,t prod{< pr, o >}) =< X
+ 1, X
− 1,Y
+ 1,tosend >
,tconsum{o}) =< X
, X
+ 1,Y
1,tosend >.
In this paper, we have investigated the problem of de-
signing a decentralised controller based on CP-nets
for the forbidden states problem. Considering global
specifications, the obtained decentralised controller
consists of a set of communicating local controllers,
where each one is able to observe permanently the
current state of its associated module. Communica-
tion between local controllers allows, when it is nec-
essary, a local controller to determine the global state
of the entire plant model. Each local controller has
a fixed structure whatever the system to control. So
that, the synthesis approach is reduced to the deter-
mination of the parameters related to each local con-
troller. It is performed mainly by determining the ad-
missible behaviour. Further, this makes the proposed
approach easier to understand, and to implement in
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