which radius, speed is 0.5 [m] and 1[m/sec] each.
Their speed model was assumed to be instantaneous
such that it took no time for them to accelerate from
stationary status to full speed. And the robots were
located uniformly in a square with 100[m] side
length. We assumed that robots’ paths were
Manhattan city typed paths. And we assumed that
their traveled times and sums of collision
characteristics, M and D, were distributed uniformly
in [40, 80] and [4, 20] each. Finally, we assumed
delayed times (D’s) of collision regions were
distributed uniformly in [-8, 8].
We did 100 simulations for the 20, 30, 40, and
50 robots with 3 times intersections as many as the
numbers of robots. In the Fig. 6, the x-axis shows
the ratios of the numbers of intersections to the
numbers of robots. This variable expresses the mean
of the number of intersections which each robot has
with other robots and is related to of environments.
And the y-axis shows the ratios of the numbers of
robots in final urgent group to the numbers of robots.
This variable expresses effectiveness of BL-EDF.
Regardless of the number of robots, when
normalized numbers of intersections are around 2,
normalized numbers of robots in final urgent group
are about 0.5. Therefore, we expect that our BL-EDF
may reduce 50% in the number of robots in urgent
group. In some applications including social security
field, it is reasonable to assume 12 – 14 robots of
which normalized number of intersections is 2.
Therefore we expect that our algorithm suggested in
this paper cut down calculation time needed to
determine priority orders of multi-robots to 0.01 %
of original expected one.
In this paper, we converted a priority selection
problem for multi-robots with collision-model based
motion planner to a priority selection problem for
multi-tasks with common resources. And we showed
that this problem is a TSP. Thus, we applied BL-
EDF for multi-tasks to our priority selection problem
in order to cut down search space. And effectiveness
of our algorithm in this paper was proved with
simulation results. In future, advance in information
technologies and communications is expected to
help the proposed approach be more practical in
social security applications.
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Normalized number of Intersections
Normalized number of Robots
in final urgent group
20 Robots
30 Robots
40 Robots
50 Robots
Figure 6: Results of BL-EDF scheduler for multi-robots.
This work was supported by the Program from the
Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE).
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ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics