Costin-Gabriel Chiru, Valentin Cojocaru, Traian Rebedea and Stefan Trausan-Matu
“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Malapropism, Paronyms Dictionary, Cohesion, Search Engine, Lexical Chains, Filters, Chunking.
Abstract: This paper presents a method for the automatic detection and correction of malapropism errors found in
documents using the WordNet lexical database, a search engine (Google) and a paronyms dictionary. The
malapropisms detection is based on the evaluation of the cohesion of the local context using the search
engine, while the correction is done using the whole text cohesion evaluated in terms of lexical chains built
using the linguistic ontology. The correction candidates, which are taken from the paronyms dictionary, are
evaluated versus the local and the whole text cohesion in order to find the best candidate that is chosen for
replacement. The testing methods of the application are presented, along with the obtained results.
During the last years, people have started to write
more and more electronic documents using the
programs available on everyone’s PC, because they
can use some features that a sheet of paper could not
offer. One of the most important such feature is the
automatic spellchecking. Many people are not
paying enough attention to the things they write,
knowing that if they make any mistake, the
spellchecker will point out the mistake or even
correct it. Nevertheless, even the best spellcheckers
sometimes fail in correcting a misspelled word,
introducing a different word than the original one
that has been misspelled, that is close to the initial
word from the editing distance point of view, but
semantically unrelated. More than that, even people
sometimes use other words instead of the ones that
they should, due to the lexical or phonetic similarity
between these words and to the insufficient
knowledge of the language or lack of attention. This
unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with
another one that sounds similar is called
malapropism and cannot be identified by an ordinary
In this paper, we propose a method for the
automatic detection and correction of these
malapropisms using an ontology (WordNet), a
search engine (Google) and a paronyms dictionary.
In the next chapter, we present other approaches for
malapropisms detection. The paper continues with
the architecture of our application and the
experiments developed in order to test it, along with
a walkthrough example. We wrap up with the results
and the conclusions that can be drawn from them.
One of the first approaches about handling
malapropisms was proposed by (Hirst and St-Onge,
1998). They presented a method for identifying and
correcting malapropisms based on the semantic
anomaly discovered through lexical chains. They
followed the assumption that malapropisms should
be words that do not fit in the context, so they
should be found in atomic chains. After detecting the
malapropisms, the authors applied the spelling
corrections procedures used by a spelling checker in
order to identify some possible corrections for the
given malapropism. Then they have tried to see
whether these corrections fit better into the lexical
chains, and if so, the corrections were made. In order
to test their assumption, they have built a corpus of
about 500 articles randomly selected from the Wall
Cojocaru V., Chiru C., Trausan-Matu S. and Rebedea T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 364-373
DOI: 10.5220/0002931803640373
Street Journal discussing many different topics and
they have introduced a malapropism at every 200
words. This action resulted in a 322,645 words
corpus having 1,409 malapropisms. After building
the corpus, they have used their method for detecting
and correcting the malapropisms. The results
showed a 28.2% detection rate and a 24.8%
correction rate with a false alarm rate of 0.859%. A
similar idea is presented in (Hirst and Budanitsky,
2005), where the authors have noticed a 50% recall
and 20% precision for malapropisms detection, and
between 92 and 97.4% for malapropisms correction.
A different approach (Bolshakov and Gelbukh,
2003) proposes an algorithm for malapropisms
detection and correction based on evaluating the text
cohesion represented by the number of collocations
that can be formed between the words found in the
immediate context of each other. The words that do
not form any collocation in the context are signalled
as being possible malapropisms. The possible
corrections are generated and tested if they form at
least a collocation with the given context. In
(Gelbukh and Bolshakov, 2004) the authors suggest
that a paronyms dictionary could be very useful for
the generation of possible corrections. Two words
are called paronyms if they have only slight
differences in spelling or pronunciation, but they
have (complete) different meanings. This approach
was semi-automatically tested on a set of 16
sentences that were built so that each of them had a
malapropism. An accuracy of 68.75% has been
achieved. Nevertheless, considering the very small
dimension of the test, the accuracy could be affected
if the algorithm would be applied on a larger corpus.
More than that, since all the sentences had a
malapropism, the false alarm rate could not be
accurately detected. Variants of this algorithm were
also tested against three corpora, one written in
Spanish and having 125 malapropisms (Bolshakov
et al., 2005) and the other two written in Russian
(Bolshakova et al., 2005), having 100 malapropisms
each. For Spanish, all the malapropisms have been
identified, and around 90% were correctly replaced.
For Russian, 99% of the malapropisms have been
identified, and around 91% were correctly replaced.
Though the obtained results are very good, one
should notice that the algorithm uses three constants
(P, NEG and Q) that have been empirically
determined to optimize the results and therefore are
very text-dependent, as shown by the values chosen
for these corpora: P = 3500, NEG -9, Q = -7.5 for
the Spanish corpus (Bolshakov et al., 2005), and P
=1200, NEG = -100, Q = -7.5 for the Russian ones
(Bolshakova et al., 2005). Again, the corpus
contained only phrases that contained a
malapropism, so the false alarm rate could not be
Besides these methods that exploit the semantic
similarity between words, other approaches are
based on statistical methods. Among these, there are
methods employing n-grams (Mays et al., 1991;
Wilcox-O’Hearn et al., 2008), Bayesian methods
(Gale et al., 1993; Golding, 1995), POS tagging
(Marshall, 1983), or a combination between the
latter two methods (Golding and Schabes, 1996).
Our application has two main modules – one for
the malapropisms detection and the other for their
correction – and a couple of sub-modules as it can
be seen in Fig. 1. In this application, we have used
some external technologies (marked by italics in the
figure): as a POS tagger we used Q-tag (which can
be found online at
O.Mason/software/tagger/), but there are many
others freely available (http://www-nlp. Taggers); a Web
search engine – we have used Google because at the
moment it is the most popular search engine; a
lexical ontology – we have used WordNet because
the APIs provided by the developers are very useful
in building the lexical chains; and a paronyms
dictionary that has been compiled in our department
based on the WordNet ontology – therefore
containing only common words. The dictionary has
77,503 words, 22,020 of them (28.4%) having at
least one first-level paronym. We called two words
to be first-level paronyms if they are at editing
distance of 1.
For the malapropisms detection and correction,
we have tried to improve the results by combining
the methods based on semantic similarity between
words with the statistical ones. Therefore, we
consider both the lexical chains and words co-
appearance as measures for text coherence, while the
statistical methods are represented by the way we
decide whether the co-appearance of two chunks of
text is statistically correct or not.
We believe that the lexical chains represent the
context of the whole text, while the words co-
appearance expresses the cohesion of the immediate
context of each word. This is why the malapropisms
detection and correction is done in two stages: an
initial detection that checks for local anomalies is
done in the detection module, while in the second
Figure 1: The architecture of the application. The texts written in italics represent third-party technologies that have been
used for the application. The underlined texts represent the input given by the user and the output given by the system. The
bold texts represent the two main modules of the application: the malapropisms detector and the malapropisms corrector.
stage the results of this phase are revised in the
context of the whole text, during the correction.
3.1 Malapropisms Detection
This module is responsible for the initial
identification of the possible malapropisms by
detecting anomalies in the local text coherence. In
order to achieve this, we have used the Google
search engine. The search engine receives two
chunks of text – the means of selecting these chunks
is described in the next paragraph – and based on the
mutual information inequality it evaluates if their co-
appearance is statistically correct in a manner similar
to the collocation testing suggested in (Bolshakov
and Gelbukh, 2003).
If we simply send the content words to Google,
we cannot check whether the local text coherence is
damaged, because these words are rarely adjacent.
This is the reason for also considering the functional
words surrounding these content words when
evaluating the local text coherence. Therefore, we
have built and used a pseudo-chuncker that groups
the words in chunks before sending them to the
search engine. These chunks contain all the
functional words between any two content words
next to each other. After the phrase has been
decomposed in chunks, these are sequentially
evaluated in order to identify the potential drop in
the text coherence. Hence, the first two chunks are
sent to the search engine, and the results are parsed
in order to find three pieces of information: the
number of hits for the first chunk, the number of hits
for the second chunk and the number of hits for the
co-occurrence of the two chunks (considering the
second chunk is right after the first one). From now
on, we will address these numbers with the
following names: no_pages1, no_pages2 and
no_combined. These scores are evaluated and then
the process continues with the next chunk,
evaluating the coherence between the second and the
third chunk. The process ends when the coherence
between the last two chunks is evaluated.
The coherence evaluation is done based on six
progressive filters that depend on these three
numbers that are obtained from the search engine.
The assumptions behind these six filters are: the
fewer hits of the co-occurrences of the two chunks,
the greater probability of a malapropism and, the
more pages for the individual chunks – having the
same number of co-occurrences of the two chunks –
the greater probability of a malapropism. In order to
model these facts, we used a parameter (beta) that is
modified depending on the values of no_combined.
The first filter is for the case when no_combined
has a very small value. The purpose of this filter is
to eliminate the noise caused by the indexed pages
that are grammatically incorrect and it does not
depend on the number of hits for the individual
chunks. If no_combined is smaller than the filter’s
upper threshold (which we considered to be 20) then
a possible malapropism is signalled. If no_combined
is greater than the threshold, one of the next filters is
applied and a malapropism is signaled if the
following formula is true.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The pages parameter from the formula above
represents the number of indexed pages written in
the used language. For English, this number could
be easily found by sending the word “the” to the
search engine and noticing the number of hits. At the
moment of writing this paper, more than 11 billion
pages written in English were indexed by Google.
This value is automatically detected every time the
application is launched.
The second filter is applied when a low number
of co-occurrences is obtained (less than 500). Here,
the value of the parameter beta is 1.05 in order to
provide a tougher filtering than normal, according to
the fact that fewer hits of the co-occurrences of the
two chunks imply greater probability of a
malapropism. Therefore, the filtering is not
dependent on the input text, but on the number of
hits of the co-occurrence of the two chunks.
The third filter applies to the co-occurrences that
have between 501 and 12,000 hits, being the filter
that is the most often used. For this filter, beta takes
the value 1 instead of 1.05 as in the previous filter,
because this is considered the regular filter from the
permission point of view. From now on, the
permissibility will constantly drop, since the number
of hits for the co-occurrence of the two chunks
becomes higher and higher, therefore the probability
of being a malapropism decreases.
The fourth filter is applied when no_combined is
between 12,001 and 14,000 and here, beta’s value is
0.95. The fifth filter lowers again the probability of
having a malapropism by considering beta to 0.9 and
is applied for chunks that have no_combined
between 14,001 and 15,000. Finally, the most
permissive filter is applied when no_combined
between 15,001 and 16,000, beta having the value of
Above this final threshold (16,000), no possible
malapropisms are signalled, since having a very
large number of hits, one cannot precisely tell if a
malapropism occurred or there was just a less often
combination of two very popular chunks of text.
The presented thresholds and the coefficient for
the co-occurrence of the two chunks that these filters
depend on have been empirically determined and
they are language and time dependent, but they are
text independent. First of all, the values depend on
the language, because the number of pages written in
different languages is not the same. These values
have been detected for English, but if the language is
changed, the value of the “pages” parameter also
changes, and the same happens with the values of
no_pages1, no_pages2 and no_combined, so the
thresholds are not accurate any more. The values are
also time dependent, because the Internet is in a
continuous expansion and therefore, the number of
the written pages available to the search engines
continue to increase and in the same time, the
probability of finding incorrect text also increases,
affecting the thresholds of the presented filters.
Considering the large number of queries that are
sent to the search engine, we have also investigated
the possibility of using the Google 5-grams corpus
“Web 1T 5-gram Version 1 Corpus” (Brants and
Franz, 2006) instead of sending our queries to the
search engine. Besides his very large size (30 GB of
compressed text), which makes it difficult to
integrate in any application, we have observed
another drawback of this corpus: the document n-
grams were not completely covered by the corpus’
n-grams – the covering varied from 90% in the case
of bigrams to 15% in the case of 5-grams. More than
that, the nature of our application made us give up at
this corpus, because in the application we do not
know a-priori the degree of the n-grams that are
going to be used, since this is determined
dynamically by the pseudo-chuncker.
The purpose of this module is to limit as much as
possible the number of misses in the malapropisms
detection. The signalled malapropisms generated in
this module should cover all the real malapropisms
that exist in text. The module also signals a lot of
fake malapropisms, but they will be evaluated in the
next module and some of them will be ignored.
3.2 Malapropisms Correction
There are two main purposes of this module. The
first one is to determine which of the signalled
malapropisms from the previous step are false
alarms in order to eliminate them. The second
purpose is to detect the most probable candidates for
the remaining malapropisms in order to correct the
errors. This module uses all three technologies: the
paronyms dictionary in order to identify the
candidates for the possible malapropisms correction,
lexical chains in order to filter the list of candidates
for finding the ones that fit into the context and,
finally, the search engine in order to decide which is
the best candidate in the case that there are more that
fit into the lexical chains.
The module also works sequentially by analyzing
every pair of two chunks of words and deciding
whether a malapropism or a false alarm has been
found, and in the case of a malapropism, what
should be the replacement word. If the pair contains
no signalled malapropisms, than the process
continues with the next chunk, until a signaled
Figure 2: Isolated malapropism found in the first/last word in the phrase. The malapropism is found in one of the two
chunks written in italics. The paronyms of the malapropos words are chosen in conjunction with the only chunk that it
relates to.
Figure 3: Isolated malapropism found in the middle of the phrase. The malapropism is found in the chunk written with
italics. The paronyms of the malapropos word are chosen in conjunction with both the chunks that surround the one
containing the malapropism.
Figure 4: Malapropisms chain. The malapropisms are found in the chunks written in italics. In the first case (a) only one of
the malapropos words is corrected so that both malapropisms disappear. The actions described by either the continuous
arrows or by the interrupted ones are executed. In the second case (b), the malapropos words are handled independently, so
both the actions described by the continuous and interrupted arrows are executed.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
malapropism is found. The correction is done in
three stages: first of all, the replacement candidates
that ensure the local cohesion are identified using
the paronyms dictionary; these words are then
filtered against the text logic so that the whole text
cohesion to be maintained; finally, the replacement
word is chosen from the remaining words, based on
the information given by the search engine relating
to the probability of fitting in the local context.
For the detection of the replacement candidate
words, there are three possible situations that are
treated separately: a signalled malapropism in the
first/last word in a sentence (Fig. 2), an isolated
malapropism in the middle of the sentence (Fig. 3),
or a malapropisms chain (Fig. 4).
The analysis of a pair of chunks begins with the
extraction of all the paronyms of the content word
from the chunk signalled as containing a
malapropism. Then, every paronym replaces the
malapropos word and the local cohesion of the
phrase is tested in order to avoid replacing a word
with a paronym that is worse than it, from the
cohesion point of view. This time the cohesion is
tested versus both chunks that surround the
problematic one (Fig. 3), except the special case
when that chunk is the first or the last one in the
phrase (Fig. 2). The cohesion testing between two
chunks is done in a similar way as described in the
detection module.
Ideally, we obtain a list of paronyms that fit
perfectly in the phrase without drops in cohesion
between the chunks that the malapropism is part of
and the one before and after it. These words become
candidates for replacement and the signalled
malapropism is marked as a real one that should be
corrected. If the paronym fits with only one of the
chunks, it is also saved as a possible candidate, but
weaker than the regular ones, needing further
investigation. The malapropism is not yet marked,
but the signal received from the detection is not
ignored either.
Sometimes a malapropisms chain is observed in
the phrase (Fig. 4). Most of the time, this is caused
by a malapropism that makes both its chunk and the
next one to be signalled as possible malapropisms.
To solve this problem, we start from the premise that
only one of the chunks contains a malapropism, and
try to find a replacement that corrects both the
malapropisms (Fig. 4a) for only one of the two
malapropos words. In this case, two pairs of chunks
are corrected together: the one containing both the
malapropisms and one of the two pairs containing
only one of the signalled malapropisms. If this
correction is not possible, then each malapropism is
handled independently, trying to correct both of
them separately (Fig. 4b). If this is still impossible,
then we try to correct at least one of the
malapropisms, leaving the other one as it is.
At this point, if none of the paronyms of a
signalled malapropos word fits into the local
context, without damaging the cohesion, then the
signalled malapropism is considered a false alarm.
The next step is to filter the candidates for
replacing a malapropos word against the text logic.
The idea behind this step is that a word that fits in
the logical presentation of the text topics should be
encountered. To verify if the word fits in the text
logic, we extracted the lexical chains of the given
text and tried to see if the candidates can be found in
one of these chains. The candidates that did not fit in
any chain have been discarded. Again, if no
candidates have been kept for a signalled
malapropism, the signal is ignored and considered a
false alarm. If there is a single candidate for a
malapropos word, then that candidate replaces it and
a correction is signalled. If there are more candidates
to replace a malapropos word, then they are
evaluated using the search engine in the same way as
in the detection module and the candidate with the
best score is chosen as a replacement.
In order to demonstrate our approach, we shall
present an example of the detection and correction
mechanisms described in the previous section,
considering a simple example:
I am travelling around the word [world].
In the first step, we identify the lexical chains of
each content word from the phrase, using WordNet.
Then, the phrase is split into the following chunks
using the pseudo-chunker: I, am travelling and
around the word. Afterwards, we look for the co-
occurrence of any two consecutive chunks and we
obtain the following results using Google:
"I am travelling" – 1620000 hits
"am travelling around the word" – 3 hits
Thus, the first combination will be considered
correct because of the large number of hits (having
over 16000 hits), while the second combination is
signalled as a possible malapropism due to the very
low number of hits (below 20 hits).
The next step is to look for the paronyms of the
content word in the signalled chunk, which are:
cord, ford, lord, sword, ward, wyrd, woad, wold,
wood, wordy, work, worm, worn, wort, world. We
replace the content word with each of its paronyms
and we look for the number of hits of the newly
obtained chunk, along with the previous one. For
each such combination, we try to apply one of the
filters described in the previous section. The only
one that passes through the filters is “am travelling
around the world” which has 4120 hits and it is
passed through the third filter. Replacing these
results into (1) and considering beta equal to 1.00 we
obtain a valid relation that shows that world is a
valid candidate in order to correct the signalled
malapropos word.
In conclusion, a malapropism is signalled and the
corrected form is presented to the user:
I am travelling around the world.
The accuracy of the application depends greatly on
the completeness of the paronyms dictionary
because the correction method relies on the fact that
the candidate words for replacing the malapropos
ones are available in the dictionary. And since it
contains only first-level paronyms, it means that the
application is limited only to the detection of the
malapropisms where the correct word and the
malapropos one are first-level paronyms. Another
limitation of this method rises from the fact that the
dictionary has been built based on the concepts from
WordNet, without containing declined forms of the
Considering these limitations, we had to build
some test corpora in order to determine the accuracy
of our approach. Therefore, three different types of
corpora have been used: the first corpus was built
from individual phrases that contained malapropisms
in order to evaluate the rate of malapropisms
detection and correction; the second contained no
malapropisms at all and was used in order to
estimate the rate of false alarms; and finally, the
third type of corpus consisted of parts of text
published on the Internet and modified in the same
manner suggested in (Hirst and Budanitsky, 2005)
and (Hirst and St-Onge, 1998).
The first corpus was built to evaluate the
malapropisms detection and correction rate and
contains 31 distinct phrases. The first 11 of them are
variants of the examples 1-8, 11, 12 and 14 taken
from (Bolshakov and Gelbukh, 2003) that are
adapted to suit the limitations of our application by
changing the malapropos word that was a second-
level paronym of the correct word by a first-level
paronym of this word. The phrases 12-15 are the
examples 4, 6, 7 and 8 from (Hirst and Budanitsky,
2005), while the phrases 16-18 are the examples 10-
12 from (Hirst and St-Onge, 1998). The rest of the
corpus has been built by the authors.
1. They are travelling around the word [world].
2. The salmons swim upstream to pawn [spawn].
3. Take it for granter [granted].
4. The bowel [vowel] is pronounced distinctly.
5. She has a very loose vowel [bowel].
6. He wears a turfan [turban] on his head.
7. This is an ingenuous [ingenious] machine for
peeling bananas.
8. A quite affordable germ [term] is proposed.
9. The kinds of Greek columns are Corinthian,
Doric, and Ironic [Ionic].
10. The desert was activated by irritation
11. This is only a scientific hypothesise [hypothesis].
12. It is my sincere hole [hope] that you will recover
13. Maybe the reasons the House Democrats won’t
let the contras stand and fight for what they
believe in is because the Democrats themselves
no longer stand and fight for their beliefs. The
House’s liberals want to pull the plug on the
rebels but, lacking the courage to hold a straight
up or down vote on that policy and expose its
consequences to the U.S. electorate, they have to
disguise their intension [intention] as a funding
14. American Express says . . . it doesn’t know what
the muss [fuss] is all about.
15. Mr. Russell argues that usury flaw [law]
depressed rates below market levels year ago . . .
16. Much of that data, he notes, is available toady
[today] electronically.
17. Among the largest OTC issues, Farmers Group,
which expects B.A.T. Industries to launch a
hostile tenter [tender] offer for it, jumped 2 3/8
to 62 yesterday.
18. But most of yesterday’s popular issues were
small out-of-the-limelight technology companies
that slipped in price a bit last year after the crush
[crash], although their earnings are on the rise.
19. My chat [cat] likes mice.
20. The question is: to eat or not to beat [eat].
21. Move your spawn [pawn] to attack the queen.
22. A core [sore] throat is the thing I want less.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
23. Boss [Toss] a coin and see whether it is tails or
24. He has a beautiful deep vice [voice].
25. I want to watch a horror move [movie] on TV.
26. We should sharpen our glade [blade] and attack
the enemy.
27. People said they saw an unidentified flying
abject [object].
28. Mild [Wild] places are hard to find these days.
29. He climbed up the bill [hill].
30. The superstition of seeing a back [black] cat is
one of the most well-known and popular
superstitions today.
31. We should pay deed [heed] to the words of our
For the examples 9, 10, 13 from (Bolshakov and
Gelbukh, 2003) and 5 from (Hirst and Budanitsky,
2005) we could not find a first-level paronym to
replace the original malapropos that was a second-
level paronym of the correct word. We have also
tested with the original examples from (Bolshakov
and Gelbukh, 2003) and (Hirst and Budanitsky,
2005), but in this case we have manually added to
the dictionary the second-order paronyms of the
correct words.
The second corpus that has been used to test our
approach consisted only of phrases that had no
malapropisms at all. For this corpus, we have used
the examples 1-5, 8 and 14-16 from (Hirst and St-
Onge, 1998) and the examples 9 and 10 from (Hirst
and Budanitsky, 2005). The rest of the corpus was
built from news taken from Yahoo
( in mid June 2009:
1. The North's threats were the first public
acknowledgment that the reclusive communist
nation has been running a secret uranium
enrichment program.
2. The resolution also authorized searches of North
Korean ships suspected of transporting illicit
ballistic missile and nuclear materials.
3. President Barack Obama says he's now found
savings that will pay almost all the costs of a
massive overhaul of America's health care
4. Any honest accounting must prepare for the fact
that health care reform will require additional
costs in the short term in order to reduce
spending in the long term.
5. She has handled only a small number of K-12
education cases during her 17 years on the
federal bench, but the trials-- which have focused
on such key issues as special education, racial
discrimination, and student freedom of
expression --could offer clues on future school
policy matters if she joins the court.
6. The big goals of the new American general
taking charge of the war in Afghanistan start
with fixing a problem that bedeviled the man he
is replacing: the repeated, inadvertent killing of
7. Nearly 700,000 calls were received by a federal
hot line this week from people confused about
the nationwide switch from analog to digital TV
broadcasts that occurred Friday.
8. About a third of the calls were about federal
coupons to pay for digital converter boxes, an
indication that at least 100,000 people still didn't
have the right equipment to receive digital
9. He jokes about all politicians but it's becoming
clearer where his sympathies lie — something
that Palin and her supporters sensed in their
10. The rival candidate said the vote was tainted by
widespread fraud and his followers responded
with the most serious unrest in the capital in a
11. If everyone at the Tony’s were aware that Bret
missed his mark, then they should have been
aware enough to stop the set piece from hitting
him or at least slowed it down until he cleared
the stage.
Finally, for the third type of corpus we have
considered two distinct corpora: a small one,
containing a few paragraphs (199 words) taken from
a Fox News, and a larger one, consisting of 2083
In this text, we introduced a malapropism by
replacing the word fraud by one of its first-level
paronyms, frau. In the bigger corpus – which is too
large to be presented here –, we randomly
introduced 25 malapropisms in a manner similar to
the one used in (Hirst and Budanitsky, 2005) and
(Hirst and St-Onge, 1998).
For the first corpus, 27 out of the 31 examples were
correctly detected and 25 of them were properly
corrected, representing an accuracy of 87.05% for
the malapropism detection and 80.64% for
correction. Only 4 examples were not detected (9,
10, 12, 15) and another two were wrongfully
corrected (muss was replaced by mass instead of
fuss in example 14, while crush was replaced by
rush instead of crash in 18). The tests made on the
phrases containing second-level paronyms have
shown that these malapropos words could be
properly corrected if the paronyms existed in the
dictionary. These malapropisms were always
detected, and all of them have also been corrected
after the corresponding paronyms were manually
inserted in the dictionary. This result made us
believe that the method could also have good results
if applied to the correction of the malapropos words
that are second-level paronyms to the correct word,
and suggested us to build another dictionary that
contains both first and second-level paronyms.
The second corpus, built in order to evaluate the
rate of false alarms introduced by the application,
contained 587 words. Only one false alarm was
inserted, replacing the word “while” with “white” in
the example 16 taken from (Hirst and Budanitsky,
2005) (And while institutions until the past month or
so stayed away from the smallest issues for fear they
would get stuck in an illiquid stock,…). This false
alarm was caused by the POS-tagger that we used
because it wrongly identified “while” as being a
noun and replacing it with the more plausible word
“white”. This test has shown that the application has
a probability of only 0.17% of introducing a false
malapropism in the text. Since the text did not
contain any malapropisms, the probability has been
computed as the ratio between the number of
introduced malapropisms divided by the total
number of words from the corpus.
Considering the good results that we obtained for
these two compiled corpora, we decided to try the
application on real texts. The test for the smaller
text, containing almost 200 words and one
malapropism, has shown that the malapropism has
been corrected, but a false alarm has been introduced
by replacing the correct word “fighting” with the
word “sighting”. This test has shown that we
underestimated the rate of false alarms, which for
this text was 0.5%.
The test on the larger text (the Yahoo News),
shown that 21 malapropisms have been detected out
of the 25, and 17 of them were properly corrected.
The application has also introduced 10 false alarms,
by replacing some correct words. The results of this
test have shown an application performance of 84%
for the detection rate, 68% for correction and a false
alarm rate of 0.48%. Analyzing the false alarms
introduced by the application, we have seen that 6
out of the 10 malapropisms introduced by the
application were in the vicinity of a proper noun,
one of them being exactly a proper noun
malapropism (Iran has been replaced by Iraq – this
happened because both countries have similar
contexts on the Internet: geographically, politically,
religiously, etc.). This observation upheld our insight
that the application has problems with the proper
nouns, the numbers and the metaphors found in the
analyzed texts.
In this paper we have presented a fully automatic
method for malapropisms detection and correction
for texts written in English, having very good results
for this very difficult task: between 84% and 87%
for malapropism detection, between 68% and 80%
for malapropisms correction and around 0.5% rate of
introducing new malapropisms in texts. Moreover,
this method could be easily adapted for correcting
malapropisms in any language if a lexical database
similar to Wordnet and a paronyms dictionary are
available for that language.
The research presented in this paper was partially
performed under the FP7 EU STREP project LTfLL.
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