support of technological decisions. In this paper we
present results of our research on capabilities of
BRMS and characteristics of technological
In particular our task was focused on preparation
of use cases set along with precise description of
rules used for solving specific decision problems.
For this purpose two decision problems were
analysed which covered such issues as selection of
feedstock or executive production planning. These
problems were analyzed in view of a company
producing cold-rolled strips in a wide dimension
range and diversified grades of steel.
As part of our project we developed assumptions of
a new tool for decision support, including
technological decisions.
Main stream of research activities in the area of
knowledge modelling for BRE is connected with
application of description logics for ontology
formulation. Our experiences indicate that the most
effective solution, capable of direct cooperation with
majority of industrial information systems which
simultaneously provides decidability, is a
combination of relational model with inference
system that utilizes attributive logics. Our solution,
named Inference with Queries (IwQ) (Maciol,
2008), has been developed as a knowledge model
and an inference engine for formulation of Business
Rules Management Systems. Knowledge storage is
realized in accordance with principles of Variable
Set Attribute Logic (VSAL) (Ligeza, 2006). An
assumption was made, that in rule-based decisive
system, attributes as well as variables will be stored
in form of relations. Owing to the utilization of
extended selection formula, knowledge definition
process becomes simplified. SQL queries realize a
significant part of inference.
The essential functional requirements (solution
features) are as below:
1. User will be able to easily create, delete and
modify knowledge bases.
2. The way of inference (forward and backward)
and process parameters (the start-up fact, the way of
passing messages, the ending conditions) can be set
automatically by the system, the knowledge architect
at the stage of its creation or at the stage of
3. The system provides a set of tools for acquiring
knowledge of facts from external sources (databases,
procedures, programs, global network).
The inference process in our solution is controled
by variable values of attributes that indicates which
rules will be fired on current step of the reasoning.
In the initial phase of our research we found that the
system must combine the possibilities given by
declarative as well as procedural notation of
knowledge. Our solution gives such possibilities.
Research were carried out in a company
producing cold-rolled strip in a wide dimensional
range and variety of steel grades.
3.1 Feedstock Selection for Actual
Parameters of feedstock selection may be
characterized as follows:
1. Steel grade of feedstock strip and rolled strip
should be identical. There are possible some
departures from this ‘literal’ conformity, especially
in case of low-carbon grades of steel. In many cases
chemical composition of grades of steel resemble
one another. Rules that define changing process of
steel grades may be visualised in the form of
decision grid.
2. The width of the feedstock strip must be greater
than the width of the rolled strip. In order to
minimize ‘unjustified’ loss, different orders are
combined together to prepare a milling from a single
feedstock coil.
3. The width of the feedstock strip should make
allowance for the width of the rolled strip in view of
eventual cutting of the strip into strands.
4. A specific processing rate of feedstock into given
thickness is required.
5. The weight of the feedstock coil should be in a
proper relation to the weight of the order. The
realization of order from the minimum possible
number of different feedstock charges is the most
favourable option in terms of uniformity of produced
Hereunder we present the exemplary rules stored
in a knowledge base:
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies