degree associated with each path is calculated by
applying a concatenation function to the trusts along
the path, and finally those trust degrees are
combined with an aggregation function (Richardson,
Agrawal, and Domingos, 2003) (Agudo, Fernandez-
Gago, and Lopez, 2008). In this method, a trust
graph is regarded as several independent paths,
which is not so reasonable since the effect of trust
combinations at the intermediate entities is omitted.
Huang et al proposed an algorithm to make trust
aggregation in a trust network, which recursively
simplifies a more complex network to a simpler one,
by replacing multiple parallel paths into a single arc.
Each replacement is made by using connection or
combination operation (Huang and Nicol, 2009).
Huang’s algorithm and the algorithm proposed in
this paper all take the connection and the
combination operations in accordance with the
process of trust formation. However, this paper
proposes a novel idea that is to transform a graph
into an expression. The algorithm first transforms a
trust graph into a computable expression, and then
computes the expression to get a trust degree value.
The expression is not specific to any trust expression
structures and trust operators, which makes the
model more flexible.
In this paper, the meaning of trust in the context of
access control is analyzed, and a framework for
implementing trust degree based access control
(TDBAC) in social networks and an algorithm for
trust degree computing on a trust graph is proposed.
The framework shows how trust can be used to
realize fine-grained access control.
For the problem of trust degree calculation based
on a trust graph, the concepts of the formal trust
graph expression (FTE) and the computable trust
graph expression (CTE) are proposed. A virtual arc
iteration algorithm is defined for generating a FTE
from a trust graph. The FTE does not bind to any
specific trust expression structure and the
connection or combination operators. Hence, the
FTE based trust calculation method not only
simplifies trust computations on a complicated
directed graph, but also makes the calculation more
flexible and applicable.
The Work was supported by the National Science
Foundation of China under Grant No. 60573037, the
Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of
China under Grant No. 2007AA010301, and the
National Basic Research Program of China under
Grant No. 2005CB321901.
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