A Security Prioritisation Framework For Diverse WLAN Network Topographies
Jonny Milliken and Alan Marshall
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K.
Keywords: WLAN, 802.11, Intrusion Detection Systems, Network Security, Kismet.
Abstract: At present there is no common means for establishing the security performance of wireless local area
networks (WLANs) against threats. Furthermore, there has been little investigation into whether security
performance is reliant on network topography. Consequently this paper advocates that for a range of WLAN
infrastructure topographies (home, enterprise & open-access) there can be significant diversity in terms of
resources, equipment, users and most importantly security, which can in turn influence attack detection
performance. In order to demonstrate these detection differences, a novel framework for evaluating network
security performance (the Threat-Victim Table) is developed. This framework is applied to a range of
WLAN topographies using an open source (Kismet) Wireless Intrusion Detection System. Three Kismet
components are utilised; client, server and drone, to represent typical IDS deployment configurations for
these topographies. Analysis of the security capability of Kismet is derived as an example of this
framework, for qualifying network security performance against security threats and also to assess the
priority level of these vulnerabilities.
Wireless network deployments can differ between
installations depending on the needs and resources
of the user or network. While this is evident in the
distinctions between the protocols of mesh or
infrastructure networks it is less evident within an
infrastructure network. In particular infrastructure
networks are often separated into home, enterprise &
open access scenarios (Microsoft Windows Help,
2007) even if the delimiting factors between them
have not been rigidly defined.
Each of these networks is subject to a multitude
of attacks, across many layers, with different attack
objectives and often competing defence strategies
(Mirkovic & Reiher, 2004). Due to this variation it
can be difficult to establish, for a given network or
user, what the key threats and defences needs to be.
In order to protect these networks many
strategies are employed such as firewalls, anti-virus
software and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
IDSs can vary according to different networks
(Crainicu, 2008), or focus on different layers or
equipment. Currently the trend is towards Cross
Layer monitoring (Thamilarasu & Sridhar, 2007).
However at present there is no standardised
means of determining a network’s security
capabilities against threats or between security
systems (Ibrahim, et al., 2008). As a consequence
there has been little investigation into whether this
security performance is dependent on deployment
To address these issues this paper outlines a
framework for representing attack detection
capabilities. As a demonstration of this framework
an example is developed using an 802.11 WLAN
network and the Kismet layer 2 Wireless Intrusion
Detection System (WIDS) software. This example
demonstrates how the framework can be used to
evaluate the detection performance of an IDS across
different topographies. The results of this evaluation
advocate a case for considering infrastructure
networks as diverse as home, enterprise & open
access; using characteristics such as resource
availability, equipment, security and threat priority.
The convenience of 802.11 WLANs has led to their
widespread deployment; however as their
Milliken J. and Marshall A. (2010).
THE THREAT-VICTIM TABLE - A Security Prioritisation Framework For Diverse WLAN Network Topographies.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 37-42
DOI: 10.5220/0002935400370042
deployment has expanded the security issues and the
threat of attacks on them increases (Turab &
Moldoveanu, 2009). These arise largely from the
insecurity of MAC management frames and the
unpredictability of the medium, meaning that it is
very difficult to distinguish attack heuristics from
common interference or legitimate activity.
As a result, WLAN security is an area of active
research and a number of specific threats have been
well studied and commented upon in the public
domain (BBC Watchdog, 2009). This growing
exposure qualifies 802.11 WLAN as a good
candidate for high level security visualisation and
suitable as a use case of the proposed framework.
Investigations in (Ref, 2009) & (Gill et al, 2006)
have determined that common attacks against
WLANs can be distilled into 4 categories:
Client Denial of Service Attacks: Adversary
spoofs packets from the Client seeking to
deauthenticate or disassociate the user from
the Access Point (AP).
Broadcast Denial of Service Attacks:
Adversary spoofs packets from the AP, then
broadcasts to all connected clients,
deauthenticating /disassociating them from the
Masquerade Attacks: Adversary broadcasts
packets with forged headers advertising
themselves as a legitimate or open AP.
WEP / WPA Attacks: Adversary attempts to
bypass the encryption by breaking the WEP /
WPA key and gaining access to the channel.
These are the attack categories that this paper
considers to be main threats against an 802.11
WLAN, although some are amalgamations of
several exploits. Any IDS that purports to defend
against such intrusions should recognise or detect
these attacks. This does not represent an attack
taxonomy but is an accurate categorisation.
2.1 Kismet
For the purposes of the research it is assumed that a
typical IDS needs to fulfil some critical criteria; free
& open source, modular and well known in the area.
However these criteria are difficult to realise in
practice due to the sparsity of WLAN IDS options.
For example, Snort, (Snort, 2010) the most prevalent
free IDS, has had the development of its wireless
extension (snort-wireless) mothballed since 2005.
The option chosen here is Kismet, one of the
foundation tools of wireless hacking, developed by
Mike Kershaw and released under GNU licence
(Kismet, 2010). The software provides passive,
wireless traffic sniffing and network discovery
features which are well documented and used within
the war-X-ing communities. Of particular benefit is
the modular structure of Kismet; with a Client,
Server and Drone architecture that has the flexibility
to represent any number of networks. In this sense it
fulfils all the original criteria for the investigation.
2.2 Kismet Detection Performance
A generic Kismet configuration was set up to
monitor a test network while each of the identified
WLAN attacks were carried out on either the AP or
additional clients connected to the AP. This Kismet
module contains all the detection thresholds and
signature details of the software and is an accurate
representation of its total abilities. Upon detection
the software brings up a text alert for the watching
admin to indicate that there is illegitimate or
suspicious activity and which MAC addresses are
associated with it. Kismet detection performance for
these threats is shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Kismet Detection Performance under threat from
WLAN specific intrusions.
Threat Detection Alerts
User DoS Yes
Deauth Flood & 10seconds
between data & deauth
Broadcast DoS Yes
Deauth Flood and
Broadcast Deauth
WEP Crack No None
WPA / WPA2 No None
Masquerade On action
Channel Changed / BSS
Although the individual alerts do not indicate the
attacks explicitly, it is possible to identify each
positive detection from a combination of alerts.
The results indicate that Kismet could not detect
either WEP or WPA channel encryption attacks,
however it was able to identify both DoS attacks and
distinguish between them depending on the alerts
generated. It was also able to identify a
masquerading adversary under certain conditions,
i.e. when an SSID impersonated another legitimate
AP or changed broadcast information.
Detection performance information such as the
kind provided here is not readily available or
verifiable for most IDS. This raises two issues:
It is difficult to establish the detection
performance of an IDS.
It is difficult to directly compare the
performance of IDSs against each other.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Often some detection information is provided
but these tend to be inconsistent between
descriptions and incompatible across software. A
common framework for identifying the performance
of IDSs would alleviate these issues.
In an environment with a multitude of attacks these
threats are usually distinct but not necessarily
immune to classification. There must be common
elements that connect them, the foremost of which
being the domain in which they operate. Since each
domain has a finite number of protocols and devices
operating within it there will naturally be an overlap
between processes and attacks.
One means of classifying these threats within a
framework is by identifying two parameters:
What services are under threat? i.e. what is the
motivation of the adversary
On what device does the service run? i.e. who
is the intended victim of the attack
“Devices” here indicate autonomous equipment
while a “service” is any facility provided to or by the
device. In a sense the devices are nodes in the
system while the services are the means in which
they connect to each other; it is evident that any
network can be made up of these primitives. If an
adversary was to attack both devices and services
this will not disrupt the classification, as these
actions can be decomposed into two individual
attacks being carried out simultaneously.
An attack on a service leaves devices free to
avail of other services while an attack on a device
allows the service to continue operating for others.
The challenge is to identify these devices and
services, given that the quantity and their nature can
differ. As an example use-case, this framework is
applied to the WLAN domain and is applied to
Kismet to exhibit its use in security applications.
3.1 802.11 WLAN Threat-Victim (T-V)
Detection Table
The attacks identified in Section II can be said to
threaten two distinct network services. Both DoS
attacks degrade or render unavailable the link that
exists between devices, while the Masquerade and
Encryption attacks can be said to threaten or
compromise the security of the link. A DoS attack
will stop communication between devices but the
security of data or access will remain unaffected,
while an adversary wishing to bypass security has no
vested interest in collapsing the link.
Considering the devices in the network, attacks
can be classified based on an adversary’s intended
victim. An adversary could be attacking either the
users of the network, or the network infrastructure
itself. An infrastructure device here will consist of
an AP which will likely service a collection of user
devices making links to or through it.
Having identified two device classes and two
services under threat we can develop these
parameters into a Threat – Victim Detection Table
focussed on WLANs, as in Table 2.
Table 2: WLAN Threat-Victim Description Table.
User Infrastructure
C DoS B Dos
Masquerade Encryption
Referencing the table we can conclude that in a
given deployment the adversary could seek to:
Perform a DoS attack against a user link to
gain resource preference in a congested
channel by either delaying or discouraging the
victim from connecting.
Perform a DoS attack against an
infrastructure link (e.g. the AP) as sabotage /
Create a false identity to lure users to connect,
bypassing security in order to utilise phishing
or information theft.
Attack and bypass encryption in order to gain
internet / document / resource access on an
otherwise restricted secure infrastructure.
3.2 Kismet T-V Table
Applying the T-V Table generated by this
framework to the IDS detection performance of
Kismet results in Table 3, a combination of Tables 1
& 2. Using colour coding to identify detection
performance leads to a three dimensional table,
The green area gives a concise summary of
Kismet detection performance.
The orange area shows the fields which
require configuration or policy changes.
THE THREAT-VICTIM TABLE - A Security Prioritisation Framework For Diverse WLAN Network Topographies
The red area represents the areas not covered
by Kismet and thus the threats that a system
that uses Kismet is still vulnerable to.
Table 3: Kismet WIDS Evaluation using T-V Tables.
Green : Light
Orange : Stripe
Red: Dark
User Infrastructure
C DoS B Dos
Masquerade Encryption
The T-V table allows the framework to qualify
individual IDS performance; if there is more than
one IDS under consideration then it can also be used
for comparison. Depending on the areas that are
colour coded it is possible to evaluate the
performance of different IDSs and IDS
Since no IDS exists which will perfectly detect
every attack at every layer, the network security
designer would have to make the choice between
different performance abilities in their IDS selection.
This decision creates the idea of threat prioritisation
for network security, i.e. given imperfect systems
how can one determine the best IDS or configuration
for the deployment?
When choosing an IDS there needs to be a method
of determining the relative importance, or
prioritisation, for the network in question. The issue
is that this prioritisation will not be fixed in every
instance, each network is different and depending on
the goals of the deployment some threats may be
more dangerous than others.
The T-V table can be applied to solve this
problem, working not as an IDS evaluation tool but
as a security prioritisation tool. In order to justify
this assertion we must establish the characteristics of
different types of infrastructure networks and their
impact on security. Kismet is again used, leveraging
the modularity and flexibility of the software.
Each WLAN is unique in many respects such as
usage patterns, access methods and physical
resource availability, and ideally the WIDS should
be tailored to these characteristics. There are
generally three distinct WLAN topographies in
operation today: home, enterprise & open access.
These cover most WLAN deployments.
4.1 Kismet Architecture
The modularity of Kismet’s Client, Drone & Server
system is used to construct these networks. Each of
the components can be implemented in a number of
connected, distributed fashions within average user
equipment and / or APs. The key features of each
module are:
Client: Front-end interactive GUI with
detection notification and network discovery.
Suitable as a stand-alone detector.
Server: Similar to Client minus the front-end
GUI and network tracking.
Drone: Distributable component which must
connect to either a Server or a Client to
provide detection and network discovery
4.2 WLAN Topographies
Each of the infrastructure topographies are different
in resource scarcity, structure and equipment
availability and so the optimal IDS deployment
architecture is expected to reflect this:
Table 4: Summary of Network Topography Differences.
Char Home Enterprise Open
s Info
Physical Always Always No
Network Always Often No
Number Low(<5) High(10+) Variable
Data Usage
High &
High &
Low &
# Admins All users Med Low
Low Med - High
Med –
# APs / #
1 / 1 x / 3 1-2 / 1-2
Some Yes No
/ C & B
Encrypt. Masq.
None Masq.
Home: Within a common home network there
are two considerations: availability and reliability.
The network is likely to be constructed of various
portable or unreliable devices that might be turned
on or off arbitrarily. The only technological constant
here is the AP or router. A WIDS deployment in this
environment could only rely on the router for
reliability and guaranteed availability for a WLAN
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
to exist. For Kismet, a Server component embedded
within the router is the optimal solution.
Enterprise: In an enterprise installation there
will be at least one administrator. In commercial
deployments the standard tactic is to employ an
independent network of distributed sensors so that
security is not dependent on non-admin personnel.
A WIDS deployment in this environment would
be optimally implemented with a Drone in available
APs connected to one or more administrator
terminals running the Client for monitoring. The
Client over Server permits monitoring connections
and within the bounds of the enterprise, the
connection to external networks can be restricted.
Open Access: A typical open access deployment
will often be one router with one PC available
locally for office or business admin tasks which is
reliably active during operating hours.
A WIDS deployment in this environment would
most likely benefit from a Drone module within the
router and a Server running on the background
office PC. The justification for the Server over the
Client is that network tracking and connection
monitoring / logging is turned off due to the greater
likelihood for neighbouring networks and the quasi-
legal aspect of eavesdropping these connections.
Varying the Kismet architecture over these
network topographies has shown that each
deployment will have different physical hardware
resources to utilise, and the WIDS implementation
must change accordingly.
4.3 T-V Table Prioritisation
Table 4 identifies the variation in threats with
differing network topography; the T-V table can
then be used to determine the associated threat
priorities. From this it is possible to create a new set
of tables where the colour coding is used to signify
the threat priority level. To demonstrate this, the
following TV tables can be derived for each of the
infrastructure topographies (the colour coding uses
blue to signify a HIGH priority and yellow to signify
a LOW priority):
Table 5: Home Network Security Prioritisation TV Table.
Yellow : Light
Blue : Dark
User Infrastructure
C DoS B Dos
Masquerade Encryption
The Home network is chiefly concerned with threats
to the connection as well as the encryption integrity.
Theft of connection through subverting encryption
would be less of an issue yet the possibility of
accessing shared files is a danger. Since there will
typically be one router within the network and the
adversary effort required to accurately mimic the
network is high the danger of a Masquerade
intrusion is less of a concern.
Table 6: Enterprise Security Prioritisation TV Table.
Yellow : Light
Blue : Dark
User Infrastructure
C DoS B Dos
Masquerade Encryption
The enterprise network is chiefly concerned with
security threats rather than connection threats; it
would be more damaging to have data stolen or
information gathered on employees than a temporary
loss of network access.
Table 7: Open Access Security Prioritisation TV Table.
Yellow : Light
Blue : Dark
User Infrastructure
C DoS B Dos
Masquerade Encryption
Due to the customer orientated aspect of this
network, the major concern will be what threats or
attacks can disenfranchise the users of the network
and threaten their confidence in the service
provided. Thus link degradation or AP spoofing
would be chief concerns in this topography.
However a user gaining free access from breaking
encryption would be ranked lower since there should
be no shared files or resources to protect.
The result of these tables is the assertion that not
only are the networks distinct in equipment and
resources, they are also distinct in types of security
threats & security priorities as well. This threat
prioritisation is useful for practical security as well
as indicating that IDS research may need to address
the security implications of differing topologies.
There is no research work to date which develops a
network security prioritisation framework for
THE THREAT-VICTIM TABLE - A Security Prioritisation Framework For Diverse WLAN Network Topographies
WLANs. (Prasad, 2007) proposes a threat
identification methodology applied to a Personal
Network (PN), however the approach relies on the
user having expert knowledge and assumes that all
vulnerabilities will be identified through
Another framework taking a similar approach is
(Hernan et al, 2007). The procedure takes
structurally similar steps but arrives at a table
(Microsoft SDL Blog, 2007) which works more as a
guide to a set of bins in which to store brainstorming
ideas. It is also primarily for software development
rather than at a network infrastructure level.
Future work will seek to enhance the T-V table
to include additional factors such as bandwidth,
latency, routing devices, network elements etc.
At present there is no coherent means of
representing the detection performance of IDS
systems for wireless area networks (Ibrahim, et al.,
2008), making selection of IDS for these networks a
problem. This paper presents a novel evaluation
framework which provides the capability to evaluate
and compare the attack detection of a range of
network topographies. Such performance evaluation
tools will aid the proliferation of IDS as well as help
evaluate network threats.
It is demonstrated that there is a difference in
attributes for network topographies even within
infrastructure environments. This difference exists in
resource usage and security, two important tenets of
an Intrusion Detection System. This highlights the
requirement that future IDS research and security
tactics need to adapt to network deployment
strategies in both a technology and logistics sense
(e.g. resources, equipment, users).
Both issues are addressed by the development of
a novel Threat-Victim (T-V) Detection Table
framework which provides rapid, visual detection
performance evaluation and comparison of relative
IDS performance. A number of typical WLAN
topographies are explored using a well-known open
source IDS (Kismet). Kismet’s modularity is useful
in research scenarios and utilising this it is shown
that any WIDS needs to be tailored according to the
topography of the network deployment. The T-V
tables can also be used to allow network security
designers to choose the most appropriate IDS for
their network depending on its detection features,
their own prioritisation and on the topography of the
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[online] 29 October. Available at http://
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Crainicu, B., 2008. Wireless LAN Security Mechanisms at
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Industrial Electronics, pp. 306-310
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Detection in WLANs. 22
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Hernan, S et al, 2007. Uncover Security Design Flaws
Using The STRIDE Approach[online]. Available at
Ibrahim, T., et al, 2008. Assessing the challenges of
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Kershaw, M., 2010. Kismet [online]. Available at: http://
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Mirkovic, J., Reiher, P., 2004. A Taxonomy of DDoS
Attack and DDoS Defence Mechanisms. ACM
SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (34/2)
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Thamilarasu, G., Sridhar, R., 2007. Exploring Cross-layer
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SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography