research project. In order to verify the feasibility of
our design, we have conducted some preliminary
experiments of system components and functions
that are considered to be critical to the viability of
our approach. We will use a simple example to
demonstrate our experiment. Suppose that a mobile
user wants to arrange a trip from Beijing to
Shanghai. The trip schedule contains booking a
one-way flight ticket, arranging airport pickup,
making a hotel and a restaurant reservation. The trip
reservation starts at the handhold device of the
mobile user. At this stage, we have a simple GUI
portal. It should be noted that the prototype at
current phase is neither complete nor user friendly. It
only serves as a meaningful means with visual
representation and guidance to the mobile users for
initiating an M-commerce application. In order to
cope with context information and context
reasoning, we adopt Jena Semantic Web Toolkit to
simulate the workflow management module. In the
prototype experiment, we defined four classes to
simulate and verify the service discovery and
activity execution.
Through this experiment, we believe that our
proposed approach is capable of adapting existing
techniques, such as web service, service discovery,
etc., and generating sufficient information for
context-aware workflow analysis.
In this paper, we presented the design and
architecture which integrates mobile agent
technology and context aware workflow to
accommodate M-commerce applications. The
novelty of our proposal is that it uses an ontological
context model to provide personal and
environmental contextual information and supports
the composition of context-aware services. As a
consequence, it not only utilises existing web service
and service discovery protocol, but also employs
mobile agents to achieve flexible network roaming
for interactive services.
Even though we have completed a few critical
experiments, the whole research project is still in its
very early stage. Our next steps are to complete the
workflow management system and to integrate the
system with a mobile agent infrastructure. In
addition, there are some aspects that should be
further investigated. First, we shall study how to
model user behaviour though data mining and
reasoning, and how to predict the user’s actions
based on various profiles. Secondly, we will
redesign the mobile portal in order to manage the
limited computational resources of handhold devices
and provide a user friendly interface. Thirdly, we
will investigate the development of M-commerce
agents with more intelligent decision-making and
learning capabilities in the context of automated
business transaction.
The authors would like to thanks to the Natural
Science Foundation of P. R. of China (90912003,
60773108 and 90812001) and the Natural Science
and Engineering Council of Canada for supporting
this research.
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ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business