Hui-Jen Yang
, Yun-Long Lay
, Wen-Yu Tsao
and Justin S. Lay
Department of Information Management, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiping City, Taiwan
Department of Electronic Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiping City, Taiwan
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tunghai University, Taiwan
Keywords: Social anxiety; Self-efficacy; Achievement expectancy, Career awareness, Learning adaptability.
Abstract: This research is to explore the factors affecting the social anxiety and learning adaptability for young adult
Internet users. Results found that achievement expectancy, network self-efficacy, network usage rate and
career awareness have significantly affected social anxiety. This result also displayed that achievement
expectancy, network usage rate and career awareness have significantly influenced learning adaptability.
Social anxiety has a negative effect on learning adaptability. The implications for the academic and
educational bureau are also discussed within this papers closing.
Is Internet bringing people more convenient
communication or bringing them more anxiety in
their daily lives? The network technology has
changed the way of people’s lives. Individuals
probably obsess with net activities, thereby
impacting adolescents lifestyle or changes their
interpersonal interaction among groups, and then
causes social interaction anxiety or learning
adaptability problems. However, little evidence has
yet come forth in this field. It is worthy of
investigation within current college students’ social
anxiety and learning adaptability.
Several studies have shown that people with
people with high social anxiety have poor social
capability (Zou, 2007). Faludi (1991) also found
people with high social anxiety usually hesitate to
communicate with other people Thus, what factors
affect college students’ social anxiety and learning
adaptability are the main issues being examined in
this research.
2.1 Related Constructs
Clark et al. (1995) argued that fear of negative
evaluation and social avoidance is the hallmarks of
social anxiety. In this study, social anxiety is defined
as the young Internet users’ worrying about negative
evaluation by other people and fear of interaction
with other people. Several studies have shown the
factors affecting the social anxiety. The higher the
self-focused attention is, the higher the social
anxiety is (Kashdan et al., 2004). Expectation and
self-awareness have a significant impact on social
anxiety, respectively (Bogels et al., 2002). Previous
study has also shown that high social anxiety leads
to poor social adaptability (Haemmerlie et al., 1988).
Learning adaptability generally includes learning
method, learning habit, learning attitude, learning
environment and physical adaptability (Li, 1996).
Ashforth et al. (2007) presented that the
socialization process affects learning adaptability.
Career achievement expectation also affects learning
adaptability (Kenny et al., 2005). Gong (2003) found
that achievement affect learning adaptability. Palthe
(2004) noted that self-efficacy affect adaptability.
Yang H., Lay Y., Tsao W. and S. Lay J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 116-119
DOI: 10.5220/0002935901160119
Bandura (1977) suggested three outcomes of
self-efficacy that can predict the changes in people’s
behavior: choice behavior, effort expenditure and
thought patterns and emotional reactions. Thus, in
this study Internet self-efficacy focuses on what
individuals believe they can accomplish surfing
online. Griffin et al. (1998) found that self-efficacy
affected the test anxiety. Self-efficacy has a positive
effect on achievement and negative impact on test
anxiety (Griffin et al., 1998).
Expectancy’s theory suggests that the individual
will consider the outcomes associated with various
levels of performance. Rapee et al. (1997) displayed
that social anxiety have an external negative
psychological effect on performance. An individual's
self-evaluation affects social anxiety. They also
presented that task-focused attention would affect
social anxiety Rapee et al. (1996) found that
self-evaluation had affected social anxiety. Griffin et
al. (1998) found that achievement affected text
anxiety. Previous evidence also found that
achievement affected learning adaptability and
social anxiety (McEwan et al., 1999).
Our definition of career awareness is the
students’ consideration of future job-orientation and
its social value. Fadale (1973) developed a Career
Awareness Inventory to measure students’ career
awareness. Career awareness affects life adaptability
(Super, 1990). Clark & Wells (1995) wrote that
individuals have social anxiety because of their overt
self-awareness. Bogels et al. (2002) found social
anxiety was affected by self-awareness.
Usage rate is generally classified into light users,
middle users and heavy users in the marketing field.
In this study, the network usage rate is based on the
time that users use the Internet. We classify Internet
users into light users, middle users and heavy users.
Some evidence has been found to support the impact
of network usage rate on anxiety and adaptability.
Kaltiala-Heino et al. (2000) found the frequency of
involvement in bullying has a significant effect on
anxiety.. Ybarra et al. (2007) found that network
harassment behavior has a positive influence on
psychosocial behavior.
2.2 Hypotheses
Based on the previous empirical research, nine
hypotheses are developed and shown below.
H1: network self-efficacy has a negative influence
on social anxiety;
H2: network self-efficacy has a positive influence on
learning adaptability;
H3: network usage rate has a positive influence on
social anxiety;
H4: network usage rate has a negative impact on
learning adaptability;
H5: achievement expectation has a negative impact
on social anxiety;
H6: achievement expectation has a positive affect on
learning adaptability;
H7: career awareness has a positive affect on social
H8: career awareness has a positive affect on
learning adaptability;
H9: social anxiety has a negative influence on
learning adaptability.
2.3 Instrument Development
Responses are provided using a 7-point Likert scale
for all constructs, rated from 1 (not at all) to 7
(extremely). The scales of social anxiety, learning
adaptability, career awareness, Internet self-efficacy,
achievement expectation and network usage rate is
adapted and modify from Mattick & Clarke’s (1998),
Li’s (1996), Fadale’s (1973), Yang et al.’s (2008),
and Ybarra et al.’s (2007) usage scale.
3.1 Characteristics of Samples
The mean Internet experience of the young adult
respondents was 6.73 years (N=516). The
distribution of hours spent on the Internet per week
(19.5% under five hours; 22.1% six to ten; 10.6%
eleven to fifteen; others are over sixteen hours) and
length of Internet usage (continuous use is 30.6%
and 43.4% is at least once a day) among respondents
indicated that the Internet has become pivotal
communication tool for young adult Internet users.
3.2 Reliability and Validity
The alpha value of each construct exceeds the
minimum value of 0.7, providing satisfactory
reliability as proposed by Nunnally (1978). In this
study, the reliability coefficients were 0.88 for
achievement expectation, 0.91 for network
self-efficacy, 0.78 for network usage rate, and 0.87
for career awareness. All constructs display
excellent psychometric properties. Confirmatory
factor analysis (CFA) was testing the validity. The
CFA is using the EQS software to determine whether
the measurement model fitted to our collected data
(Bentler, 1995). CFA is conducted using the
maximum likelihood method. The measurement
model should find
to be nonsignificant; the
goodness-of-fit-index (GFI) should be above 0.90;
and root mean square error of approximation
(RMSEA) should be below 0.05 (Bentler, 1995).
The CFA yields
/df < 3, p<.0001, NFI=.886,
NNFI=.904, IFI=.921, CFI=.920, GFI=.898, and
RMSE=0.037 (<0.05). Although the NFI and GFI
were slightly below 0.9, these results indicate that
the measurement model does fit the data and
validate the model proposed by this research.
3.3 Results and Discussions
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to
test hypotheses. The chi-square, RMSEA and a
number of goodness-of-fit indices should fit the
theoretical requirements (Bentler, 1995). The
measures indicate that the model provided a good fit
for the data (CFI=.963; NFI=.915; NNFI=.946;
GFI=.927; AGFI=.894; RMSEA=.008). Among the
nine hypotheses, eight of the nine hypotheses are
significant at levels between 0.05, and 0.001, shown
in Figure 1. There are four hypotheses involving
factors to predict social anxiety. Network
self-efficacy and career awareness have a significant
impact on social anxiety (β=-.120, P<0.05; β
=.524, P<0.001) as the hypotheses predicted. This
result indicated that if users have high network
self-efficacy, they would have more confidence
surfing the Internet. They would thus have no
problem in social interaction occasions perceiving
the feelings of anxiety. Stronger career awareness
would result in higher social anxiety on the part of
individuals because young adult will worry about
their future and be anxious that they can not survive
in society. Clark & Wells (1995) thought individuals
have social anxiety because of over self-awareness.
Network usage rate and achievement expectation
have a direct negative effect on social anxiety (β
=-.116, P<0.01; β =-.159, P<0.05) as the
hypotheses predicted. These results indicated that
young adult Internet users spent too much time on
the Internet and may cause social anxiety. The
current study also supported the relationship
between achievement expectation which conjunction
with past research (Rapee et al., 1997). This result
shows that young adult with high achievement
expectation will try to solve the problems they face,
so they will have low social anxiety.
Figure 1 Results of hypotheses.
In turn, five hypotheses involved to predict
learning adaptability and all were supported.
Network usage rate, achievement expectation, career
awareness and social anxiety have a significant
effect on learning adaptability (β=-.105, P<0.001;
β =.825, P<0.001; β =.079, P<0.05; β =-.323,
P<0.01) as hypothesized (H6, H7, H8 & H9). The
results indicated that if young adults spend too much
time on the Internet, and could cause a learning
adaptability problem. Internet users with high
achievement expectation more easily adapt to
different environments, so they have better learning
adaptability. Young adults with higher career
awareness would take precautions against the
problems they may face planning before they act and
simulate the problems they may need to overcome.
They will thus have better learning adaptability.
Finally, this research also found that social anxiety
and learning adaptability have a negative
relationship. This means that if young adults have
higher social anxiety, they would have less learning
adaptability in their daily lives. This result is also
consistent with previous research (Zou et al., 2007).
However, the influence of network self-efficacy on
learning adaptability is not significant (β=.039,
P>0.05) unlike as hypothesized (H5) (Griffin et al.,
1998; Palthe, 2004). The possible argument is the
measurement problem of learning adaptability
causing the result.
This study represents an initial effort in mapping
some attributes of young adult networking users to
social anxiety and learning adaptability. This study
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
is noteworthy to academic researchers and educators
alike. From an academic researchers perspective,
the majority of social anxiety research comes from a
medical perspective in studying patients. Little prior
research is from the young adult networking users’
view to investigate the factors affecting social
anxiety. The research results can serve as a reference
for advanced study. From the educational
perspective, schools have more chance to understand
college students’ social anxiety and learning
adaptability after using Internet in networking
society to reduce and prevent the percentage of
students from quitting school and enhance their
studying adaptablilty.
This work was supported by the National Science
Council of Taiwan- No: NSC-97-2410- H-167-009.
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