships between them, which provides the
basis for specifying quality requirements and
evaluating quality. In Figure 1, the Quality Model
metamodel with the relations between the different
elements in the Quality model are shown, and the
elements are described and explained.
Quality Factor Quality Attribute
Figure 1: Quality Model Metamodel.
Quality Factor: This is a higher-level feature that
affects an item's quality. For example, a quality
factor could be Usability, Functionality or
Portability. Each quality factor and attribute in
ISO 9126 is described in relation with a software
product but in our particular case all quality
factors and attributes are described in relation
with approach characteristics.
Quality Attribute: A quality attribute is a feature
or characteristic that affects an item's quality
(Syn: quality factor). In a hierarchy of quality
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
attributes, higher-level attributes may be called
quality factors, lower-level attributes called
quality attributes (IEEE 610). For example,
Usability is defined for various quality attributes
such as Learnability, Understandability,
Operability, etc.
Characteristic: This is a higher-level concept of
an approach. It may be, for example, the
software development process, models,
metamodels, languages, tools, transformations or
the quality assurance techniques.
Subcharacteristic: This is a lower-level concept
of an approach. For example, the Model-Driven
Engineering characteristic may have various
subcharacteristics such as, the Language
Definition, Transformations and Trace
Metric: In the Quality Model, metrics should
indicate which quality attribute is affected by
subcharacteristics and also the degree to which it
is affected. For example, the evaluation may be
via measuring quantitatively by metrics or
subjective evaluation, inspections using
checklists or interviewing the users.
Therefore, a Quality Model contains a minimal
amount of characteristics and subcharacteristics
through which any kind of MDWE approach can
be evaluated. In order to define a Quality Model, it
contains association links between the
subcharacteristics and the quality attributes. These
association links represent the dependencies
between subcharacteristics and quality attributes.
They show quality attributes which are affected by
subcharacteristics or the areas of the methodology
that will be significantly affected if the approach is
changed. Association links may be based on
proven and real-world experience. The impact of
each subcharacteristic on quality attributes must be
demonstrated and the requirements determined by
real case study applications to a number of real
projects. Hence, a quality factor has various
quality attributes and a characteristic has various
subcharacteristics, as is shown in Figure 1.
4.1.1 Identifying Quality Factors
A set of quality factors based on current literature,
such as ISO/IEC 9126, IEEE and other standards
which are adapted to MDWE methodologies, has to
be identified, classified and hierarchical. The
Quality Factors of an approach include Usability,
Functionality, Reliability, Maintainability and
Portability. Each quality factor and attribute in ISO
9126 is described in relation with a software product
whereas in our study all quality factors and attributes
would be described in relation with approach
characteristics. In this work, Reliability is taken as
an example of the quality factor. In ISO 9126,
Reliability is a quality factor which is defined as:
The ability of the software product to perform its
required functions under stated conditions for a
specified period of time, or for a specified number of
operations. This definition could be adapted to
more closely fit our specific domain: The ability of
a characteristic approach to perform its required
functions under stated conditions for a specified
period of time, or for a specified number of
operations” or in a general way could be described
as: “A set of attributes that bear on the capability of
a characteristic approach to maintain its level of
performance under stated conditions for a stated
period of time”.
4.1.2 Identifying Quality Attributes for each
Quality Factor
For each quality factor, a set of quality attributes
have to be identified. For example, quality attributes
related with Reliability are described in the same
way by adapting other definitions from ISO, IEEE,
other standards and work already published. Some
of these quality attributes may be described as:
Maturity: The capability of a characteristic
approach to avoid failure as a result of defects in
the approach.
Recoverability: The capability of a characteristic
approach to re-establish a specified level of
performance and recover a stated development
point affected in case of failure.
Fault Tolerance: The capability of a
characteristic approach to maintain a specified
level of performance in cases of faults (defects)
or of infringement of requirements.
Compactness: The state of being compact. A
characteristic approach is more compact if it is
getting closer to a specific domain.
4.1.3 Identifying Characteristics
In MDWE, models are refined progressively and
transformed into new models or code with tools.
Moreover, each methodology may define its
development process and/or techniques. The idea is
to characterize the whole MDWE process. The
quality of methodologies in turn depends on the
following Characteristics: The Model-Driven
Engineering, the knowledge of MDWE methodology
users, the web modelling, the customization
QuEF - An Environment for Quality Evaluation on Model-driven Web Engineering Approaches
modelling, the maturity of a methodology, the tool
support and the quality assurance techniques.
Methodology users and developers use the available
modelling languages, tools and processes and
develop models based on their knowledge of the
problem and their experience.
4.1.4 Identifying Subcharacteristics and
Metrics for each Characteristic
For each subcharacteristic, a specification of its
evaluation is necessary. For example, the evaluation
may be carried out via quantitative measurement
using either metrics or subjective evaluation,
whereby checklists are used in inspections, or users
and designers are interviewed, respectively. Metrics
defined so far are qualitative metrics which indicate
if the subcharacteristic is Supported (S), Partly
Supported (PS) or Not Supported (NS).
4.1.5 Specifying Association Links between
the Subcharacteristics and the Quality
In this step, the association links between
subcharacteristics and quality attributes have to be
defined. A set of hypotheses has to be proposed to
indicate which quality attribute is affected by each
subcharacteristic. For example, Reliability is
described as a set of quality attributes. These quality
attributes could be affected by one of various
subcharacteristics as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Association links between realiabilty quality
attributes and Tool support subcharacteristics.
Reliability quality factor
Fault Tolerance
Tool Support
Creation Tool X X X X X
Analysis Tool X X X X X X X
Transformation Tool X
Composition Tool X X X X X
Test Tool X X X X X X X
Trace Tool X X X X X X X
Repository Tool X X X X X X X
Subcharacteristics and the relations between quality
attributes are described below. The employment of
Tool Support could give the approaches a broader
application base. Our initial hypothesis is that it
could bear influence on:
Maturity: The use of tools can prevent faults
in the use of a methodology because tthey
make this methodology easier to handle.
Recoverability: With subcharacteristics,
certain mistakes can be detected and a stated
point in the development can be recovered in
case of faults.
Fault Tolerance: Analysis, Test and Trace
tool support help to make the use of a
methodology more reliable in the case of
Compactness: Every subcharacteristic is
getting closer to the MDWE specific domain.
The Quality Model component would then be
refined and improved based on results, experience or
current literature. Other subcharacteristics have to be
proposed and they have to be associated with quality
attributes. In this work, a set of Tool Support
subcharacteristics and a set of hypotheses for linking
these subcharacteristics to quality attributes of
Reliability are proposed as an example. A
consequence of having this matrix could be that in
the case of improving a web development
methodology, priority can be given to
subcharacteristics which improve a greater number
of quality attributes, and therefore, the quality
process improvement is optimized.
4.1.6 Defining the Quality Evaluation
The Quality Evaluation Process component
compares the information from each input Approach
Characteristics Template with information from the
Quality Model. The idea is to determine which
aspect needs to be improved in MDWE
methodology. The results provide an assessment
report of the methodology and this may be used for
comparison with the evaluation of other MDWE
methodologies. Along these lines, Microsoft Excel is
currently used for implementing a brief prototype for
proofs. A spreadsheet is used to simulate the
Approach Template Characteristic component
where the user selects subcharacteristics according
to a set of metrics. For example, the metric value is 1
if it is supported, 1/2 or the arithmetic mean of
supported elements from among the total elements if
it is partly supported, and 0 if it is not supported.
The total value for the quality attribute is the number
of values divided by the total metrics in the
subcharacteristic. For every quality attribute, a
quantitative value for each subcharacteristic is then
calculated. A spreadsheet with a matrix which
represents the association links between
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
subcharacteristic and quality attributes indicates if
the quality attribute is influenced by the
subcharacteristic. Finally, on another spreadsheet,
graphics and total values of evaluation are shown.
NDT (Navigational Development Techniques) is a
methodological approach oriented towards Web
Engineering. It is an approach defined in the Model-
Driven paradigm and it offers a suitable and easy-to-
use methodological environment. With the use of
NDT-Suite, NDT offers tool support for each phase
of the complete life cycle of a software project. In
the following evaluation of NDT, the extended
revision supported by NDT-Suite is considered.
5.1 Applying the Approach
Characteristic Template in NDT
Methodology for Tool Support
The Approach Characteristics Template component
has been applied using an implementation in
Microsoft Excel. However, the Approach
Characteristics Template component has not yet
been fully developed, and only Tool Support
characteristic, MDE characteristic and Maturity
characteristic can be considered. In this example,
only some metrics of Transformation Tool Support
are shown in Table 2 as an example of the Template.
Other subcharacteristics, such as Creation,
Composition, Test, Trace, Repository Tool Support,
are not shown but they have been considered in the
evaluation process of this example in Section 5.2.
An MDWE tool is a tool used to develop, interpret,
compare, align, measure, verify and transform
models or metamodels in the context of MDWE.
For example, with respect to the Transformation
Tool Support subcharacteristic in the template, the
synchronization tool metric PSM2PIM, PSM2CIM,
Code2CIM and Code2PSM is Not Supported for
NDT methodology as is shown in the Table 2. Other
metrics are supported. Total metric results of Tool
Support characteristics are shown in Figure 2. In the
figure, black bars represent NDT result metric
values for each subcharacteristic of the Tool Support
Table 2: Metrics of Transformation Tool Support
Model-Driven Reverse Engineering or Synchronization
This supports a Reverse Engineering Tool: A tool intended
to transform particular legacy or information artifact
portfolios into fully-fledged models.
This supports a synchronization tool between
transformations such as:
Figure 2: Graph of results in the Tool Support
characteristic template.
5.2 A Reliability Quality Factor
Evaluation of NDT Methodology
for Tool Support
In the implementation in Microsoft Excel,
Functionality, Reliability, Portability and Usability
quality factors have been studied. In this example
the Reliability factor is shown and its relations with
the Tool Support characteristic. This is shown in
Figure 3, where the black line represents Reliability
on the NDT methodology and the grey line
represents the ideal Reliability in an ideal approach
according to the subcharacteristics under
consideration. According to the results of the
evaluation of the NDT methodology, only one
characteristic has been considered in the example.
Hence, the same subcharacteristics have been
considered for each quality attribute of Reliability.
If other characteristics are considered (for
example MDE characteristic) and subcharacteristics,
then the results could be very different. In Figure 4,
the Tool Support and the MDE characteristics are
QuEF - An Environment for Quality Evaluation on Model-driven Web Engineering Approaches
Figure 3: Reliability quality factor evaluation for the Tool
Support characteristic.
considered for the evaluation of the Reliability
quality factor about NDT methodology. In this case,
is seen that NDT is better in Recoverability and
Fault Tolerance than in Maturity, Relevancy,
Compactness and Currency.
Figure 4: Reliability quality factor evaluation for Tool
support and MDE characteristics.
The fundamentals of a quality environment for
MDWE methodologies are proposed in this paper.
With regards to the contributions obtained from this
research, a framework is required for the
improvement of current proposals or the
development of a new methodology. We consider
that the use of QuEF will enhance the quality of
products, processes and techniques of approaches.
Furthermore, we have described those
subcharacteristics related with the Tool Support
characteristic which are required for the
measurement of the value of MDWE methodologies
in order to be able to assess and improve their
Reliability. Therefore the use of QuEF can improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of MDWE
methodologies, and in turn may make their use more
widespread since this approach evaluation helps one
understand the strengths and weaknesses of a
methodology. Further characteristics and quality
factors have still to be developed. To this end,
Microsoft Excel is currently being employed.
This research has been supported by the project
QSimTest (TIN2007-67843-C06_03) and by the
RePRIS project of the Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia (TIN2007-30391-E), Spain.
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies