Lindsey Brodie and Mark Woodman
School of Engineering and Information Sciences, Middlesex University, Hendon, London, U.K.
Keywords: Stakeholder Value, Impact Estimation, Requirements Prioritization, Design Prioritization, Metrics,
Value-based Software Engineering.
Abstract: Given the reality of resource constraints, software development always involves prioritization to establish
what to implement. Iterative and incremental development methods increase the amount of prioritization
required and introduce the need to support dynamic prioritization to identify high stakeholder value. Ideally
the needs of all the stakeholders are considered in the priority decision-making and there might be
negotiation amongst them. In this paper we argue that the current prioritization methods often lack adequate
support for the prioritization process. Specifically that many methods fail to appropriately structure the data
for stakeholder value, which results in explicit stakeholder value not being captured. This problem is often
compounded by a lack of support for handling multiple stakeholder viewpoints. We propose an extension to
an existing prioritization method, impact estimation, to move towards better capture of explicit stakeholder
value and catering for multiple stakeholders. A key feature is the use of absolute scale data for stakeholder
value. We use a small industry case study to evaluate this new approach. Our findings argue that it provides
a better basis for supporting priority decision-making over the implementation choices for requirements and
Research into prioritization has increased in recent
years with many new prioritization methods and
variants being put forward. Much has been achieved
in identifying the prioritization factors and the issues
of concern when structuring prioritization data.
However, existing prioritization methods and the
prioritization data they utilize (in content and
structure) continues to be insufficient to support the
type of prioritization process that ideally needs to be
adopted. Specifically, progress in improving the
prioritization process seems hampered by inadequate
conceptualizations of stakeholder value, in particular
by the use of implicit notions of value. This is often
compounded by an additional failure to support
multiple stakeholder viewpoints. Note the term
“stakeholder” is used here to mean any group of
people with an interest in the system, and they can
be identified by role and/or location.
In this paper, to move towards addressing the
problems identified above, we propose capturing
stakeholder value by stakeholder role, and using
absolute scale data (as opposed to using, for
example, ordinal scale data) for stakeholder value.
We consider the explicit “real world” data captured
by using absolute scales normally provides a better
basis for supporting priority decision-making. For
example, as we shall discuss later, it supports
arithmetic calculations such as return on investment
To present the argument for our proposals for
stakeholder value, this paper is structured in the
following way. Section 2 outlines the need for
prioritization explaining why the prioritization
process is important. Section 3 provides an overview
of the existing research on prioritization and
analyses how it relates to the problems we perceive
impacting the prioritization of stakeholder value.
Section 4 then investigates in detail how stakeholder
value is currently expressed within the prioritization
data and explains some of the resulting weaknesses.
Finally, Section 5 briefly describes initial validation
of using explicit absolute scale data for stakeholder
value: a case study using value impact estimation
(VIE). We have developed VIE as a simple
extension to an existing method, impact estimation
(IE). IE (Gilb, 2005) uses absolute scale data and
Brodie L. and Woodman M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 48-57
DOI: 10.5220/0002932600480057
captures the impact of each of the potential designs
on each of the requirements. VIE extends this to
additionally capture explicit stakeholder value by
stakeholder role. Our initial findings are that use of
absolute scales is indeed beneficial for capturing
stakeholder value, and that capturing stakeholder
value by stakeholder role is helpful for decision-
making. However, there remains considerable future
work to develop adequate theory on stakeholder
value and stakeholder viewpoints, and improve
understanding of the prioritization process.
2.1 Lack of Guidance
Prioritization can be considered something of a
“gap” in current software engineering. Certainly
within the most commonly used system
development methods, it has had far too low a
profile in the past. Also industry standards such as
the Integrated Capability Maturity Model (CMMI)
(Boehm et al., 2002) and SWEBOK (Software
Engineering Book of Knowledge) (Bourque and
Dupuis, 2004) fail to offer specific guidance on the
prioritization process. This lack of attention matters
because of the “bigger picture”: the main purpose of
prioritization is to help ensure projects are
implementing the “right thing” at the “right time”,
while making good use of the always limited human,
monetary and time resources. Opportunities to assist
project planning, and so improve project delivery,
are being lost if prioritization is not intelligently
In addition, the demand to move towards value-
based software engineering (VBSE) (Boehm, 2003)
raises the need for greater attention to be paid to the
delivery of stakeholder value. Indeed, Sullivan
(2007) reports on a lack of “formal, testable and
tested theories, methods, and tools to support
economic-based analysis and decision-making (and
value-based analysis more broadly)”.
2.2 Changing needs for Prioritization
Moreover, recent developments in software
development mean that prioritization can be seen
today as having a more central, on-going role to play
throughout systems development. In Waterfall
methods, prioritization only has to be carried out
once, early on in the systems development process,
and involves deciding what requirements are to be in
the system and what are not. However, prioritization
processes now have to support iterative and
incremental development (Larman and Basili, 2003).
Such development requires on-going communication
to capture data from the external environment,
accept changing requirements, and receive feedback
from each incremental delivery, in order to then
establish what the stakeholders agree is of high
value and should be in the next increment. This
means the prioritization process has to cater for
reuse of data while also accommodating changing
data. Moreover, dynamic prioritization has to occur
with each increment to determine what to implement
next. Also that on-going identification of high
stakeholder value is essential.
An additional demand comes from the
recognition of the need for improved stakeholder
understanding, especially the handling of multiple
stakeholder viewpoints (Park et al. , 1999). There is
a need to not only capture and present the different
viewpoints, but also to enable stakeholder
negotiation and tradeoffs, and to help achieve
stakeholder consensus and buy-in (Davis, 2003).
The prioritization process has a major part to play in
providing better support to the system/product
owners, who decide what shall be implemented.
Research in the area of prioritization has increased in
recent years. In 1997, Karlsson and Ryan (1997)
wrote an influential paper describing their Cost-
Value Approach based on the Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1990), which acted as a
springboard for much subsequent research. In this
section, we briefly review the existing literature on
prioritization: listing the existing prioritization
methods, the identified prioritization factors and
some of the identified issues with structuring
prioritization data. Concurrently, we analyse how
this existing research relates to the problems we
perceive in prioritizing stakeholder value.
3.1 Positioning of Prioritization
Aspects of prioritization are discussed in the IT
literature under several subject areas including
requirements prioritization (Karlsson et al. , 1998;
Moisiadis, 2002; Berander and Andrews, 2005),
release planning (Greer and Ruhe, 2004),
architecture selection (Kazman et al. , 2001), COTS
(Commercial Off-The-Self) selection (Mohamed et
al. , 2007a), financial management (Favaro, 2002;
Sivzattian, 2003), and decision-making and
negotiation methods (Park et al. , 1999). There
appears to be compartmentalization in the literature,
which we argue needs questioning. While specialist
areas for prioritization exist, it is essential that an
overall view be considered because any given
system encompasses many of these subject areas:
there has to be interaction and integration at the
system level. Accordingly, the stance taken by this
research is that a holistic view should be taken: any
overall prioritization process must include
consideration of a wide range of prioritization data,
which includes the fundamental software
engineering concepts that we have termed here as
“objective”, “requirement”, “design” and
“increment”. All these four concepts impact on the
concept of stakeholder value. For example, carrying
out a prioritization process using just the
requirements without consideration of, say, the
potential designs and the operational impacts, both
of which affect the costs, needs to be questioned.
See Figure 1, which shows an increment delivery
cycle with iteration around these concepts as
software development progresses.
Figure 1: Increment delivery cycle based on Deming’s
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle.
Despite the previous argument, responsibility for the
prioritization process and data model probably
should reside within requirements engineering
because it interfaces with the majority, if not all, of
the stakeholders, and because the system
requirements form the primary (but not sole) data for
prioritization. However, care needs to be taken that
there is adequate consideration of the wider aspects
of the prioritization process that fall within other
viewpoints, such as strategy management and
operations management.
3.2 Existing Prioritization Methods
To date, we have identified over 60 different
prioritization methods in the literature. For brevity,
full discussion of these is not given. A selection of
those found categorized by subject area is as
Requirements Prioritization: MoSCoW
(Stapleton, 2003), the Hundred-Dollar Test
(Berander, 2007) and Requirements
Prioritization Tool (RPT) (Moisiadis, 2002).
Requirements (and Effort) Prioritization: Cost-
Value Approach (Karlsson and Ryan, 1997) and
Wiegers’ Method (Lehtola and Kauppinen,
Requirements (and Design) Prioritization:
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1990),
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) (Cohen,
1995; Akao, 1997) and Impact Estimation (IE)
(Gilb, 2005).
Architecture (Design) Prioritization: Cost Benefit
Analysis Method (CBAM) (Kazman et al. ,
2001) and Reasoning Frameworks (Bass et al. ,
COTS (Design) Prioritization: Procurement-
Orientated Requirements Engineering (PORE)
(Mohamed et al. , 2007a) and Mismatch
Handling for COTS Selection (MiHOS)
(Mohamed et al. , 2007b).
Release Planning: Planning Game (Beck, 2000),
EVOLVE/EVOLVE* (Greer and Ruhe, 2004;
Saliu and Ruhe, 2005) and Requirements Triage
(Davis, 2003).
Financial Prioritization: Business Case
Analysis/ROI (Favaro, 2003), Incremental
Funding Method (IFM) (Denne and Cleland-
Huang, 2004) and Real Options Analysis
(Favaro, 2002).
Negotiation Prioritization: Quantitative WinWin
(Ruhe et al. , 2003) and Distributed
Collaborative Prioritization Tool (DCPT) (Park
et al. , 1999).
Others: Conjoint Analysis (Green and Wind,
The prioritization methods given most coverage in
the literature include AHP, QFD the Cost-Value
Approach, and more recently, the Planning Game.
However, it is not clear to what extent all these
methods are used by software development in
industry, or indeed how successful they have been.
Lehtola (2006) considers, “Even though many
authors have evaluated prioritization approaches and
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Prioritization factors by stakeholder viewpoint and software engineering concept.
done comparison studies with them, the suitability of
the approaches for solving practical product
development challenges in prioritization has not
been widely studied. It is even not clear if any of the
techniques can solve the existing challenges in the
area of requirements prioritization.” Indeed, there
appear to be some problems with the take-up and
continued use of the well-known prioritization
methods, such as QFD (Martins and Aspinwall,
2001) and AHP (Lehtola and Kauppinen, 2006).
3.3 Prioritization Factors
There are many prioritization factors (also
sometimes called “criteria” (Wohlin and Aurum,
2005; Barney et al. , 2008) or “aspects” (Lehtola,
2006; Berander, 2007)) that can be considered in the
prioritization process. We have identified a list of
over 50 prioritization factors from the literature; the
main sources include (Carlshamre et al. , 2001;
Moisiadis, 2002; Greer and Ruhe, 2004; Firesmith,
2004; Berander and Andrews, 2005; Lehtola and
Kauppinen, 2006; Barney et al. , 2008). See Table 1,
in which we chose to sub-divide the factors into
three categories by stakeholder viewpoint and note
the similarity to the choices of Lehtola (2006) and
Barney, et al. (2008).
For brevity here, we have limited discussion of
our work to just three stakeholder viewpoints that
are representative of the mandatory viewpoints in
any systems development prioritization process:
strategy management, systems development and
operations management (Clearly there are many
more stakeholder roles than these in a system.) We
added further sub-division under the four software
engineering concepts used earlier in Figure 1. We
decided that: strategy management has responsibility
for the objectives, systems development is primarily
responsible for the requirements and designs, and
operations management has responsibility for
accepting the planned and delivered increments. In
other words, the data associated with the selected
system concepts would be of prime interest to the
stakeholder viewpoint when establishing priorities.
Furthermore, we introduced grouping of the
prioritization factors by concept area, for example,
strategy, cost and risk. Several of these groups are
also identified by Berander (2007) as “aspects”.
Note that, due to space limitations, any explanations
of individual prioritization factors and relevant
references have been omitted. Note also that these
prioritization factors are not complete; this table
only reflects the main prioritization factors found in
the literature. The following observations can be
A general set of prioritization factors that could
be proposed as “a starter” for a prioritization
process emerges from the table.
The prioritization factors span all the four
software engineering concepts. This argues for a
prioritization process that offers support for all
these concepts. If more narrowly focused,
specialized, prioritization methods are to exist
then they need to integrate into an overarching
prioritization process/method. The table
provides support for the existence of different
stakeholder viewpoints in the mappings between
the stakeholder viewpoints and the prioritization
factors: different stakeholder viewpoints are
interested in and knowledgeable about different
prioritization factors. This means any
prioritization process or prioritization method
must cater for different stakeholder viewpoints.
A tentative observation can be made that the
prioritization factor groupings (for example,
strategy, legal, cost and risk), map across to the
dimensions for stakeholder value.
3.4 Known Issues in Structuring
Prioritization Data
A list of issues encountered when structuring the
prioritization data to support the prioritization
process was identified by extrapolating from
discussions in the literature, for example from
(Karlsson et al. , 1998; Carlshamre et al. , 2001;
Moisiadis, 2002; Davis, 2003; Firesmith, 2004;
Lehtola and Kauppinen, 2006; Gorschek and
Wohlin, 2006; Mead, 2006). The issues considered
relevant to expressing prioritization data include:
Explicit Stakeholder Value. This is the often the
expression of stakeholder priority to reflect the
stakeholder value as well as the capture of explicit
Multiple Stakeholder Viewpoints. There is a need
to handle different areas of interest/expertise and
capture the different viewpoints together with their
associated stakeholder values.
Requirements Abstraction. This is the ability to
handle requirements captured at different levels of
Interdependencies. The ability to express
interdependencies among the requirements and also
the designs. This becomes increasingly important
with iterative and incremental development.
Dynamic Prioritization. The priority data must be
captured in order that it can be reused in subsequent
prioritizations (future increments) without needing
further inputs from stakeholders (unless something
significant has changed in the system and/or its
environment that they need to provide additional
data on).
Scaling-up. This is the ability to scale up to cope
with large numbers of items. Some existing
prioritization methods become impractical when the
number of requirements begins to grow to sizes
typical of modern systems. In fact, for most large-
scale projects, prioritization can tend to be carried
out at a fairly high level of abstraction.
4.1 Expressing Prioritization Data
How prioritization data is expressed is a key factor
in a prioritization process. We argue in this section
that the prioritization data that the prioritization
methods currently utilize (in content and structure) is
insufficient to support the type of enhanced
prioritization process that ideally needs to be
adopted. Specifically, the lack of use of quantified
data captured on absolute scale types is hindering
The type of scale being used to capture the data
is specifically important as it identifies the extent to
which arithmetic calculations can validly be carried
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
out. Only the ordinal and ratio scale types are
commonly used in existing prioritization methods.
The absolute scale type is only occasionally used at
present, but we propose it should be much more
widely used and in fact, that it should replace much
of the use of the ordinal and ratio scale types.
Table 2: Mapping of prioritization technique(s) and scale
type(s) to prioritization methods.
4.2 Prioritization Techniques
Several different ways (sometimes termed
“prioritization techniques” (Berander, 2007)) of
expressing prioritization data can be identified
(Firesmith (2004); Berander and Andrews (2005)).
We have reduced the number of different categories
to four main ones as follows:
Grouping. The individual items are each
categorized into one of a set of priority groups, for
example the MoSCoW prioritization method
demands each requirement is categorized as either
“must have”, “should have”, “could have” or “would
like, but wouldn’t have this time” (Stapleton, 2003).
The results are on an ordinal scale.
Ranking. Requirements are ranked in order of
preference. Ranking is carried out by bubble sort or
by binary search tree (Karlsson
et al. , 1998). This
is an ordinal scale of measure as there is no
information about the differentials amongst the
ranked items.
Weighting. Stakeholders assign their preferences
and relative weightings are calculated. The results
are on a ratio scale. One means of obtaining the
weightings is by using voting (Berander and
Andrews, 2005): stakeholders are requested to
distribute some fixed number of votes (say 100 or
1000 dollars) amongst the different items being
prioritized. Another means is by using pair-wise
comparison: priorities are calculated by creating a
hierarchy with branches of up to seven comparable
items and then the items within each branch are pair-
wise compared using a scale of 1 to 9 where 1
equates to “equally important” and 9 equates to
“extremely more important” (Moisiadis, 2002). The
scales are then converted to normalized weightings,
which are then carried up the hierarchy. In AHP,
pair-wise comparison is used to first weight the
requirements, and then the designs.
Metrics. Absolute scales of measure are used to
express certain attributes and these metrics form the
basis for selection, for example by enabling
calculation of ROI figures (Firesmith, 2004). ROI
calculation needs data on the amount of benefit
(stakeholder value) that would be achieved by
implementing a given design and the
implementation cost associated with it. Only
absolute scale data enables such ROI estimates to be
calculated, as explicit stakeholder value data such as
“a cost saving over the next year of 220,000
monetary units” would be captured. This contrasts to
the ordinal scale data of say, the MoSCoW method,
which simply captures requirements identified as of
high stakeholder value into a “must have” priority
group. In this paper, we are using Planguage (Gilb,
1988) to express metrics, which captures the
performance and resource requirements, as required
levels on scales of measure.
See Table 2, which gives some examples of how the
scale types and prioritization techniques map to a
selection of prioritization methods.
See also Table 3, which shows how the
prioritization techniques cope with a selection of
prioritization data issues. Some example data has
been inserted in the top row. From this row, it can be
seen that use of metrics with absolute scale types
results in real data that is much easier to understand
and say, discuss with another stakeholder. It is less
ambiguous than trying to work out what “Medium
should be interpreted to mean. An observation can
be made that all the techniques, apart from metrics,
are generating additional data that captures some
indirect notion of stakeholder value (such as “must
have”), but not any explicit value (such as 220,000
monetary units).
5.1 Choice of Prioritization Method
By comparing how prioritization methods handled
the prioritization factors and the data structure issues
(Brodie and Woodman, 2008), and by considering
QFD Weighting and
AHP Weighting
(Pair-wise comparison)
IE Metrics Absolute
(Pair-wise comparison)
MoSCoW Grouping Ordinal
Planning Game Grouping Ordinal
Grouping and
Table 3: How prioritization techniques cope with a selection of data structuring issues.
the usage of software engineering concepts and scale
types, we determined that IE offered an initial sound
basis for this research: it spans the concepts of
requirement, design and increment, and uses
absolute scale data (Gilb, 2005). However, the IE
method lacks consideration of explicit stakeholder
value, so we extended it to cater for stakeholder
value by stakeholder role. We chose to link
stakeholder value to requirement. See Figure 2 for
an example of an extended IE table
5.2 Case Study Description
The case study examples are from a customer
business rules “decisioning” system for a bank. The
bank’s objectives are customer satisfaction and,
more efficient and effective internal processes. The
main problems perceived by the bank are the time,
effort and accuracy of updating and using the
business rules, and the elapse time taken and the
accuracy of dealing with customer requests. Of
course, having up-to-date business rules in place
impacts the accuracy of the handling of the customer
requests. As the intention is to demonstrate that
absolute scale data helps prioritization reasoning, a
detailed discussion of all the requirements is not
given here. We also limit our comments here about
the use of performance requirements (also known as
non-functional requirements) apart from recognizing
that this is an additional reason why IE merits
attention (given very few prioritization methods
handle performance requirements (Firesmith,
For brevity, a very restricted, cut down sample of
the system specification is presented below. Note the
data highlighted in bold in this specification is
captured in the extended IE table in Figure 2.
Stakeholders: Regulator, IT Department,
Customer, Rules Administration,
Business Units, Back Office.
Function: Submit request.
Performance requirement: Reduce time for
customer to submit request.
Scale: Average time taken for defined
[request type: Default = Loan].
Past: 30 minutes.
Goal: 10 minutes.
Function: Enter customer request
Performance requirement: Reduce time for
Back Office to enter request.
Past: 30 minutes.
Goal: 10 minutes.
Function: Process a customer request.
Performance requirement: Reduce time to
process customer request.
Past: 5 days.
Goal: 20 seconds.
Performance requirement: Reduce number
of complaints.
Scale: Average number of complaints in
defined [Time] from defined
Past [Back Office]: 10 per week.
Goal: 0 per week.
Past [Customer]: 25 per week.
Goal: 5 per week.
Function: Update the business rules.
Performance requirement: Reduce time to
Grouping Ranking Weighting Metrics
Example of
prioritization data
ÒMediumÓ or ÒLowÓ
1, 2, 3, ... N
Time to carry out task to
be reduced from 1 day to
5 minutes
Data Structuring
Stakeholder value
Implicit; value is say,
Implicit; value is say,
ranked as Ò2Ó
Implicit; value is
30% of whatever
100% equates to
For above metric, an
estimate of explicit
financial value can be
derived if monetary rate of
pay and task occurrence are
Would be represented as
say, ÒHighÓ and
Would be represented
as say, Ò2Ó and Ò20Ó
and Ò3Ó
Would be
represented as say,
30/100 and 2/100
Time to carry out task to be
reduced from 1 day down to
say, 5 minutes and to 2 hours
Would have to work by
selecting an item and then
seeing if there were any
prior dependencies that
would override
Create hierarchy
Create hierarchy
Add any new data to an
existing data grouping.
No extra effort (unless
something has changed)
Would need to re-
examine existing ranks
Considerable effort
needed by
Add to existing data and
Too many in a group
Difficult to keep track
Considerable effort
Would use high-level
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: VIE table for bank case study. The shaded area represents the extension to IE.
update rules.
Scale: Average time taken for defined
[request type].
Past: 1 month.
Goal: 1 day.
Function: Distribute business rules.
Performance requirement: Reduce time
taken. Scale: Average time taken.
Past: 2 weeks.
Goal: 1 day.
APTM: Automate the rules & test
Rationale: Speed up the distribution to
Back Office staff.
BD: Back Office loan decisioning system.
Rationale: Automating applying the rules
will save time.
Dependency: APTM.
WSS: Web self-service.
Rationale: Customers can get a rapid
Dependency: BD, APTM.
APAT: Automate the rules & test
Rationale: Speed up the distribution to
Back Office staff.
Dependency: APTM.
5.3 Analysis of the VIE Table
Figure 2 also captures the estimated impacts of the
various designs on the requirements and the
estimated value for each stakeholder of achieving
100% of the requirement. When feedback is
obtained after implementing an increment, the actual
figures can be added into the table, compared to the
estimates and any deviations from the plan can be
Stakeholder value is determined as figures of
merit on the basis of the monetary value of
additional customer sales and the cost savings due to
reduction in effort. An initial assumption is made
that the utility curves (Daniels et al. , 2001) for
value against the requirement levels are all linear.
The extended IE table also shows an initial
proposed ordering of the designs into increments.
The bold arrows show the design dependencies.
Note the impact of a design can be overridden by the
impact of earlier designs: the impact of
D4 Automate
Rules and Automate testing
on the requirement
No. of Back Office complaints
is such a case and the
estimated figures are therefore shown in brackets.
The development costs (but not the operational
implementation costs) are also shown.
Using these figures the cumulative stakeholder-
to-development cost ratio for each of the designs
was calculated. For example, for the design
D2 Back
office loan decisioning
, the ratio was calculated as
follows: (80% (impact) of 18 (total value) for
R3 Time to respond to customer request
+ 40% (impact = 90% – 50%) of 1 (total value) for
requirement R4 No. of Back Office complaints +
50% (impact) of 6 (total value) for requirement R5
No. of customer complaints) divided by 0.3 (the
development cost) = (14.4 + 0.4 + 3) / 0.3 = 17.8/0.3
= 59.3, shown at the bottom of the column for
In the calculations, all impacts were capped at
100% as that represented what the customer had
requested (Of course, the customer might be
interested in the additional impact especially if there
is no additional cost associated with achieving it.)
By reviewing the cumulative stakeholder value
to development cost ratio, it looks as if the design
“Automate rules and automate testing” would be of
more value than implementing “Web self-service”.
However, it could be that the utility curve for value
for the requirement “Time to respond to customer
request” is not linear. Further discussion is need with
the stakeholders. Such negotiation is exactly the
purpose of using an extended IE table. Note how
where the stakeholder value resides can be seen and
how it is possible to detect which are the “valuable”
Despite much research in the last decade on
prioritization in software engineering projects,
progress is being hampered by inadequate
representation of stakeholder value. The issue is
becoming more urgent because dynamic
prioritization of stakeholder value is increasingly
needed as iterative and incremental development
methods become more widely used. We have argued
in this paper that the use of absolute scale data is
essential to address the problems with the current
prioritization processes: specifically, to provide
unambiguous prioritization data that stakeholders
can understand and relate to, and to support
arithmetic calculations.
This paper has briefly reviewed existing research
on prioritization. Our findings include:
By categorizing and analysing the existing
prioritization methods, that many (not all of) the
existing prioritization methods are restricted in
their scope (for example, some methods are just
considering the requirements).
By investigation of the prioritization factors
discussed in the literature, we have shown that
the scope of the prioritization process spans
system-wide data from organizational objectives
to increment delivery. An additional finding
from this data is that different stakeholders have
different viewpoints on the prioritization factors,
and that therefore, multiple stakeholder
viewpoints need to be supported.
By identifying the known issues with structuring
prioritization data and analyzing how the
prioritization techniques and scale types used in
prioritization methods tackle these issues, we
determine that the techniques of grouping,
ranking and weighting are weaker than metrics in
addressing the issues. Specifically, expression of
stakeholder value is implicit in the prioritization
data, and that arithmetic calculations are often
impossible or problematic, apart from when
metrics are used.
Further, we demonstrate the validity of the use of
absolute scale data in prioritization by using VIE, an
extended version of the IE prioritization method
with some examples from a case study. We
specifically extended IE to cater for stakeholder
value for multiple stakeholders. We show the ability
to carry out calculations to investigate requirement
and design priorities.
Work is underway to investigate further
extending the IE method to represent additional
aspects of stakeholder value. Future work plans to
make the detailed decision-making of a rational
prioritization process explicit.
Akao, Y., 1997. “QFD: Past, Present, and Future”, Procs.
of the International Symposium on QFD ’97,
Barney, S., Aurum, A., Wohlin, C., 2008. “A product
management challenge: Creating software product
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